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Daddy's Law (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 4)

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by Olivia Fox

  While in jail, I thought nonstop about how I would survive. I had wrecked my sister's boyfriend’s work project and probably owed him tens of thousands of dollars, which I couldn't afford. There was no way I could pay for a place to live without a job or the usual means I relied upon to get me by—aka: other people's money.

  As if he heard my thoughts, he said, “Don't think you're getting off so easy, squirt.”

  I looked at him, puzzled.

  “Easy? I mean, huh, I guess you're right. It could have been worse. I had no business driving that night and might have killed someone. With two DUIs under my belt, I got off easy twice, not just once.”

  “You got lucky. But did you actually learn your lesson? I don't think so.”

  “If six months in jail didn't teach me a lesson, I don't know what will.”

  “All going to jail teaches you is the importance of not getting caught. It teaches you how to be a better criminal.”

  “Criminal? I’m not a criminal. You sound just like a cop, Officer.”

  “Oh, so you didn't steal? More than once? You didn't take things from people that didn't belong to you?” He crossed his arms over his chest and stood in front of me like a freaking windmill.

  I had never seen Buck so upset before. Whenever he was around me, he was a gentle giant, nonthreatening. He never came on to me like most men did, and he batted away my efforts to flirt like a cat with his toy.

  “This is where payback really happens, brat. I’m your jury, judge, and executioner. Incarceration will seem like nothing compared to me.”

  Sensing it was my cue to leave, I spun around and attempted to bolt for the door. Only my ridiculous heels got in the way and I lurched forward, then teetered backward precariously, and finally gave up, kicking the heels off to the side.

  “Oh no you don't. You're not going anywhere, especially dressed like you are.”

  He picked me up and put me over his shoulder like a bag of oats. I jammed my elbows into his shoulder blades and kicked my feet up and down to try to get free. His arm was a vice around my waist, and I was pinned in place like a butterfly under glass. Only I wasn't fragile or fluttery. I was spitting mad.

  Before I could convince myself I would overpower him and break free, he slammed his palm down on my ass. He may as well have struck my naked flesh, given the skimpy cocktail dress I wore was thin as thread.

  “Stop it! What are you doing? You can't just—” Slam! He did it again three times on each cheek. I never imagined a spanking could hurt so badly. In the stories I read, they were more like foreplay. This was heavy petting for an ogre, maybe. He took me into his bedroom and threw me on the mattress none too gently.

  “Take it off,” he commanded. He was actually serious.

  “Take what off? Have you lost your mind?”

  He shoved his fingers to the bottom of my cleavage and ripped the flimsy dress in two. Of course I was wearing neither a bra nor panties. My motto was always commando and bust.

  “Buck, I don't know what's gotten into you. If you think you can use me as some kind of sex toy just because you're letting me stay here, you’ve got another thing coming.”

  I talked a good line, but the thought of servicing Buck’s every desire was suddenly very appealing—at least his every physical desire. I was, for obvious reasons, not girlfriend material for a policeman.

  Not that I wanted to be anyone’s girlfriend.

  “Who said anything about me wanting to have sex with you? I'm just trying to teach you a lesson so you'll stop your sass and not be such an ever-loving brat. There’s only one good way to keep a brat from mouthing off. Now unzip my pants.”

  I swung my feet around in order to stand up and get away from him. Clearly he had taken leave of his senses. He had never spoken to me like this or given any indication he wanted to.

  “You’re in just the right position; mouth level with my cock. Just sit there and unfasten me. This is long overdue. I have put up with your teasing, carousing, and stupid antics for years. It's about time you learned who’s boss.” He snatched up both of my wrists in his hand, imprisoning me.

  I sat there, unable to move, and God help me, it was hot.

  “If I let go of your hands, are you going to be a good girl and do as I say?”

  My pussy pulsed a silent response.

  The situation was surreal, and yet it felt like what I had been waiting for. I soaked Buck’s comforter beneath me with my sexy juice. He raised a hand and gently slapped my cheek—not so it would hurt, but hard enough so I couldn't think of anything else. It was just what I needed to get my mind off myself and my petty concerns.

  “Unzip. Now.”

  Chapter Four

  “For years you’ve taken me for a fool, Roxy, along with every other guy in this town. It’s time I showed you who’s in charge and what kind of man you really need.”

  Her eyes widened in awe, or in horror, as I took my cock in hand.

  The hardened size of it was equal to a soda can in girth. I didn’t blame her for staring. They didn’t call me “Tin Can Man” in the locker room for nothing.

  “Now strip. Show me those pretty titties you’ve been hiding from me all these years.”

  My restraint over time, ever since Roxy hit puberty, surprised even me.

  After middle school, growing up with Roxy was torture. She loved to prance around, body on display in a bikini or pair of Daisy Duke shorts, loving the attention she drew from men.

  But right here, right now, I finally had her where I wanted her. She was all mine.

  “You heard me. Get your dress all the way off.”

  “Buck, why are you acting so weird all of the sudden? You’ve never been like this before.”

  “Wrong again. I’ve always been like this around you. Only, up until now, I’ve never acted on my needs. You’ve finally pushed me to the limit, and this here is your new sheriff in town.” The rest of the dress tore off easily enough.

  No bra.


  “Buck!” she protested, covering her juicy, plump mounds. Her quickened breath gave her excitement away.

  “Get those hands off my tits unless you plan on playing with them for Daddy.”

  I reached out and tossed her on the mattress. She tried to get up, but I straddled her, pinning her in place, my cock thwacking her on the lips.

  “Don’t move.”

  Her gorgeous blonde waves fanned the pillow, and her hands were rigidly placed at her sides. I began to stroke my turgid dick, smearing precum over the head to make my pumping hand feel more like a pussy.

  I imagined myself inside of Roxy, like a thousand other times in my life.

  A million maybe.

  I reached down to pinch one nipple then the next. She moaned, and I caught the nearly imperceptible rise of her cunt, thrusting upwards toward my erection.

  “Now how did such a sweet and pretty little girl grow up to become such a royal pain in the ass? You didn’t always used to be like this, Roxy.”

  “Who cares? Are you gonna fuck me with that huge thing or what?”

  Even popping off at the mouth, I found her attractive as hell. Maybe more so.

  “No way. Not today. You haven’t earned this yet. But you’re going to be an angel for me, aren’t you? Catch my cum.”

  Her soft skin beneath my thighs made me swell even more.

  I stroked myself more seriously.

  “Do you like the looks of me, Roxy? Would you like it inside your pretty mouth?” I wanted to tempt her like she had been teasing me for years.

  “Never, you animal! You can’t just keep me here, naked, against my will.”

  She squirmed from side to side and bucked beneath me. Only causing my hard-on to expand.

  “Oh, I beg to differ, Roxy. You’ve got nowhere to go, and you still need to learn your lesson.”

  I slid down her silky body and took a nipple in my mouth, moving back and forth between her succulent nubs, flicking them with my tongue and pulling them
with my lips like sucking thick milkshake through a straw.

  Her breath heaved beneath me.

  Then came music to my ears. “Please, Buck.”

  “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it, baby girl? Six months without a cock between your legs.”

  She moaned.

  I couldn’t help myself and had to touch her. I wasn’t made of stone after all.

  Oh fuck.

  My fingers were drenched in her juices with just one swipe, and the sweet scent of her shot a pulse of desire to my burning cock.

  I made her watch as I licked the nectar from each of my fingers. “Mmmmm, you’re so tasty. I know a little brat who needs her pussy licked.”

  She nodded enthusiastically.

  “Sorry, baby, no pleasure for you today. You need to learn to obey first. Your jail sentence was just the tip of the iceberg.”

  “God, you are such a jerk!” Roxy kept her eyes locked on my dick as I began to stroke it again.

  “Mind your tongue.”

  “What, are you going to do? Choke me to shut me up?”

  I grabbed her chin with one hand as she laughed, and a shiver ran through her. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” I shoved two fingers into her mouth and demanded, “Now suck. Pretend like it’s Daddy’s big dick fucking your face.”

  I kept pumping myself over her body, her bratty defiance and slippery tongue on my fingers making me harder. Drips of precum leaked out and dripped between her breasts. She moaned and twisted beneath me, trying to get her hands on her own pussy.

  “You like the look of it, don’t you?”

  Roxy’s eyes narrowed and her movements stopped. “No wonder you could never find a girlfriend in this town, if this is how you treat women. She’d have to be insane to put up with this!”

  “What makes you think I ever wanted a woman other than you, Roxy? Come to think of it, how do you know I never had them?”

  I flipped over to the center of the bed, easily pulling her over my lap. “I may have never loved another woman, but I’ve sure tamed a few. You might find you like my particular brand of punishment.” I rubbed my palm down her sensual back, peaking at the full incline of her buttocks, and slapped her ass three times.

  I wasn’t gentle.

  “Didn’t hurt!” She tried to sound convincing.

  “You like Daddy disciplining your ass, don’t you?”

  “No! Of course not.”

  I sat her up on the bed and tossed her a pair of too large sweatpants and a T-shirt out of my top drawer. She couldn’t disguise the increased rise and fall of her chest.

  “My bad.” I pulled up my pants, tucked my bull-sized penis inside my boxers, and zipped the protesting bulge inside. “Let’s go work on something to make you a little more agreeable.”

  “What? You’re not going to fuck me?”

  “Nope. I’m not about that with you. At least not today. Put those clothes on and get in the kitchen. Don’t make me wait.”

  Ever since she came of age, Roxy had been using sex as a weapon. It was time she learned what I felt for her wasn’t about the sexual power she held over me. It was much more, and always had been.

  Of course there would be plenty of sex, and more, but I could wait. I’d spent years waiting and obsessing over Roxy, a little bit longer wasn’t going to kill me.

  Tell that to my dick.

  She came out looking sheepish—a new expression for her. Maybe the jail sentence had actually scared some humility into her.

  “What are those?” she asked, appearing innocent and much younger than her twenty-four years of age. Puffy lips. Rosy cheeks.

  “My God, you’re even more stunning without all of the makeup you usually paint your face with, baby girl. You know?”

  “Please, I must have gained at least twenty pounds on jail carbs. Don’t tease me by calling me ‘stunning.’”

  “No offense, but I like you thicker. Full breasts, juicy thighs, doggy-style handgrips for hips.”

  “Ugh! Stop.” She covered her face with her hands, a gesture I had never seen from her before. I could only hope this was the tiny glimmer of a new and improved, humbler Roxy, ready to be saved by her redeemer—me.

  “Anyway, what the hell is that?” She pointed to the rewards chart and stationery set out on the kitchen island.

  Before I could help myself, I laid her over the counter, booty up next to them. She had the type of ass which expanded to fun size for punishments during her jail sentence: soft and giving under my sweats. I ripped those down to watch her cheeks color up nicely. “Now why do you find yourself in this position once again?”

  “Because, Officer O’Connor, you’re a freaking brute!”

  “Well now, when you sass like, you’re just asking to be punished.”

  The whoosh of my hand moving through the air was the only warning she had before the fire exploded across her bum. The next slap landed on the right cheek, spreading flames. Then the left, back to center, then low under the cheeks—I spread the burn over the expanse of her ass evenly and completely. My skill at correction was equal to my accuracy on the firing range.

  “Didn’t even feel it.” Her voice trembled, revealing false bravado.

  “Sounds like my brat is begging for the spatula.” The metal instrument, with an open slit up the middle, was in a kitchen utensil catch-all container on the counter. Nice and handy.

  I grabbed it and laid my left forearm across her lower back as she struggled.

  “You’re not going anywhere.” I warned, “Here it comes.”

  Roxy stuck out her hips just a touch more, and I swung the spatula hard and bounced it off her ass in quick succession so she could neither anticipate nor escape its relentless sting.

  She thrust her hips forward in surprise and froze in place. A second later, she exhaled a long breath with her mouth wide open.

  I laid the spatula's cold and heavy metal on her cheek, almost touching her hip, and let it sing through the air again. It snapped off her skin, and Roxy let out another gasp.

  “How many so far? This time you address me with respect. Count and call me ‘sir.’”

  “A million?”

  I dragged the spatula slowly across her bottom, tracing diagonal paths across her cheek so she wouldn’t know when the next blow was coming.

  “What do you call me during your discipline?” The next strike came dead center and took her by surprise. “You can count this as one for me.” Whether she knew it or not, I understood she needed this in order to feel absolved of all the mess she had made of her life.

  Roxy jumped again, her hips thrusting in an involuntary effort to move out of the path of the next swing, but she quickly reset herself.

  “One, sir. One million!” she said.

  I swatted the next nine strikes in rapid succession so as to catch her by surprise, giving her no time to count or recover.

  “Take it, princess.”

  “Shit,” she cursed. “Dammit, sir.”

  Clearly she hadn’t had enough. The next five I swung at the back of her thighs. Finally I got her where I wanted.

  “Please, sir, no more. I’ll be good. I promise.”

  I lifted her gently off the counter and carried her to the breakfast nook, putting her on my lap. “Feel it sting your flesh?”

  “Yes.” Her voice trembled.

  “Good. It’s to remind you.”

  “Remind me of what?”

  “You belong to Daddy. Daddy will keep you safe. He will punish you when you’ve been bad and reward you when you’ve been good. Understand?”

  She let out a long, trembly sigh and sank into my chest, calm and quiet for the first time since I picked her up from that hellhole. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good girl. Feels better doesn’t it?” Roxy nodded her head. “Spankings make everything better. Tell you what, I’ll put some popcorn in the microwave and you pick out a movie on Netflix. An early bed time will do you go

  The next morning, Roxy came out from the guest room into the kitchen and reminded me, “You never told me what those things were for yesterday.” She swung her arm in the general direction of the rewards chart.

  “The stationery is for the letter of apology you are going to write to your sister, for wrecking her boyfriend’s car, taking money from her which she couldn’t afford to lose, and stealing her only boyfriend after high school just for sport.”

  She huffed but didn’t argue. “What about the chart thingy? It looks like something for a little kid.”

  “Hey, if the stiletto fits….”

  “Very funny.” She actually stuck her lip out.

  “Seriously. I’ve watched your selfishness wreak havoc not only with those you have harmed but with you also. Your bad attitude tells me you think you’re a bad person, that no one could love you. So, every day you try and prove yourself right by being a complete hellcat. It’s a vicious cycle, and we’re breaking it starting today.”

  “What are you, Dr. Phil now?”

  “Wanna say it again?”

  “No.” She crossed her arms.

  “As far as the chart goes, you can earn rewards by being a good girl. I have a few things in mind which we can save for another day.”

  “What about the notebook?”

  “It’s for writing down the rules. And if you break them, you can write about why doing so is a very, very bad idea.”

  “What do you think I am, seven years old? I’m not doing it.”

  “Did you just say ‘no’?”

  “You heard me. You’re not the boss of me! I’m not playing your stupid little games.”

  “Precisely the thing you need to understand, little one. I wasn’t asking.” Even twenty pounds heavier, I could lift her over my shoulder no problem. The more she kicked and squirmed, the more I wanted to fuck her. I loved her fight, I really did. That wasn’t what I wanted to rid her of. We could play the “bratty behavior earns punishment” game until the end of time as far as I was concerned.

  What I needed her to understand about herself was she was lovable and she deserved happiness. She had just been going about it the wrong way.


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