Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2

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Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2 Page 7

by Angie Cottingham

  “I don’t care. This is on me. You can make her take a blood oath after if you want that will keep her from spelling me or saying anything about whatever may happen.”, I tell him.

  I turn to Calista and lift my sleeve above my elbow. “Take what you need.”, I tell her.

  She looks at me with wide eyes. “Why would you do this? After everything?”, she asks.

  “Why did you step in front of me out there?”, I retort.

  She just nods and drops her lips to my arm. She bites into my flesh and pulls my blood into her mouth. I lose track of everything but that feeling. The door crashes open and Jaymeson drags me away from Calista’s mouth ripping my arm open in the process. Now I’m bleeding everywhere.

  “Fuck sweetheart. What were you thinking?!”, he yells at me.

  “Did it work?”, I ask quietly. I’m getting dizzy from the blood loss. The next thing I know, I’m being laid on the table. Sleep takes me.

  Chapter 11: Bentley

  “Fuck. Not again.”, I hear myself say. “I’m so sick of this shit.”

  “You took too much!”, Asher says to Calista

  “No, she didn’t!”, Aldair says, getting in his face. “Your boy over there ripped her away without thought and she was fucking bleeding out. So. Back. The. Fuck. Off.”, he hisses at him.

  Can we address the elephant in the room? Is he really standing in front of Calista, defending her? What the hell is happening around here?

  I look to Jaymeson and he has a huge frown on his face. “He’s right. I was so livid when I saw her being drunk that I didn’t think. This is on me.”, he whispers.

  “Stop. All of you! She’s fine. Look, the cut and the punctures have already healed. She just needs a minute.”, Calista explains.

  As if on cue, Reegan opens her eyes. “Damn. Did I pass out again?”, she asks. “I really got to stop doing that.”, she jokes. She then looks to Calista. “It worked. You look even better than before.” With that, her and Calista both giggle a little. “So, what did I miss and why does Jaymeson look like someone kicked his puppy?”

  “I’m so sorry sweetheart. It’s my fault you passed out. I ripped your arm open when I took you away from Calista.”, he says. She leans up and kisses him on his cheek.

  “It’s not your fault. I just couldn’t wait for you and the others to get here before I did what I did.”, she tells him, placing her hand on his jaw. “The nurse said she had to put in a request and wait for approval to give her blood and that Calista was more likely to scar. I couldn’t let her walk around without that perfect face of hers so I did what needed to be done. We may be in trouble with the council though since my donation wasn’t sanctioned.”

  “Fuck the council.”, Aldair says. “Did you not hear that guy? Before he threw that shit, he said the council sent their regards.”

  “Shit. All I heard was Calista screaming and I blanked completely.”, Reegan says. “Fuck. Who was he anyway? He doesn’t go here.”

  “He’s a council lackey. He works in the main office and does anything the council asks of him. Hell, he’d probably suck every dick there if it meant he was gaining their attention.”, I say. I recognized him immediately when he walked up but I didn’t think much of it until he pulled that vial out.

  I was more than surprised when Calista stepped in front of Reegan. I don’t even want to think about what would have happened had that vial hit Reegan. We don’t know how her healing ability works. “I’m going to see my uncle. We need to schedule a meeting with the council.”

  “That won’t be necessary. Calista, Aldair and Reegan have been summoned to the council. They meet in two days and I’d expect you all to be there.”, Marcus says entering the room. “What were you thinking letting her drink from you, Little Bit?”

  “I was thinking that Adair’s blood did nothing to help her heal and I wasn’t going to sit back and do nothing. She even agreed to take a blood oath if needed. Not that it’s needed.”, she stands tall with my head held high.

  “Very well. I don’t have time to argue. This little mishap has ruined my plans. I was supposed to go to a meeting in Europe tomorrow but now I’ll have to reschedule.”, Marcus tells her.

  “No, go. Rodriq can stand in your stead.”, I say. “Or we can seek the Dain’s assistance.”

  “That may work. Let me speak with Rodriq and I’ll let you know which of us will be there at dinner tonight. Calista, you’ll be joining us.”, he orders.

  She just nods and snuggles into Aldair a little more. “Don’t think we won’t be discussing this little development later Aldi.”, Reegan says with a smile. He just shakes his head at her knowing he’s not getting out of that conversation. Oh to be a fly on that wall.

  I grab Reegan and lift her off the bed and into my arms. “I can walk Bent.”, Reegan tells me.

  “I know.”, I grunt but continue carrying her. We make our way across campus to my uncle’s class. When I open the door and carry her in, he looks at me with wide eyes.

  “What’s happened?”, he asks.

  “Nothing we can’t handle.”, I tell him.

  “Were you hurt, Ms. Winthrope?”, he directs to Reegan.

  “I passed out. I’d rather not get into it right now.”, she tells him quietly.

  “You’re dismissed from your classes for the rest of the day. Go get some food in you and rest.”, he tells her. I nod at him in thanks and turn back around, still carrying her.

  “Ok Bentley. Seriously, put me down.”, She says.

  “No can-do Princess. You heard my uncle, I need to get some food for you and you need rest.” I tell her.

  “Stop!”, she says forcefully. “Look at me.” She grabs my chin and turns my head to face her. She grabs my cheeks and leans in while keeping eye contact. “Bentley, I’m ok. I’m right here and I’m fine.”

  “When I close my eyes, all I see is you go down from that blast of magic. I relive it all over and over again.”, I tell her. “So, please, let me take care of you. It’s not for you. I know you don’t need me but I need to feel that you’re ok.”

  “Bentley, that’s where you’re wrong. I do need you. I do. You are the one that keeps me grounded. When I’m with you, I feel like I’m home.”, she says and kisses me.

  I readjust her in my arms until she’s wrapping her legs around my waist. I hold her close and walk over to her car where I place her against it. I close my eyes and take in what she just said. I’m not good with emotions so I try to tell her everything in the kiss we share. How I managed to fall in love with this amazing girl and how she managed to love me in return after all the horrible things I said to her is beyond me but I swear I will never take her for granted.

  “Bentley take me home.”, she whispers. I can see the look in her eyes. She wants me.

  “Food first Princess, and then rest.”, I tell her.

  “Not fair.”, she whines.

  “Life isn’t fair, baby and I promised not to fuck you until you begged.”

  “Never going to happen.”, she responds.

  “Want to bet on that?”, I reply with a smirk.

  “Ok, ass. Feed me. Do the guys know we’re leaving?”

  “Nope. I get you all to myself for just a little while. I’ll text them from the restaurant.”

  “What are we eating?”, she asks.

  “Tacos. What else?”

  “You can eat my taco.”, she says under her breath. I can’t help but laugh.

  “Maybe later.” I respond, still laughing. Her face flushes and I laugh harder.

  She hands me the keys and then we take off to the restaurant. When we arrive, she orders the brisket tacos and I order the pulled pork. We both order water and find a table while we wait for our food. While we wait I shoot off a text to Maddie to let her know that Reegan won’t be there to give her a ride after class. She texts back letting me know she’s good with that. Within minutes both our phones are going crazy.

  “What did you do?”, she asks me.

  “What do
you mean? I just let Maddie know she’d need to catch a ride home today.”, I tell her.

  She rolls her eyes. “Ug. Now I have messages from the others wanting to know where the hell I disappeared to.”

  “They’ll live. I’m sure they know you’re with me. Just ignore them.”

  “Easy for you to say.”, she replies.

  I reach over and snatch her phone. I turn it off and shove it in my pocket. “Easy for me to do as well.”, I wink.

  “Bentley give me my phone.”, she says, holding out her hand.

  “Not going to happen, Princess. Now sit your fine ass down and get ready to eat. Here comes our food.”, I tell her.

  Our food arrives and we start digging in. Reegan moans her approval and my cock instantly stands at attention. I try to adjust myself but it doesn’t help. “Keep moaning like that, and I’m going to shove something else in that mouth of yours.”

  “Promises, promises”, she answers with a wink.

  We finish our meal and head home. When we get there, I pull Reegan into the den and start a movie. I sit down beside her and she snuggles into me. After a minute she kicks off her shoes and puts her feet under her on the couch. I scoot down just a little bit so she can get more comfortable. We sit like this for a while before she dozes off in my arms. Exactly where she belongs. I’m exactly where I belong. With that thought in my head, I joined her in slumber.

  Chapter 12: Reegan

  I must have slept a while because when I wake up, the sun has set. Bentley isn’t with me anymore. He did leave me with a pillow under my head and covered with a super soft throw blanket. I can hear voices coming from the kitchen so I get up and pad that way. What I find when I get there has me laughing out loud. Standing at the counter on one side is Trent with a pile of fresh pasta laid out on the counter in front of him.

  On the other side, are the guys all wearing matching looks of frustration as they try and fail to recreate the pasta. That’s not what causes my laugh though. That would be Bentley, wearing a pink apron with little lace frills all around it and his face is covered in splotches of flour. His big arms are bare and I can see all the ink he has twining around his arms and up under the frilly lace. The other guys also wear aprons but theirs are just plain utility aprons.

  “What are you wearing big man?” I laugh.

  “Oh, this old thing?”, he asks mockingly.

  “That baby is his punishment for taking off with you today without so much as letting us know where he was going and that you were safe.”, Kalan says from behind me.

  I spin around surprised he’s back so soon. “You’re back?”

  “Yeah, well when Trent called to tell me what happened today, I rushed back to make sure you were alright, only to find out you had taken off.”, he chastises.

  “Oh. I’m sorry guys. I just needed a little time to gather myself. Forgive me?”, I say to all of them.

  “Of course your forgiven baby. It’s Bentley that hasn’t quite gained it yet.”, Kalan says.

  Bentley looks like he’s about to throttle all of them so I walk over and kiss him on the cheek. “That’s kind of a sexy look on you big man.” I give him a wink.

  As I turn to walk away, I feel a sharp slap on my ass. I jerk around as all the guys laugh. “Sweetheart, you have a little something, right there.”, Jaymeson says motion toward his own butt.

  I look down and see a massive flour handprint on my leggings. I try to wipe it away but it just smears over the fabric. “Really Bentley. You want to play that, huh?” I ask him. I walk over and grab an egg off the counter. Without even thinking, I crush it on his head.

  He looks at me in shock and then grabs a couple eggs of his own. “Run.”, is all he says before he stalks toward me. I run around the counter and hide my body behind Trent.

  “Don’t do it man.”, he says as Bentley raises the egg, preparing to throw it.

  Trent’s warning does no good and the next thing I know, Trent’s face is covered in eggshell and yolk rolls down his face. I can’t help the laugh that bursts out of me. He turns to me then with a handful of flour and throws it right in my face. From then, it’s on. Flour and eggs are thrown all around the room and when those items are no longer available, whatever food can be found begins being launched. Asher stands as the sink with the sprayer pulled out as far as it can go, spraying everyone and everything.

  “What the hell is going on here?”, a voice booms from the doorway. We all freeze, looking up to find Marcus standing there fuming.

  “What’s up grandpa?” I ask innocently.

  “What’s up? Seriously Little Bit. What’s up? Look at this mess.”, he angrily states.

  I walk toward him with a hand behind my back. When I get a few steps away from him I say, “You should really lighten up a little. Have some fun you know.” and with that, I smash the pie I had hidden behind my back into his face.

  He takes a huge gasp of air in and wipes the pie from his eyes. While the others will see a pissed off Marcus, I can see the glint in his eye. He is pissed but he’s a man that likes revenge. I try to back away from him but he’s quicker than I would have given him credit for. He grabs me around the waste and hauls me in for a hug, at the same time wiping the pie from his face to mine. With a laugh he releases me. I’m in shock.

  “I expect this mess to be cleaned up immediately. I’ll go order dinner.”, he states and walks out.

  I turn back to the guys and they must see the shock on my face. “I wasn’t expecting that.”, Asher says. “He looked ready to throttle you.”

  “Dude that was epic!” Jaymeson thrills.

  We all break out into laughter and spend the next two hours cleaning up the mess we made. After cleaning up the kitchen and showering we all find ourselves back in the kitchen with Marcus, eating Chinese and laughing about the epic food fight. Rebecca enters and walks over to Marcus, leaning down she places a swift kiss on his lips before she looks around to all of us.

  “I knew there was something going on with you two.”, I beam.

  “Yes. Well, we don’t share it much publicly. So please be discreet.”, she says.

  We all promise to keep it to ourselves as she settles into an empty chair. Once the food is gone, it’s apparently time to get down to business. “We need to discuss the council meeting.”, Rebecca states. “As you are aware, Marcus will be out of town. I think they scheduled it this way on purpose. While Rodriq will be there, Reegan, you will be representing your grandfather’s seat.”

  “I can’t.” I tell her vehemently, shaking my head. “I have no clue what I’m doing. Why can’t we have Dain come and handle it?”

  “Dad’s busy dealing with issues and making sure that Sophia is settled. Mom of course will be there.”, Kalan tries to reassure me.

  “The boys will all be there. As council heirs they all have a right to be there anyway but this time it will be in a defense capacity. Senior is going to try to make the argument that you aren’t fit to be heir since you can’t even follow simple procedures. He’s also going to say you threatened the nurse. The next argument will be that Aldair, as an Elfame visitor, had no right to get involved in supernatural policies here. It’s a ridiculous argument but there are some on the council that will listen to him.”

  “That’s just stupid. I need to speak to Aldi.”, I say. “Does anyone know where he is?”

  “He refused to leave Calista’s side so we offered him our place for a little while. I can take you over there if you want.”, Ash offers.

  “Please. I think we need to figure this out together. I don’t care what Senior says about me. I know what happened and if I hadn’t helped Calista, she would have been scarred the rest of her life. But I refuse to sit back and let him try to do something to Aldair.”

  “You technically broke a law by letting Calista feed from you. The only way that’s ever permitted is if the two are in a relationship.”, Marcus explains.

  “That may be but that acid was meant for me. She stepped in the way to pro
tect me and I did nothing wrong repaying that kindness.” I say, holding my head high.

  “You are right, and that’s what is going to make you a wonderful councilwoman. You don’t back down from a fight. I admire that.”, Rebecca says with a kind smile.

  Chapter 13: Reegan

  After our conversation with Marcus and Rebecca, I bid the guys goodbye and head over to where the guys were staying with Asher. He uses his key to unlock the door and we walk in. As we walk through, I can hear moans coming from inside. While I don’t want to know what’s causing them, I really do want to see so I keep moving. We reach the living room doorway and I can see Aldair sitting on the sofa as Calista goes down on him. His eyes are closed with a look of bliss on his face. His hands are wrapped in her hair as he pushes her as far down as she can go. I got to give her credit. She doesn’t even gag and if Aldair is as big as Kalan, that has to be tough. She just swallows him down. Kalan must sense us there because he opens his eyes which are hooded and looks at us. He smiles but doesn’t stop fucking her mouth.

  “Oh shit. Right there, I’m going to come down that pretty throat of yours.”, he grunts and with another thrust up into her mouth, he pauses. Once he’s done, Calista slides off his cock. I look away, that’s not something I need to see. Asher chokes back a laugh as I blush furiously.

  Calista turns and falls on her ass as she takes us in. She actually blushes worse than me when she realizes we walked in on them. “Oh my Creator. Aldair, you are such an ass. How could you let me continue knowing they were there watching.?” she smacks his leg from her spot on the floor. “Wait, why were you two standing there watching?”

  “Well, you never swallowed my cock like that, sweetheart.”, Asher jokes. Now it's my turn to smack someone.

  “What are you doing here anyway?”, Calista asks.

  “It's my house. But we need to talk.”, Asher responds.

  We make our way over to the sofa. Aldair gets up and offers me his seat. I look at him like he’s insane. “I am so not sitting where your bare ass was Aldi. I’ll take the chair.” Aldair just chuckles at me as he sits back down.


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