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Supernatural Syndicate: A Limited Edition Collection of Magical Mafia Stories

Page 52

by Thea Atkinson

  The guards silently moved aside to let me pass.

  "Load his body into the truck please," I ordered and someone get me a towel. I don't want to have to smell this traitor's blood on my hands any longer."

  Instantly the men standing around sprang into action. A few brought Nelson’s body to the truck while one bowed as he walked toward me holding the knife I’d thrown and a clean towel for me.

  "Thank you." While many didn't believe in acknowledging the underlings, I felt that treating them with respect made them better loyal workers. Only time would tell if my ideas worked out, but I was willing to try.

  "Let's go home," I whispered to Fiona. "I need a shower."


  I’m not sure when things changed, but I was no longer trying to be as tough or project that to the others.

  Something was different. I’d changed.

  Deep inside my father had known I’d had this darker side to me. Unlike him, I’d found no pleasure in the death of my step-brother. It might have seemed like I was serving revenge so coldly after all these years when instead I had felt nothing emotionally. Although, a therapist might disagree with me.

  It was needed to show the others that I wasn’t about to be messed with by those in my organization.

  My organization. Those words sent a thrill through me. Excitement and caution were both needed to keep from going completely to the dark side.

  I gazed down at the head of my dead step-brother in the burlap bag and felt my resolve strengthen. The time had come when I needed to step up to the challenge and run things in my way.

  Everyone that wasn’t away on assignment had gathered in front of me in the warehouse parking lot.

  “Attention please.”

  The grim group of men and a few women, quieted down waiting to see what I was going to say.

  “Most of you know that my father is not going to be able to resume his role as the head of this organization. If he ever leaves the hospital, then he will retire to somewhere far away from all of you.”

  A few laughs rang out below me as the truth of my words came through.

  “With this change in leadership will also bring a few changes to the way things are managed around here. My father ruled with an iron fist. Most of you were afraid to speak to him for fear of what he would do if angry. That changes today.” I looked around picking out those I wanted to stay and those that would be moving on whither by their choice or mine.

  “I’m not as nice as he was.” The bag’s bottom was soaked with blood as I upended it and let my step-brother’s head rolled out landing at my feet.

  To stop the roll, I used the tip of my boot as an added emphasis.

  “This is the only chance you’ll have to leave. After this, I’ll expect complete loyalty to me and no other. Any hint of disloyalty or threats against me will be met with a response of this nature. If this,” I pointed to the head under my boot, “makes you queasy or uncomfortable then I suggest that you do us all a favor and leave now.”

  I waited for anyone to move. Two seconds then three passed as no one showed any signs of leaving.

  "My brother decided that he could run things better than I could even though his last name wasn't Rook. I had a bodyguard and he decided that she was worth more in cash to him than doing her job. Now, he's dead and she's been set free. So consider carefully before you take my oath of loyalty.”

  With a nod to Hemlock, I hopped down to stand beside him as my associates began to line up.

  “This can only be removed with permission of the Rook. When you take the oath of loyalty, it will allow her to track you and will cause great pain if you do anything that might be considered a threat against her interests.” Hemlock spoke loudly so that everyone could hear.

  “Do you enter into this agreement of your own free will?” He asked each person individually and then I shook their hand learning names as the mark settled onto their wrist.

  The mark was in the shape of the chess piece of the same name. It would be a reminder that the Rook organization was alive and thriving.

  After everyone present had come forward, I spoke again.

  “Welcome to the dawn of a new day. May you and the Rook family prosper in all that we do.”

  As I spoke the words the same mark appeared on my wrist to make those under me feel safe.

  “I’ve had some food brought in to celebrate so grab you a bite to eat and I’ll be mingling among you. I’ll be here in the office for the rest of the day if anyone has ideas they’d like to bring forward or ways to make things more efficient for what we do.”

  Hemlock collected his things and I slung an arm over his shoulder.

  “Well, what do you think?”

  “I think that I’m very thankful you’re on my side.”

  Not wanting anyone around to hear, “You know how I am. Always the mean one.”

  A smile flitted across his face, “Yep, the tough nut.”

  Trevor sidled up next to us and held out his arm.

  “Well, it’s official. I now belong to you.” He gave a dramatic sigh, “It’s what I’ve always wanted.”

  “Oh, shush. I knew you were the golden friend way before you ever got that mark, Glasses.” I used my hip to brush past him.

  “If only she wasn’t into girls.” Trevor’s voice reached my ears, “I’ve been in love with her forever.”

  A blush crept up my cheeks. He would have been the one for me if things had been a little different. I had to put my Boss's face back on because I didn't want anyone to get any ideas.

  There were a few people that I’d known my entire life, who wished me happiness. For the most part, my underlings grabbed some food and wandered away.

  It was going to be up to me and Caporegimes to tell them how things were going to work in the future.

  Things had to change at the top before they could change at the bottom.

  Rook Enterprises wasn't going to become legitimate overnight, but at least we wouldn't be trading in people anymore. That was the first thing to go off the list. Hopefully, the mark would keep anyone from reacting too much and doing something crazy as Nelson had.

  The three main men that had been with my father for years settled into the comfortable chairs around the table. Noticeably missing was Stefano.

  He had been so confident that no one would ever bother him that he’d had a conference room put together in the back of the flower warehouse.

  I took the main seat at the head of the table. Even though my butt had been in the seat, I hadn’t felt comfortable using it until today.

  There were uncomfortable murmurs as the men in the room turned to face me.

  "Today was a little unusual," Carlo spoke carefully as the other two grunted in agreement.

  “Yes, it was." I gave each of them a pointed look. "It's time we went modern. There are some things that I certainly don't mind doing that are considered illegal according to human laws. Kidnapping and selling Otherworlders is not one of them.”

  “We’ve been doing this for years now, Cable.” Tonio protested.

  “You’re right. It’s been years overdue. It’s barbaric. How would you like to have your family chased so that someone could take your blood for potions? Or scrap the dust off of your wings because they want to get high for a few seconds?" I slammed a fist onto the table.

  “This is a criminal enterprise. That doesn’t mean that we can’t have a moral code. I just killed my step-brother because he was betrayed me. I’m not opposed to violence. We’re shifters, it’s part of our animalistic nature. It should be used to our advantage though.”

  They eyed me warily.

  “I’m open to ideas or options that would continue to bring money in, but we aren’t not going to exploit our people any longer.”

  Carlo sighed, “I should have seen this coming after all the years of knowing you. You always took up for the underdog. Let’s give it a try and see how things go.”

  “Other organizations are going semi-legit so it mi
ght not be a horrible idea to try it.” Leone tapped the table thoughtfully.

  “Do you have those reports that I asked for?” I hoped that they had done what I’d needed so I could show them the options that were available to us.

  “Yes,” Tonio pushed a stack toward me. "I've labeled all the different branches and their income over the past ten years.”

  “Which branch do you think is our best asset?” The stack had been organized into human and non-human ventures.

  Tonio appeared surprised that I’d asked his opinion.

  "Um, when the fairies who have been captured can grow the flowers, the more exotic ones go for quite a bit of money in both the human and non-human worlds." He turned to check his notes.

  “Tonio, gentlemen, I am not my father. He didn’t ask for your opinions or advice. That’s not how it’s going to be going forward. I will ask you questions and I expect honest answers. You have years of experience and I would be a fool to throw not take advantage of that.”

  Leon shook his head as if he couldn’t believe me.

  “This will only work if we all work together. I’ve negotiated with the Fairy Queen that my step-brother was carelessly going to sell to the highest bidder, to come and help take care of our flowers. She’ll assign different fairies to come, but only if I promised that no one would touch a single part of their wings. They’ll receive a cut, still to be decided on what form that will take for their services.”

  “It will double or triple our flower production.”

  “We have two other items of business. Stefano was using Nelson and many others to do his dirty work for him. He has now been sold to the very people that’d been profiting off of.”

  Each of the men avoided making eye contact with me.

  “Trevor will be taking his place on the board. When Carlo is ready to step down, we’ll vote to find the next Caporegime rather than just putting someone in the position. They’ll have to work for it.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” They chorus.

  “Good, now that we’re on the same page let’s get to work.”

  When I returned home that evening Whisper was waiting to meet me.

  “How did it go?” She asked hope filling her voice.

  “As well as could be expected I suppose.” I groaned, exhaustion filling every part of my body.

  “Let’s get you upstairs and I’ll work my magic to make it disappear.” She took my hand and led the way with no protests on my part.

  The door closed behind us and I sighed.

  "We can't do anything while you're not a free person. I don't feel right. It's like I'm forcing you to like me."

  “Then set me free.”

  “Whisper Queen of the Nature Grove Fairies you are freed from service to the Rook family and organization. I apologize for the trouble that you’ve had to endure.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled and shoved me against the door before kissing my lips. “You won’t regret it.”

  All of the longing and need that I’d been feeling had just been waiting for someone like her to kiss me.

  “Welcome home, Rook.”

  Enjoyed this story? Be sure to leave a review! You can also catch up by reading Fierce: Feathered Protectors, Book 1 in the series.

  About the Author

  Pepper Paris fell in love with the idea of love at a young age. As dreams of love changed as she grew up, so did the ideas for her romance stories. Kick-ass heroines who find love in fun and sexy ways make for the best type of romances. A spicy love story filled with everyday problems turn her stories into escapes from reality a welcome adventure.

  She also writes thrillers under the name Paris Morgan while fighting zombies under the pen name Alathia Paris Morgan.

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