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Gilmreth the Awakening

Page 31

by Raymond L. Weil

  By the time you read this, you should have gained access to the underground crypt of the sorcerer Malcon Sylvar. Hard to believe that a sorcerer of his abilities could have been born so many years after the nuclear war; Worldfire as you know it. I was extremely saddened to learn from your father that Malcon’s daughter Lys was killed by Gilmreth.

  Gilmreth is a rogue; the other dragons were not like him. He is extremely dangerous! I was very distressed to learn the final fate of our precious dragons. I wish I could have found out what happened to Snowden. He was to have been my dragon, and he was my friend! Snowden was a white dragon, very friendly and caring. The dragons, for the most part, were remarkably gentle and caring creatures, and they were highly intelligent.


  Lynol couldn’t believe what she was reading. It sounded as if her mother had been alive during the Golden Age, but that was impossible! That was over three thousand years ago! She felt Kalvin’s comforting hand upon her shoulder. She also spoke of a dragon being her friend. How was that possible? Dragons were evil! She continued to read.


  When this complex was first set up, the leaders here had such high hopes and dreams. They gathered the greatest minds of our age together and began to work on a truly magnificent project. They used genetic manipulation upon themselves and their children in an attempt to create a newer and better human race. A super race, a race that was supposed to be free of the greed and hatred associated with so much of humankind associated for such a long time with our history. It would be a race that would guide humankind into a better, more peaceful future. But somewhere along the way those aspirations were lost. Something went horribly wrong! Perhaps no one could wield the awesome power we were given. It was too tempting for those of weak minds to abuse their gifts.

  I was born here inside this complex. We could do things that no one else believed possible. We could weave the energy patterns that exist in the subatomic level, influencing almost anything. For a lack of a better word we became, to the ordinary people here in the complex, sorcerers! It was a nickname attached to us and which stayed with us from that early time. The patterns we wove began to be called spells, jokingly at first. When we were very young, we realized there was so much we could offer the world! So many things we could do to help all of humankind. Unfortunately, we were too young to realize that too much power can corrupt even the strongest of minds. For awhile we were allowed to live outside the complex until our powers began to manifest. When that happened we were taken from the outside world and brought back into the complex for our training.

  This diary explains much of what transpired here in this complex, and I ask you to read it carefully. I have read the prophecy at the sacrificial altar. This is a remarkable development in our powers. It seems that some later sorcerers developed foresight. The ability to foresee a possible future event was totally unexpected. That it refers to you, there can be no doubt. Sorcery has been partially restricted by the power that the sleeping spell Malcon placed on Gilmreth absorbs from the surrounding area. The energy is still there at the subatomic level; it’s just harder to influence.

  Your abilities which came from me, since I was one of the originals, will be powerful enough to tap that energy as you become an adolescent. At first, you might just notice animals responding to you, the ability to sense things from a distance. All this is just the beginning of your wondrous journey into becoming a powerful sorceress.

  You face two formidable enemies: the dragon Gilmreth, which can be controlled by no human, and another sorcerer. His name is Adam Grayson, the most powerful sorcerer of our group and the one responsible for the Worldfire. I’d hoped that I would be there to help you. I wanted to guide you through this, and for us to stand together against Adam. Together there is no doubt in my mind we could have defeated both Adam and Gilmreth, but now I am afraid you will have to face both alone.

  I know that the prophecy foretells of another woman sorceress. With Adam loose in your world he must be considered the greater threat! If there is another woman sorceress, Adam may be behind her, almost certainly is behind her, controlling her. Be very, very careful my daughter! He is extremely dangerous and must not be underestimated. Look for someone close to this woman sorceress mentioned in the prophecy. I am sure you will find Adam controlling everything.


  Adam Grayson, Lynol read, confused. She had heard of no other sorcerer other than Jalene. Just who was her mother talking about? She continued to read, feeling even more bewildered


  Adam hid a stasis chamber somewhere under the mountain. We searched for it right after the Worldfire but could never locate it. My own was set up to awaken me when certain sensor devices planted around the complex registered his presence. I was the next strongest after Adam. The leaders here believed that as I grew older, my powers might rival even those of Adam!

  When I awoke, I discovered that nearly three thousand long years had passed. A strong stasis field protects most of the deeper levels of the complex; others areas with a weaker field. Some of the weaker fields have failed completely, and some of the outlying areas of the complex are in ruin. Fortunately, the stronger stasis fields protect all the truly important sections. If it had failed several technicians and I would have been awakened immediately.

  The reason I awoke was because the recording instruments detected Adam’s presence in some of the outer perimeters of the complex, but he left, vanishing from the sensors before I could do anything. The special areas of the complex are protected. They will not allow Adam entrance; we saw to that before we began our long sleep. There is no doubt in my mind that once Adam realized most of the complex was off limits to him he decided to leave and see what was outside. Once I had recovered enough from my long sleep I had no choice but to attempt to find out where he had gone.

  Imagine my surprise when other instruments showed that one of the dragons, Gilmreth, was in a spell-induced sleep in the old dragon lair! There was no sign of any of the other dragons. I played the recorders back and was able to watch the horrible conflict between Malcon Sylvar and Gilmreth. Malcon’s abilities were truly astounding. I can’t believe that he was actually able to conquer Gilmreth. Malcon and his daughter must have been two truly extraordinary people!

  The other stasis boxes are still functioning properly and if left alone, they will open in another two hundred years. They contain two hundred and twelve young sorcerers and sorceresses, all which remain of our group that believed in creating a beautiful, peaceful world, free of the harshness and mistakes of the old. Someday when they awake, they will create the type of world we can only dream of. A new Golden Age, which will rival anything our time had to offer. All of our science and all of the knowledge of the human race are safely preserved in the computers, in this complex. The stasis field protecting the computers is still functioning and will continue to do so.

  When I finally left the mountain, I searched diligently for Adam but couldn’t locate him anywhere! In one of my searches, I traveled to Galvin and met your father, Damon Sylvar. I was only twenty years old at the time. Did you know that I knew your great-grandfather many times removed? Jason Sylvar was one of the leaders here opposed to Adam and his plans for world domination. Jason was also the first sorcerer! His development was a natural mutation and what the geneticists patterned the rest of us after. It was Jason and Adam’s power struggle that set off the Worldfire!

  I was just about to return to the mountain and go back into suspended animation when I met your father. We fell instantly in love! I decided to live out my life in your world. I could watch for Adam, and if he didn’t show up, I could return to the mountain and arrange for another sorcerer to be awoken if he ever did. I could also train my descendants to be on guard to ensure that the complex and the sleepers inside were kept safe.

  For several years, your father and I lived happily, and then you were born. I knew that, as my daughter, you would inherit my powers, and this excited me immensely. Your father an
d I were so thrilled when you were born. I couldn’t wait to be able to teach you how to use your abilities, to have someone to confide in. I had access to parts of the mountain complex that could be used to teach you much of the science of the Golden Age. I could give you an education the likes of which your world hasn’t seen in many long centuries. Together, we could begin to reintroduce basic science back into the world, to prepare the people for when my friends awake.

  I always thought that Adam would return to the mountain, so I kept a constant vigil but it never happened. I set certain instruments that would alert me instantly if he made an appearance. He has disappeared again, possibly even returned to stasis, but a lingering doubt makes me believe that he is out there somewhere, biding his time. If he can gain control of this world and mold it to his desire, then when the surviving sleepers awake they may be powerless to correct what Adam may leave as his heritage.

  If domination of your world is what he wants, he will need help. Adam will try to awaken Gilmreth. He always had a strange desire to control the rogue dragon. I don’t know how many times I found Adam standing outside the dragon’s pen, just staring at Gilmreth. The prophecy at the altar site seems to confirm this. But be wary; I don’t believe that even Adam, with his abilities, can control Gilmreth!

  Several days ago a raging, deadly disease struck Galvin. It’s a fever which runs its course rapidly, probably a mutation from the nuclear war. It literally consumes its victim and death comes very rapidly. My sorcery used secretly, hasn’t been able to treat the disease. I have kept my abilities a secret even from your father so as not to worry him. He is a wonderful man! He also considers his responsibilities as a Sylvar to be tremendously important. I can sit for hours and listen to his stories.

  I have debated long and hard about waking the other sorceresses and sorcerers, but that wasn’t the original plan. Why Jason chose to allow 3,200 years to pass I can't fathom, but knowing Jason he had a very compelling reason and I can’t violate that. I am on my own. Also, the way the equipment is set up it wouldn’t be easy to awaken another of my friends, at least not quickly. It could be done, but it would take me some time to reprogram the computer. The equipment was set up to awaken only me early. The rest will have to wait until the 3,200 years have passed; at that point the computer will awaken everyone.

  Yesterday I came down with the fever. My powers have slowed its advance considerably, but it continues. I am leaving you this message in case the fever overcomes me. I am also asking your father to make sure you receive my amulet some day; it’s a very special one created by Loraine. I also implanted suggestions in your subconscious that will make you seek out Malcon’s underground crypt when you are old enough. The crypt will detect your powers and reveal itself. I've also used my powers to reprogram the simulacrum to ensure that someday you would make the journey to this complex.

  The simulacrum located in the crypt will serve as an excellent teacher. In addition, there is a great deal of information in this diary, including many insights about how to use your powers. If you can’t defeat Adam and Gilmreth, someone must throw the three red switches above this diary! I hope that you will not have to face either. Perhaps Adam has indeed gone back to sleep.


  Lynol looked up and saw three switches covered by little protective glass bubbles. From the writing above them, she could tell they had something to do with the sleep chambers. Returning her eyes to the diary, she continued reading.


  These switches will activate the surviving parts of this complex and awaken the sleepers. It’s an emergency bypass that goes around the computers. After the switches have been activated it will take only a few hours for the sleepers to awaken, but be aware that once they are awake the complex will not have enough power to reactivate the stasis boxes and all the stasis fields. They will be awake permanently. All of them! It takes a tremendous amount of energy to start the suspended animation process and activate the stasis fields. It could only be done once!

  With their combined powers, Adam and Gilmreth may be defeated. However, beware! Adam’s powers are formidable, and if you can’t defeat him with my amulet, the sleepers may not be able to either! Our dream of a new Golden Age could be lost. Adam is not aware of this stasis facility! Their greatest protection is that no one knows they exist! Once awoken that protection will be gone. I know you may feel tempted to wake the other sleepers, but they must be protected at all costs.

  Take care, my daughter, and remember: through my amulet I will always be with you. I love you!!!!!!

  Your Mother: Kathryn Lynol Sylvar


  Lynol laid the letter down. Without meaning to, she grasped her mother’s amulet and started to cry, wet tears running unchecked from her light blue eyes. Her mother had died of the fever, taking her remarkable secret with her. She had never gotten the chance to tell her father. Lynol had always thought she had inherited her powers from her father’s side of the family. How she wished she could have known her mother. There was so much they could have talked about, done together.

  Picking up the diary, she skimmed quickly over page after page of her mother’s writing. Nearly four hundred pages of her mother’s life were held in its precious pages. Perhaps through her diary she would come to know her mother much better and what her dreams had been.

  Kalvin cleared his throat. “What is it?” he asked, concerned, seeing the tears in Lynol’s eyes. Her unexpected behavior was beyond his comprehension. “What was in that letter?”

  “I’ll explain later,” replied Lynol, standing and looking solemnly around the dimly lit room. For the first time she noticed a single glass case standing empty next to the entrance, its occupant missing. This must have been her mother’s. “We need to be going; I have what I came for.”

  Looking around, she let her eyes roam over the cases of the sleeping sorcerers. These were her people, her mother’s friends, and perhaps even distant family members. She felt dizzy and had trouble getting her breath. She was looking at a sight she had never expected to see. Here were other people like herself! Someday she would have to return to this mountain, there was so much here for her to learn. Her mother had also given her an awesome responsibility to protect those that slept in this secret place.

  “What is this place, Lynol?” Kalvin asked, perplexed. He gazed around the room at the hundreds of cases and the people they contained. “Are these the people who created this complex? Why are they asleep in glass cases?”

  “They are sorcerers and sorceresses,” Lynol replied, softly gazing into Kalvin’s eyes. “These are survivors from the Worldfire who were put into a deep sleep so the science and technology of the Golden Age would survive.”

  “Then some of these people may have helped create the dragons!” Kalvin exclaimed excitedly, looking at all the cases with awe. “If we could awaken them, they might be able to stop Gilmreth!” Kalvin suddenly felt hope. This was what they had been searching for! Lynol might not have to face Gilmreth after all!

  “No, Kalvin,” replied Lynol, taking his hand and shaking her head. “They are not to be awoken for another two hundred years. Holding her mother’s diary to her chest, she continued. “This diary tells me what must be done. This complex and these sleepers must be protected at all costs. You can never talk about what we have found today, Kalvin; not ever!” She took the diary and placed it securely and safely in her backpack.

  Kalvin looked at Lynol in surprise and dismay. This was the answer to all of their problems, but from the look in her eyes he knew she must have her reasons. He didn’t like or agree with what she was saying, but he knew he had to trust her judgment. His mind was full of a thousand questions. They would have a lot to talk about on the way back home. This underground complex hid more mysteries and power than Kalvin had dreamed possible. Looking one last time at the cases, he wondered what wondrous things these people could teach those of his world. Turning, he followed Lynol as she stepped back through the twin doors that protected this incre
dible room.

  “What do we do now?” Kalvin asked. They were leaving behind their best solution to defeating Gilmreth and the sorceress across the mountain.

  “I need to show this diary to Malcon,” replied Lynol, pausing as she used her sorcery to shut the two massive metal doors. “The information it contains may allow me to defeat Gilmreth.”

  “What about the other sorceress?” Kalvin asked with a trace of doubt creeping into his voice. He wondered if the information in that mysterious diary was really as important as Lynol thought.

  “Perhaps her also,” replied Lynol, reaching out and taking Kalvin’s hand. “You have to trust me in this, Kalvin. Once I finish reading this diary perhaps I can explain everything better.”

  When they entered the small elevator, Kalvin was thankful when it started taking them back up. He felt a massive sense of relief when it opened, and they were back where they had started earlier.

  On their way out, Lynol stopped by the power room, turning off the generator. She knew that somewhere beneath the mountain must be one very large power source to run the stasis cases and fields. Soon they were back where the tunnels branched, the larger tunnel leading down to Gilmreth.

  “Is there no way we could seal up this tunnel?” asked Kalvin, looking down into the slowly descending depths that faded away into darkness and wondering if they could trap Gilmreth inside.

  “The material the ancients used is very strong,” Lynol replied, still feeling powerful emotions from reading her mother’s letter. “If it held up against the Worldfire, I doubt if we have anything strong enough to bring it down. Anything powerful enough to destroy this tunnel might also cause severe damage to the remaining parts of the complex. And I doubt if sealing the tunnel would hold Gilmreth for long anyway; he’s just too powerful!”


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