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Mending The Billionaire Brother (MacLachlan Brothers Romance Book 3)

Page 7

by Bree Livingston


  Her gaze followed Ben. “When he got here, that was his typical speech pattern. One word, almost yelling, and he was more uncooperative than cooperative. Exercising with Sport brought him out a little.”

  “Just ridin’ does that?” he asked.

  Shauna chuckled. “No, he gets to groom when he’s done. I think that’s what’s helped the most. Having to put someone or something else ahead of himself. It’s helped him become more aware of others and their feelings.”

  Taran followed Sarah gaze and watched as Trudy led Ben and Sport around the building. “That’s great.”

  “More than great. He used to hit me. Still does sometimes, but not nearly as frequently.”

  His attention snapped back to Shauna.

  “No, not like that. He wasn’t trying to be hateful, but that’s how he communicated. When he turned thirteen, it got worse, and that’s when I started looking for something else. Speech therapy wasn’t cutting it. He needed more. That’s when I was referred to Sunshine’s Hope Horse Sanctuary and Rehabilitation Facility.” Her hand went to the necklace at her throat, and she toyed with the chain.

  It was eye-opening to not only hear Shauna talk about Ben but to watch him as he rode Sport. The longer he was on the horse, the more open he seemed. It hit Taran why keeping the sanctuary open was important. “Are there other kids like this?”

  Sarah nodded. “Yeah, we have about a dozen who come on a weekly basis for therapy. For some, they can only handle fifteen to thirty minutes. Others, like Ben, could ride all day. Keeping the number low allows us to accommodate the children who are more like Ben.”

  It struck him how fulfilling it would be to run a place like this, knowing that your hard work wasn’t just for yourself. He loved farming and working with the sheep. This, though, was something entirely different. In his mind, he could see himself being more than satisfied here. He could see himself happy and content. It wasn’t just Sarah pulling at his heart now. It was the whole idea .

  He touched Sarah’s arm. “I understand now.”

  She held his gaze and smiled. “Puts things in perspective, huh?”

  “Aye.” The knot in his throat kept him from saying more. He was so torn it seemed as though his heart was being pulled apart. It crushed him to think of missing his nieces and nephews growing up, but he wasn’t sure the farm was enough anymore.

  Chapter 11

  After finding Taran’s tuxedo, the next two days went by quicker than Sarah would have liked. Sunday seemed to be itching to get to the finish line, and she wasn’t ready for Taran to leave. When she’d made the deal, she was sure she could be firm, and now she caught herself wanting to board the house up so he couldn’t get out.

  But he needed to leave so she could get working on her mom’s crazy marriage clause. She’d much rather be dealing with a Santa Claus. That one seemed much easier to do. She didn’t look bad in red either.

  She finished zipping her dress and then checked herself in the floor-length mirror. Her hair was hanging in loose curls that brushed the top of the off-the-shoulder beaded bodice. The blue floor-length dress she’d found was perfect. The skirt swished as she turned from one side to the other.

  Why was she fussing so much? Of course, she wasn’t trying to impress Taran. And even if she did, what would it change? Nothing. Still, she was curious to see his face when he saw her. The only reason she’d left her hair down was that she knew he liked it that way.

  If he looked half as good in his tux tonight as he did when he tried it on, she was going to be a puddle on the floor. She’d almost melted that day. Good grief, he looked good in it. His hair stopped just at the collar. The simple black tuxedo and white dress shirt made his blue eyes pop. He’d looked like a model .

  She glanced at her cell phone before dropping it in her silver clutch. Showtime. Pausing at the door, she took a deep breath to steel herself. Mentally, she gave herself orders to enjoy the evening with Taran and that’s it.

  “Sarah?” Taran called through the door. “I’m ready when you are.”

  She opened the door, and there he stood. Plain and gorgeous. Nothing extra, just him. The scent of his soap and aftershave acted like fingers tickling her skin. He smelled amazing. She’d always loved men who could just be men without all the extras, and Taran did it without even trying.

  His lips quirked up in a smile. “Ye look beautiful.”

  Her cheeks heated, and she looked down. “Thank you. Do you like the color?”

  “Like it? I love it. Blue is yer color. I’ve never seen ye look lovelier, and I think ye look great all the time.” He took her hand and held it against his chest. “Ye never cease to amaze me, Sarah Freeman.”

  His approval made her shiver. Tiny little tingles traveled through her fingers and down to her toes. “Stop that, charmer.”

  He stepped closer and put his arms around her waist. “I’m nae bein’ charmin’ when I say that. Ye are amazin’. I count myself privileged to have ye on my arm. I think the stars have competition tonight.”

  Sarah sucked in a sharp breath. There she was, in his arms, and nothing had ever felt so right .

  “I think we better go.” She tried to make her feet move, and it was as if she suddenly had them in concrete.

  He tipped his face closer to her. “Probably.”

  Before she knew it, he was kissing her, and she was kissing him back. It was glorious. The dreams she’d had of him kissing her paled in comparison to what she felt at the moment .

  She ran her hands up his chest and buried her fingers in his hair. Her body molded to his like a puzzle piece finding its place .

  His lips were soft as they moved against hers, deepening the kiss. The spark between them had been barely contained, and now that they were kissing, it was like fireworks. The feel of him against her. How he held her. There would never be anyone else that made her feel like this. She never wanted it to end. She knew they shouldn’t be kissing, but she couldn’t stop herself. Her pulse climbed as the kiss continued.

  He ran one hand up her back, and it left goosebumps in its wake. His fingers grazed the back of her neck and traveled up into her hair. A deep groan came from his throat, and his arm tightened around her. She couldn’t get enough of him or be close enough .

  When he broke the kiss, he touched his forehead to hers. “I probably shouldna have done that.” His breathing was labored, and his chest heaved against her.

  With her eyes still closed, she whispered, “I probably shouldn’t have kissed you back.” How was she supposed to not kiss him again when she knew what it was like?

  “If we dinnae go, I’ll have to kiss you again,” he said as he leaned back.

  She wanted to be kissed by him again. Nothing had felt more right in her life. “Have to? “

  He locked eyes with her. “Aye.”

  “Okay,” she said, but what she really wanted to say was, We have time.

  Taran stepped back and held out his arm for her to take .

  She put her hand through his and walked next to him to the front door .

  “I have a surprise for ye.” When he opened the door, a limo waited for them .

  Sarah looked up at him. “You didn’t have to do this.”

  “I know, but I knew ye would look great. Ye needed a driver for the night with a dress like that.” He shot her a wide, sexy smile and winked.

  Such a little thing, and her heart pitter-pattered. What was it about a wink? She covered her cheek with her hand as she felt the heat rush up her neck to her ears. “You keep giving compliments like those, and I’m going to need support for my big head.”

  “I wouldna say it if it werena true.” He bent down and planted a kiss on her cheek. “And I think my new favorite thing is makin’ ye blush.”

  If he flirted like that all night long, she would have to wonder what it would be like to kiss him again, and she’d be grabbing him by the collar and finding out. Her head was filled with mush, and she couldn’t think of a
single comeback.

  He held her hand as she got in the car. He got in after and left no space between them as he sat beside her. It sent her body into a tingly mess. Everywhere he touched, little electrical currents were rocketing over her skin.

  When they arrived, he got out and took her hand as she exited. He was treating her like a princess, and the feeling was wonderful. If he kept it up, she was going to keep him from leaving. Even if she had to chain him to a chair. Okay, maybe not, but the temptation was there nonetheless.

  The ball was held at the same spot every year, a large waterfront building that was used for weddings. It was super romantic with high ceilings, oversized skylights, and a warm, inviting interior. She could actually see herself getting married here. It would be the perfect venue. Even the wedding photos would be great.

  “This place is fancy,” Taran said as they strolled in through the front door.

  She nodded. “Yeah, it’s used a lot for weddings mostly, but the Charity Ball uses it each year. It’s swanky, and they get a good crowd because it’s on the water.”

  “I thought I smelled salt water.”

  They stopped in the lobby, and Sarah fished out their invitation. With a wave, the doorman let them through. They stopped just inside and both took in the place.

  “Wow, this is even fancier.”

  “Yeah, it’s one of the reasons I love coming. It’s kinda magical, even if it is hobnobbing with snobs. Well, they aren’t all snobs, just a good majority.” Sarah pointed to the doors at the back. “There’s a deck out back. When dinner is over, we can check it out.”

  He put his arm around her waist. “By then, I’ll need a few moments alone with ye.”

  Her insides turned liquid with thought of that... He needed to stop. “Let’s find our table, charmer.”

  Taran held her hand as they weaved through a few tables until she found her name plus one.

  “What are they servin’ tonight? I never even thought to ask.” Taran pulled his seat closer to her as he sat.

  His proximity gave her goosebumps. What was with him tonight? Kissing her, flirting with wild abandon. Was he trying to give her a heart attack? “Oh, it’ll be some mouthwatering meal. I’ve never been to one of these where the food wasn’t outright divine.”

  “That’s good to know.” He leaned back in his chair and put his arm across the back of hers.

  Before she knew it, she was leaning into him like they were an actual couple. The thought was like ice water poured over her, and she straightened. “Are you all packed for tomorrow?”

  He looked at her, and something she couldn’t quite read flashed in his eyes. “Naw, I have time.” His arm slipped around her, pulling her back to him. “I’ve enjoyed spendin’ time with ye the last few days.”

  If he only knew. She didn’t just enjoy it. Reveled in it was more like it. She could fall for him in the blink of an eye. Taran was the easiest person to like. He was loving and kind. Yes, when she’d met him, he’d been grouchy and standoffish, but that was just a front. He’d been hurt. It was completely understandable .

  They talked as other guests took their seats, and their table filled up with four more couples. Soon servers delivered plates of seafood served over lime-cilantro rice with a mango salsa. It smelled heavenly, and she realized she hadn’t eaten since breakfast. “I’m hungry.”

  “Me too. We missed lunch today. Wonder if they serve seconds?”

  Sarah chuckled. “I doubt it, but I think I know a place we can go after if you’re still hungry. It has great seafood. Or we could stop for milkshakes.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He stabbed a fork in the baked white fish and took a bite. “Ye were nae kidding. This is the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth. And my mum can cook.”

  She nodded in agreement as she took a bite too. The fish melted in her mouth. “Once dinner is over, there’ll be a small speech, and then there’ll be a silent auction and dancing. Sunshine gets a portion of everything donated tonight, along with three other charities. Gavin is on the board, and when he began seeing my mom, he got her included. Since then, it’s been a huge part of our operating fund.”

  “That was nice of him.”

  Okay, she had to give that to Gavin. It had been pretty terrific when that happened. “Yeah, I think that’s what pushed my mom over the edge and made her fall for him.” As long as he stayed away, Sarah would be great.

  “I can see why. If it provides that much.”

  A man tapped the microphone on the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, if I can just have a few moments of your time. “

  The crowd quieted, and he introduced the speaker. It was the usual donation speech, and it lasted about thirty minutes. Not long after, Sarah and Taran were alone again.

  Then Gavin came into view, and they made eye contact. She regretted it the moment it happened because, of course, he had to say hello. He stopped at the side of the table near her and smiled. “Hello, sweetheart. You look stunning. The very image of your mother.”

  She smiled and said, “Thank you.”

  “And who is this?” Gavin asked as he reached across to shake Taran’s hand.

  “This is my friend Taran. He’s visiting from Scotland.” Her heart hammered in her chest as she suddenly realized Gavin could spill the beans about the marriage clause.

  “The Taran? Lydia mentioned him.”

  Really, Mom? Sarah put her head in her hand like an embarrassed school girl.

  “Oh, she did?” Taran asked.

  She snapped her gaze to Taran. “You know, I think it’s time to bid or dance…or get away from this table.” She muttered the last part .

  “Is he going to be helping you with the clause?” Gavin asked.

  Her heart nosedived.

  Taran looked at her. “What clause?”


  Before she could finish, Gavin interrupted her. “The marriage clause. If she doesn’t get married in the next six months, the sanctuary will have to be sold.”

  Sarah felt the color drain from her face like water out of a hole-riddled bucket.

  “Naw, she didnae tell me about that at all.” The look he gave her was piercing, like a laser into her soul. Like somehow she’d betrayed him.

  How was she going to get herself out of this mess? “You know what, I didn’t tell anyone because I’m still trying to decide what I want to do.” Not an outright lie, so to speak. She was still trying to decide what she wanted to do, only she’d decided to find someone to marry. They didn’t have to know that.

  Gavin leaned back with his hand to his chest. “I’m sorry. I just assumed he knew. That he was here to help you keep the sanctuary. After the way Lydia spoke of him, I didn’t think there was anyone else. “

  Why had her stepfather done that? He could’ve had kept it to himself and everything would have been fine.

  “Well, I guess I’ll let you two enjoy the rest of your evening. I’m sorry for interrupting.” With that, Gavin spun on his heels and left.

  Taran leaned over, and with his lips against her ear, he whispered, “I think we need to talk. Let’s see that deck.”

  Numb and on the verge of tears, Sarah nodded.

  Chapter 12

  Marriage clause? And she hadn’t told him? Taran’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the deck railing harder. A couple on the other end of the deck were snuggled together, so he kept his voice low. “Do ye nae think that was a piece of information I needed to have?”

  “No,” she said softly.

  The soft, blunt way she said it made him straighten and look at her. “Naw?”

  Stormy blue eyes looked back at him. “I know how you feel about getting married. It’s something you do once. I’m going to find someone and make a business arrangement. We’ll stay married long enough to keep Sunshine open, and then we’ll annul it.”

  “But ye should have told me. I dinnae understand why ye kept it from me.” Only now that he knew, what was he going to do? She was right. Marr
iage was a one-and-done for him. And the idea of marrying Sarah and then divorcing her made his stomach sour.

  She took his hand. “I know how much your family and farm mean to you. Believe me, I thought about telling you, but in my heart, I knew it would be wrong because of how much you love them. And I knew you’d want to help, and I just couldn’t bring myself to ask that of you.”

  She seemed to be pleading with him to understand.

  Sarah continued. “I know you think I was betraying you by not telling you, but I didn’t see it that way. To me, I was keeping you from making a choice you shouldn’t have to make.”

  He took her by her shoulders. “But it should have been my choice. And I shouldna have heard it from yer stepfather.”

  “Maybe, but I stand by my decision.”

  His hands dropped to his sides. “Tell me everythin’.”

  Sarah grasped the railing and leaned her stomach against it, pointing her face into the small breeze coming off the water. “I have to be married within six months of the reading of the will, and I need to stay married at least six months if I want to keep Sunshine open. If I don’t, I will be forced to sell the property and split the proceeds with Gavin.”

  Sell it? After what he’d witnessed the last couple of days, there was no way he could allow that to happen. The therapy provided by the sanctuary was necessary. Those kids needed it, and the thought that it could be shut down ripped him apart. “Ye cannae sell it.”

  “Until Thursday, I was considering it.”

  He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “What?”

  She hung her head, and her shoulders rounded. “When I promised my mom I’d keep the place going, I never thought she’d be gone so soon. I helped on the weekends, but I did the fun stuff. Nothing about running Sunshine is fun. Yes, it helps people and horses, but it’s stressful.”

  Taran’s chest tightened. He knew it had been stressful, but she hadn’t talked about it much.

  “There are liability release forms, begging for volunteers and donations, making sure the horses are taken care of, making sure the needs of the children are met, and all the while, I have to do it with a smile because if I don’t, if I make one little mistake, the reputation of the whole place could be ruined because I’m having a bad day.” When she turned to him, tears clung to her eyelashes. “Telling you, or anyone, about the marriage clause would have meant telling everyone how selfish I was being.”


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