Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2

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Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2 Page 5

by Angie Cottingham

  “I didn’t expect to see you here after everything that happened. I am so glad you’re ok.”

  “Well, if that hug was any indication, I think you made your point super clear.”, I laugh.

  Strong arms wrap around me and lift me from where I landed on the ground. Mitch helps Sam up and then pulls me from the arms wrapped around me and into a hug. I didn’t pay attention to who had lifted me but when a growl brushes past me, I know it’s Asher.

  “Down boy. It’s ok.”, I laugh but all he does is growl again.

  Mitch doesn’t look too intimidated but Ash isn’t relenting. He pulls me back into him still growling, “Mine.”, he says in a steel like voice that sends shivers of want up and down my spine.

  I turn in his arms and look up at him noticing his eyes have shifted and look more reptilian. “Ash calm down. It’s ok. Mitch won’t hurt me.”, I tell him while placing my hands on his chest running small circles with my fingers. His growl turns into a purr in seconds. His eyes fade back to their normal shade of onyx.

  “Sorry man.”, he says to Mitch reaching out a fist for a bump.

  Mitch looks at it hesitantly but then bumps his fist against Asher’s. “It’s all good man. I heard you guys had bonded. You’re a lucky man. Just be good to her.”

  With that little nugget, Mitch and Sam start to head away to their own little site set up on the far side of the meadow. We gather our things and head that way as well. Kenneth already has his tent set and has somewhat reserved some space for us. I try to help carry the supplies but none of the guys will let me. They all say that I should enjoy myself and not have to worry about the mundane tasks of setting up camp.

  After camp is set up we join everyone else around a bonfire. I realize there are few people here I actually know. Ash introduces me around a little but I probably won’t remember anyone’s names. Most of the people here know what happened during the trials and they seem genuinely curious about how I am, how Asher is. We don’t answer many questions. It’s nobody's business what happened in reality. No one needs to know the details. We make our way back to our camp and Jaymes is busy cooking up some hamburgers. We all eat and settle down a little just enjoying the company of our friends.

  When the sun finally starts to set, I see headlights. The guys all look that way as the car pulls in and parks next to the truck we brought. Calista steps out along with Adeline. They see us and the latter decides to walk over. Calista follows, a look of pure fury on her face but instead of it being directed toward me or the guys, it’s directed at Adeline.

  “I thought the trials would have taught you a lesson to not touch what doesn’t belong to you.”, Adeline says.

  I don’t move from my spot between Asher’s legs. I just look at her and blink my eyes. Then I look to Calista. “Is this coming from you or her?”, I ask.

  “She’s on her own.”, Calista responds. “I gave you my word and I never break my word.”

  I look back to Adeline. “So, what was it that you were saying?”

  “I said I thought you would have learned to not touch what doesn’t belong to you.”, she responds.

  “Adeline, shut the fuck up. We had this conversation earlier. You can be butt-hurt all you want that Trent doesn’t want you, but stop before you get yourself hurt.”, Calista says.

  Adeline just scoffs. “Please, don’t act like you don’t care she stole Asher away from you just because you’re scared daddy won’t have your back anymore. You should have done so much worse to her in those trials.”

  Calista gets up but I place my hand on her arm and she stills. “I got this.”, I tell her.

  I get up and make a show of slowly removing my top. It’s freezing out here with no sun to heat my skin but the fire helps a little. I hear gasps come from the crowd of students. I hear growls come from my guys. They don’t like other men looking at me apparently. I smile a little as I slowly turn in a circle. Adeline is now speechless. I lift my arms showing off the marks on my ribs and then I lower my bra strap enough to show off the mark on my shoulder. Not just the dragon, now magically tattooed to my skin, but the mark from Asher’s dragon that will never go away.

  “Now do you understand Adeline? I didn’t take anything that wasn’t already mine.”, I tell her seriously. I can feel my powers welling inside me. Adeline is a threat. I can feel it. I lose focus on everything but her.

  At first her eyes widen and then narrow, “What are you?”, she asks, taking a step back and then another. “You are going to regret ever coming to the academy. They’re going to make you regret ever being born.”, she threatens.

  With the wind whipping around me, I just laugh at her. I’ll truly think about her words later but right now, with the power coursing through me, I can’t be bothered to care. I feel strong arms wrap around me from behind but my eyes don’t leave Adeline. When the other guys begin to surround me from behind, she finally takes the hint and leaves.

  “Beauty come back to us.”, I hear a voice say in my ear but it sounds far away. “Beauty, listen to my voice and come back to me.”

  I feel hands on my face but I am blinded by the power still running through every part of me. “Princess.”, Bent says. I don’t respond. “What did I tell you about answering me Reegan? Do I need to remind you what happens when you don’t answer me.”

  He wraps a hand around my throat and gives it a gentle squeeze. My powers seem to reach out to him. They pull at him, and he responds in turn. I can feel the sensual powers of his incubus come to the forefront.

  “Princess, stop. Don’t make me tell you again.”, he says in a husky voice. He’s as affected right now as I am.

  “Maybe I want to be punished.”, I tell him silkily. With a deep growl that reverberates through my whole body and causes my pussy to clench, he jerks me from Trent’s arms and throws me over his shoulder. He grabs a blanket from our camp spot, not releasing me from his shoulder and stomps off into the surrounding forest.

  Chapter 8: Bentley

  She looks fierce standing there with her purple hair flying out around her as the wind swirls. I can see the color of her eyes change and while I find it sexy as hell, I am also scared for her. She can’t let that little bitch get the best of her. The threat Adeline threw at her wasn’t to be taken lightly if the past months are any indication.

  We’re all standing at Reegan’s back in a show of what? Strength, love? Trent wraps his arms around her and says something in her ear. I can’t make it out but it’s as if she can’t hear him. She doesn’t so much as acknowledge him there. When he looks at me, I know then that whatever is going on with her powers has taken her away for now. She sees Adeline as a threat and her powers are coming to her aid whether she wants them to or not.

  Trent tries one more time to get her attention. “Beauty come back to us. Listen to my voice and come back to me.”, still she doesn’t respond.

  I walk in front of her and grab her chin in my hand. “Princess.”, I say hoping that we can bring her back from the brink. When she doesn’t respond, my frustration starts to come out. “What did I tell you about answering me, Reegan? Do I need to remind you what happens when you don’t answer?, I ask her as I place my hand around her throat and squeeze.

  It’s not enough to hurt her, just enough to garner her attention. Her eyes meet mine. They’re now a startling amethyst. Her powers don’t abate, instead they reach out to me. They wrap themselves around me and tug on my incubus powers that I try so hard to keep buried deep within me. I can feel them begin to unravel.

  “Princess, stop. Don’t make me tell you again.”, I tell her. My voice sounds husky and I can feel my cock jump in my pants. She’s using my powers against me. No, that’s not right. She’s mimicking my powers. They feel different. Almost as if she’s a succubus and is feeding off of me.

  “Maybe I want to be punished.”, she says with that silky voice of hers. I feel a deep growl come out of me and I can’t hold myself back. I grab her and throw her over my shoulder. I only pause for a s
econd to grab a blanket off the back of a camping chair as I head toward the woods, with her in tow.

  We get into the forest and I finally release her, sliding her down my body, making sure she feels the hardness in my pants. Her eyes are still purple but I can see the sapphire bleeding through. I grab her hand and all but drag her through the forest until we come to a small stream. I lay out the blanket and pull her down onto it. I use my entire body to force her onto her back. When she spreads her legs, I fit my body between them.

  “You’re not allowed to leave us like that. You have to learn to control your powers, Princess.”, I growl at her and then kiss her, hard. “You need to be punished baby, and I’m just the one to do it.”

  She looks at me with fire in her eyes. Her pupils are blown and I know if I were to put my hand down her panties right now, I’d find her soaked. “How should I punish you? Should I spank that tight ass of yours?”, with that question she groans. “Or should I bring you to the brink of orgasm over and over again but never let you reach fulfillment? A cry leaves her at that and I know she’s already so turned on, she wants release. She needs it.

  I get up on my knees, still between her thighs and reach for her shoes. I remove them slowly and then I grab her pants and in one tug I remove them. I leave her in her panties, her shirt still at the campsite. “You let them all see you. You let them see what’s mine.”, I growl.

  I slide her panties to the side and without giving her time to prepare, I shove two fingers deep inside her. “You played a dangerous game teasing my Incubus like that, Princess. He’d devour you and you wouldn’t be able to stop it.”

  I’m still fucking her with my fingers. She throws her head back with a cry. I’d be surprised if the guys can’t hear her. I can feel her tighten around me. I pull my fingers free and she cries out again, this time in frustration. “You don’t get to cum, Princess. You need to learn a lesson.”

  “That’s not fair.”, she huffs. Her eyes are now normal albeit the pupil being larger. Her breathing is coming out in sharp breaths. “Bentley!”, she cries.

  “No. What did I tell you?” I grasp her panties in my fingers and rip them from her body. I scoot myself down until my face is right above the promised land. I breathe onto her clit. She’s glistening. “You do not cuome until I give you permission. Do you understand?” She nods. “Use your words, Reegan.”

  “Yes. I understand. Just please touch me.”, she begs.

  I lower my head and take one long lick from her slit to her clit. She cries out and grabs my hair. She tastes like strawberries and cream. She’s exquisite. I lap at her until she’s a writhing mess, never spending too much time and attention where I know she wants me most. When she’s crying out for more, I give it to her. I insert a finger inside her, curving it to hit that bundle of nerves that I know will drive her wild. I flatten my tongue over her clit and lick. I then use my teeth and nip at it.

  “Please, Bent. I need to come.”, she says breathless.

  “Not yet, Princess. Not until I say.”

  I go back to licking and nipping at her. She does everything she can to hold back her orgasm but now she’s riding my face from below. She can’t hold out much longer. “Cum, now!”, I say harshly and she does.

  She cries out until her voice is hoarse. Her legs tighten around my ears and she’s shaking so forcefully, I can feel it in my brain. I crawl back up her body and kiss her deeply. I know she can taste herself as her tongue enters my mouth. My face is covered in her release but she doesn’t seem to care. She tries to release the button on my jeans but I stop her and place her hands above her head, holding them there.

  “This wasn’t about me. My incubus is riding me hard and your release wasn’t enough to sate him. I told you that I wouldn’t fuck you until you beg me and I meant it.”, I tell her kissing her again.

  “I’m not going to beg you.”, she says defiantly.

  “Your words say one thing but your eyes and your body say another. You want me moving inside you, you want to feel my cock deep inside that pretty pussy of yours, stretching you and marking you. You will beg before it’s over with.”, I tell her confidently.

  “You’re an asshole Bentley Morley.”, she says.

  “I never said I wasn’t.”

  “If you were going to make me beg, why did you fuck me with your tongue?”, she asks, her anger flaring.

  “That was for me, for my Incubus. You taste amazing and my incubus loves the control I have over you.”, I explain.

  “You don’t control me.”, she lashes out.

  “You wouldn’t have cum if I told you not too. I could feel it. That, Princess, means that I had all the control.”

  “One of these days, I’m going to take the control from you.”

  “Don’t hold your breath on that.”, I laugh.

  I help her get dressed again and I give her my Henley to cover herself, leaving me only in a tee shirt. She looks at all my tattoos. She wants to ask me about them. I can see it in her eyes but I’m not ready to share that deeply with her yet, so I look away hoping she’ll take the hint. I lay back on a tree and Reegan crawls over between my legs and lays her head back on my chest.

  “Thank you.”, she says quietly. “I don’t know what happened back there. It was like my powers took over completely. Adeline is a threat somehow, I could feel it but it’s different than what I felt from Calista. I don’t know.”

  “We all heard her threats and she definitely knows something but you can’t give her ammunition to use against you. We need to work on your control.”

  “Yeah, I guess we do. This is all a mess, Bent. I am not prepared for any of this. I knew it would be tough and I don’t have much of a choice where Lilith is concerned. I’ll do what needs to be done to protect you all. But I didn’t think I’d have to deal with petty little girls or threats from the council.”

  “I know, Princess. You have to remember though, that you aren’t in this alone. You never will be. There’s a reason we’re all linked. I hated you for so long, I didn’t want to be any part of this.”

  “What changed?, she asks. She looks like she’s afraid of the answer.

  “I thought I lost you. When that magic hit you and you didn’t wake up, I thought I lost you. I realized that I hated a memory of a little girl, not the woman you are now. Some things started to make sense and pieces started to fall into place. I used to do everything I could to forget that night but when I finally looked back on it, I remembered something and then I spoke to my uncle.”

  “I’m sorry I scared you. I didn’t know what to do when Calista and Miles tied me up. My powers wouldn’t answer me. How am I supposed to take out the mother of all Supernaturals when it’s so easy to make me defenseless?”

  “You aren’t defenseless. You have to learn not only to control your powers but also your emotions. Fear can be a catalyst to making your powers stronger but it can also cripple you and you’ve been living in fear for most of your life.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “Tell me about the dreams?”, I ask.

  “There’s not a lot to tell. They started when I was twelve and at first I didn’t know what to do with them. Then, one night, Asher popped up in one. We met in those dreams for a few years before they stopped. I didn’t know then, but Marcus had wiped my memory of everything and when he did the dreams stopped but for some reason, instead of forgetting them, I remembered every detail. I thought it was because they weren’t real, just wishful thinking.”, she explains.

  “And the teleporting?”

  “I don’t remember doing that but once when I was a child. We were playing hide and seek or something and I heard noises coming from down the hall. I remember wishing I knew what the noises were and the next thing I know, I’m in Dain and Alita’s room watching them fuck. I thought he was hurting her and I was going to help her. Then, I was on the bed with them. I didn’t know how it happened but the look of pure horror on their faces when I asked why he was hurting mom.”, she fin
ishes with a laugh.

  “You didn’t?”, I laugh with her.

  “I did. You know, I didn’t even remember that until you asked. I used teleporting and my spirit affinity in one go, I think.”

  “Sounds that way.”, I answer. “And you can communicate with the original Weaver?”

  “Yeah, it’s weird. I’m always dreaming when it happens but the meadow I end up in is apparently a place in Purgatory. My dreamscape is widening. I found Asher at the dream version of the lake by grandpa’s after the trials. Normally, the dreams all take place at my mountain.”

  “Your mountain?”, I ask her. I’m confused. Asher never mentioned that from his dreams and I don’t recall her mentioning it either.

  “Yeah, apparently when we were children, Maddie and I thought up this amazing mountain with a cave and a beautiful waterfall. Then it just existed. Everyone had to have their memory wiped I’m assuming or all of Elfame knows what I am and were ordered to keep it quiet.”

  “How would you have created it?”

  “Weaver abilities.”, she deadpans. “Teleporting through all the realms, creating worlds, blah blah blah.”

  “You really don’t know anything about your powers do you?”

  “Only what Nevaeh has told me and that isn’t a lot. She’s very cryptic and Marcus doesn’t seem to know much either.”

  “We need my parent’s journals.”

  “I thought they were taken by whoever supposedly killed them.”, she states.

  “That’s what everyone thinks. No one knew where they kept them but I watched my parents hide them once. When they were killed, went missing, I went with my uncle to the house and I took them.”

  “So, your uncle has them?”

  “No. I have them hidden somewhere safe. I never had a reason to read them but maybe they hold some of the answers we need. I don’t know.”

  “Can we get them?”, she asks me with hope shining in her eyes.


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