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Supernatural Syndicate: A Limited Edition Collection of Magical Mafia Stories

Page 43

by Thea Atkinson

  Once the crowd had calmed down, Grant continued with his speech. “As you all know, I am a man that invests in many things and businesses. You may also already know that recently I invested some of my time and money in the business Mr. O’Rourke was trying to get up and running. I’m sure you’ve heard the chatter concerning the Find My Child GPS Locator app, but when you Google it, you haven’t been able to find it, have you? Well, let me explain why that is; the reason you haven’t been able to locate the app is because it’s not quite available. You see, when you start working on something that is sure to be very popular, you need to make sure there are no kinks, so the app is working correctly, patents and copyrights to put into place to soothe the legal aspects. Price is a factor a businessman needs to work out as well because you want people to use your app, so the price needs to be reasonable, but you don’t want to go bankrupt so how does one put a price tag on an app that would be so important to many parents? All of that needs to be taken into consideration before you can release the app or make any kind of announcement.”

  Grant began to walk across the stage, looking back at Regina as he did. “Now, while on the business end of things, money has to be used to make sure everything is working properly by hiring the people with the know how to build the app, use all of the tech that is needed to set the app up, and apply it to the app stores that are used for your smartphones. So, where does all of this money come from? Well, it comes from an investor like me, someone who sees the great potential in a lucrative business idea. Can we get the slides started?”

  The projector could be heard once it was started, and a slide was showing on the whiteboard behind the men standing on the stage. Grant looked over to Mr. O’Rourke, handing him the microphone. Now that he had pumped the crowd up and had them practically salivating to hear more about the precious app that every doting mother and father were sure download to their cell phones and their child’s phone by release day, it was up to the man who created it to make them purchase it and show them the ins and outs of the product.


  Ashley gave her best friend a hug as the billionaire walked towards them. “This is my time to shine, doll. You have a great time with Mr. Delicious.”

  Before Regina could say anything, Ashley rushed off in the direction of her father.

  Grant appeared seconds later, holding out his hand. “I think we should finish our conversation, don’t you?”

  Regina looked at the offered hand as if it were a snake preparing to bite. The last thing she wanted to do was pick up the conversation the two of them had been having before Mr. O’Rourke had introduced him, but what other choice did she have? Maybe if Regina had left during the presentation, she might have been spared the embarrassment of hearing the billionaire tell her how wrong she’d been about his character. Or worse yet, having to apologize for what she had said before he had made his announcement.

  But instead of saying any of that, she simply nodded and accepted his hand. “I suppose we should.”

  The two stepped off the stage and made their way through the crowd, Grant looking for a place that was not so crowded or loud so they could have a true conversation about the way Regina saw him. As they wove through the crowd, Regina noticed they seemed to be heading towards the stairs. She sent a panicked look over her shoulder toward the stage, but her best friend was too busy pointing to an area on the slide that her father was talking about.

  Regina put her best resting bitch face on and looked back at the man leading her through the downstairs portion of her friend’s home. “Just where do you think you are taking me?”

  Grant looked back at his companion for the night, an innocent yet thoughtful expression on his face. “I thought somewhere quieter would be better for us to continue the conversation we were having before the announcement. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  Regina sighed. “No I would not agree as I would rather not be anywhere alone with you, but I suppose it would be easier for us to talk without having to shout over Mr. Rourke’s presentation for his new smartphone app.”

  The two climbed the stairs, and Grant lead her into the first bedroom on the right and flicked on the light switch, making sure the door clicked shut behind them.

  The billionaire leaned against the door and heaved a heavy sigh, enjoying the silence for a moment before speaking. “This is much better.”

  Grant moved further into the room, loosening his tie and unbuttoning the first button of his cream-colored button up shirt. His suit jacket was already undone and billowed slightly as he walked with a confidence that Regina was almost envious of. The power that was radiating off of him had the breath catching in her throat and Regina’s eyes widened when she realized just who was standing in the room with her

  “I thought all of you had died off,” Regina whispered as she moved to have a seat on the bed before her suddenly weak legs stopped holding her weight.

  Grant stopped his pacing long enough to look at Regina with curiosity. “I’m sorry, Ms. Salisbury, what did you just say?”

  The waitress shook her head in disbelief. “I said I thought you had all died off. I mean, isn’t hard to remain with no worshippers?”

  The billionaire gave her a quick knowing smile. “What exactly do you seem to be picking up on, Ms. Salisbury?”

  Regina stood, tired of being fearful of the deity in front of her. “Cut the shit, Enki. You know as well as I do that supernatural beings are able to pick up on one another. I just haven’t been in the presence of a God in many years. Especially an Ancient Mesopotamian God. What the Hells are you doing in Chicago?”

  The God laughed, “I prefer the name Grant Thompson now, thank you. Enki is just so old, and you’re right there aren’t worshippers of our kind anymore.”

  Grant looked at the door they had just entered, and he spoke quietly. “But you saw how the crowd reacted to me. If the other Gods and Goddesses, of all the faiths not just Mesopotamian, had listened to me before completely fading away they would still be here just as I am.”

  Regina couldn’t argue with the God. He may not have the religious worshippers that he he’d had in ancient times, but the people of modern times were still worshipping him, just for different reasons. Grant may not be worshipped as the God of Water that he once was, but he had found a way to stay relevant in modern times. And it would appear as if he was doing a damn good job of it.

  Grant moved to stand in front of the waitress. “I’m going to ask you once more, how you figured out who I am?”

  Moving as close as he could to the waitress, he invaded her personal space and took a deep breath. “I sense nothing coming from you.”

  Regina gave Grant a cold and calculated look, her blue eyes flashing. “Step back, Grant. I’m tired of playing games. Being among the humans for so long has made you forget your manners.”

  The waitress refused to take a step back, denying the God the satisfaction he was looking for in trying to intimidate her. “It’s not my fault that you can’t sense what I am. But let me ask you this question, would you say there was an instant attraction between us when we first met at the Souls Diner?”

  Grant took an involuntary step back at how forward Regina’s question was. She hadn’t come across as a woman who would come out and ask such a question. But then again, he had only been with her in a crowd. The God tilted his head to the side, thinking about her question. Souls Diner was always busy, especially during the lunch rush, but he had to admit he had purposely sat in her section. The minute Grant had seen Regina he knew he had to have her. The God had never been a possessive being but there was something about the waitress that made him want to mark her as his own.

  Grant gave her a curt nod. “Yes, there was an attraction. But you are a very beautiful woman. What does this have to do with our current conversation? Not to mention the fact that we were supposed to continuing the conversation we had started downstairs, which is the reason we came up here in the first place.”

  Regina gave him a mischievo
us smile. “While that is true, and we will continue that conversation, it is your own fault for letting your power leak out the way it did.”

  The waitress returned to her seat on the bed and watched as Grant went back to his pacing. “I’ll tell you why the attraction is there and the reason it is so strong. It’s not one-sided, Grant, I want to let you know that.”

  The God stopped his pacing and gave the waitress a heated look, moving towards her. “Wait a minute, let me tell you why it’s there and how I knew who you were as soon as I felt your power before we decide to act on that passion building between us.”

  With a disappointed look, Grant stopped moving and gestured that Regina should continue quickly, before he decided to act on the passion first and find out the reason later.

  Regina took a deep breath. “All right, with you being the God of Water I am sure you’ve heard of us but was under the impression that all of us had faded away as most of the supernatural beings have either done or want the world to think they have done. I’m an Undine, a water nymph or water elemental. However, you want to see me. We have not faded, but rather decided to either live in the water or take on human form as best we can and live among humans. All of the Elementals of made these decisions because we can’t fade, not like the Gods and Goddesses. Truth be told, no supernatural being can truly fade forever, including the Gods and Goddesses. That is why the Fairy Hills were built, as a safe haven for all of us from the human world when we can’t take anymore.”

  Grant closed the space between the two of them in two steps and wrapped Regina in a tight embrace, leaning his head to claim her mouth with his own. The heat in the kiss was enough to make the Water Elemental steam and the God of Water moaned with a passion he hadn’t felt in centuries.

  When they broke the kiss, the billionaire flashed a bright smile at the waitress. “I have been dying to do that all night. Now that the truth is out, I think we can deduce that all conversation is over.”

  Regina laughed and ran her fingers through his wavy jet-black hair. “Not quite yet , my dear. There is one more thing I need to tell you, because I am sure Ashley didn’t get around to telling you about it when she was talking me up to you.”

  Grant gave her a questioning look but set her back on her feet. “Well, I can’t think of anything that Ashley didn’t cover when we were discussing you before the gala but if you insist on telling me this tidbit then please make it quick. I can’t wait to claim you, Regina. I have been patient for months now and my patience is growing thin.”

  Regina’s hand drifted to her stomach, knowing she needed to inform Grant of the baby growing inside her but not wanting to ruin what could be a great relationship before it started. “Grant, I’m pregnant. It was not supposed to happen, and we were so careful when we had sex, but I ended up getting pregnant anyway. I felt you should know what you were getting into if you are being serious about wanting to be with me.”

  Grant let out a roar of laughter, his face glowing with is joy. “Is that all? Honey, that is nothing. A baby is blessing. Especially for Elementals.”

  Regina gave him a small smile. “Unfortunately, the baby is only going to be half Water Elemental and the father doesn’t even believe he is the father.”

  The billionaire smiled and took the waitress back into his arms, kissing her forehead. “Then he doesn’t need to be in the child’s life. Don’t worry, Regina, you and the baby will be taken care of and want for nothing. The first thing we need to do is move you out of that apartment.”

  He laughed at the surprised look on her face. “Yes, Ashley told me about your living conditions.”

  Before she could argue with him about moving, Grant kissed her and pulled her body into his, reminding her of how much he wanted her. The two quickly shed their clothes and made their way to the bed, finally exploring each other’s bodies. When Grant entered her, Regina thought she would pass out from the feel of his cock sliding into her.

  Moaning in pleasure, Regina wrapped her legs around the lower half of his body, urging him to enter her more with the heels of her feet on his ass. Grant held himself up on his upper arms, looking into his lover’s eyes as he picked up speed. He could feel the orgasm moving closer and he had known the first time the two of them were together was going to be quick, especially since it was his work partner’s home with a party going on just downstairs.

  Regina cried out as the orgasm hit her, her juices flowing over Grant’s cock and down his balls. Grant came right after she did, the stars floating in his sight letting him know how much he was filling her.

  Grant rolled to the right side of the bed, trying to catch his breath. “Talk about your quickie.”

  Regina laughed. “Well, there is a party going on downstairs and we do happen to be in your business partner’s home. Believe me when I say that Ashley will come looking for us if we don’t reappear downstairs in the next ten minutes. A quickie is about all we were going to be able to pull off.”

  Grant propped up on his elbow looking down at his lover, “I want to do this again, very soon. And I promise it won’t be quick.”

  Regina stood up, looking for her clothing. “I certainly hope not. If you’re this quick every time we may need to rethink our arrangement.”

  As she was pulling her dress back on, Regina looked at Grant still lying on the bed in all his glory. “Get up, slowpoke! I’m not kidding when I say Ashley will come looking for us.”

  A knock at the door accompanied the words Regina had spoken, followed by a voice. “Gina? Are you in there? Did you and Grant get into an argument? I’m so sorry, I thought you would have a great time with him tonight. Let me in, Gina. I can hear you moving around.”

  Regina’s eyes widened as her gaze moved from the door to the bed. It was empty! Grant had disappeared and while the bed looked as if someone had used it for a tumble there was no evidence that it had been the waitress and the billionaire.

  Checking her makeup and hair in the mirror over the dresser by the door, Regina pulled the door open. “Everything’s fine, Ash. Grant and I just came upstairs to talk where we could hear each other, and we didn’t want to interrupt your dad’s presentation.”

  Ashley stepped into the room and looked around. “Where is he then?”

  Regina smiled. “He went to get us something to drink. Why don’t you head back downstairs, and I will see you in a few minutes, okay? I have some news I want to share with you.”

  Ashley nodded and headed out the door, her eyes shining. “I’ll see in you five minutes. I hope it’s good news!”

  Regina closed the door after Ashley left and turned back to the bed, looking for Grant. “Where the Hells did you go?”

  A door on the left side of the bed opened and Grant stepped out, completely dressed and looking as gorgeous as if he hadn’t just had sex. “I was getting cleaned up in the bathroom. Figured I would give you a few minutes with your best friend. Are you ready to head downstairs?”

  Regina just nodded and opened the bedroom door again. The two moved out of the room and down the hallway to join the party that was in full swing downstairs. Regina couldn’t wait to tell Ashley that she was moving from her apartment and that she and Grant were together.

  About the Author

  Like most authors, Elvira Bathory always loved to read. When she was younger, she had always been creative and dreamed of being the next big thing in music but found she didn’t make the cut for that creative outlet. So, she turned to other means of creativity. She started spinning worlds and fell in love with the idea of being a writer. When she turned 28 years old, she decided it was time for her to settle down and married the man who had been pursuing her for years. Shortly after the two got married they started a family and Elvira decided it was time to dust off those old notebooks that contained her creative words so she would be able to stay home with her children. Five children later and Elvira took a chance, submitting some of her worlds wherever she could. Despite the fact that she hasn’t been published for very lon
g she hasn’t slowed down in creating her worlds. She writes in the erotic genre, with a paranormal flair. She prefers to write about shifters, using animals that have never been used before, or haven’t been used that often, and she loves delving into the research to make her characters come to life. She’s been known to write a contemporary romance or two but just has more fun adding the paranormal aspect to all of her work.

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  Sleeping with Lions

  Imani L Hawkins


  12 Years Ago

  “My boy!” Father opened his arms, inviting me in for a hug as I walked through the front door with Vincent following close behind.

  It was my eighteenth birthday, the day I’d been waiting on for so long, the day I’d finally be free of the man. I’d spent the last few hours at a local coffee shop, trying to convince Vincent this was the best move for us. And though he wasn’t excited about the idea, he went along with it anyway. He didn’t want to lose his cushy lifestyle, but I was grateful when he decided he was even more resistant to the thought of losing me.

  I gave my father a wary stare before accepting the hug. He wrapped his large arms around me and patted me on the back. “Today is a special day for you, my son. Today is the day you become a man.” He guffawed and spun us around, guiding me to the dining area. “I had the chef make you your favorite dinner, Lydia brought over the finest scotch you’ll ever taste, and yes my boy, you’ll be enjoying every bit of being man tonight.”


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