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Lani (Devil Souls MC Book 6)

Page 16

by LeAnn Ashers

  I push Vinny straight into one of the bedroom apartments. “Pants off now,” I order, and he gives me a hot look.

  I’ve been hard from the second he opened his mouth to Andrea. He takes his pants off slowly, driving me fucking crazy.

  God, I need him.

  He stands in front of me, completely bare, cupping his dick and stroking it. My mouth waters at the thought of taking him in my mouth. I pull my pants down and set the packet of lube on the bed next to him.

  Vinny spots the lube and grins. “You going to let me top you this time?” he asks.

  I am in front of him in a split second, one hand on his throat, the other on his dick. “You will never fucking top me, baby. You remember when you used to try?”

  His face darkens at the memory. When we first got together, Vinny was always the top and I was too, but we figured that shit right off the bat.

  It’s hard to even think of life without Lani in it. She has completely buried herself so deep inside of our hearts. Our lives were at a standstill until Lani came along. She changed everything.

  “On the bed.”

  Vinny lies on the bed and I lick my lips. He is fucking perfect. I don’t know what I did to please God for what he has given me, for him and for Lani. I am so fucking thankful.

  I grip his dick in my hand, licking from the tip to his balls. Vinny closes his eyes, breathing deep.

  I love that I can make someone come undone with my mouth, my dick and my hands. I open the packet of lube, letting it down over his balls to his ass.

  I swirl his entrance with my fingers, not entering but teasing him. I suck his dick into my mouth, licking around the tip. “Hmm,” I moan, slowly sliding my finger inside of him.

  “Fuck, Trey, just fuck me,” he begs, but I just slowly bring his pleasure out of him, watching his eyes roll back in his head, the way his fingers grip the blankets on the bed.

  Fucking beautiful.

  “Trey, please!” he pleads.

  I stand up, pouring lube on my dick and rubbing it in. Vinny scoots up the bed, moving to all fours.

  I move up behind him. I run my hand down his back and to his ass, gripping hard. “Hmm, this ass is mine.” I bite his ass cheek before pulling them open so I can lick him.

  Vinny slams his hand into the headboard. “Fuck!” he yells loudly. I grin and slowly press my dick against his entrance, watching his every move to make sure he’s not in pain.

  Once I’m completely seated inside of him, I hold steady until he gives me the go ahead. “Ready.” Vinny looks back at me, his face flushed.

  I push his face down into the mattress, then grip his hips hard, pulling almost all of the way out before slamming back inside of him, hard.

  Vinny grunts and grips the pillow, burying his face in it. I do it again and again, harder and harder until his hips are lifting off of the bed with every slam.

  I reach under him, gripping his dick hard, stroking him, bringing him closer and closer to the edge.

  The way he’s gripping me, I won’t last much longer.

  “Come for me, Vinny,” I demand and stroke him faster, feeling him spill inside of my hand as he shakes on the bed below me.

  The way he comes apart drives me insane because the pleasure is fucking wrecking him. I kiss the center of his back, easing out of him so I don’t hurt him.

  He looks back at me, giving me a satisfied grin. “Ready to go home to our girl and finish this?”

  He rolls out of bed and puts his clothes on in seconds. I guess that answers that. “Let’s go home to our girl.”


  Andy has been babying me all day long. He was horrified when he heard what happened. The girls were scared out of their minds too, but they’re settled now at home, working on getting their high school diploma online.

  We asked if they preferred to go to an actual high school or be homeschooled. They chose the latter. They weren’t sure if they could handle being around horny high school boys.

  I hear the front door shut and the guys greet Andy as they hurry upstairs to me. My grin widens more and more by the second the closer they get to me.

  They step through the door and my stomach flips. “Well Vinny, you look thoroughly fucked.” I laugh at his messy hair and red face.

  Trey winks at me and I laugh loudly. I love that we have this. Sometimes Trey and I or Vinny and I fuck by ourselves. Sometimes we need that one on one and that’s okay. We’re finding that balance.

  Vinny walks over, kissing my cheek. “How are you feeling?” He rubs my stomach. One of the babies takes the moment to kick hard.

  “Trey, get over here, they’re kicking!” Vinny yells and moves closer so he can feel better.

  Trey rushes into the room from the bathroom. He touches his hands to my stomach, speaking to the babies, asking them to move for him.

  They do, and his face shows utter amazement.

  The bliss on their faces warms me from the inside out.

  Life is beautiful. I can’t imagine it being any better.



  Three and a half months later

  I look at the clock on the bedside table, it reads four a.m. We haven’t been in bed too long. The doctor told me that she was going to induce me in a few days unless I go into labor, so we have been up all night long trying to get all our stuff together.

  I don’t sleep the best anymore. I’m so huge it’s hard for me to get around anymore. I nap on and off all day long between preparing the nursery. We have two bassinets next to the bed, one on each side.

  I roll over and snuggle into Vinny when I feel wetness running out of me. I shoot up straight in bed. “I think my water just broke.”

  Trey and Vinny jump out of bed, looking at each other in panic before running out of the room like the house is on fire.

  I slide to the edge of the bed. I need some fresh clothes. Vinny runs into the room and his eyes look like they’re going to bug out of his face. “LANI!” he yells and runs to me like I’m one second from rolling over.

  “You shouldn’t be up! What if you fell?” Vinny says sadly, holding onto me.

  The further along I’ve gotten in my pregnancy, the more worried Vinny has gotten. He has this huge fear I’m just going to fall and get hurt.

  I am huge, and I don’t just mean very pregnant. The babies are huge. When I went to the doctor last week, she estimated they were around eight pounds. So, it’s not very fun for me at the moment.

  “I need to change, Vinny.” He runs to my chest and takes out a pair of leggings, along with a baggy shirt

  He bends over and puts them on for me. During these last months of pregnancy I’ve found out what true love is.

  I can’t shave my legs anymore. I started crying because I was majorly hormonal and I just didn’t feel pretty anymore. They begged me to tell them what was bothering me.

  I told them I couldn’t reach to shave my legs anymore, and they smiled at me like it was the simplest thing in the world to them.

  They sat me down in the shower, lifted my legs and shaved them for me. Then they told me the whole entire time that they didn’t care if I was hairy or not.

  That shit hit different for me. I was very vulnerable in that moment. They could have laughed at me, but they didn’t. They took me seriously and considered my feelings.

  Trey comes into the room carrying our bags. The car seats are already in the truck. “Ready?” he asks, his eyes on my stomach.

  “I’m going to miss you being pregnant, baby.”

  I rub my stomach, thinking how it’s going to be so weird not waddling like a duck anymore. “Yeah, I think I will too.” This pregnancy has been a major part of our relationship so far. I got pregnant so early in our relationship.

  Vinny helps me off of the bed. He tugs my pants up and stops short when they don’t make it over my ass. I laugh and pull my pants up myself.

  The walk downstairs is slow and painful because I have my first contraction on the way down.
/>   Andy is waiting for us outside of the truck. Honestly, I think he was staying in front of the window waiting for me to go into labor.

  “I called my sister! She’s on her way to the hospital now.” Andy grins, jumping up and down in excitement.

  “I’ll be by later.” Andy hugs me and helps me get settled in the truck, then we are off to the hospital.

  One part of me thought about doing a natural birth, but then squashed the idea when I witnessed a natural birth video of a woman screaming at the top of her lungs because the pain was horrific.

  Dr. Anna is waiting outside of the hospital with a wheelchair. Vinny opens the door and lifts me out, setting me in the chair. Trey hands the keys off to someone to park the car for us while we gather our things.

  The nerves set in the second I’m pushed through the doors. I’m scared…terrified, if I’m being honest.

  Everyone tells you what to expect, but actually experiencing it is different. Another contraction hits me. I press my face into Trey’s hip while we’re in the elevator on the way up to our room.

  When we get up there, I change into a gown. I decided to bring my own so I can be more comfortable and not have my ass sticking out for the world to see.

  I get settled in the bed, getting IVs started. They put on the heart monitor for the babies so we can hear their heartbeats. I notice right off the bat that something is wrong. The babies’ heartbeats are very rapid.

  The nurse rushes out to get the doctor. She stepped out while the nurses prepared me. Trey follows the nurse out to see what is happening.

  “Vinny, what’s wrong?” I beg, the panic blossoming inside of me. My heart is beating so hard in my chest, I can feel it everywhere.

  Another contraction hits me hard, causing the babies’ heartbeats to grow even more rapid. Andy’s sister runs into the room and looks at the monitor on the wall. “The babies are in distress. We need to do an emergent cesarean.”

  “Okay,” I agree.

  I’m absolutely terrified, and everything happens in a rush. I’m wheeled out of the room to another part of the hospital.

  The guys aren’t allowed with me. That scares me more than anything, that I’m going to do this alone.

  I’m in a constant mode of panic. Everything is happening around me so fast. I can’t even breathe.

  “The guys are getting suited up. They will be joining us in a few minutes,” one of the nurses reassures me, but I don’t think I’ll be okay until they’re here.

  I’m so scared for me and my babies. The guys slam the door open and rush inside to me. Dr. Anna approaches and says, “Alright, we’re going to numb you from the bottom down.” I’m sat up, and I lean over and clench my eyes closed, scared at the thought of the needle going into my spine.

  The guys hold me as best as they can through this, “Alright, you can lie back now,” Dr. Anna says. I let out a deep breath, and the nurses and the guys help me lie back down.

  They put a curtain up so I can’t see what’s happening, and Vinny and Trey sit down on either side of me. I’m shaking so hard, the nerves and the anxiety getting to me.

  “I am so sorry, mama,” Vinny whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek. A tear rolls down my face. “I’m scared for my babies. Something is wrong.”

  Trey takes my hand, kissing the back of it. “Alright, you’re going to feel some pressure,” Dr. Anna says from behind the curtain.

  I look at my men, trying to think of anything else besides them cutting me open. I just want to hear my babies’ cries and know they’re okay.

  Vinny hums under his breath so I can’t hear the nurses talking. Trey rests his head on my forehead and clutches my hand so tightly.

  “You’re so fucking brave, angel,” Trey whispers to me. I can tell it’s hurting him right now that this is happening.

  I close my eyes and just wait for it to be over, the tugging and the pulling making me sick to my stomach. I’m trying not to imagine what’s happening.

  “We have a girl!” someone calls, and my eyes snap open. I look at the guys, smiling, and it grows when I hear her scream at the top of her lungs.

  “Sariah,” I say softly. She’s here. “Just one more,” I tell the guys, praying to god that he is fine too.

  “We have a boy. The cord was wrapped around his neck and he ran out of room to get it back loose.”

  Then Caleb cries, and the world is completely complete. “Can someone go check on them please?” I ask the guys. I just need them to tell me that they are okay.

  Vinny walks away. “They are beautiful, sweetheart. Sariah looks just like you.” My heart fills with so much love. I can’t wait to hold them and smooch their cheeks.

  An hour or so later, I’m taken back to my room. Trey hasn’t left my side and Vinny has stayed with the babies.

  Our room is the biggest hospital room I’ve ever seen. Trey has pushed another bed against mine so I have extra room and one of the guys can lie with me if wanted.

  I know that it’s going to be hard for me for a while because of the surgery.

  A few minutes later, the door to our room opens. It’s Vinny pushing a little cradle holding our babies.

  “Caleb weighs eight pounds nine ounces and is twenty-two inches long, Sariah is eight pounds and seven ounces, twenty inches long.”

  “Jeez, they’re big for twins.”

  Dr. Anna knocks on the door and steps inside. “They are. I think it was best to have the C-section. It would be very hard to have the babies at eight pounds, close to nine pounds. So in the end it was best.

  “They’re perfectly healthy. I’ll let you guys have some family time and I’ll tell your entourage in the waiting room the news.” Anna leaves us and shuts the doors behind her.

  Vinny reaches inside of the cradle, picking up Caleb. “How’s my sweet boy? Ready to meet your mom and other dad?”

  Trey climbs in the bed gently beside me, so he doesn’t jostle me. Vinny already held the babies earlier.

  Trey takes Caleb, his eyes showing pure love as he looks at his son. Vinny passes me Sariah. “She has so much hair.” I’m in awe that we made her and Caleb.

  “We did it.”

  This is pure bliss. Vinny sits on the edge of the bed beside me, and we stare down into the faces of our babies. Our whole, entire world is in the palms of our hands.

  A knock on the door interrupts our moment, and a nurse walks inside. “I’m here to help you try to breastfeed.”

  Vinny moves out of the way so she can stand next to me. I pull down my shirt. “Do you want them to leave during this?” she asks, eyeing the guys.

  I laugh, which causes me to wince at the pulling of my stomach. “Baby, you in pain?” Vinny asks and practically knocks the nurse out of the way, his face showing his concern.

  “I’m okay,” I reassure him.

  I turn my attention to my nurse. “It’s fine if they’re here, they have seen boobs many times.” I joke.

  Her eyes widen as she connects the dots. “Both of them?” she whispers in shock before her expression changes to disgust, looking me up and down. I put my boobs back in my gown, feeling way too exposed. This was supposed to be about feeding my babies, not being sexualized because of who I love.

  I lean back in bed, pulling away from her and her attitude. “Get the fuck out of here and get that disgusted look off your face, bitch.” I stare in shock at Vinny, who steps towards her, more than pissed off. “She just had fucking major surgery.”

  She stares at Vinny and then at me in horror. Vinny takes out his phone and calls Anna. “We need a new fucking nurse, she just disrespected Lani.”

  She backs up, mad. “Well, it’s not every day we get swingers in here! God doesn’t approve of that.” She glares at me, spitting her words out. “Jezebel.”

  I hold my baby a little tighter. “And it’s fucking fun too.”

  Anna walks into the room, mad. “I would suggest you leave if you want to keep your job.”

  Anna leaves and shuts the door beh
ind her. I can hear yelling outside of the doors. “I’m so sorry, baby.” Trey kisses my temple. I let out a sigh. “It’s fine. I think I’m used to it by now,” I joke.

  That doesn’t help the situation. That further pisses them off because, honestly, it shouldn’t be something I get used to. No one says shit to the guys. Only me.

  I’m happy, so extremely happy that it doesn’t even matter to me. Sariah starts whining. I’m guessing she’s hungry. I’m nervous trying this for the first time.

  Vinny comes over to me. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, but I can try to help you?”

  I’m so blessed to have them.

  Vinny pulls down my shirt and helps me find the best angle for Sariah to eat. She cries harder. I place my nipple in her mouth and move and try to find the best situation without causing me pain and making sure she’s comfy.

  She finally latches on, sucking, and her cries quiet.

  “Fuck yeah, you did it, baby.”

  That just made me feel like I was a hundred fucking foot tall. I rub my finger down Sariah’s small cheek. She’s beautiful with all of that dark hair. I wonder whose eyes she has?

  Caleb takes that moment to let me know that he’s hungry. “Do you think you can feed him too?” Trey asks, trying to rock him.

  “I want to try. I don’t want my baby hungry.” I smile at his beautiful little face. He has a lot of hair too, but not as much as Sariah.

  Vinny takes Caleb from Trey. “Wait, let’s try this pillow.” He hands me a nursing pillow, wrapping it around my belly.

  I pull Sariah free, moving her bottom half under my arm on the pillow and putting my hand under her head, supporting her neck. I do the same thing for Caleb, his screams growing louder. I lift his head and pray that he latches on. He does, and I let out a deep breath.

  “You’re fucking badass.” Vinny grins happily, staring down at the babies who, at the moment, are satisfied.

  Vinny sits down beside me, turning on the TV and enjoying the sweet calm before our family descends on us.


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