Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2

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Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2 Page 8

by Angie Cottingham

  “Ok here’s the deal. We’ve been summoned in front of the council. Aldi, they’re going to try and force you back to Elfame.”, I tell him.

  “Yeah. I figured as much but that’ll be really hard to do.” he answers.

  “Why is that?” Asher asks.

  “Because the law states that in the rare event that a supernatural find their fated mate, they can’t be separated and as Calista is an heir and still has a year left at the academy, they’re kind of stuck with me.”, he laughs.

  “I fucking knew it! When I saw how quickly you offered your blood, I knew there was something going on.” I say proudly. “That’s partly why I offered up my own blood when yours didn’t work.”

  “Yeah. The acid was spelled and even my blood couldn’t stop its effects.”, Kalan says morosely.

  “Ok, can someone tell me why Reegan’s blood was able to break through the spell. Better yet, tell me why you are the only elemental I’ve ever encountered who’s eyes change when you use your powers.”, Calista butts in.

  “That’s a very long story that I can’t tell you, yet. I appreciate what you did for me today but I still don’t fully trust you even if I am excited that Aldair has a mate. Maybe one day I’ll be able to tell you everything.”, I explain as best I can.

  “Alright. I get it. I hope we can get to a point where you do trust me Calista. It would be horrible to finally have a sister that I can’t share things with.” she says with such inflection, I know it's the truth.

  “Have you told Maddie yet or Kalan? She’s going to flip the fuck out. You think you have a lot to atone for with me? That girl is a firecracker and she’ll be harder to convince that you’re trying to be the good guy.”, I say.

  “Yeah. Kalan is I Elfame and I wanted to tell him first so I’m kind of waiting.”, Aldair tells me.

  “Kalan is back. He got back a little while ago so there’s no time like the present. Let’s go. Think of it like ripping off a band aid. Just do it.”, Asher grins. I think he’d like to see Aldair get his cocky ass kicked.

  “Do we have to?”, Aldair whines. “I was hoping to move our party of two to an actual bedroom.”

  “You can fuck like rabbits later. This is more important. If Calista is going to be family, everyone needs to know where she stands.”, I say with a wink.

  “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”, Kalan pouts. He grabs Calista by the hand and pulls her up and out to the car.


  “Mates huh?”, I ask Reegan as we drive back to the Winthrope Estate.

  “Yeah. It’s weird right?”,

  “A little. My ex is now technically your sister.”

  “Can we not mention that right now? All I can think about is his cock down her throat.

  I can’t help but chuckle, “Yeah. I did not expect to walk into that.”

  “Eww. I mean, I am happy for them. Mate bonds are supposed to be rare but if I’m reading these things right, there are more coming.”

  “Explain.” I order.

  “Ken and Maddie. Maddie and Rodriq. Sam and Mitch.”, she says.

  “Wait back up. Maddie and Rodriq? As in the professor?”

  “Yeah. I’ve always felt like they were meant to be together but now that I have my bonds, I’m pretty certain I’m seeing them in others.”, she tries to explain.

  “Ok, but if that’s true wouldn’t Maddie and Ken have marks?”

  “No. They haven’t had sex. Maddie has never been with anyone.”, she says. “Oh my. Please don’t say anything. That wasn’t my secret to share.”

  “No worries Winnie. I won’t tell a soul. You know, if I think about it, I can actually picture her and Rodriq. I bet she’d drive that man to drink.”, I laugh.

  “Oh, she has. Believe me. We both have. He’s been in my life for as long as I can remember and Maddie and I have definitely kept him on his toes.”, she winks.

  “Ok, back to Aldair and Calista. How do you think everyone will react?”

  “I think Kalan will be shocked but he’ll be ok. Mainly because he won’t have to worry about her being a threat to me. Maddie is going to be a little pissed more out of jealousy than anything else. She can’t see what’s right in front of her so she will feel left out. Dain and Alita will be thrilled because they’ve always wanted what was best for the kids and it will stop Aldi’s whorish ways.”, she responds. “I still can’t get over that blowjob she was giving him. She looked like one of those sword swallowers from the circus.”

  I can’t help but bust out laughing at her analogy. She joins me and my heart gives a tug seeing that smile on her face. Her eyes light up devilishly. “Yeah, are you jealous, baby?”, she asks as she moves a little closer. The gear shift is between us but she makes quick work of reaching over it and placing her hands between my legs, gripping me through my sweats.

  “What are you doing, Winnie?”, I ask her.

  “Just keep your eyes on the road baby. Don’t you dare wreck us.”, she almost whispers.

  She rubs up and down my cock through the fabric and it doesn’t take me long to get rock hard. She places her hand inside the waistband and pulls my cock free. I feel her tongue lick along the tip and I swerve the car as I groan and my hips buck.

  “Shit.” she yelps as her head collides with the steering wheel. “I told you not to wreck us. If you can’t manage to drive correctly, I’ll stop.”

  “Don’t you dare.”, I hiss and grab her hair in one hand as I guide her back to my cock.

  She takes over from there. She grazes her teeth up my length and when she reaches the barbell that spears through my tip she tugs on just a little eliciting another grunt from me. She’s not playing around now as she takes me in as far as I’ll go. Up and down. Up and down. She bobs in time to the beat of the song playing on the radio and I can feel every time I hit the back of her throat. She begins to hum and I’m a goner. I can’t hold back anymore. I explode down her throat with a roar. As she comes back up she licks whatever fluid is left on my cock before she pushes it back underneath my waistband. She looks at me with a soft smile as she leans her head on the window.

  “Remind me to return the favor later.” I wink.

  “Hmmm. I most certainly will.”, she says.

  When we finally get back home, I go around and open the door for Reegan. Did I just think of this place as home? I guess I did. The longer I spend here the more I do feel it's where I belong. Maybe it’s just being with Reegan that draws this feeling out of me. We walk hand in hand into the house where the guys are all crowded around the game console. Maddie is sitting on Ken’s lap. When she looks up she smiles until she sees Aldair holding hands with Calista. The smile drops from her face.

  “What the fuck is this?” she asks. “Are you two fucking now?”, she screeches.

  “Sit down Maddie.”, Aldair says already sounding exasperated.

  “Explain Aldair. Not that I don’t like Calista a little bit, but she can’t be trusted and up until now, you didn’t like her and now all of a sudden you’re fucking her. That’s not cool. Mom and Dad will be so disappointed.”, she cries.

  “No they won’t. Calista is my mate. So again, sit down and shut the hell up.”, Aldair sneers.

  “She’s your what?” Maddie splutters. “That’s not possible. I get that Reegan has mates but she’s different. This can’t be happening. You can’t be serious.”

  Aldair lifts his shirt and right on his left pec sits a mark. It looks like a pentagram but it has fangs. Calista’s mark. Calista also has a mark on her right thigh. It’s the same mark I carry on my ribs. It’s the Fae symbol. Maddie gasps. She walks over and peers at the marks, delicately touching them. A look of awe crosses her face and she looks to Reegan. Reegan gives her a smile and a nod. Once she sees that, she throws herself into her big brother’s arms. Kalan stands from his seat and walks over grabbing Aldair by the arm. He pulls him into a hug and then draws back with a smile. He looks over to Calista.
  “You’ll have a lot to prove to our parents if you plan to have a place in Elfame. Congratulations.” with that he hugs her as well. Calista looks shell shocked at his easy acceptance.

  With that drama over, we all settle in. While the guys and I play, the girls head out to make popcorn and grab drinks. When they return they take over one sofa and watch us as we play. The girls decline the offer to play seemingly enjoying just relaxing together for a little while. The council meeting hovers in the back of mind. In two days’ time Calista will stand before my father while he tries to take her future away.

  I don’t know what his game is but when I find out, he’s going to pay. He can try and fuck with Marcus or one of the other council members but he will not fuck with my mate. That’s where I draw the line. I look up and meet Trent’s gaze. He knows what I’m thinking. He’s always had a knack for it and he gives me a small nod.

  His gaze flickers over to Reegan’s and it's not hard to see the love shining through as he stares at her. Even Bent and Jaymeson sneak peaks away from the game to look at her. Right now my dragon is at rest. As long as we’re together, nothing can hurt her. My brothers and I will always do whatever we can to protect her. She’s ours and we are hers. Family.

  Chapter 14: Reegan

  The two days before the council meeting seem to fly by. Marcus left yesterday for his trip and Dain called to walk me through the procedures for handling things in his stead. I’m not scared of the council. I’m nervous knowing that I have to stand there and listen to ridiculous accusations from the man who wants my grandfather’s, my seat.

  The morning of the meeting, I get up and dress in a black pencil skirt and purple blouse. I put my hair up in an elegant twist and apply the minimal amount of makeup to my face. When I walk downstairs I see that all my guys have dressed in slacks and button-downs. Calista and Maddie are dressed much like I am though Calista’s skirt is much shorter. We all look like we’re headed to work on Wall Street instead of the young adults we actually are.

  Kalan walks over to me with confidence in his stride. It immediately puts me at ease. He is a prince after all and has been groomed for this type of thing his whole life. He offers me his arm. “Shall we?”

  I take his arm and we head out to the town car that was ordered for us. We all decided last night that I would walk in with Kalan since he and I are the future rulers of Elfame and the guys will walk in close behind us. When we pull up to the council building, the driver comes around and opens my door for me. I thank him and then turn back to Kalan. As we walk in, me on Kalan’s arm, the guys form a protective circle around us. When we reach the doors, Asher and Trent open them and Kalan leads me down the long aisle to the front. We go our separate ways once we reach the end of the aisle.

  I walk around and take the seat meant for Marcus while the guys take seats in the front row. Alita is already seated as is Jaymeson’s brother. As others enter they take one look at me and I can feel the tension rising. Some give me looks of admiration while others just send me looks of reproach. I take a deep breath and hold their stares with my back straight and my head held high. Senior Hayworth and Miles walk in. I see the surprise in Senior’s eyes before they narrow and the anger takes over.

  “Young lady I don’t know what you’re playing at, but you need to get out of that chair right now and make your way back down to the front with the other accused.”, Miles sputters.

  “Actually councilman, if you had taken the time to read your memos you would have seen that Marcus has appointed me as his representative for this proceeding.” I say clearly. “As heir and future queen of Elfame I am here to represent both my future seat as well as to stand as Council for Aldair of Elfame, second to the throne.”

  “You can’t be serious?” he spews.

  “She is very serious councilman and as future king of Elfame, I back her wholeheartedly as do all the other heirs in attendance today.”, Kalan states from his seat.

  “As do I as Representative in standing for the Morley family.”, Professor Morley says from his seat.

  “I am also in agreement.”, Jaymeson’s brother says.

  “Fine, whatever. Let’s proceed shall we?”, Senior begins. “Calista Woods, you are hereby charged with illegally partaking in drinking from another supernatural without the commission of the council. Aldair of Elfame and Reegan Winthrope, you are hereby charged with supplying blood and going against the clear laws of this council. I move that Aldair of Elfame be sent back to Elfame and that Calista and Reegan be stripped of their title of heir and banished from the academy.”

  “I second the motion.”, Miles says. “All in favor?”

  “Hold on just a second. I’d like to hear from the accused.” a woman I don’t know states. “Miss Winthrope, would you care to tell us what happened?”

  “Absolutely. We were walking across campus toward the dining hall when a man stepped up to us. I don’t know where he came from but he wasn’t from the academy. He asked if I was Reegan Winthrope and when I gave him an affirmative he pulled a vial out from his back pocket and threw it at me. Calista stepped in front of the vial so that it hit her instead.

  We rushed her to the nurse who looked at her and stated that she would need blood. She did inform us that she had to put in a request to the council for permission but by the time that happened Calista was likely to scar, considering her healing abilities and we could not remove the acid. It was imperative that Calista get blood so Aldair offered his. Once she drank from him, we knew it hadn’t worked so I offered mine. Calista refused but I was persistent and so she drank. Her face healed immediately and now we’re here.”, I explain.

  Professor Morley interjects, “It is also important to note that after things had been settled, the vial was brought to me for testing. The vial itself was nothing special but the substance contained within had been spelled. While we could hope that Calista would have only been scarred but the acid would have continued to erode her skin, likely killing her.”

  “Let’s also not forget that the acid was meant for Reegan. Someone was trying to do this to her.”, Kalan speaks. “With the recent events and the attack during the trials I say we should be heading an investigation into who is behind this, not attempting to ruin the lives of three of the academies most promising students.”

  “That begs the question, why Miss Winthrope would offer blood to the person that was behind the attack on her life not three weeks ago.”, Senior states cockily.

  “That’s an easy answer. We have proof that Calista was under the influence of foreign magic. While she physically attacked me, she was not in the right mental capacity to have planned and pulled off that attack by herself. Let’s not forget that her father was also involved, yet he still sits among the council having refused to answer any questions about his part in that scheme.” I tell the council.

  Miles fumes, “I owe you no answers little girl. I have already given my statement to Senior and have been cleared of any wrongdoing. Be that as it may, your actions and those of these other two, regardless of reason are clearly a violation of the rules and code we live by.”

  “Actually councilmembers, my actions were well and truly within my rights as Calista’s mate.”, Aldair announces.

  Gasps rocket through the room. Even Alita can’t contain her surprise at this revelation. I look around at the council members and I can see that many of them doubt Aldair. “Aldair and Calista, please step forward and show your proof.”, I tell him.

  They both step forward hand in hand and show off their mate marks. “Clearly, these two cannot be held accountable to a law that does not apply to their situation.” Alita states.

  The entire council aside from Senior and Miles agree. “That does not excuse you though Miss Winthrope. While I admire your generosity in caring for your fellow classmate and supernatural, you violated a clear law of this council. Even after being warned by the nurse, you still did what you wanted. I think I speak for the whole council when I say that while this i
s a tough situation, you have to be punished.” the older lady from earlier states. “I do not believe your infraction deems a punishment of stripping your title on this council nor do I believe you should be banished from the academy. I move that Reegan Winthrope be suspended from the academy for the duration of this term. All in favor?”

  The majority agrees. Alita sits stewing in anger for me while Senior makes it clear that this is not what he wants. I look at my guys, at Bentley and a plan forms in my head. “I will graciously accept this sentence council men and women. I thank you for your understanding.”

  I step down from the seat I was in and meet my guys halfway. There are hugs all around. The council adjourns and Alita comes toward us. She hugs Calista tight and welcomes her to the family. She then comes over to me. “I am so proud of you sweetie. You were amazing up there. Take this next little bit of time and go find your parents.” she whispers in my ear.

  We make our way out of the council chambers and once outside the car is brought around. This time, Bentley joins us. “So Princess, you want to go on a trip?”

  “Do you even have to ask? I’ll call grandpa as soon as we get back to the house.”, I tell him.

  “No need. I already sent him a text. The plane will be ready to go in two days. That gives us time to file for our leave of absences.”, he grins.

  “How are you all going to get leaves?”

  “We just have to file the paperwork with Rebecca. They’re already approved. Our excuse is that without our mate there we won’t be able to concentrate on our classes so we will be excusing ourselves until you can be with us again.”

  “We haven’t even sealed the bond Bentley.”

  “They don’t know that. Besides, you and I won’t be sealing anything.”

  “What?”, I am totally confused.

  He leans into my side and licks the shell of my ear. “Not until you beg Princess. Not until you beg.” He then sits back. I meet Kalan’s eyes and he smirks at me. He knows I hate a challenge and Bentley just threw down the gauntlet at me.


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