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Lani (Devil Souls MC Book 6)

Page 14

by LeAnn Ashers

  “Alright, lean back and lift your shirt.” I lift my shift, stuffing it under my bra. She turns down the lights, placing the wand on my stomach.

  I eye the screen. I can’t wait to see my baby.

  She pushes some buttons and then laughs. “I think I know why you’re so sick.” Trey steps up next to her. “What is it? Is she okay?” he demands.

  She smiles, “Lani, you’re pregnant with twins, and that usually makes your morning sickness a lot worse.”

  Oh my god!


  That blows my mind!

  “Two babies,” Trey whispers, and that’s when I see the two sacks on the screens—two small little babies. They’re so tiny!

  I’m so happy! Two babies!

  “That explains the severe sickness and why you’re so tired. You’re carrying two babies and that’s usually makes things twice as bad in a lot of cases.”

  Vinny kisses my forehead, rubbing my cheek. “We’ll take care of her.” My entire body relaxes on an exhale. They’re so good to me. I’ve never felt so cared for and loved for.

  Now we have to tell our parents that they’re going to have two grandbabies instead of one.

  The doctor hands me my prescription and some pictures of the babies. I’m not sure why we didn’t see it before, but I guess it just wasn’t time yet?

  We practically float out of the doctor’s office. “I am so happy and lucky I have two men to help me,” I tease, and Trey and Vinny laugh.

  There’s someone standing by the back of our truck. The closer we get, I recognize her. It’s Andrea, my old doctor. What the fuck is she doing here?

  Vinny takes ahold of me, pressing me into his side. Trey moves in front of the both of us. “Hi guys, I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry.” I peek around Trey, and I notice Andrea keeps looking around her like someone’s watching.

  “I understand you’re sorry, but I have a new doctor now. I hope you have a great day,” I tell her and smile. She could have been having a bad day, but it doesn’t excuse her actions.

  “Please, take me back as your doctor. I promise to be better!” she begs and falls to her knees in front of us.

  What the fuck?

  Vinny pulls me farther away from her. “Listen, you need to fucking leave. I won’t tolerate you fucking messing with her emotions. She told you and she told you nicely, we have a new doctor now.”

  Andrea starts crying, holding her face, literally sobbing. Either that or she’s the best faker known to man, and I’ve been around actors a lot.

  Trey turns around to look at the both of us, confusion showing on his face. “Look, I’m sorry you’re so sad right now, but there’s nothing you can do,” Trey tries to explain to her.

  Her face snaps up, her face red from her crying. “Please you have to. He told me he was going to leave…” She stops talking, looking behind Trey’s shoulder and standing up. Then she walks away without another word.

  She has totally lost it.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Trey opens the door for me and Vinny, making sure we’re in before going to the driver’s side.

  I look out of the window, trying to spot her, but she just gets in her car, on the phone with someone. She looks over at me, catching me looking, and guns her car. It squeals out of the parking lot.

  What a weirdo.



  Three Months Later

  My eyes drift open. I look down and see Trey’s face buried in between my legs. “Good morning.” Vinny smirks, rubbing my rounded belly.

  I can’t speak. I’m already about to come.

  “Your pussy is drenching me. Someone is hungry for me.” Trey’s voice is raspy, deeper. I throw my head back when he pulls my clit in between his teeth, sucking and nipping slightly, causing a slight sting.

  I reach over and grab Vinny’s dick, running my hand up and down his length. “Fuck my face, Vinny.” I urge him up.

  Vinny scoots up the bed, straddling my face, and slowly pushes his dick down my throat. I relax as much as possible so I’m able to take all of him.

  Vinny’s staring at me intently. “You okay?” he mouths. I raise my hand and give him a thumbs up because I can’t speak.

  I don’t take my eyes off of Vinny. The pleasure I’m giving him is written all over his face. Nothing makes me feel more powerful than seeing what I can do to them.

  “I’m going to fuck you. I can feel how much you want me to take you.” Trey shifts from below and the next second, he slams inside of me.

  I choke on Vinny’s dick at the sudden intrusion, before I moan deeply. “Fuck,” Vinny groans, and I reach up, grabbing his ass and pulling him in faster.

  He grips the headboard hard. He moves faster and my eyes water from gagging slightly from every time he buries himself inside of my throat.

  My body is overwhelmed from Trey hammering inside of me, stroking my G-spot with every single move, and Vinny fucking my face.

  This is literal heaven.

  I reach down and gather some of my wetness, bringing my hand up and pressing my fingers against Vinny’s ass.

  He jolts at the intrusion. I slowly push my fingers inside of him and he starts shaking hard, barely able to hold himself up.

  My body stiffens. Trey rubs my clit with every move, and I scream as I come hard. Vinny comes at the same time I do, spilling himself down my throat.

  Vinny slips out of my mouth gently, kissing my mouth before he crawls down the bed, putting his face right in between me and Trey.

  He gives me a wicked grin before he licks my clit. It’s already sensitive from orgasming once. “AHHHH!” I scream. I grab the pillow, throwing it over my face.

  “Let me have it!” Trey demands from me.

  My toes curl and I come again, harder than before.

  “I think we can have one more from her, don’t you think, Vinny?” That’s when I hear a buzzing sound and a vibrator is pressed against my clit.

  “FUCK!” I scream between my teeth. I try to push away, but Trey pulls me back down. I look down. Vinny’s gathering my wetness and massaging his finger against my ass, pressing inside me.

  I’m shaking uncontrollably, my body no longer mine. It completely belongs to the men below me. They’re torturing me, but it’s something I will never ever complain about.

  I can’t speak. I can barely breathe.

  “NOW!” Trey demands, and I come hard, everything goes dark. My body shakes, moving uncontrollably. Trey comes with me, spilling himself inside of me.

  I am jello. I can’t move. Trey and Vinny slide up the bed, wrapping their arms around me.

  “What a way to wake up,” I mutter, and they laugh, kissing my cheeks.

  Tonight we’re having our weekly barbecue at the club. It’s where everyone can get together and it’s truly like a family.

  It truly blows my mind when I see all of the men with their kids, loving and so caring, but I can feel the darkness inside of all of them.

  I feel something fluttering in my stomach and I gasp loudly. “I think I just felt them move!”

  Trey and Vinny press their hands to my stomach, hoping to feel. “This is the first time I’ve felt them move.” Tears fill my eyes. This just made it so much more real.

  We all lie together, holding our breath and hoping to feel them again. “I can’t wait to meet them.”

  “Me either, sweet girl.” Trey kisses my cheek, and I snuggle deep into them, out in seconds.

  When I wake up again, this time at a normal hour, my phone is ringing and ringing. “Can you hand me my phone, Vinny?” I ask.

  He hands it to me and buries his face in the side of my neck. I smile, rubbing my hand over his head before I answer.

  “Hello?” I answer, smiling when Vinny kisses the side of my neck.

  “I need you to come in so I can send your records over to your new doctor,” Andrea, my old doctor, says.

  I don’t understand why she keeps bothering us. “Andrea, please just leave us al
one. We’ve been telling you this for three months now.”

  “I’ll be there in a few hours to bring them.” She hangs up the phone, and I throw it to the foot of the bed. I’m so tired of her.

  “Why is she doing this?” I rub my face and slide down the bed, then walk into the bathroom to put on some leggings and a loose T-shirt.

  “What’s the matter?” Trey asks, walking into the bathroom with me. I push my hair out of my face.

  “She called again, saying she’ll be over to bring me my records or something like that.” I take my hairbrush and start to roughly brush my hair.

  Trey takes my hairbrush from me and runs it gently through my long hair. “I’ll settle this shit today. You and Vinny go out and buy some baby shit or something, in case she shows up.”

  The anxiety lifts. I turn around and wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly. “I love you, Trey.”

  “I love you too, my girl.”


  I wave them bye and get on my bike and head to Andrea’s office. I don’t like this bitch. She has been trouble since the second I met her.

  She’s fucking obsessed with Lani, and that shit is ending today. I told Andy to not let her in and I stationed a prospect at the gate to protect the girls and Andy.

  I have a bad fucking feeling about it all.

  She has stressed Lani out too many fucking times for me to tolerate that shit anymore.

  I pull up in front of her clinic, but it’s been emptied out and there’s a for lease sign hanging in the window.

  What the fuck?

  I call Techy. “I need you to look into Andrea, Lani’s old doctor. Something is fucking off with her,” I explain.

  I drive around the back of the lot. I’m going to break in and see if I can find anything. I walk up to the door and kick that shit in.

  I turn on the light and my fucking heart stops when I see the walls are crowded with pictures of Lani. A whole fucking lot of them are from when she was sitting inside of the doctor’s office.

  One is of her putting on her hospital gown. Luckily she was wearing underwear. Vinny and I were standing right there. We were right there, but we couldn’t have protected her from this shit.

  I take out my phone and call in the guys. I’ll tell Vinny later. I don’t want to ruin Lani’s day and worry her with this shit right now.

  I search further in the room and I see a picture frame in the trash. I pick it up and look at it.

  No, please fucking no.


  “Darlin’, what do you want to look at today?” I ask Lani. She’s glowing as she holds her stomach.

  I will never tire of seeing her growing with our child every single day, the pure fucking bliss on her face.

  She rolls down the window, sticking her hand out and feeling the warm Texas air drift through the cab. “Do you have any names you like for the babies?”

  She looks over at me, smiling. I look out of my window. “I love you, Vinny.” She reaches over rubbing my thighs.

  “I love you, darlin’.”

  I look out of my window and see something running a red light and driving right towards me.

  Lani screams at the top of her lungs, I unbuckle my seatbelt and cover her body with mine.”

  Please, God. Don’t let her be hurt.


  I meet the guys outside. Kyle jumps off of his bike when he sees my rush. I hand Kyle the picture frame, and his face shows his shock as he looks at the picture.

  All of us try to connect the dots to what the fuck is going on.


  I jam my arms between the seats, grabbing the bars as the truck flips over and over. I try to keep Lani as still as possible in the truck, my fucking back getting trashed in the process.

  The truck comes to a stop, right side up, luckily. Lani stops screaming, trying to catch her breath. “Oh god Vinny, are you okay?” She shakily touches my face, checking on me.

  I slowly peel my hands out from under the seats. I look down at them, and my fingers don't look that fucking good.

  Something slams into the glass of the door. I look up and see fucking Freddy standing there along with Andrea, shooting at the glass.

  What the fuck?

  Lani gasps. “What’s happening, Vinny?” She grips my shirt, burying her face into my chest. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her to me.

  “I’m going to try to drive off, baby.”

  If it was just me, I would have opened the door and fought them, but I won’t chance opening the door and them shooting Lani.

  I would fucking die if something happened to her or my babies. I just don't think I could overcome it.

  I climb over Lani, trying to start the truck in hope we can drive out of here, but it doesn’t even turn over.

  Fuck, we’re stuck.

  I reach up and hit the buttons to signal to the MC that I’m in deep shit. Luckily this truck is fucking indestructible or Lani could have been seriously hurt.

  Freddy grabs a rock, trying to break out the window. It splinters; it’s already fucking messed up from rolling around down the hill.

  Andrea pushes Freddy, screaming, and takes the gun from him, shooting the window over and over, and the inside of the truck’s glass splinters.

  Fuck, they’re about to break through.

  “Angel, I have to end this. I can’t allow them to break in and get you.” I take Lani’s face in my hands. “Move into the back seat and lie down, okay?”

  I know she won’t listen to me, but I can fucking hope that she does

  Tears spill down her face, torturing every part of me. I kiss her softly, trying to memorize her kiss in case this is the last time I’ll ever get to kiss her.

  “Please, Vinny, don’t leave me! It won’t break.” She grabs my shirt, trying to hold on as tight as she can.

  Fucking tearing my heart open.

  I gently pry her fingers off my shirt. “I love you, sweet girl.”

  Her face pales and I close my eyes, opening the door. I step out and hit the lock button, slamming the door shut before they can catch it.

  Andrea screams at the top of her lungs like a fucking banshee, and both of them run straight towards me.

  “Come on, stupid motherfuckers, let me see what you have!” I yell at them, more than pissed off.


  My worst fear is unfolding in front of my eyes. Vinny should have stayed in the truck with me.

  I wish I could have held him and kept him with me.

  I’m dying inside. They’re running straight for him when three dudes come out of nowhere and I know right off the bat they aren’t the MC guys.

  My stomach sinks.

  No, please.

  Vinny looks over just as all five of them attack him at once. I cover my mouth in horror as the four guys try to punch, kick and stomp him into the ground.

  Vinny is giving them hell, hitting them all one by one, knocking them back over and over. Andrea comes up out of nowhere with a rock, hitting Vinny on the side of the head.

  Vinny hits the ground like a ton of bricks, and he’s out immediately.

  “NOOO!” I scream at the top of my lungs, my heart shattering in two.

  I push open the door and one of the men grabs ahold of me, pulling me out of the truck. “Unhand her! You won’t hurt her.” Freddy pushes the guy off of me, and I bend over, checking on Vinny.

  “Get the van!” Andrea yells.

  “Baby,” I plead to him, rubbing his cheek.

  Everything in me hurts, everything inside of me is screaming for Vinny to wake up and for him to tell him he loves me once more

  He got out of the truck to protect me, but how could I sit there and allow him to be hurt?

  The van pulls up next to us, they lift Vinny inside, and I follow close behind, wanting to be as close to Vinny as possible and to protect him some way. I know that I can’t get away, so I don’t fight it. I have to protect him and our babies.

  I need him to wake up.
  Please God, let us get out of this, I beg, as the doors are slammed shut, locking us inside together.

  I pull Vinny’s head into my lab, pushing his hair back.

  Please God.


  I’m driving back to the house when our phones buzz with the red alert alarm. I pick up the phone.



  I turn around on a fucking dime in the direction of the truck, my brothers on my ass. Everything is a fucking blur. I’m not sure how I even make it there because I’m so fucked up.

  But that shit is nothing compared to when I see the truck. It’s fucking trashed. The door is thrown open and I know right off that they took them both.

  I walk down the small hill, looking inside. I can see the windows are shattered, where bullets ricocheted off them.

  “Brother, we’ll get them back,” Kyle tells me, but I’m just fucking processing what happened.

  “Fuck no,” I hear Techy hiss, and I look over to see him holding a bloody rock in his hand.

  I take one step toward him, wanting a closer look, but my legs give out. I fall to my knees.

  I put my hand over my heart. I’m fucking shattered. “I can’t breathe!” I gasp out, punching the ground.

  I stare at the rock in front of me. I have to get them back.

  I gather all of my strength, stand up, and see my brothers are hurting just as much as I am.

  I push back the thoughts of what they’re doing to Vinny and Freddy hurting Lani and our babies inside of her stomach, vulnerable.

  I want to fall to my fucking knees again, but I plant my hand on the hood of the truck. I will not fall. I will not fucking fail them.

  I will get them back and the fuckers who dared to hurt them…

  Hell will be fucking heaven.

  “I’m following Vinny’s tracker in his cut. Let’s ride and follow these fuckers.” Techy runs to his bike and I follow right on his ass.


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