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Playboy Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 3)

Page 8

by Jill Downey

  Griffin held the arms of Penelope’s robe so she could slip it on.

  “We’ll be there,” he said.

  They were given a couple of minutes to dress before the rest of the crew trickled in to tear down. Griffin turned his back so she could put her clothes on.

  “Need a ride?” Griffin asked over his shoulder.

  “I usually ride with Dolly or Stew, but she probably already left since it was our last scene…that’d be great.”

  They walked out together, and he handed her his helmet. “Where’s yours?” she asked.

  He mounted the bike, “No helmet laws here; jump on.”

  She got on behind him and put her arms around his taut waist. He covered her hand with his for a brief moment before starting the bike. He pulled onto the scenic road that ran parallel to the ocean and went full throttle. She hung on, thrilled with the speed. She gripped him tightly with her thighs as he rounded a sharp curve.

  He yelled over the noise of the bike and wind rushing around them, “You can keep doing that.”

  She laughed feeling free for the first time since she’d left Montana. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She couldn’t resist flattening her palms against his toned belly and resting them just below his navel. Her whole body tingled.

  When they got to her place, he walked her to the door. Holding the bare soft flesh of her upper arms he gently pulled her against his chest then ran his palms down her back resting them on her hips. Her face pressed into his chest and she breathed in the manly scent of him…musky…spicy…earthy. Her body softening, she allowed herself one fleeting moment of surrender before mentally shaking herself out of it.

  With his chin resting against the top of her head, he said, “The lines are definitely blurred for me. I want you Penelope, Bryan gets to have you and I don’t. Lucky Bryan.”

  “I don’t know what to say to make it all clearer for you, because frankly in some ways, it’s easier to do these scenes with someone you’re not attracted to in real life.”

  He chuckled. “There is that.”

  “It will all work out. You’ll see. Quit worrying…oh and thanks for the ride Griff.”

  His eyes burned with desire, “Penelope…”

  “Griffin, please don’t complicate things. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “One kiss. Please. I need to feel the real thing, us, Griffin and Penelope, not Bryan and Sydney.” Before she could protest, he swooped down and covered her mouth with his. She stiffened at first, then her lips parted to receive him. Feeling his hardness pressing into her belly was by now, oddly familiar and definitely pleasurable. She let the sensation of his tongue probing her mouth carry her away until she found the willpower to pull away. He reluctantly released her, his breathing ragged and eyes scorching her skin with their intensity.

  Without a word she turned and bolted into the house. Locking the door behind her, she leaned back against it. Had it only been five weeks since she’d arrived here? It seemed like months ago. She touched her mouth with her fingertips, taking in a shaky breath. What had she gotten herself into? She should have kept up her guard. It wasn’t too late. Tomorrow was a new day

  Tomorrow…she suddenly remembered that she had another sex scene, only this time it was with Noah. She dreaded it. He wasn’t too happy with the friendship developing between her and Griffin. He’d been sulking around the set like a child. Too bad. She hoped he’d be able to contain his jealousy.

  It was inappropriate and annoying. So far, he’d kept things professional, but she could see his control beginning to slip. She’d worry about that when and if they got there. Meanwhile she’d put some distance between Griffin and her. That settled, she grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge and two glasses and went to find Dolly.

  Griffin pulled away with steel in his pants. He had a feeling he was going to have a hard-on for the next two months. He was restless as hell. Tired but wired. Normally he’d call some random girl and wine and dine them. But that was the last thing he wanted tonight. All he could see were a pair of large bottomless pools of green, and plump lush lips.

  He was glad they didn’t have any more scenes together until next week. At least he thought he was glad…fuck, he didn’t know up from down right now. If someone had told him a month ago that he’d be lying naked in bed with Penelope Winters, he would have had them committed. He’d had some wild adventures in his life, but this was definitely the craziest.

  He’d only have to stick around tomorrow until they’d reviewed today’s shoot, unless they had to redo something, then he’d be a free agent until Monday. A whole weekend off. Maybe he could convince Penelope to take him up on his offer.

  Like he was on auto pilot, his bike headed in the direction of his sister’s bar. A Faye fix was exactly what he needed right now. She always knew what to say to bring him back to earth. A couple of beers to drink a hard day off, then home. He didn’t go looking for this trouble but here he was.


  Griffin slouched in his seat with his arms crossed as he watched the daily outtakes of their love scenes from the previous day. The raw unedited footage was good. Watching himself make love to Penelope onscreen was weird. He had to admit, they were convincing. Who was he kidding? Very little acting going on there. The heat was not feigned.

  He glanced from the corner of his eye at Penelope, who sat next to him. Other than her balled up fists, she showed no outward sign of emotion. She appeared to be disengaged.

  Stew sat sandwiched between her and the assistant director. Also watching was the director of photography, as well as first and second camera assistants. The script supervisor and her assistant were there as well. A few of the support crew had joined them out of curiosity. Dolly along with the rest of ‘The Glam Squad’ were in attendance.

  Since the hotel had virtually become their studio, it served as their conference room, theater, the actors dressing rooms, cafeteria, and production headquarters. He was continually amazed by how many people were involved behind the scenes. From sound to special effects, visual effects, craft services and caterers, not to mention location managers and assistants, it was an impressive operation. He was excited to be a part of it all. There was a natural camaraderie from the common goal of producing a great film.

  Griffin shifted slightly, leaning into Penelope’s shoulder. He wanted to see what kind of reaction he’d get. She stiffened and put space between them. He smiled inwardly. Not as detached as she’d have him believe. Good. Emboldened, he stretched his arms overhead then casually draped one arm along the back of her chair.

  Leaning in, he whispered, “Have you thought about my proposition?”

  “No,” she said, looking straight ahead.

  His breath stirred her hair as he murmured, “Liar.” He saw a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

  Noah sat in the row behind them and leaned forward to whisper, “Nice job you two. It’ll be a hard act to follow, but I’m looking forward to the challenge this afternoon.”

  Griffin saw Penelope’s fists tighten and he turned his head to glare at Noah. “You could at least attempt to be classy.”

  “Fuck you,” he hissed. “You think you’re some hot shot now because you’re the director’s new darling?”

  Griffin shook his head in disgust and turned his attention back to the screen. They were reviewing the part where Bryan becomes angry with Sydney. Griffin thought they’d put out a good performance. Overall, once he’d adjusted to seeing himself, he could say somewhat objectively that they’d captured their characters.

  When the video ended, everyone erupted in applause. “That pretty much sums it up. We have a huge hit on our hands folks,” Stew said, beaming.

  Griffin said, “Hear that Pen? Not just a hit…but a huge hit.”

  Ignoring him, Penelope stood and turned toward Stew. “I’m going to my dressing room. Page me when you’re ready to start shooting.”

  “Don’t you want to join us at the buffet?”

  “I’m not hun
gry, thanks.”

  “You’ve got to eat.”

  “I’ll eat an energy bar back in my room.”

  “See you in about an hour then,” Stewart said.

  She left without another word to Griffin. Noah chuckled, “Don’t take it personally. She can be one cold bitch.”

  “Don’t ever call her that again or I’ll wipe that smirk right off your face,” Griffin said, steel in his voice.

  Noah laughed. “You’re a fool if you think you have a shot at that. Dream on.”

  “With you as her last lover, I’m not surprised she’s turned off by men,” Griffin said over his shoulder as he left the room.

  Penelope practically ran to her dressing room. She closed the door behind her and sat in the chair facing her vanity. Between her dread of the upcoming scene with Noah and her aching response to Griffin, she was a ball of nerves. She ripped the wrapper from her energy bar with unsteady hands. She hoped the skipped breakfast was partially to blame for her shakiness.

  There was a tap at the door and before she could respond, Jack, the script supervisor’s assistant walked in. He held out a bottle of water. “Here, the director said to keep hydrated.”

  She reached back for it, looking at him from the mirror’s reflection. “Thanks Jack.”

  He stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “You’re so tense,” he began kneading. “You could use a massage.”

  “I’m fine.” She tried shrugging him off.

  “I’m sure those nude scenes are intense. Griffin is my new hero. I don’t know how he can keep his cool.” He continued massaging her shoulders.

  Penelope grew increasingly uncomfortable with him touching her. “Please, I’m sorry but I need to be alone to study my lines before the next scene.”

  He suddenly leaned forward and slid one hand down the front of her chest to grope her breast. Her breath hissed and she stood abruptly. Whirling around, she slapped him hard across the face. The crack rang out and left an angry red mark.

  He covered his cheek with his palm as his eyes darkened with rage. “You’ve been flirting with me for days and now you want to act all virtuous?”

  “Flirting with you? Where did you ever get that idea? Get out now! You have two seconds, or I start screaming at the top of my lungs.”

  His eyes glittered. “Maybe you changed your mind about me when you got a little action from your costar, but you won’t convince me that you weren’t leading me on. By the way, I’ll deny that this ever happened if you decide to report me.”

  Voice trembling with anger, she pointed to the door. “Get out!”

  He left, slamming the door behind him. She collapsed into her chair and buried her face in her hands. She felt like she was going to throw up. Were all men incapable of thinking apart from their dicks?

  She racked her brain trying to recall anything she might have said or done to make Jack believe she was interested or leading him on. She knew that there wasn’t. He’d conjured up what he wanted to believe to fit his narrative. This wasn’t the first time a male had projected his fantasies onto her. She wasn’t sure how she should handle it.

  She jerked when she heard another knock at the door. She didn’t want anyone to see her like this. “Who is it?”

  “It’s me, Griffin.”

  Her chest ached, “I’m busy right now. Can we talk later?”

  He must have heard something in her voice, because he said, “Are you alright?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Please, go.”

  “I need to ask you a quick question, I promise I’ll leave after that.”

  She got up and cracked the door, “What?”

  Griffin studied her face, his eyes flashed with concern. “Have you been crying?”

  She sniffled. “I’m fine. Just one of those days.”

  “Let me in.”


  “Penelope, please. Don’t make me stand out here in the hall.”

  She reluctantly stepped back and let him in. His eyes narrowed, “What happened?”

  “Nothing you need to concern yourself with.”

  “Sorry, it doesn’t work like that.”

  “What did you have to tell me that couldn’t wait?”

  His brow furrowed as he studied her face. “I’m leaving and I wanted a chance to convince you to get out of Dodge for a day. This weekend. With me. No strings, no agenda. I’ll be the perfect gentleman.”

  “Can you just hold me?” He looked so surprised that she couldn’t help but smile. He pulled her against him, and she melted into his tight embrace.

  “What’s wrong? Why were you crying?” he asked, while stroking her hair. “Can you talk about it?”

  “I can’t, not yet.”

  “Did I do something to hurt you?”

  “I…no…I’m okay,” her breath hitched.

  “Whatever it is, I’m available anytime you want to talk about it.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, wiping her nose on her sleeve.

  Griffin grabbed a tissue, keeping one arm wrapped around her. “Here, blow.” He held the tissue to her nose.

  She blew into the handkerchief like a child, then chuckled at the absurdity of it all. “I feel like a big baby.”

  “You’re allowed to express emotions off the set too,” he said quietly.

  “If I confide in you, you have to promise you won’t tell anyone and you won’t take matters into your own hands.”

  “I have a feeling that I’m not going to like whatever it is you’re about to say.”

  “Promise me.”

  He looked heavenward. “Okay I promise.”

  “One of the assistants barged in and was sexually inappropriate with me.”

  His blue eyes darkened as he said through gritted teeth, “Did he touch you?”

  She nodded her head. “He said I’d been leading him on, but I swear to you there is no way.”

  He tilted her chin up to gaze into her eyes, “You don’t have to convince me. I’ve seen your interactions with the crew, and you’re nothing but professional.”

  “What do you think I should do?”

  “Tell Stew,” he said without hesitation.

  “He’ll be fired.”

  “As he should be.”

  “Will you go with me?”


  “Should I tell him now?”

  “Yes. That dude should be thrown off the premises immediately. It was Jack, wasn’t it?”

  Her eyes widened. “How did you know?”

  “I’ve seen him ogling you.”

  “What is wrong with me? Why didn’t I see it?”

  “You weren’t looking. So now you’re going to blame yourself because a guy’s brain is in his dick?”

  She wrinkled her nose, her lips turning up at the corners. “I guess not.”

  “If you’re ready, we’ll go find Stew.”

  She took a deep breath and forced a smile. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Griffin grabbed her hand and held on tight as they went to find the director.


  It took a lot to get Stewart Abrams riled up, but his face turned scarlet as he listened to Penelope relay the incident in her dressing room.

  “That son of a bitch. He won’t work in this industry again.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry? I’m sorry. You should be able to feel safe with your own fucking team. I’ll take care of this immediately. We’ll postpone filming your scenes until Monday. Take the weekend to relax and put this behind you.”

  “Stewart, thank you for believing me without question.”

  “Anyone with a brain could figure that out. Don’t let it get to you, kid.”

  “I’ll try not to.”

  He looked at Griffin. “Can you take her home?”


  He clapped Griffin on the back, “Thanks for convincing her to come to me immediately. It was the right call.”

  “Have a good weeken
d and thanks for taking care of this,” Griffin said.

  They left him barking into his phone at his script supervisor to get her assistant Jack and report to his office immediately.

  “I like Stew,” Griffin said.

  “He’s been like a father to me. This is the third film I’ve done with him.”

  “Want to grab a bite to eat? If you have a hat and sunglasses we can try for incognito.”

  “We could get carryout and eat back at my place.”


  When he opened the car door to the Audi R8 V10 Spyder, she gaped at him.

  “Is this your car?”

  “Yeah, do you like it?”

  “It’s a two hundred thousand-dollar car!”

  “A car enthusiast, huh?”

  “Somewhat. It’s the car Christian Grey drove in Fifty Shades.”

  “I had it first,” he said grinning wolfishly, revealing perfect white teeth.

  “But how?”

  “How what?”

  “I’m sorry, I’m being rude.”

  “Go ahead, ask me anything.”

  “How does one afford such a car? I mean what do you do when you’re not shooting a movie? I know that chamber guy said you came from a prominent family but…”

  “I was born into it. Old money. Then my dad capitalized on his good fortune and catapulted the Bennett portfolio into the stratosphere. He built the company into what it is today. I can’t take any credit for it. The company plans and develops billion-dollar properties. Think shopping complexes, stadiums…designer complexes.”

  “You’re full of surprises. Why did you even agree to be in the film?”

  “Truth? Boredom…adventure…something new…honestly, I didn’t think I’d get the part…but here we are.”

  She buckled herself in as he peeled out of the parking lot, going from zero to forty in a millisecond. Her pulse raced with the sensation from the raw power of the vehicle.

  “What suits your fancy?” he asked.


  He raised a brow. “Seriously?”


  “I know just the place, and we won’t need to carry out.”


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