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Inspiration ID 1

Page 7

by Michael Hudson

  He made a mental note that if he ever got used to using the ID, he would have to ask Karen to pose for him in only her underwear, as very few women had this sort of body, and he had to get a sketch of it someday.

  He turned his attention back to Akira as he pushed the note back, remembering that he still wanted to finish this drawing before the end of gym, and he still hadn’t gotten the eyes right. He was close though, and the last five minutes should be enough. He wouldn’t just ignore his friend though so he absentmindedly asked, “Did you have a good workout?”

  She stretched backward, arching her back as she let out a long, strained moan. Her sides flexed with the action, the shirt’s fibers outlining her musculature as it came tight against her. It also put her breasts as the most prominent point of her form in Richard’s periphery, causing him to blush a bit as he tried to refocus. “Unbelievably so. I need to remember to end my days like this.”

  Richard nodded, before smirking a little. “Just make sure to not lose your ability to hold back, or I might die tomorrow.”

  Karen stopped her stretch, slowly coming back to a more regular, upright sitting position as she continued to pant. “I won’t, I promise. It’s still fun to have someone to join you sometimes after all. I understand your want to focus on your passion though. Could you not wait until another period to do this though? You know, one without me?”

  Richard erased a small bit of Akira’s left iris as he shook his head. “I didn’t want to risk that I’d be too tired after gym, and I had to get her eyes down. They’re just… something else.”

  Neither of them noticed Karen’s knuckles crack as her hands balled into fists. “That… That’s wonderful. It’s always good to have something special about you. Something that makes sure you’re no ticed. I’m just overjoyed that we could get such a unique individual into our school, instead of her going literally anywhere else.”

  Richard glanced up at Karen, before dismissing the thought that there was anger in her voice for him just worrying too much about her normally strict tone. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Karen’s strict teachings were all that made her not spit out, “Of course,” before they all heard the bell to signal the end of gym go off. And, with this, Akira finally broke out of her trance of affirmations about her duties to her family and Coivus, blinking as she heard the soft ripping of paper.

  Richard extended the drawing to her, a sigh escaping his lips as he said, “I hope I got the eyes right, and that you enjoy it.”

  When she looked down, like was a weak, but also strong term. On the one hand, she was stunning. She’d always been told she was average. That she had the face of anyone from East-Coivus descent, but like this, she was a true, oriental beauty. The only problem was with the eyes, which scared her to look at. Did… Did she actually look at people like that?

  Richard snapped in front of her, before gesturing for her to go first. She slowly got up, staring at the picture still. She was a sister. She hated these monsters. She had gone over this fifty times over, but one simple drawing had shaken the hour she’d spent reminding herself of her values. One picture had made her for even a second think of him as…

  She folded the picture, not wanting to look at the deathly gaze anymore. And yet, while she walked out of the gym, she still couldn’t shake the feeling that something still wanted her dead.

  =======+++++====== =

  Richard stretched himself out as he left his last class, his mind beginning to turn to what it had left to do. He would probably need to do some work for the student council, just to be fair to them, before he went to Alice’s house. He would also want to bring her some sort of gift, and he could come up with a couple different possibilities for that. He just had to pick one. All of them he knew were good, but she might not need art supplies, a drawing guide could just be taken as mockery, and she might take chocolates the wrong-

  A tap on his shoulder brought him back to reality, before he looked to his side, and saw Akira there, causing him to jump as he looked into her cold eyes. However, there was something else there… ‘Man I wish I could figure you out.’ “Oh, Akira, do you have a ride home, or do you need me to stay with you until someone can come? Or, if the change in schools messed up any plans, I could see about getting you a bus pass and showing you the routes that will get you to your place.”

  She tapped her fingers behind her, before clenching them into fists. She wasn’t going to back out like that little voice in her head wanted her to, not on her first day. “My mother will be coming to get me in a little bit, but I was hoping to stay with you until then. You don’t mind, right?”

  Richard absent mindedly shook his head, considering what might happen because of this. He doubted much, but Prim was a bit stubborn on how much the student council’s work should be seen by others. If she felt like she was going to see too much, such as budget work, he could probably find somewhere for Akira to stay until her mother came. If not him, then Dalila.

  So the two walked, both for the most part staying quiet as they made their way back towards the student council’s area in the main building. Richard thought it might be nice for her to be able to just breathe for a few minutes as it was her first day in a new school. Besides, she didn’t seem like the most social girl.

  As for Akira, she was, as she had been for the last period of school, still trying to decide whether or not to burn the picture he had made of her for her own safety, as it had to be some trick. It… it had to be with how it made her feel.

  ‘Are you okay?’

  ‘Go away.’

  ‘You know I can’t’

  ‘Go away!’


  She blinked, snapping out of her mind as she looked up. He was standing outside a door, tapping the handle as he looked at her with those stupid eyes. Those eyes that she didn’t know. Didn’t understand. ‘Does he have super powers or something?’

  The other sister, who had followed them from the courtyard, would say yes, not that she planned to tell Akira that.

  Richard put a hand on Akira’s arm, smiling at her as he gestured to a bench next to the door. “How about you wait here? It’s normally for those needing to see the council, but I doubt Prim will mind if you use it as a place to relax while I talk to her.” He waited for her to nod before he slipped into the room.

  Keran had managed to get there before him, as she had already received a few pieces of paper from Prim and now stood tall beside her superior. It was a normal sight, while Tia usually had to stop Dalila from socializing, and so they would be here in a couple minutes. As for him, he at least always stopped by to see if he was needed for anything before going to go and see if Alice had anything she needed him for at the art club.

  Today though, there were no such issues, so he gave the two a quick, formal bow, before he strode toward the end of the desks, smiling back at the two women who were smiling at him. It was always re-assuring to him to see them like this. It reminded him that things were going well, and the good he could do in the world.

  Prim glanced up at Keran, raising an eyebrow as she made sure to keep her smile on as she asked, “Keran, shouldn’t you be heading to Delinquent Discipline? You know the current teacher can’t keep them in line.”

  The tough girl straightened a little more, almost looking like she was about to go into traction. “Oh, I shall, I promise ma’am. I just wanted to talk to Richard first about the new girl before I went. To know if she might be someone I may want to keep an eye out for, especially since she’ll be spending so much time with him.”

  Prim began shuffling through her papers as she took a sharp breath in. “Dalila and Tia submitted a report yesterday on such possible issues. The summary was that she was not, but I can give you the full report after you’re done with your duties. Understood?”

  “Of course. I’m sorry for not remembering about that.” And with that, Keran strode out of the room, wanting to punch a wall because of how she just embarrassed herself in front of

  Prim didn’t care about such things though as she, with all the practiced calm of a politician, slid a paper towards Richard. “Tia and Dalila will be busy with other projects in the main building, but we need this from the gym department. Coach Lisa should be able to fill it out.”

  Richard picked it up, his eyebrows furrowing as he examined the piece of paper. It was about the performance of the teams, and confirmations about a couple of tomorrow’s events, including a game outside of the school, so it was indeed important. The problem was with the location. “Ma’am, the coach’s office is in the girl’s locker room. I can’t go there.”

  She looked up at him, a gentle smile on her face as she slid one of hands into his, squeezing it as she said, “You can. It’s a simple matter of using your ID, something you should be doing anyways. It’s the only way you’ll get comfortable with the power, right? Besides, it’s such a small task that it should be no problem.”

  Richard took a sharp breath in, before sighing. She wasn’t wrong, and it wasn’t like he was going to hurt anyone like this. In fact, he could even lower the embarrassment he might cause the girls if he brought Akira with him. Yeah… Yeah, Prim was right, like always.

  He took a small bow to her before stepping back. “Thank you, president, for your guidance as always.”

  Prim got up, reaching over as he was bent over, loosely wrapping her arms around him as she managed to quickly push his head into her chest. Richard’s whole body jumped as the soft, squishy flesh pressed against him. They were warm, even through two layers of cloth, and easily gave to his movements, just like Prim did with her grip. That meant that Richard could quickly get out of them, even while his head was beat red. “P-Prim?”

  She stepped in closer again, putting his hands on her chest as she pressed against him, humming as she leaned into him. “Richard, please understand that I have grand plans for you, and that every order you fulfil brings you one step closer to completing that plan. I can’t reward you in many ways though, not now, so instead I try to make sure you know you’re doing well by these sorts of acts. To show how much trust I have in you. ”

  Prim then looked up at him, that small smile still on her lips as her cheek rested against him. “It also makes sure you know just how unique you are, and will be, so long as you follow me.”

  Richard swallowed hard, before stepping back, not sure what to do otherwise. He’d been tempted to use the card, but both Alice and- ‘Alice!’

  He stepped back forward, causing her to act a bit surprised, before settling into gentle understanding as he asked, “Were you able to get Alice’s address for me?”

  Prim nodded as she went back to her desk, pulling a small sticky note off of one of her many papers. “It’s yours once you get back to me with your assignment.”

  This time Richard bowed deeply to her, a mental sigh of relief running through his whole body. “Thank you, ma’am. I’ll be back as soon as I can be.”

  “I know you will.”

  Akira watched as Richard waved to Prim, her mind screaming as she thought of what he could do to that pillar of their community. On the other hand, that annoying little pest that made her want to claw her own hair out wouldn’t shut up. No, he wasn’t good. No, an Officer, an Officer…

  ‘An officer can only be evil, just like your father was.’

  ‘But I liked dad.’

  ‘So did I, but once he got that ID, he was a time bomb, just like anyone who does. You must understand this Akira, or else I can never let you leave.’

  ‘Yes. mom. ’

  Akira took in deep breaths as her training took over. He was an officer. No matter what he did, he would mess up sooner or later, and then he would die. It was that simple. Nothing else mattered.

  “Akira, are you okay?”

  She looked up, slowly pushing herself against the wall that she had slouched against, just outside the student council room and the window on its door, before nodding. “Yeah, I just was lost in thought. That’s all.”

  Richard nodded, before gesturing for her to follow him. “You and I will be heading to female locker room number two to speak to the coach there. As you can’t touch sensitive documents, I’ll be using my ID to get in, while you guide me to the coach’s office.”

  Akira smiled. Yes, mother was right, just as always. Such a weak excuse too to get her all alone. Did he really think she was that stu-

  “What do you mean by guide?”

  Akira made sure not to put a hand to her mouth, instead keeping it at her side as she tried to figure out where that had come from. What he meant by guide? Well, that was… that was… ‘Mom, what’s the answer?‘

  Richard sighed as they left the main building and headed towards the recreational fields. The second one specifically, which was currently being set up as a soccer field. “It’s because while I will be in there, I wish to keep my eyes down and shut, so as not to embarrass the girls too much. I’ll need someone to lead me though, and I’d rather someone who is a little more comfortable with the fact that I’m an officer, even if only marginally so. ”

  ‘When you’re with an Officer, understand to never be comfortable with his touch. Always watch his hands, for they’re only seeking to grab something, but most likely you.’


  No. Akira wasn’t going to listen to them. Not now. Her mind was sabotaging her for some reason, and she wasn’t about to let six years of trai-


  Akira’s fist came an inch from slamming into the wall, before she slowly put it back to her side. She couldn’t keep doing this. When she got home she would need to go to her dojo-


  -and get taught by her mother how to deal this. How to see through this many layers of disguises. How to get an Officer who so naturally acted kindly to her to show his true colors instead of making her hear- “No!”

  Richard turned around quickly, having been caught off guard by the sudden scream from the other student, who was actively shaking as she gripped her arm. What he couldn’t see was the knife in her palm, an inch from stabbing herself in case she needed more pain. She couldn’t do it though, even as he stepped closer and placed a hand on her shoulder, whispering, “What’s wrong? I thought something might be off at lunch, so if it’s that I’m an officer, or anything else really, please, let me know. I want to help, even if it means never being near you again. I promise.”

  Akira looked into his eyes, before she slowly shook her head. “I… I just need some time to myself, okay? I didn’t realize it, but I do. Please. ”

  Richard nodded, glancing around as he thought of how to help. The best he could think of was to look down one of the halls and pointing to the doors at the end of it. “Those doors will get you out of the recreational area and on the way to the front gate. If you’d like to meet me later, I’ll be checking the small hill in the corner before I go.”

  Akira nodded, not saying anything as she began to run.

  At least, until the wind got knocked out of her by being close lined in the stomach. The force took both of the Sisters to the ground, but the second one had been prepared, quickly pinning Akira to the ground. “Hi.”

  Akira looked up, fear in her eyes as she saw the other girl looking down upon her. She didn’t need this, not now. “Wh-what do you want?”

  “I want to help. That, or kill you before you destroy everything, both of which are my jobs as your superior.”

  Akira laid her head back. Help was for the weak. No one would help you against… ‘I agree. Help does sound nice.’ “What were you thinking?”

  The other girl gripped the front of Akira’s uniform, pulling her in close as she hissed, “Richard isn’t whatever the fuck you think he is. You can keep whatever drives you to not befriend him if you’d like, but if you keep trying to rationalize him like all the rest, you’ll go insane. Trust me, when I was told, just his reputation sent my mind reeling, and I had to face what you did today. My head’s way of
reconciling was blaming it to the fact that the damned idiot must be magic or something, as he just does… things to people that shouldn’t still be in our society. A natural born Officer, of the sort that the government originally imagined.”

  “Now, you’ve had the same chance to judge him. What do you say? ”

  ‘If he is an officer, he is a monster. If he is an officer, he is a monster. If he is an officer, he is…’

  Akira shut her eyes as the small girl she had kept stabbing sat closer to the center of her mind where she was, the two looking at each other for a moment, before she turned away from it and said, “He is a person.”

  The other girl dropped her before standing up. “Right fucking answer. Now, leave. I don’t want to see you back until tomorrow.”

  Akira nodded, slowly standing up as the other girl went down the other half of the hallway she’d been running down, heading for the doors out.

  And behind her she could hear Richard.

  She turned around as her heart began to thump in her chest, almost painfully. Was she having some sort of panic attack? She’d never been diagnosed with anxiety. And yet, as Richard, who was lightly dripping for some reason, spoke to the coach outside of the locker rooms, she had a hard time breathing.

  “Are you sure you had to make that girl a delinquent? I mean, while you can recover from it, you lose a lot from getting branded that, and I didn’t even know girls could be branded as delinquents.”

  “Trust me, I’m sure. She might have been our best player, but she caused problems for everyone else and Keran has been telling me that I should for a while now. I might make it temporary though. You know, a more severe detention, rather than the full demotion. At least she wouldn’t follow some of the other girls I’ve had to brand like that.”


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