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Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2

Page 3

by Angie Cottingham

  Even though we haven't cemented the bond, I feel complete with Bentley next to me. I can't figure out why I feel this way with him but not the others . I go to run my fingers through his disheveled hair when his eyes open. “Are you done staring now Princess?”, he smiles. A small smile but enough to tell me he’s joking.

  His eyes, a sky blue that’s so light they’re almost white, hold a playfulness I feared I’d never see from him.

  “I don’t know that I could ever get tired of looking at you.”, I tell him honestly while pushing my fingers through his hair.

  He rolls on top of me and holds both of my hands above my head with one of his. He then raises up on his knees and takes his other hand and puts it around my throat. He doesn’t squeeze, just lets it sit there.

  “You’re playing a dangerous game, Princess.”, he says.

  “Maybe I like your kind of danger, Bent. Maybe I crave it.”, I respond.

  “Maybe, but I still kind of hate you so you should tread carefully.”, he says with more mischief than I thought him capable.

  “You don’t scare me Bent. I know you want to fuck me. Why don’t you just do it already.”, I challenge him.

  “Now, where would be the fun in that Princess. I don’t plan on fucking you. Not until you beg me for my cock. Beg me Reegan. To fill you so full you’ll forget your own damn name while you’re screaming mine.”, he whispers against my ear.

  I’m about to do just that when a knock sounds on the door. “Bentley, have you seen Reegan?”, Trent calls from the hall.

  The doorknob turns and then Trent walks in followed by the other guys. The look on Trent’s face is murderous until he realizes Bentley isn’t choking me and he has a real smile on his face.

  “Well, I’ll be damned.”, Trent laughs. “We were looking to see if y’all wanted to join us for breakfast but we can see you’re a little busy so we’ll just leave you to it.”

  “Give us just a minute and we’ll be there.”, Bentley answers before I can.

  I go to get up and Bentley squeezes my throat a little, stopping me in my tracks. The guys all leave the room and Bentley looks down at me. My breaths are coming fast. My heart is beating its way out of my chest. He leans down.

  “This turns you on doesn’t it? My hand wrapped around your throat. You’re getting wet aren’t you? I bet if I put my hand down those sexy little shorts you’re wearing I’d find you soaking.”, he whispers and then licks the shell of my ear. “When I ask you a question, Princess, I expect an answer.

  “Yes Bentley.”, I say shakily.

  “Creator! I can smell your arousal. It’s taking everything in me not to let my incubus loose. I want to devour you.”

  “I wouldn’t stop you.”

  “It’s funny you even think you could, Princess. Remember, not until you beg.”

  He kisses me on the forehead and gets up. He doesn’t even try to adjust the massive erection teasing me from those sweatpants. He laughs and pulls me up from the bed. He walks over to the door and opens it. The guys are all standing in the hallway not trying to hide the fact they were just eavesdropping on us. Asher grabs my hand, pulling me to his side.

  “Did someone mention food?”, I say. Then my stomach rumbles. The guys laugh and we head downstairs.

  “Hey, I missed you last night.”, Asher says quietly.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to wake you. I just felt this need to be with Bentley.”, I tell him.

  “I get it Winnie. When I woke up, I knew exactly where you were. It’s fine. I just wanted to let you know I missed you.”, he tells me with a sweet kiss to follow it up.

  When we get to the dining room, there is a huge spread of food sitting on the table. My stomach rumbles louder and I can’t wait. I go over, plop down in a chair and fill my plate with eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy. Bentley sits a cup of coffee down beside me and I mumble a thank you at him. My mouth is full and I can’t be bothered to swallow. I’m just finishing my first serving when my grandfather walks in and takes a seat at the head of the table.

  “Have you given any more thought to meeting with Calista?”, he asks.

  “Yes, I have. I want to hear her answers for myself so how about this afternoon?”, I question.

  “Very well. Also, I want to offer for the guys to stay here. I know you boys have your own place but I’d feel better if you were here with Reegan when I can’t be.”, he states. “You will of course be given excuses for missing the rest of the week of classes, but you’ll be expected to resume on Monday.” he continues.

  “I really could do without ever having to go back to the academy.”, I tell him.

  He gives me a look that says exactly what he’s thinking. I have no choice in the matter.

  “Marcus, can I ask you something? My uncle said something to me last night.”, Bent says from across the table.

  “Yes, what is it?”, Marcus says.

  “What really happened the night my parents died? My uncle alluded to you knowing more than you’ve been letting on and he said you may have answers.”, Bentley says pulling no punches.

  “This is a conversation that we should have later, as I told Reegan before the trials.”, Marcus says with what he must think is authority.

  “Sir, no offense, but that isn’t going to work for me. There are too many questions stacking up and I really need some of them answered.”, Bent says.

  “Fine. A week before your parents died, Rebecca had a vision. In that vision she saw your parents being killed in their beds. She couldn’t see the faces of the perpetrator. She also saw the scene in pieces where Reegan’s parents were concerned. We warned them all and your parents made sure you were out of the house.

  They had a couple of humans spelled to look like them and made them sleep. They placed them in their bed and when the perps came, they killed the humans instead of your parents who were already long gone.”, he explains.

  “And my parents? What happened to them?”, I ask.

  “You have the memories, Little Bit. Your power had spiked in the hours before everything happened. Like I said, we didn’t know the exact day or time but we knew they were coming. Once you were hidden, your father took a potion that made it seem like his heart had stopped. Your mother did the same.

  Yes, your mother was shot and they thought she was dead but she wasn’t. The person who shot her was too cocky thinking she was dead instead of removing her head to ensure it. Rodriq got to the house within minutes of the perps leaving and the house was ablaze. He used his abilities to put the fire out and got your parents out. They were taken to a secure location while the potions wore off and your mother healed. After that, they also disappeared and I came to get you.”, he explains to me.

  “And where are they now?”, I ask.

  “That I don’t know. I haven’t seen your mother in person for seventeen years sweetheart. We use spelled phones to keep in contact. They work similarly to what the humans call burner phones. The one time she called on a regular line, the area code was somewhere in Colorado.”, he states.

  Jaymeson gasps. “Trent, do you remember when you said we were all connected in some way even though I had never met Reegan before? Do you think it could have something to do with her parents?”

  “Yeah but where are you going with this?”, Trent responds.

  “My pack is in Colorado. We’ve been known to take in supernaturals of other races when they need safe harbor or safe transport.”, he says.

  It’s like a lightbulb goes off in my head. I look at Bentley and I see the same look mirrored back at me.

  “We need to go to Colorado.”, Bentley and I say at the same time.

  “Absolutely not.”, Marcus says. “I’m not saying you can’t go. I’m saying not yet. It’s too dangerous right now. We need to keep up pretenses. I need you all to go back to class. You can go to Colorado during break. I’ll even charter the jet to take you there.”, he placates.

  “He has a good point.”, Trent says.
“With everything going on it would be really suspect if we all up and disappeared right now. And if Senior or anyone else is watching, we could put your parents in more danger.”

  “Ok. I give. We’ll do it your way, Grandpa but I’m holding you to your promise as soon as break starts. And not just me and the guys. I want Maddie, Kenneth, Aldair, Mitch and Sam with us.”, I say. “And you will be footing the bill for everyone. Now, I’m going for a run.”, I say and get up.

  “Hey Reegan, do you care if I tag along? My wolf could use the exercise?”, Jaymeson asks.

  “Sure. I’d really like that.”, I answer.

  Jaymeson and I leave and head toward the lake. My lungs burn from the chilled air and my legs burn from being off my feet for so long but I keep going. Jaymeson keeps pace with me but I can tell he’s dying to speed up. I appreciate him holding back to let me get reacclimated. When we reach the lake we slow and then stop.

  “You sure you’re ok with me shifting?”, he asks.

  “Of course. When was the last time you were able to shift?”, I ask.

  “The day of the trials and my wolf is raring to get out a little.”, he says with a boyish smile.

  “Oh. I’m sorry Jaymes.”, I apologize, knowing he hasn’t shifted because of me.

  “It’s not your fault sweetheart. I’ve been fine. I can go so much longer without shifting but it seemed like a good time. I can be here to protect you if needed and let him run free a little.”

  “Well then, shift.”

  Jaymeson looks at me again with a smile and the next thing I know, there’s a massive wolf standing where he just was. I hadn’t gotten a chance to really look at his wolf since the two times he’s shifted in front of me, we were defending ourselves in the heat of a fight. When I say he’s massive, think Twilight Jacob massive. His wolf is tall but also broad. He is all black but for the white boots on his paws and the white-tipped ears. He’s beautiful and the complete opposite of the lithe, ash-blonde man. He walks over to me and nudges my side with his snout. I pet him behind the ears, hoping it's ok. I look into the same steel-grey eyes I see in the man every day and then he licks me from chin to forehead, leaving slobber in his wake. His wolf titters at me.

  “You think that’s funny?”, I laugh.

  His wolf lets out a yip and does a circle. I can actually make out a smile on his face. He nudges me again, this time in the ass to get me moving. He finds the trail that goes around the length of the lake and I begin to jog, him on my heels. We run the entirety of the trail before I collapse on the ground trying to catch my breath. Jaymeson shifts back. Fun fact: Shifters don’t actually shred their clothes when they shift. They can actually shift into and out of those forms just fine. And what a fine form Jaymeson is. Like I said, he and his wolf are perfect opposites. Jaymes is tall but not overly muscled. He’s more lithe like a swimmer or a runner. His wolf is massive but muscular. The coloring is the easiest difference between the two. When he’s in his wolf form, you can feel his confidence and alpha power. In his human form, he’s more reserved.

  I truly enjoy watching him be playful. I know he’s a force to be reckoned with but right now, the playfulness in him is making it easier for me to relax after the events of the past two weeks. I walk along the shore of the lake for a few minutes.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to protect you during the trials, sweetheart.”, Jaymeson says suddenly from behind me.

  “It wasn’t your fault, Jaymes. It wasn’t anyone’s fault.”, I tell him while lying a hand on his arm.

  He takes my hand in his and links his with mine. We walk together for a bit and then head back. Instead of running, we leisurely walk the path through the woods enjoying nature in all its beauty. It is beautiful here. The fog that sits in the mountains gives them a somewhat eerie look, like smoke rolling in over the peaks. That must be where they get their names, and I can see why supernaturals would feel at home here, why grandfather decided to build the academy here.

  “You’re my mate.”, Jaymeson blurts. “Sorry, that wasn’t very tactful was it?”

  “It’s ok. I know we’re mates, hun. I’ve just been trying to let things happen naturally. I didn’t know how you felt about it since you haven’t really talked a lot.”

  “Yeah, I’m not very good at this relationship thing. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize to me Jaymeson. I get it. And I think your shyness is adorable. The other guys are kind of larger than life you know. Trent is the jokester. Asher is the asshole. Bentley is, well Bentley is complicated and you? You are the one that grounds them all. You give them perspective. I’m still trying to determine where I fit.”

  “You’re our heart. You give all our lives meaning.” he tells me and I laugh.

  “I’m serious, sweetheart. Before you, we were just council heirs, broken pieces. After graduation, we’d all be going our separate ways not knowing if we’d remain friends or if council duties and those of our races would divide us. With you, we all now have the same thing, the same person to fight for. We’ve always been linked but you are the glue that will hold us together.”

  I turn my face away. He’s giving me way too much credit. He puts his fingers under my chin and raises my face to his. Our lips meet in a sweet, slow kiss. I’ve never been kissed like this. Jaymeson puts all his emotions into this kiss and I can feel his love for me pouring through his lips to mine. When he releases me, he has a soft smile on his face and he takes my hand again.

  “I won’t rush our bond. I’ll wait for as long as you need me to.”, he says. And with those words, he leads me back to the house hand in hand.

  Chapter 6: Jaymeson

  Once the words were out of my mouth, I knew I’d never be able to take them back. I didn’t want to. I meant everyone. This woman was something special and entirely unexpected. I can feel her emotions, I don’t know if it’s a wolf thing or the bond, but I’m not hating it. She feels rushed to take us all as mates so I told her I’d wait as long as she needed. It will likely kill me but I will do what she needs. My wolf growls. He doesn’t like the idea of waiting. When I told Reegan I needed to shift for exercise, I wasn’t lying. Not really. I just left out a small part. My wolf was hounding me. He wanted me to shift so he could see for himself that Reegan was ok.

  He loved when she pet his ears and laughed at his antics. He felt like a pup again. I’ve dwelt on nothing else than my job as the future alpha, the council heir, for too long. Reegan makes me want to be more. I never really wanted to be the Alpha. I swore it would be my brother that gained that spot from our father but now I understand why I was born so much stronger than he was. I was born for Reegan. I was born to help her with whatever the future held for her. If she fights, I fight. If she hurts, the Creator help the person that causes it. If she cries, I will be the shoulder she uses as comfort, the arms that hold her steady. I will be what she needs.

  I have a phone call to make when we get back to the house so I excuse myself to go grab my phone. As the future alpha of the pack, I have to let my dad meet my mate. I need to make the arrangements now. Marcus said he believes that Reegan’s parents are in Colorado so that’s where we start looking. I know she wants to go now but Marcus was right. We need to keep up pretenses for now. It won’t come as a surprise when we go over break to visit my pack. That should keep Senior off our trail a little.

  My father was very receptive to a visit from us all. He is excited to meet my mate. I explain to him that we are waiting until break since this is Reegan’s first year at the academy. I don’t mention her parents as I’m not sure if their phones are safe from prying ears. I relay this all to Marcus who says he will make the travel arrangements. With that handled I go in search of my mate and my brothers.

  I find them all in the game room surrounding the television as Reegan learns how to play Need for Speed. I take a seat behind her on the floor. She leans back into me and tries to hand me the controller. I refuse it but give her pointers on switching gears and modifying her car. Once th
at game is done, the boys pull up Call of Duty. Reegan really picked up on the controls quickly and by the end of the match she has kicked everybody but Asher’s ass.

  “Yes!!!”, she yells excitedly.

  “Don’t get too cocky, Winnie.”, he tells her. “You still have to beat me.”

  “What’s the bet?”, she asks.

  “Bet?”, he asks her confused.

  “Yeah, what are we betting. I already owe you a lap dance.”

  “You do?”, he breathes.

  “Um, yeah I mean we bet a few weeks ago and you won. Don’t you remember?”

  He just shakes his head. Of course, he would forget the bet. Calista’s magic was removed from him but the effects must still be wearing off. Reegan frowns but doesn't say anything. She hands me the controller as she gets up and leaves the room.

  I find her in the kitchen. She’s sitting on the floor with her head down and a bottle of water sitting next to her. I sit down beside her and wrap my arm around her shoulders. It’s then I realize she’s shaking. When I look closer, I can see the tears streaming down her face. I pull her into me and hold her while she lets it all out.

  “What all did she take from him?”, she whispers through her tears. “How many of the memories that he and I shared are gone now because of her magic?”

  “I don’t know sweetheart. I don’t know. But she’ll never take anything else from him or you. I won’t let her.”, I promise.

  She nods her head and leans it on my shoulder. We sit in silence for a long time before the guys come looking for us. When they see us sitting on the floor, they know something is going on but they’re smart enough not to ask any questions.

  Maddie comes in shortly after and announces, “Calista is on her way. Apparently, Senior demanded to come as well but Marcus denied him so Ash, your mom is coming instead”

  “Fine. But my mom is not to be in the room when we talk to her.”, Ash responds. “I don’t trust her either even if she’s only been complicit in all this. Senior is sending her as a spy.”


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