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The Wolf Wants a Wife (A Second Chance Christmas in Bear Creek Book 2)

Page 10

by Harmony Raines

  “I didn’t exactly accuse them.” Evie looked as if she would rather be anyplace but here.

  “Evie, what is this all about?” Gianni asked gently. “Why did you come here? I told you Gemma means nothing to me! Why cannot you deal with this jealousy? She is with child, and has a mate, just as we are mates.”

  Evie risked a glance at Gemma, or more precisely her swollen stomach. Gemma instinctively placed both hands over her baby as if to protect it. Simon moved closer, too, pressing his body against hers, just as the wolf had.

  “Gianni, you didn’t know I was pregnant?” Gemma asked.

  “No, why would I?” Gianni’s expression suddenly cleared as it all fell into place. Well, kind of. “You are jealous because Gemma has conceived, and we cannot have the babies?”

  Evie put her hand to her mouth and the ice maiden broke into a million pieces. Gianni went to her and cradled her to him as she sobbed. For Gemma, the whole situation was laid bare. It was not Gianni who had ruined her life, it was Evie, who through her own need to have a child with her mate had gone off the rails. Big time.

  Gemma’s body tensed as another contraction hit her. Simon immediately held her to him as she focused on her breathing. “Are you okay?”

  Gemma nodded, but she wasn’t sure. She wasn’t sure of anything right now. Except for her love for Simon.

  “The baby is yours, Gianni.” Evie’s words, filled with pain, hit Gianni like a blow to the chest.

  “The baby? Gemma’s baby?” Gianni took a step away from Evie and shook his head. “Is this true?”

  “Yes.” Gemma nodded as her contraction subsided.

  “Why did you not tell me?” Gianni accused.

  “I did, I came to your office. You refused to see me. The message I got was that you’d moved on.”

  “I met Evie. She and I are...mates.” Gianni turned back to Evie. “But you knew about the child and did not tell me?”

  “I saw Gemma in a store. I recognized her from a photo on your phone.”

  “You went through the photos on my phone?” Gianni asked.

  “When we found out we could not have children...I could not have children…” Evie faltered. “And you told me Gemma had come to see you...”

  “You were jealous and thought I would leave you?” Gianni asked incredulously. “Even after all you told me about shifters and how you were my mate.”

  “You are a pretty shallow, self-centered guy,” Gemma told him bluntly.

  Evie didn’t agree with Gemma’s description of her mate, but she did not disagree either. “Then by chance, I saw Gemma in a store. Saw she was pregnant...I figured it out. The reason she came to see you. It wasn’t because she wanted to get back together with you, it was because she had some news. I just flipped,” Evie explained pathetically.

  “So you thought you would ruin my life and make me give up my child so you two could have a perfect family?” Gemma asked in a rush of words as all the pieces fit together like some crazy jigsaw puzzle.

  “Yes.” Did Evie even see the trouble she’d caused? “I work in cutting edge technology. I used what I knew to make life difficult for you.”

  “Difficult?” Simon asked incredulously. “Gemma lost her job, had her bank accounts frozen.”

  “And the text? You sent it from Gianni’s phone.” Gemma glanced at Gianni, who looked as stunned at the truth as the rest of them.

  “You used my phone?” he asked hotly.

  “You shouldn’t have kept Gemma’s number,” Evie accused.

  “I think I’ve heard enough.” Brad stepped forward. “Evie, you’ve admitted to hacking and blackmail. I’m sure there are going to be a few more charges added, but that is enough to start with.”

  “Wait, what will it take for all of this to go away?” Gianni asked.

  “Are you offering me a bribe?” the sheriff asked sternly.

  “No, Gemma. What will it take for you to drop the charges?” Gianni pleaded.

  “Gianni, no. Let me go, you were blameless in all this. Have a life with your child,” Evie told him.

  “Please, Gemma.” Gianni took hold of her hand. “Money?”

  “I just want my old life back,” Gemma told him. But that wasn’t true. She would not trade the life she had before she came to Bear Creek with this new life with Simon. If she could turn back time, she would rather go through it all again than not have come to town and met the man she loved.

  Chapter Fourteen – Simon

  Simon could understand why Gemma would want her old life back. She had a job, security and no crazy lady trying to hound her until she handed over her baby. But her old life did not include him. Her mate.

  If she went back to her old life, her old apartment, would she ask him to go too? And if she did, would he give up his life here in the town he loved for her?

  Of course, we would, his wolf told him bluntly.

  “Can you undo what you’ve done?” Simon asked Evie.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Gemma told him. “My life.” She smoothed her hand over her belly. “Our lives are here with you.”

  As she spoke, a wave of pain hit her and she reached out for him and grabbed hold of his arm. Simon maneuvered her to a chair and helped her sit down. “Are you okay?”

  “I think the baby is really coming.” She looked up at him, fear in her eyes.

  “It’s okay, I’m here for you.” He looked around, trying to figure out what he was supposed to do.

  “Let’s get her to the hospital,” Brad said urgently.

  “What about Evie and Gianni?” Simon asked, not happy with the thought of Evie being on the loose. What if she went to the hospital and stole the baby after Gemma had given birth?

  “I’ll call in Avery, she can come and babysit Evie until I get back.” Brad picked up his radio and called in his deputy.

  “We have to go back to the house and get my bags. They have everything for the baby...” Another contraction swept over her.

  “I don’t think we have time for a detour,” Simon said. He might not know too much about babies, but he knew that the closer the contractions got, the sooner the baby would be born.

  “Gianni, you go and get the things Gemma needs,” Evie suggested.

  “I can’t leave you here,” Gianni told his mate.

  “Yes, you can. I messed this whole thing up. All I ever wanted was to give to you what you have given to me. As a shifter, finding you and creating a family with you took over my life, my sense of right and wrong.” Evie’s admission was painful to hear. “I’m sorry.”

  “Here. Evie is right.” Simon handed over his keys to Gianni. “The bags are in the hallway.”

  Gemma groaned as another contraction came at her. Simon hunkered down in front of his mate and held her hands. She breathed through the pain, and the fear in her eyes subsided as she stared into his face. “You always wanted a child, didn’t you?”

  He smiled wistfully. “I did.”

  “Can you understand why Evie did what she did?” Gemma asked as she leaned back in her chair.

  Simon hesitated before he answered. He had some idea where Gemma was taking this conversation, but he wasn’t sure he liked it. “I can understand it, yes.”

  “You know, I’d come to the conclusion I’d never have a child and I thought I was okay with it, until I found out I was pregnant. Only then did I know exactly how much I had buried my own desire to have a child. I told myself I didn’t want to be a single mother like my mom. But that was just me trying to come to terms with never having the chance to be a mom.” Gemma looked across the room to Evie. “If Evie made a promise to Gianni, would she keep it?”

  Simon looked over his shoulder to the distraught Evie, then he turned back to Gemma and nodded. “I believe she would. It’s almost impossible to lie to our mates. And promises, they are not a thing easily broken.”

  “Which is why you wouldn’t promise me you wouldn’t fight for me.” Gemma nodded as she braced herself for the next contraction. “Make
it right, please.”

  Simon could not deny his mate this one wish, although he didn’t entirely agree with it. Setting Evie free after what she’d done wasn’t a smart move. But he could see why Gemma thought it was. And maybe she had a greater understanding of how a shifter’s brain worked because she was looking in from the outside. In the same way a therapist could help solve problems because they were not wrapped up in the same emotions as their clients. And Simon’s emotions were running wild right now. Even the scent of the cougar shifter set his hackles on edge.

  Inside his head, his wolf snarled and snapped to be free to finish the battle with Evie’s cougar. However, as he approached Evie, she seemed so much more subdued. If she were in cougar form, her tail would be between her legs.

  “Evie.” He nodded at her. Then he said, “Gemma is a much more forgiving person than I am.”

  “She’s going to drop the charges?” Gianni asked hopefully.

  “Yes. Kind of.” He patted Gianni on the shoulder. “On one condition.”

  “What condition?” Evie asked. “If Gianni has to give up his rights to see the child in return for my freedom, then the answer is no.”

  “That’s not what Gemma wants. Although to me it is a tempting offer,” Simon admitted.

  “Then what?” Gianni asked. “Or should the question be, how much? You are going to ask for my money?”

  “I could just walk away,” Simon said, taking a step back. But he wouldn’t because his mate had asked him to do something and he intended to carry out her wish. “Gianni, you have to ask Evie to promise to love and protect the child and never bring any harm to the child or Gemma again. And you also need to put right what you did.” He wagged his finger at Evie.

  “That’s it?” Gianni’s eyes narrowed. “No tricks?”

  Simon shook his head. “No, because that lady over there, the woman who is my mate...she’s a good person. She came to tell you she was pregnant. Not for money, but because she wanted her child to know both his or her parents. This is your second chance. Take it.” Simon sighed, breathing out as he tried to let his own anger go. “But if either of you put a foot wrong…” His eyes flashed amber and the air crackled around him. “I’ll be coming for you.”

  “Understood.” Gianni turned to Evie and repeated Simon’s demands. In return, Evie promised to behave.

  “Now I’ll talk to Brad.” Simon hurried over to Brad, while Gemma breathed through another contraction. “We need to go.”

  “I have to wait for Avery,” Brad said.

  “I think I’ve solved the problem, or rather Gemma did. Evie has given her word to Gianni she won’t hurt the baby or Gemma. Or meddle with their lives in any way.” Simon’s jaw tightened. “I trust the mating bond to hold her to her promise.”

  Brad nodded. “Smart.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys to his emergency vehicle. “Then let’s get your mate to the hospital.”

  As Brad and Simon helped Gemma into Brad’s vehicle, Evie and Gianni ran to their car and drove to collect the baby bags. At last they were all working for the good of the baby and Gemma instead of trying to tear them apart.

  “Ready?” Simon asked as he got into the truck beside Gemma.

  Gemma nodded and leaned on his shoulder. “As long as we are together, I’m ready for anything.”

  “I’ll always be by your side, Gemma. Now and forever.” Simon dropped a kiss on her head.

  “We didn’t have time to get married before the baby,” Gemma said breathlessly as her next contraction arrived.

  “Hold tight.” Brad put the truck in drive and pulled out into the traffic.

  “I can wait,” Simon told her. “It’s not important right now.”

  “At least I can wear a proper wedding dress. One that doesn’t resemble a tent.” She groaned. “I don’t want my water to break in your vehicle, Brad.”

  “What happens, happens,” Brad assured her. “Babies work on their own timetable.”

  “Does that mean you will marry me?” Simon asked.

  “I’m too tired to fight the mating bond,” Gemma told him. “I’m joking. I can think of nothing I would rather do. After the baby comes at least.”

  “A new life at the start of our new lives,” Simon said.

  “I’m ready for a new beginning.” Gemma squeezed his hand as another contraction gripped her body.

  Simon could not believe he would soon be a father. A duty he would share with Gianni. But the one person he would never share was his mate, who would fulfill his wish. Because this wolf was finally going to have a wife.

  And a baby.


  “You are so beautiful,” Simon crooned.

  “I remember when you used to talk to me like that.” Gemma sighed wistfully, as Simon looked up from their baby who was wriggling around in her crib.

  “Now, now. Don’t get jealous. I have two beautiful women in my life and enough love for both of them.” Simon glanced down at Kiera, a look of complete love in his face. “I’m the luckiest man alive.”

  “Yes, you are.” Gemma walked over to the crib, and wrapped her arms around Simon, before joining him in gazing at their adorable little girl. “Although you might not think that when Kiera wraps you around her little finger.”

  “She already has.” Simon leaned over the crib and kissed his small baby on the head. Kiera was perfect in every way. After an eventful pregnancy, the birth had been easy. Well, easy might not be the right word, but at least it had brought them all together. Once Evie had made her promise to Gianni, she had backed off, becoming more of a pussycat than a ferocious cougar. And although Gemma could never see them being friends, they had at least made a lasting truce, for the sake of the one little person they both had fallen instantly in love with.

  “You might have two beautiful girls in your life, but Kiera has two sets of parents.” Gemma checked the time on the clock on the nursery wall. “And Gianni and Evie will be here in ten minutes.”

  “Ten minutes?” Simon glanced at the clock. “There’s no way they’ll arrive on time.”

  “So true.” Gemma turned toward the window as a car came along the driveway toward the house. “Did you cheat and use your super shifter senses?”

  Simon looked up with an innocent expression on his face. Too innocent. “Maybe a little.”

  “Okay, you get Kiera ready while I go downstairs and let them in.” Gemma left the room, and headed downstairs, a small smile on her face. Gianni and Evie loved Kiera and doted on her. Whenever it was their turn to look after Kiera, they always arrived early to pick her up. Thankfully, they were always happy to hand her back at the end of the day.

  After some initial fears that Evie might break her promise and kidnap Kiera, Gemma soon realized that was never going to happen. Gianni and Evie liked playing at being parents and were committed to being a large part of Kiera’s life. However, they also liked the freedom to travel in Gianni’s private jet without having to worry about changing diapers or when Kiera’s next feed was due.

  “Hello, Gemma.” Gianni bowed his head and flashed his super-white teeth in his smooth Italian way.

  “Come in.” Gemma stood back and held the door open for them to enter. Gianni came in first, followed by Evie, who was still a little wary around Gemma. And she had good reason to be.

  Gemma might have accepted sharing her baby with Gianni and Evie, but that didn’t mean that one wrong move and Evie’s visitation rights would be firmly revoked.

  “I bought you a gift.” Evie thrust an immaculately wrapped present into Gemma’s hands.

  “What is it?” Gemma asked, a little bemused.

  “Open it,” Evie urged.

  Gemma carefully unwrapped the gift and held the smooth silver metal ball in her hand. “Thanks.” She still wasn’t sure what it was.

  “It’s a state-of-the-art baby monitor. It has a small camera in it so not only can you listen to Kiera, but you can see her too.” Evie held out her hand and Gemma gave her the de
vice. With a twist of her wrists, Evie split the device into two parts. “See? This is the monitor, and this is the receiver.”

  “Thank you, that’s very thoughtful.”

  “You can even set it up so you can view the camera on your phone. And record her too.” Evie was about to launch into a full-on pitch for how great the monitor was when Simon appeared at the top of the stairs with Kiera in his arms.

  Evie and Gianni were instantly distracted, the monitor forgotten.

  “There is our girl,” Gianni crooned. “My baby girl.”

  “Hello, Kiera.” Evie waved, her face lit with love for the small baby who had transformed all their lives.

  “Are you going to come for a ride in Papa’s car?” Gianni held out his arms for his daughter.

  “Here we go, everything you need is in the bag.” Gemma picked up the already packed diaper bag and handed it to Evie, while Gianni cradled Kiera in his arms. “We’ll pick her up at nine, okay?”

  “Okay. Hear that, Kiera? You are staying with Papa and Evie until nine. Yes, you are.” Gianni tickled Kiera’s chin as he walked toward the door.

  “Oh, and thanks for the monitor, Evie. It was very thoughtful.” Gemma smiled at Evie who nodded and followed Gianni out of the door.

  Simon put his arm around Gemma as they watched Gianni and Evie walk to their car. “You know what makes me really believe Gianni loves his daughter?”

  “Yes, I do.” Gemma leaned back against Simon’s chest as Gianni carefully settled Kiera into the baby car seat, while Evie climbed into the rear passenger seat. “That sensible SUV is not Gianni’s style.”

  “No, it’s not.” Simon waved as Gianni drove away. “It’s good to see them happy.”

  “It is.” Gemma watched until the car had disappeared from sight.

  They went inside and shut the door. The house seemed too quiet. “I miss her already.”

  “Me too. But I am looking forward to our day together.” Gemma walked to the kitchen and poured them both a cup of coffee, before taking a list from the kitchen messageboard and putting it down on the table. “We have a list of things we need to do for the wedding. It’s in two weeks.” Her stomach fluttered at the thought of marrying her wolf shifter. She would wear her mother’s necklace and earrings as something old and Rosita would be there to watch her granddaughter marry her own true love.


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