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Supernatural Syndicate: A Limited Edition Collection of Magical Mafia Stories

Page 28

by Thea Atkinson

  “Give Marie-Louise my regards, would you? She’s a sweet girl and I don’t get to see her as much as I used to.”

  “I’ll do that,” Sett said as she headed to the door, only to be surprised by a hesitant hug from Ebenezer.

  “I wasn’t sure if you were the hugging type, but I am so pleased we connected. Stay safe, little cousin.”

  Sett gave him a one-armed hug in return and smiled. “I’ll do my best. These will help.”

  Sett gave a wave to Zach as she headed out through the shop and outside, where Sett put the books into a bag on the floor of the front seat, the thumb drive in her pocket. As she walked around to get into the SUV, something made her turn and look. There, across the street, was parked a Range Rover with tinted windows. She knew they were watching her, but it was too shadowed for her to see inside. Feeling particularly daring, Sett gave the Rover a wave, then climbed into the driver’s seat and locked up. She had planned on just driving home, but when she pulled out into traffic, the Range Rover did a U-turn in the middle of the street, earning several blasts from motorists’ horns as it moved into place two cars behind her.

  Traffic kept her from going too fast, so she hit the button and said, “Call Agent Landry.”

  “Calling Agent Landry.” the system replied, and the phone rang twice before Sett heard, “Landry here.”

  “Agent Landry, this is Agent Fortin. I seem to have a black Range Rover with heavily tinted windows following me. I don’t suppose I could come to the station and have someone meet me outside?”

  “Where are you?”

  “I just pulled away from Bookish Things bookstore. If I remember correctly, you’re four streets up, take a left and you’re one street down on the left?”

  “That’s right. Stay on the phone. I’ll go wait in the lobby until you tell me you’re pulling in, then I’ll come out.”

  “Appreciate it, thanks,” Sett replied. Leave it to another woman to understand just how annoying – and unnerving – having a strange car following you could be.


  The Rover crept up closer until it was almost tapping Sett’s bumper. She slowed down more and more, causing the traffic behind the Rover to start honking their horns.

  “I’m in sight of the lot entrance. I’m going really slow because he’s right on my bumper. I’ll speed up and pull up to the front,” Sett said.

  “Got it,” Landry replied.

  Soon as she was near the entrance, Sett hit the gas, spun the wheel, and tore through the lot to stop right in front of the doors where Lucia Landry waited. The Range Rover slowed, then sped up and out of sight.

  Sett shut off the SUV and got out. “Thank you. I don’t know what that was, but I’d heard from some others that the vampires were upset with me.”

  Agent Landry shook her head. “That wasn’t a vampire rig, that Rover belongs to Girard Guidry’s pack.”

  Sett must’ve gone pale because Lucia hurried closer. “Hey, you okay?”

  “Yeah, sorry. Just not used to this heat.”

  “Want to come inside and get some water?” Landry asked.

  “I should probably get back to where I’m staying.”

  “I’ll follow you back and get a radio car to sit nearby in case they cause any trouble.”

  “Okay, thanks. I’m going to get in and turn on the AC.”

  “I’ll grab my things and be out in a moment. I drive a green truck,” Landry said.

  “Got it, thanks.” Sett got back into the SUV and started it up to blast the cold air. Belt buckled, doors locked, she opened the console, so her gun was in easy reach. As soon as Landry’s truck pulled up, Sett backed out and headed out of the lot, the truck right behind her. She didn’t see the Range Rover lurking, so Sett let out a breath and drove the short distance to her rental. She hit the button to open the gate, pulled in, and shut everything down. Landry pulled in behind her and shut the gate while Sett gathered her gun and books.

  “Want to come in?” Sett asked.

  “Sure, if you’re okay with that? I can take a look around with you,” Lucia replied.

  “I’ve got some lemonade and some pastries, or coffee if you’d rather,” Sett offered as she unlocked the door and stepped inside.

  “Coffee would be great. Hey, this is a nice place,” Lucia said as she looked around.

  Sett stacked the books on the table and drew her weapon to finish clearing the house. Lucia took the downstairs and Sett took the bedrooms and bath.

  “All clear,” Sett called out.

  “All clear down here, too,” Lucia called out as she came back up the stairs. “Keep the gates locked on the driveway and the boat launch – that’ll keep them from being able to pull in and hide from passersby.”

  “Yeah, I hadn’t opened the launch gate at all and the driveway gate just to pull in and out, otherwise it stays locked. I’ve warded everything, too, so if they try and pull anything, they’ll get a rude surprise.”

  “What do you know about Girard Guidry?” Lucia asked as they sat at the table with coffee and pastries.

  “Not much, apparently. We knew each other in Belle Cove about forty years ago, then he went to Europe. Ebenezer de Rohan told me that Guidry left France by their command and ended up here with Sebastian Laroux – then worked for Damas Lamontaine. With Laroux gone and Damas dead, and the pack under new management, as it were, Guidry took the disenfranchised with him and bought a house in the French Quarter to work out of.”

  “Sounds like you know a good bit,” Lucia said, a tone of admiration in her words.

  “I didn’t know most of that until after speaking with Ebenezer this morning. Turns out he’s a distant cousin, and he’s been most kind and generous to me since we learned that,” Sett said.

  “You’re a de Rohan witch?”

  Sett sighed. “Yeah. And a Fortin witch, and granddaughter of Queen Margaret of the Fae. And I don’t like spicy pickles or fried okra.”

  Lucia laughed. “Okay, I can see you’re not as awed by that as others might be. It’s pretty impressive for these parts, though. My third great-grandma was married to a de Rohan witch, so I’m part of your bloodline, but all it means is I am really good when I focus. Which, I’m betting, most witches could say they were more adept when they weren’t distracted.”

  “So, we’re cousins?” Sett asked.

  “I suppose? Third cousins twice removed or something like that. It gets a little crazy when you get that far back. I’ve called Ebenezer ‘Uncle Ebbie’ since I was a small child. Maybe I’ll ask him how we’re connected the next time I go visit. Did he serve you beignets?”

  “Oh, he did. They’re amazing when warm. Where did he get them, do you know?”

  “He makes them. It’s one of his little pleasures – and they’re better than Cafe DuMonde’s.”

  “Well, I haven’t tried theirs yet, so I can’t compare. Tomorrow, I’m supposed to spend the day with Lulu Lamontaine. Do you think I’ll need to worry?”

  “Oh, hell no. If Girard dared touch a hair on Lulu’s head, Josiah would snap him like a twig.”

  “Then why doesn’t Josiah chase Girard out of New Orleans?”

  “Everything with the pack is so tangled right now. Josiah is making some great headway, but there are only so many ways you can eat a shit sandwich, and that’s one bite at a time. He’s got to stabilize his foundation before he goes after Guidry and his group.”

  “The more I learn about all of this, the more it feels like I stepped into The Godfather.”

  “You’re not wrong in a lot of ways,” Lucia said with a sigh. “Guidry is the boss, and his second, they call him Patron, is Jean Jehan. Patron and capo are the same thing – the lieutenant or second in a mafia organization. Jehan is a Corsican who showed up about thirty years ago. To be honest, I think he’s the one really running things – puppeteering Guidry so he’s the face of it all.”

  “And the one who will take the brunt of any retaliation they might get, right?”

tly. Now, usually there’s a boss, underboss, several capos, or patrons, then the soldiers. Because the group is still relatively small, there’s the boss, Guidry, then one patron, Jehan, and about twenty soldiers. If they continue to grow, then Jehan will become the underboss and they’ll select a couple of the more promising soldiers to be patrons.”

  “It sounds like this group needs to be taken care of sooner rather than later,” Sett said.

  “They do, but we’ve got limited resources and so far, they’ve pretty much kept to themselves. They tried to force some of the shopkeepers to pay protection fees, but Ebenezer shut that down fast. Right now, they’re busy running their prostitution ring and selling drugs,” Lucia said.

  “I really don’t want to overstep, but I could talk to the Commander and see if he can send a team down to deal with this – if you think your boss would be okay with that?”

  “I’ll bring it up to Sabine tomorrow at our morning meeting. Captain Royale is not one who worries about appearances when it comes to shutting down crime.”

  “You mean, she won’t worry that it makes her look incapable if the Commander sends a team down at her request. That’s a good boss, right there.”

  “She’s been good to work with and she’s encouraged me to improve my skills and yet keep a balanced lifestyle.”

  Sett gave a short laugh. “Balanced lifestyle. I wouldn’t know one of those if it jumped up and bit me on the ass. I learned a long time ago that relationships and romance don’t work for me. I’m married to my job.”

  Lucia reached out a hand and lay it on Sett’s arm. “I’ve been there. We’re both looking at a lifespan that stretches a few centuries. Do you really want to spend it all alone?”

  Sett shivered at the touch, then let out a slow breath. “No, I don’t. But the one relationship I thought would be the relationship, nearly killed me. I don’t trust my judgment when it comes to romance.”

  “I have an idea,” Lucia said. “Let me make a phone call and order dinner. Do you have wine? We can spend some time and get to know each other better. I mean, we are cousins after all, yes?”

  “I’d like that,” Sett replied. “And I have wine. The Commander had several of my favorites put in the wine cooler as a treat. He’s really pushing for me to have an actual vacation.”

  Lucia laughed and picked up her phone. “Do you have any preferences?”

  “No fried okra?” Sett said and they both laughed. “No, seriously, I’ll eat most anything, and I’m willing to try new things at least once.”

  “Fantastic, I’ll order dinner and have the radio car pick it up.”

  “That’s cruel – they’ll smell our dinner and be stuck in the car.”

  “I’ll make sure to order them something as well, don’t worry. I remember my days of guard duty,” Lucia said as she took her phone and went downstairs for privacy.

  Sett cleaned up the empty plate and cups, then took out wine glasses, plates, and utensils for their meal. She found herself getting excited about spending time with Lucia. She was beautiful, intelligent, and she understood the life of an agent. It was nice to see that they’d moved past the rough first meeting.

  “Food is on the way and if you’ve got a nice red, we can get started,” Lucia said as she came up the stairs. “Want to put on a movie while we wait?”

  “Sure, you pick the movie, I’ll open the wine,” Sett replied. It was going to be a good night.


  A fantastic meal of Italian delicacies from Il Migliore and two bottles of wine had ended up with Lucia in Sett’s bed. They showered and Lucia found herself grateful she kept a go-bag in her car, so she had clean clothes for work.

  “I’ve got to hurry to meet Lulu,” Sett said, “but I’d like to see you again.”

  “How about tonight you come to my place? I’ll even cook for you,” Lucia said as she leaned in for a kiss. “I really don’t want to go anywhere but back to bed with you, but duty calls.”

  “Text me your address and when you want me there. Want me to bring anything?”

  “More wine?” Lucia said with a chuckle, then kissed Sett again. “I’m really glad you invited me in and didn’t hold my cranky first impression against me.”

  “I know what I want to hold against you, but we’d both be late. Go, and we’ll see each other tonight.”

  Sett called Lulu and rearranged things so they could do lunch with Josiah and then a little sight-seeing. They lived in a lovely house on the edge of the bayou, not far from where Sett was staying. The wide front porch wrapped to both sides and a patio with pool and fire pit were out back. Inside, the décor and furniture gave the place a soothing, comforting feel. Sett handed Lulu the vase of flowers she’d brought as a gift and took her seat at the round dining room table.

  “You seem in exceptionally good spirits today,” Lulu said to Sett.

  Josiah chuckled and winked at Sett. “I think that mood has something to do with our friend, Lucia.” He tapped the side of his nose to let Sett know how he’d figured it out.

  Sett blushed and shrugged. “We’ve decided we enjoy each other’s company. That’s why I needed to move the meal from dinner to lunch. I’m going to her place tonight.”

  “Lucia is lovely. A great agent and a better friend. She’s also one of the strongest witches I’ve worked with, outside of Ebenezer,” Lulu said.

  “We decided over the second bottle of wine last night that no one would understand us like we did,” Sett said as Lulu put the last plate on the table and joined them. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, corn bread, whipped butter, and green beans with bacon made Sett’s mouth water. “This looks delicious. Thank you for inviting me.”

  They discussed where they would go sightseeing, the weather, and the differences between Belle Cove and New Orleans, until the meal was nearly done.

  Sett leaned back, wiped her mouth, and looked at Josiah. “I spoke with Lucia about Guidry and his little pack of criminals yesterday. I knew Girard forty years back, before he left Belle Cove for Europe. I had lost track of him then, and had no interest in ever seeing his face, or hearing his name. Then yesterday, a Range Rover that belongs to his group, followed me until I pulled into the SPD parking lot.”

  “Are you sure it was his?” Josiah asked.

  “Very sure. Lucia identified it. I had thought it was vampires after me because of the park incident. The windows were tinted so dark, I couldn’t see who was inside.”

  “Then, I’m sorry, but I can’t let Lulu go with you today,” Josiah said. “The risk is too great. I’m not in a position yet to be able to get rid of Guidry and his gang, and Lulu cannot be in a position of risk like that. Not now.”

  Sett looked over at Lulu and saw the woman’s arms wound around her waist. “Ohh, I get it. You’re expecting?”

  “Barely. It’s only two months, and we’ve lost them all by the third,” Lulu said, voice soft.

  “You’ve heard of my mother, Alicia Fortin, right?” Sett asked.

  “We have,” Josiah replied. “One of the most gifted herbalist witches in the world.”

  “She has a potion that has helped two other mixed couples have living children. It uses her herbal skill, and her magic as well as Queen Maggie’s. My mother is half Fae, her mother is full Fae, and between the two of them, it seems to have worked. It’s in capsule form, and I can get you as much as you need to have your family.”

  Lulu reached out and grabbed Josiah’s hand as the two of them stared at Sett. “You’’re not leading us on, are you?” Lulu asked.

  “No, I’m not. I thought of it after Ebenezer told me you’d lost so many babies, and I was going to say something when you and I were out today, but now? I’ll call my mother and get a shipment to you by tomorrow,” Sett said.

  “Why have we not heard of this before?” Josiah asked.

  “Can you imagine the war that would start if people thought mixed species could have viable children? We’ve only just recently quashed a Purist uprising
,” Sett said.

  “Good point,” Josiah replied. “While you’re calling your mother and giving us the hope of the family we’ve craved...I’m going to get a couple of my most trusted to keep an eye on you while you’re out. They can be discreet, but I’d feel better knowing I had some of mine protecting you.”

  “I appreciate that, but I’ve got agents following me around. They’re parked down the road a bit while I’m here.”

  “More doesn’t hurt, right?” Josiah said as he got to his feet, kissed Lulu’s head, then went into his office to make the call.

  “Let me call Mama and get this stuff sent to you right away,” Sett said. “You take one a day while you’re carrying, and while you’re nursing. Once you wean the babe, they should be stable enough to survive without it. The first couple has three children, but it was touch and go for a while until Queen Maggie helped with the magic. The third is still nursing and has grown stronger with the improvements that the Queen added. The second couple just had their first and there have been no issues. It’s not a guarantee, but it seems to be working and working well.”

  “I’m grateful for any chance, any hope you can give us,” Lulu said.

  Sett felt rather good after she left Lulu and Josiah’s place, with the first shipment scheduled to be delivered the next day. A wave to the agents that pulled up behind her as she left the Lamontaine’s property, and she hit the button on the dash to make a call.

  “Agent Landry speaking.”

  “Hello, Agent Landry, this is Agent Fortin. Plans changed, so I’m going to go hit up a couple of the tourist sights on my own and do some shopping before I come to your place. If you want to give me a number for my escort, I’ll let them know what my plans are?”

  Lucia’s voice nearly purred through the phone, “I’ve got plans, too, chérie. Here’s the number, and don’t forget the wine. I’m really looking forward to tonight.”

  “I’m looking forward to it, too. Stay safe, Lucia.” Sett disconnected the call, the smile on her face likely visible from space. She called the agents, gave them an outline of her plan, and spent the next three hours just enjoying the sights, smells, and tastes of New Orleans.


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