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Inspiration ID 1

Page 5

by Michael Hudson

  Kate gestured around her, beckoning him in. The furniture in the room was a mix of business and leisure, with the kitchen having high backed chairs at the large table inside of it, but the main area had couches, mats, and three recliners around the giant television in one part.

  “This place should have everything you could wish for. There are ten bedrooms, five over there, and five along the left hallway past the kitchen. In the right hall are another five living quarters like this one which will be filled with what you wish if you perform well in your duties. Finally, the first door on the left beside the kitchen brings you behind it into a large communal shower prepared for twenty people and with sectioned off areas for two hot tubs and a sauna.”

  She curtsied to him, smiling at him. “I hope it is all to your satisfaction, and if you require something, then you need only to ask and I will do all that is within my power to get it. As for finding me,” she extended a hand towards the bedrooms, “you are to give me a room so I am available at all times, can clean this place while you’re away, and help in any other services you may require of me that I am capable of. ”

  Richard was speechless as he walked to the large, glass window at the back. He stared at the city, standing above the sprawling metropolis, save for one building. The government building of Grand Noiga still reached for the sky, with the highest offices most likely in the clouds.

  That still meant that he was far higher than any time he’d ever expected to be in life, both literally, and metaphorically.

  “Sir, will you give me my room assignment?”

  Richard didn’t even glance at her, muttering, “You may choose,” as he continued to look out of the window.

  This was his life now, and he knew he never wanted to lose the card now. Not if it meant he would lose this view. When he finally moved, it was only to grab his art supplies, and he would spend the rest of the day in front of the window, drawing everything he could until he finally collapsed out of exhaustion.

  Kate watched all of this, shaking as copies of her walked their way across the room, mixing in the ones that had actually been here, and the ones that remembered the times in her brothel. She had experienced just about anything a girl in this situation could, from a guy seemingly getting too scared to do anything, to so many, many…

  She shut her eyes, trying to calm herself. To tell herself that this was okay. Brittany had even warned her that he was different, and that there was no way to know what sort of man he would show himself to be.

  Which, she thought as she wrung her hands, was exactly why he was so terrifying to her .

  A Shift in Perspective

  Richard smiled as he got off the bus that had brought him to the place where Alice’s party was, rather impressed by where she decided to have it at. It wasn’t a matter of money that caused the thought, as Alice’s family was rather well off in Grand Noiga, but instead a social matter. She had chosen one of the most chaotic, crowded, and loudest places you could go in Coivus during the day. Not only that, but while most places allowed her purity coat, this place by its nature demanded it be off. Not that Richard minded, as he’d finally get to see her without it. He only worried about how she would feel without it.

  Still, a water park was the last place he had expected to be for one of Alice’s parties.

  He strode up to the massive building, though he knew he’d have to change his outlook. Finding a building that wasn’t at least four stories tall in Grand Noiga was a feat in and of itself, let alone a recreational building that wasn’t. The building itself wasn’t anything special, having a white base of color, blue swirls to denote its water based activities, and dark, yellow letters that not only told its name, but also its purpose as an activity meant for fun.

  As he pushed on the door, Richard smiled to himself. It had been years since he’d last been to a waterpark. The trip had been a reward for academic excellence back in Middle School, and Cierra had come with him to Grand Noiga. The two had laughed and played, and so he strode in with those memories in mind, his confidence as strong as one might expect of an eighteen year old man.

  At least, until he looked up.

  In an instant, he shut his eyes, balling his hands into fists as he quickly started going over the facts. Coivian women were attractive due to gene therapy, advanced medical technology, and they were allowed to wear anything they wanted here. He even knew that Cierra preferred bikinis for her swimwear, but that had never been a problem before.

  He opened one eye, and groaned internally as he watched a woman stretch out in front of him. She wore next to nothing, stretching out in what may as well have been two strings. She had shapely, welcoming hips that curved straight into her smooth stomach. Her black hair stayed glued to her back, a side effect of the water that covered her body, dripping off of every inch of her.

  And he refused to spend more than a moment on her breasts, as stickers would have been more useful than the one piece swimsuit she wore. He didn’t need to anyways, not with the snapshot that his mind had taken.

  They were so beautiful, so soft, so…erotic. He could feel something in him begging him to look at her. To stare and enjoy the view, or even to run home so that he could grab his ID and use it. To take her and use that which had been forced down while in puberty, but now ripped through his mind like a wild monster.

  ‘Is this what the other guys went through? Sure, I’d had thoughts before now while at school, or even with Kate, but did some of them immediately feel it? This is… This is terrifying.’ Richard opened his eyes, watching as his hand shook violently in front of his face. He didn’t know whether it wanted to push him out of the place, or if it wanted to push her down.

  He blinked as a deep voice caught his attention, mostly by calling out his name. He glanced behind him, seeing a smiling, burly man in swim trunks behind him. He was built like a viking with his broad shoulders, rippling muscles, and how he stood a head taller than Richard. His smile was a kind and gentle one though, inviting Richard closer and calming his nerves some. “I-I’m sorry sir, but I didn’t catch that. Were you talking to me? ”

  A booming, deep laugh left the man before he reached over and patted Richard on the back. “Oh, don’t be so formal! My little girl told me to keep an eye out for you is all, and I can’t tell you how happy I am to see that she finally had a friend to come to one of her parties.”

  He then pushed Richard out of the doorway, leading him into the park proper. Richard tried to keep his eyes to the large attractions that were in view, ranging from water slides, pools that hung over other parts of the park, long rivers that would more lazily carry you back down, and even to plastic bubbles that would then shoot you up to another floor with a burst of water. They were all fun, from what he could remember from his youth, and he’d been looking forward to doing all of this with Alice.

  ‘I still could, but what if I hurt her while we’re alone? But what if leaving would hurt her more? Do you want to scar her? Her father made it out like people don’t normally show up, so if I leave, it’ll leave her alone again. Speaking of which, he seems like such a nice man, but he could easily be able to break me if I touched his daughter. I don’t even have my ID right now, so if I snapped, I couldn’t act on it, not without even that thin excuse.’

  He looked back at Alice’s father, beginning to break into a cold sweat as he tilted his head. That jovial voice came back, clearing some of the fog in Richard’s mind as it asked, “Well, what do you think of my park? I think it’s almost as beautiful as my little- Pumpkin!”

  Richard turned, looked at Alice, who was shaking where she stood, before he turned again.

  He wouldn’t look back until he got to his apartment, where he finally thought it was safe to let it all out, collapsing onto the ground as he sobbed, trying to repress the image of one of his closest friends in a simple, one piece swimsuit, and instead of smiling at her, complimenting on how she looked, or even saying Happy Birthday he… he…

  He had just thought abo
ut how she had the biggest chest he’d ever seen, and how it would feel to grab it, just like every monster before him.


  The girl in the black swimsuit that Richard had stared at stepped onto the second floor, trying to act calm, collected. Like so many who were getting exposed to the new Inspiration Officer though, it was a thin veneer for the storm that was behind her eyes. She had been doing this too long to let it actually bother her, but it did mean there would need to be further evaluations of what they’d thought would happen with him.

  She would also have to commend her squad for their fast response. Half of them were new additions, mostly to make sure that they would be able to stop anything faster than they ever had before, especially since this was the last run of the program if it failed this time. With a quick glance, she could see the eleven other sets of eyes above her that were still watching, waiting to see if he would come back inside.

  She doubted that though. She’d of course seen the moment when a man truly realized what they could do multiple times before, having joined the group after being at the end of a man’s initial lust many years back. She was what was considered a first responder, a thought that made her shift the needle in her mouth to the other cheek, especially as another person came beside her, walking in time with her own long strides.

  “Sister, I’m sorry we couldn’t get you the information that he would be here sooner. If we had, we would have found a swimsuit more suited for a known officer, rather than one to sniff them out. ”

  She waved the worry away with one hand, smiling for a moment as even regular men couldn’t help but look upon her. Of all the relics of the old world, it always amused her that swimsuits were one of them. Before the start of the Inspiration program, they had been more conservative, sure, but a girl could have still been able to get ahold of a rather flattering bikini. Like this though, she may as well have been an Inspiration Officer with how distracted men got by her mere presence.

  Not that she could wholly enjoy it, not while she still had so much to go over. “I’m surprised that the whore normally used for Grand Noiga didn’t trigger his first response, or did Kate finally resign? I wouldn’t blame her, after the incident her last client caused.”

  “It did cause our fastest elimination time at least. As for why he hadn’t been ‘activated’, we do not know, as he did indeed move in yesterday, and Kate had done her normal routine with him. We’re looking into it though, including seeing if we can tap into the files Kate sent back to Brittany. Of course, with as much discretion as we can. We don’t want to turn the government’s eye again.”

  “Of course.” She scowled as she thought about the officer. Richard was his name, from what she had been told. Her reports made his reaction today all the more baffling, as the women he met with on Friday were considered above average by any government statistic, including one who was in his gym class that had a similar body to her own.

  “Is our plan in place for tomorrow?”

  “Yes. In fact, even if we had hesitated, he would have met with her tomorrow anyways, as the paperwork would have gone through to have her take a school tour during the day, and she would have met him during that time. We have an inclusion probability at eighty-one percent. Ninety three if he turns out aggressive, fifty four if he is scared. ”

  She nodded, bending over the railing to spot the girl he had run away from, still frowning as the girl continued to bawl, her father trying to obviously comfort her. What was the connection though? No, she needed to put it behind her. They would find out soon enough, especially if they got someone who could more easily watch him during the school day.

  She just needed to be happy that he hadn’t hurt anyone yet, and that was all that mattered.

  A Bad Morning

  Richard slowly made his way up the hill, staring at the three trees at the top. He had a small hope that maybe, just maybe Alice would forgive him for what he had done yesterday. That maybe if he explained himself, they could at least say goodbye to each other before they parted ways for good. It was the best he could hope for, as he knew that this was all his fault for not saying no on Friday so that he could protect her.

  It was all to no avail as he came over the crest of the hill, only to see the grass lazily blowing in the wind, free of any obstruction other than the trees that hung over his head. There was nothing but him and the early morning sun there as he stared at nothing. He didn’t even know what to do, as this sort of thing didn’t happen in Coivus. The worst that happened between friends was when someone moved, and that was the only way you stopped talking to them.

  He reached into his pocket, his fingers running over the ID, softly shaking as he shut his eyes. It was just another way he could hurt people. He’d never considered being able to do something this harmful without touching another person, but he’d managed it. Just another way he was one of a kind !

  He didn’t even remember the wind up, only the impact and feeling something snap in his right hand. At first he didn’t feel anything as he breathed heavily, shaking against the tree, unable to even figure out if he was still thinking. Maybe he didn’t want to, as then he didn’t- “Agh!”


  Richard looked behind him, one hand clutching his limp hand. How would he explain this? He couldn’t run, he knew that much. He might lose another friend because of it. Besides, he could probably use some help getting to the nurse as he continued to shake in pain.

  When the three girls who had already been coming crested the hill, he internally groaned, knowing that his fellow welcoming committee members, and consequently the two he hadn’t seen last week, would freak out because of this. He would try to hide it though. Not bother them with his stupidity, so he let his right hand go limp at his side as he slowly got up. “H-Hey there, Tia, Dalila, h-how are y-y-you?”

  He didn’t even convince himself as his friends got closer. The first one, Dalila, looked like she was already in panic mode, which was rare for her. She was the ‘greeter’ of the Welcoming Committee, able to bring enough energy and force to a greeting to cause anyone to at least smile at her. She was also one of the only people in the school who could get away with excessive touching, either because she hugged someone, often pushing them into her chest because she would leap at them, or she’d just fall over and take someone down with her. She also had the biggest heart he’d ever met, and not a bad bone in her body, as she was only able to bring joy, which her short, yellow hair made sure you wouldn’t forget.

  Tia on the other hand was a short and reserved girl with a below average chest, though her smaller mounds still were still hugged tightly by her uniform. Supposedly, up until High School, she had worn a purity jacket, but had taken it off when she had graduated from middle school. A lot of people thought that Karen must have had something to do with it, as the two had been friends even before the student council, and it would be a perfect contrast, as while both had white hair, she kept hers short and it framed her face while Karen wore her long hair in a braid normally. No matter why though, now that she was out of it, she was a flawless orator, allowing her to calmly guide any student through the school and make sure they weren’t overwhelmed.

  And behind the first two was a girl with dark green hair, and green eyes that sent a chill down Richard’s spine. His heart began beating faster as the girl came closer. If it weren’t for her eyes, he wouldn’t think she was anything special. A well-toned body, large chest, confident stride, and a haircut that was straight, but cut off at the shoulder blades. Those eyes though…

  He blinked a few times, hearing Dalilah freak out as she noticed his hand, but he had forgotten it for the moment. In fact, these eyes had somehow made him forget about anything else, even Alice, momentarily They were unlike any he’d ever seen before. Not because of the color, or size. No, there was something else that he couldn’t quite place.

  The girl fidgeted a bit, her eyes darting over to Tia as the smaller girl said something to her, and Rich
ard caught her name. Akira Mefidu. No, probably Mefiru from her first name, and the fact that her sharp, angular face denoted an East Coivus heritage. Not that he really cared, having had the stray thought mostly to better form the picture in his mind of her.

  And for some reason, when not looking at him, her eyes returned, mostly, to the same sets that he’d been drawing for years, with maybe a handful of exceptions. Never had the change been as drastic as this one though, and he stepped forward, causing her to look back at him, and that fascinating gaze came back .

  With a sharp word, the pain came back to him as she hissed, “What?”

  Richard reached back over to his arm, almost coming to his knees as the agony he was in became apparent once more. His mind came back just as hard, asking how he could pay attention to her now. Could he replace Alice that easily?

  Akira stepped out of his way as Dalila started moving Richard and Tia softly spoke to him. She was supposed to follow them, but instead stepped back to the base of the trees, reaching down for the small, white card in the grass. It wouldn’t help her if he lost it, as then she would not be able to use her skills as she was supposed to. As she was meant to.

  She silently ran back, gliding across the ground, and seamlessly fell in step behind the Welcoming Committee, who were already apologizing to her about all of this. Even the monster had the gall to apologize to her after he obviously would have taken her instantly on the hill if it hadn’t been for his broken hand.

  And that caused a problem, she thought, as she checked the knife that was hidden in her sleeve. If he had assaulted her, he’d be dead now. He’d be dead, she’d be a true sister, and there would be one less Officer to try to make the program be continued. At least a broken hand could be fixed fairly quickly, and he’d be able to go back to the molester that men were born to be by lunchtime.


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