Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2

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Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2 Page 4

by Angie Cottingham

  “How did Senior even know Calista was coming?”, Reegan muses.

  No one has an answer to that so no one speaks. Within twenty minutes Calista and Mrs. Hayworth are led into the great room. The latter rushes over to Asher while the former stands in the doorway like she isn’t sure she should enter.

  Thank the creator you’re ok!”, Mrs. Hayworth says as she hugs Asher. “Marcus refused to let us see you. I was so worried.”, she continues.

  “I’m fine mom. Marcus wouldn’t let anyone in until he knew we were all safe.”, he tells her.

  “But we’re your parents.”, she fumes.

  “That may be, but your husband is protecting the man that attempted to murder Asher. Your husband hasn’t even called to check on Asher at all.”, Reegan replies.

  “That’s not true. Miles was under the influence of magic. Senior said,”, she tries.

  “I don’t believe a word that man says and if you do, you are more naive than even I am.”, Reegan states. “Now, we need to speak to Calista, alone, so if you don’t mind Trent will escort you to Marcus’ office for a drink.”

  “Sure Beauty. I’ll be back in a minute.”, Trent says as he comes over and takes Mrs. Hayworth by the arm.

  Once they leave the room I look to Calista, “Hey. Come and have a seat. There’s no reason to be afraid.”, I tell her.

  She walks over and takes a seat in the chair facing us. We make an intimidating group and I can tell Calista is afraid. Trent returns a minute later with Marcus and Rebecca.

  “Who’s keeping an eye on my mom?”, Asher asks.

  “Alita and Maddie are with her. She’s fine.”, Marcus answers.

  Marcus had several chairs moved into the room for this occasion. It seems a little formal. I go over and make myself and Reegan a drink, returning it to her as soon as it’s made. I stand behind her with my hand on her shoulder. Asher sits in a chair beside her and the other guys form a semi-circle around us. Marcus sits in a chair off to the side with Rebecca beside him. I’m not sure why she’s here but I don’t have the time or the energy to ask.

  Marcus begins, “Calista. Thank you for coming today. I’m going to let you speak and then we all have some questions for you.”

  She nods before looking up at Reegan, then to Asher. I can see the shame in her eyes. “Look, I’m truly sorry for everything. Reegan, I felt threatened by you and I honestly believed you were here to take everything away from me. I see now that I was wrong and it was just the magic that was influencing me.

  Asher, I owe you the biggest apology. I never meant for things to go this far. I liked you so much. When I told my dad about you, your dad was there. I didn’t know what they wanted but they were both adamant that I work on getting into a relationship with you. At first, it was good and then I noticed that you were growing distant. When I mentioned that to your dad, he had some woman come to see me.

  She was adamant that I use blood magic to hold on to you. She said if I didn’t I would lose you and everything I’ve worked so hard for, including my council seat. She did something to me. When we were done talking, the only thing I could think of was keeping you and doing whatever it took so I spelled you. I really am sorry, Asher. I never wanted this, I swear. All I wanted was to protect what was mine. Now I see that never included you.”

  “Can you tell us more about the woman?”, Asher asks.

  “I never learned her name. She was powerful though and beautiful. She had long blonde hair and bright green eyes. That’s all I know.”, she answers.

  “And where does your dad come into all this?”

  “He was promised a promotion within the council. If their plan worked, dad would have taken Senior’s position when he ascended the main seat.”

  “And do you know Senior’s plan to do this?”

  “No. At first he was adamant about proving that Marcus didn’t have an heir but when he saw her at Thanksgiving something changed. He started talking of mate bonds and how he could see that Reegan was Asher’s. Then he said he knew what she was, what she was capable of. He never said anything else in front of me, I swear it.”

  Everything grows quiet then. Reegan has grown stiff beneath my hand so I squeeze her shoulder and she reaches her hand up to grasp mine. She grips it hard trying to gain her bearings. There’s an energy around her and as she looks up to me I see that her eyes have changed from their normal sapphire color to an amethyst. She’s having difficulty gaining control of her powers. Bentley notices the change and rushes around her. He kneels to the floor and takes her face in his hands.

  “Princesses look at me. You need to calm down ok?’, he says. When she doesn’t answer he grips her chin, “Princess, what did I say about when I ask you a question? You need to calm down now, ok?”

  “Ok.”, she responds.

  “Good girl. Now close your eyes.”, he instructs and she listens. He places her hand over his heart. “Concentrate on the beat of my heart and take deep breaths.” She follows his instructions and soon she’s back to normal. “There’s my princess. Welcome back. You ok now?” She nods. “Use your words, love.” he tells her and she does.

  Once he is certain she’s ok, he rises back to his feet but he doesn’t go far. I notice that Trent and Kalan have moved closer as well. Calista is looking at us with confusion. Then it’s like a light goes off in her head.

  “They’re all your mates?”, she asks Reegan.

  “Yes.”, is all Reegan responds.

  “Now I see why Senior was excited. If you have all these mates, you’re stronger than any other supernatural female he’s ever seen. He wants to use you for something. I don’t know what, and I don’t agree but I now understand a little more now.”, she states.

  “Or he feels threatened by her.”, Trent muses.

  “Maybe, but I doubt it. Senior is a cocky son of a bitch. He wouldn’t feel threatened by her.”, she returns.

  “Calista is right. Senior wouldn’t feel threatened or at least he wouldn’t show it which means he has strong allies somewhere. But what could he want to use Reegan for?”, Asher asks.

  We have to tread carefully here because Reegan’s true identity cannot be revealed yet.

  “Perhaps his hope is to kill her mates and take her as his own?”, Calista suggests. “Don’t look at me like that. You all know him. He believes he is the strongest, most powerful dragon and if he thinks Reegan is the strongest, most powerful female supernatural, you know he’d do something to create an heir he could control.”, she says.

  The bad thing is, she makes sense. Everything she said is true. Senior has never cared about anyone but himself. But her explanation doesn’t ring as the whole story. I could see him so what she says but there’s more to it, and the answers lie with the blonde-headed woman. It can’t be a coincidence that both she and Ash saw this woman. Those thoughts are interrupted when Calista’s words finally reach Reegan’s mind.

  “Ew! Just, ew!.”, she yells as she wiggles like she has bugs crawling all over her. “Does he really think I’d have sex with him!”, she hisses. “I’d rather die a thousand deaths.”

  “There’s no need to get worked up, Little Bit. He isn’t getting anywhere near you.”, Marcus says adamantly. And we all agree.

  After our conversation, we all say goodbye to Calista with her promise that neither her nor her minions will bother Reegan again. Reegan tells her she’d like to try to be friends and promises she really isn’t here to take anything away from her. Asher’s mom stays to have dinner with us. While we wait for dinner to be prepared, Reegan and Asher go into the office with her, Marcus and Rebecca. The guys and I head back to the game room and play a game of pool.

  I can hear conversation coming from down the hall but I can’t make out what they’re saying. When Reegan walks into the room looking frustrated, I know the conversation didn’t go so well.

  “What’s going on Beauty?”, Trent asks.

  “Asher’s mom was spelled.”, Reegan answers. “It’s the same magic that was used on
Calista. Who the hell is this blonde bitch?”

  “We’ll figure it out. Did Aldair remove the spell?”, I ask.

  “Yeah, but it took a lot for him to break through. She’s been spelled for a pretty long time and it isn’t blood magic. It’s something else. We think his dad had her spelled so she couldn’t give away any information on his plans. Whoever this woman is, she’s strong and smart. There’s no way anyone would’ve known Sophia was spelled. Her personality and strengths were left intact.”, she tells me.

  “There’s something else you’re not saying.”, Bentley says.

  “There is. It seems Sophia hasn’t shifted into her dragon in some time. We think the magic was keeping her locked away. As soon as Aldair released the magic, she started running a fever and passed out.”, Reegan says.

  “Does that sound familiar to anyone?”, I ask.

  “Yeah, that’s what happened to Asher the night of the party.”, Trent says. “We didn’t notice that he hadn’t shifted in a while. He usually waits until late night to shift so he can fly without being seen.”

  “Well, I’ll mention it to Ash. He doesn’t seem to remember that night, or at least he didn’t mention it. Will Sophia be safe returning home?”, she asks.

  “That’s a damn good question but we can’t stop her if she decides to after she hears the truth.”, Asher says walking in. “I love my mom but she’s going to do what she wants and we can’t change that regardless of the danger she may be in by going back to that sadistic fuck.”, he seethes.

  We talk for a while until we’re informed that dinner is ready and then we head off to the dining room.

  Chapter 7: Reegan

  We’re sitting down to dinner when Asher’s mom walks in. She wasn’t out for long and she looks much better than she did before the spell was released. I get up from my chair and offer it to her. I go around the table and take an empty seat next to Aldair. Sophia sits and Asher makes her a small plate of food.

  “I’m sorry for earlier. Alita said I passed out?”, she asks Asher.

  “Yeah, mom, you did. Apparently whatever magic was on you was keeping your dragon contained and once the spell was released your dragon rose to the surface quickly causing a fever and then you went unconscious.”, Asher tells her.

  “Sophia, who could have spelled you?”, Marcus asks.

  “I don’t know any witches besides Calista and Miles. I don’t think either of them would have done this though.”, she says. “Asher, you know better than anyone, I don’t really spend time with people and when your father has guests, I make myself scarce.”

  “That’s true. But has there been anyone new coming around?”, he replies with a question.

  “Let me think. There’s been a woman a couple of times. Blonde hair, green eyes. I’ve never actually met her that I know of. I’ve only seen her enter the house and go to your father’s office.”, she sighs. “Honestly, I thought he was having an affair but his office is protected so I couldn’t hear their conversations or whatever even if I wanted to.”

  “So, now that you know you were spelled and that dad is a giant douche, what are you going to do?”, Asher asks her.

  “I was going to talk to you alone in a little while but I might as well just say it. Alita has offered me a place in Elfame. Her and Dain have offered me safe harbor and I’m going to take it. I can’t risk going back and being spelled again. What if the next time, I’m spelled to hurt you or my future daughter?”, she asks while giving me a soft smile. “I won’t put you guys at risk. You’re dealing with enough and don’t need to worry about protecting me.”

  Asher looks at Alita with a newfound respect. He tips his head to her in thanks and she does the same back to him.

  “What about Senior?”, Trent asks.

  “He’ll receive a text message from Sophia when she leaves here saying that she’s on her way home and they have a lot to discuss. When she doesn’t show up, he’ll begin asking questions. We of course, will know nothing and he can’t prove otherwise. If he wants to play hardball, let him. Eventually, he’ll find out that she is in Elfame but it will be too late. He won’t be able to go through the portal. It will be blocked to him.”, Alita explains.

  “Wait. You can do that? Block people from entering Elfame?”, I ask her. I’m shocked. How did I not know this?

  “Yes. It can be done. Though we’ve not needed to do it in centuries.”, she replies.

  “Well, that’s good to know, I guess.”, Trent says from his seat.

  “We should get ready to go. There’s much to prepare.”, Alita says.

  “Could I have a moment alone with you Reegan?”, Sophia asks.

  I look to Marcus and Alita who both nod telling me it’s safe. Asher squeezes my hand but doesn’t make a move to follow me. “Sure, we can go out back if you’d like.”

  Sophia rises from her chair and we make our way out to the patio. We both sit. At first all is silent except for our breathing. Finally, Sophia speaks. “I wanted to apologize for any part I may have unwittingly had in this mess. I would never put you or my son in danger. I truly am sorry.”

  “I’m just glad things didn’t go any further than they did.”, I tell her.

  “Will you do me a favor? I have no right to ask anything of you and I don’t know everything but I know whatever this is between you and my son is special. Please take care of him. And make him take care of you.”, she stands and I follow her lead. “I’m glad he has you and the boys.”, she says as she pulls me into a hug.

  “You just worry about you and I’ll make sure he’s safe and happy. We’ll see you soon.”, I hug her back.

  As we walk in, Sophia makes her way around the table hugging all the guys and when she gets to Asher she holds on to him a little longer, a little tighter. She whispers something in his ear. When she pulls back, there are tears trailing down her face and I can see tears shining in Ash’s eyes. He releases her into Alita’s care and along with Rodriq, they leave.

  “You ok?”, I whisper to Ash as I wrap my arms around the back of his neck as he sits back down.

  “Yeah, Winnie. I’m ok. It’s just a lot.”, he responds, squeezing my arms where they rest on his shoulders.

  “I know, babe but she’ll be ok in Elfame. Dain and Alita will ensure it. And everything else, we’ll handle it all together with grace.”, I reassure him.

  “Pfft. with grace, Princess? Have you met these guys?”, Bentley laughs. “The only one that could claim grace I’m sure is Kalan and that’s just because he’s royalty.” We all laugh at that, including Kalan. “But you are right about one thing. We are all in this together.

  As we all sit around later that evening, I can’t help but think about the future. With Calista not gunning for me, things at the academy should calm down some. Hopefully, she can keep her minion Adeline on a leash. I really wish we could speak to Miles. I’d love to hear what he has to say but Senior Hayworth is holding all the cards right now. What are his plans anyway? Is Calista right? Does he want to breed me? Over my cold, dead body. Gross!

  While I’m thinking I picture blonde hair and green eyes. That’s another mystery. But the biggest one where she’s concerned is how did she enter the dreamscape? I thought I was the only one with those powers. Nevaeh has been quiet the past few days so I haven’t been able to ask her. Marcus doesn’t seem to know anything either but he’s always been tight-lipped.

  I feel someone come up and sit behind me. I lean back and realize it’s Maddie. “So, what did you want to do this weekend since you’ll have to return to the academy on Monday?”

  “I don’t know. Don’t you have plans with Kenneth?”, I ask.

  “No. I told him my family needed me this weekend and he accepted it without complaint.”

  “You’re really happy, huh?”, I ask her.

  “Yeah, I really am. But..”, she trails off.

  “But what?”, I ask with a raised eyebrow.

  “It’s nothing. It isn’t important.”, she responds but I can te
ll she wants to say something.

  “We’ll talk later.”, I tell her. She smiles then and nods. Whatever it is, she doesn’t want to talk in front of the guys.

  “There’s a party this weekend.”, Jaymes says, looking down at his phone. “We could go if you wanted.”, he continues now looking at me.

  “That sounds like a good idea, believe it or not. I mean, Marcus did say we needed to keep up appearances.”, Asher says. “It’s also a good opportunity to test Calista. If there’s a party, she’ll be there. She won’t miss a chance to party.”

  “Looks like this one is up in the mountains. The invite says to come prepared to camp. Ya’ll up for it?”, Jaymes tells us.

  “Won’t it be cold?”, I shiver just thinking about the fact that it’s only the end of January in the mountains.

  “I’ll keep you warm.”, Ash whispers in my ear.

  “We’ll all keep her warm, jackass.”, Trent tells him.

  “Well then, I guess we’re going camping.”, I smile.


  We’re all packed up with everything we’ll need for camping. Trent brought all the fixings for s’mores, something I’ve never had the pleasure of trying. We have tents and sleeping bags, food and beer in the cooler, a small grill and Creator knows what else the guys deemed necessary. We’ve loaded up Trent’s dad’s truck as well as Kenneth’s and I’m actually giddy with excitement.

  As we make our way up into the mountains, I can’t help but think of my mountain back home wistfully. I have to say though, that being in these majestic mountains really makes you realize how small we all are. The drive up is a long but gorgeous one.

  We know we’ve reached our destination when we see all the vehicles parked around a massive clearing. It somewhat reminds me of the meadow in Purgatory except the missing orchids give it away as a place on Earth. The oak and maple trees have lost most of their leaves this winter but the pines still grow thick and green. This place is beautiful and I feel my excitement ramp up even more.

  As we exit the truck, I see Sam run toward us. She throws her arms around me so hard, we both go tumbling to the ground. I laugh at her enthusiasm.


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