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Shadow of the Summer Moon

Page 26

by Amanda LeMay

  Gunner was mine now.

  My everything.

  I tightened my arms around his back, touched my lips to his throat, and murmured, “I’m not going anywhere, unless it’s with you.”

  The scent of cool, clean rain and dark green forest hit my nose. Gunner pulled back and we both looked at the open kitchen doorway.

  “Gun.” A male stood in the doorway, grinning at us. His dark golden hair, deeply tanned skin, and eyes that gleamed like a new copper penny gave him a rather exotic appearance. He also looked familiar—as if I’d met him before.

  Gunner let me go, reached out and shook hands, then embraced the male, adding solid thumps on his back.

  “How the hell are you?” They stepped back from each other, Gunner grinning as well.

  “I’m doing good.” His response was fast and automatic, and so...not true. He gazed at me, his eyes glittering in the sun. Although he wore a friendly expression, it was a mask...not real.

  Gunner placed his arm around my waist and squeezed. “Simone, this is another one of my siblings, Sorin.”

  Another brother? That’s why he seemed familiar. His face was a cross between Hemming and Gunner. I held out my hand. Sorin’s hand reached out, and in a flash, I saw something unusual about his skin. His hand engulfed mine the next instant. The peculiar feel of his flesh startled me...shiny scars...from a burn. The same shiny skin as my brands.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Sorin.”

  What had happened to him to cause such injuries? I would save that question for Gunner.

  “It’s my pleasure, Simone.” Truth. His expression held a curious happiness touched with longing. “I’m happy for both you.” He glanced at Gunner, his smile widened, transformed into something true, and real, and honest. He released my hand and stepped past us. “You gonna play, Gun? Whip some Alpha ass?” His dark eyebrows flicked up at the challenge.

  “Oh, hell, yeah.” Gunner growled. “I guess I oughta go on in and say hey to Taber first. See how long it takes before I knock the shit outta him.”

  Sorin smiled. “Yeah, well, hopefully he’ll have his hands full. He and Derry were already locked at the lips when I walked out of the kitchen.”

  Gunner chuckled. “I bet.”

  “See you out there in a few minutes.” He smiled again, gave me a quick nod, turned, and walked around the side of the house toward the pool.

  “Taber and Derry locked at the lips, huh?” I stepped inside, out of the smothering heat, and into the air-conditioned house.

  “Don’t be shocked, but they might be locked at the hips by the time we get in there.”

  “Oh?” I wasn’t certain if he was joking or not. “Right there in the kitchen?”

  “Oh, yeah. That’s probably why everybody was running out so damn fast.”

  Gunner followed me into the kitchen as Neeta came in through the bat-wing doors that opened into the dining room. A huge, black-haired male had Derry bent over backward on the granite island, his hands roaming up and down her still fully clothed body, his mouth at her neck as she held on and laughed.

  “Get a room, you two! We eat off that island, you know.” Neeta laughed. “Taber, have a little self-control. And Derry, please tell me the bar is stocked.”

  “Absolutely.” Derry giggled again, and squealed as Taber lifted her from the island, one arm behind her back and the other beneath her knees.

  “I have no self-control with this beautiful female, Neeta.”

  Taber looked up and caught me staring. He grinned. His face was so much like Sorin’s, even though their hair and eyes were completely different, there was no doubt they were brothers. They had the same build, same height, but where Sorin had copper eyes, Taber’s eyes were a startling white surrounded by a dark ring of color, an amazing contrast to his darkly tanned skin and coal-black hair.

  “Hey old man, it’s good to see you!” Taber looked at me, then back to Gunner as one black eyebrow rose in question. “Tasting the dark side, eh?”

  Gunner tensed beside me. I heard his teeth grind together before he growled, “Jackass.”

  “Are we gonna start this again?” Taber laughed.

  “I suppose we are.” Gunner’s voice dropped low in warning.

  “Oh, no you are not!” Neeta shouted a sharp, threatening admonishment as she slapped the palm of her hand on a counter.

  “I can’t believe this.” Derry struggled in Taber’s arms. “Let me down! If you’d rather fight, go for it, but get the hell out of my kitchen.”

  “Damn it, Taber!” Neeta’s stormy gray glare pinned him. “Go on and find something to do with your mouth besides antagonizing your brother.”

  “You betcha.” Taber shrugged, winked at me, then grinned at Derry like a little boy with a shiny, new toy. “And you, beautiful female, are crazy if you think I’d rather fight than spend my time rediscovering your luscious body.”

  Derry kept her arms stiffly crossed over her chest. She wasn’t going to give in to the male who held her quite so easily. But I was also sure Taber would quickly find some way to make her forget there was anyone else in the house, or the world, for that matter. He swung her legs around and disappeared out the doorway that led toward the living room.

  Neeta looked across the room at Gunner. “There are times I’d like to take a whip to that male. Unfortunately, he’d probably enjoy it.” She smiled and shook her head. She looked at me, her eyebrows up, the sudden dark gray storm gone from her eyes. “I bet you could use a drink.”

  With all that I’d been through that morning and the sudden spark of male aggression, I definitely needed something to ease my nerves. “Yes. Yes, please. Something strong and cold. And lots of it.”

  “Well, I’ll get you fixed up.” Neeta turned to head out toward the living room.

  “I’ll be there in a second.”

  “No, stay. I’ve got this,” she shouted back from the other room.

  I turned to Gunner. His arms came around me. Slowly, his hands slid from my waist to my bottom. I settled into his chest and enjoyed the strength of his body. “You and Taber have a problem?”

  His chin settled on the top of my head. “He’s a cocky little shit. Always has been. Derry will keep him out of my hair. She always does.”

  “And Seff is just like him?” I teased.

  “Oh, hell, yeah.” Laughter rumbled through his chest.


  If Rule’s DNA ran through every wolf in his pack, I had more siblings than I could count.

  “I don’t think you realize how lucky you are to have such a family. Even though they may get on your nerves, I can tell you and your brothers share more love than I’ve ever had with any member of Rule’s pack, even with my own mother.” I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead against his chest, so thankful fate...nature...whatever...had chosen Gunner to bring love into my life.

  One of Gunner’s hands came up, wound around my hair, and tugged it down, tilting my face up as his lips found mine. “Look at me, baby,” he whispered into my mouth. I opened my eyes and gazed into those beautiful pools of green. “I wanna take you back to bed.”

  Absolutely. I wanted that, too...but...

  “Would that be seen as rude? There are eleven Alphas outside waiting for you.” I sighed. “I don’t know anything about how tribunals work, but they came here for me. I wouldn’t want to appear ungrateful by sneaking off to make love with you every chance I get.”

  He let go of my hair with a resigned sigh. “Fuck. Always somethin’,” he muttered. “You’re right, but damn it, Simone, when I look into your eyes, hold you in my arms, smell that lemon scent of yours, there is not one damn thing in this world I’d rather be doing than rubbing my big-ass body all over your little one.”

  I knew exactly what he meant. I couldn’t think of much else, either. Whenever he looked at me or touched me, I couldn’t think straight. My thoughts scattered and left nothing but raw craving. Now I understood the constant, simmering desire that flowed between mated co
uples like Jessy and Dain, and Maygan and Kern. I had that with Gunner—an undeniable urge to be close, to touch, to kiss. Even now, though I’d had him only minutes ago, I wanted him inside me again, easing the desperate, burning ache that had settled between my legs, in my breasts, in every muscle.

  Only a few days ago, I’d run through mountains, forests, and deserts, seeking others who might help me find the justice I’d longed for and possibly take me in, allow me to stay and start a new life. Not once had I thought I would share my body with anyone ever again, sure the brands that would garner sympathy would also push any male away, no matter how much I wanted to pull him closer.

  Then I met Gunner.

  It didn’t seem fair—this sakana business.

  He didn’t have a choice.

  We didn’t have a choice.

  And the wolf who stood guard at the little room in my head, where I had locked away all the bad stuff I didn’t want to deal with, was howling a wolfy song and dancing on wolfy paws because she could not care less if we didn’t have a choice. She wanted to let loose, run free, play, mate with this male, enjoy the wild side I’d always kept locked under tight control.

  For once in my life, my wolf and I were so on the same page.

  After the tribunal—after judgment was set down on Rule, Gunner and I would have all the time in the world.

  “I thought you wanted to go play with the guys, you know, whip some Alpha butt” I teased again.

  Gunner chuckled. “Wow, baby, that’s the closest thing to profanity I’ve heard come out of your sweet mouth.” His lips moved behind my ear and he whispered, “I bet I have the foulest mouth you’ve ever heard.”

  “I love your mouth,” I whispered back as his kisses traveled back down my throat to the swell of my breast. “It’s not foul. It’s wonderful and warm and wet. I love your teeth, and your tongue, and your lips. Everything associated with your warm, wet mouth. I love the words you say and the way you say them. I love your mouth all over me.”

  Gunner lifted his head and gazed into my eyes. “Holy hell, baby.”

  Glasses clinked together as Neeta walked into the kitchen through the living room. In one hand, she held a pitcher full of ice and what looked like lemonade. By the full-bodied tequila scent, I was sure it was something much more than a simple lemon drink. In the other hand, she held three large, wide-mouthed glasses upside down by the stems, the rims sparkling with salt. On top of the upturned stems, she balanced a jar of green olives.

  “Well, Taber and Derry made it to the top of the staircase before cutting loose and going at it up against the wall. And for once, they’re keeping it quiet. Either that, or I got out of there before...” She stopped in her tracks and stared at Gunner. Her lips parted as her gray eyes filled with a shiny rim of tears.

  Feeling self-conscious, I started to step away from Gunner’s embrace.

  “No. Don’t,” Neeta whispered. She blinked and two tears rolled silently down her cheeks. “It’s just...” Her gaze locked on Gunner. “The last time I saw you this happy was when you held Tabitha for the first time. I know it only lasted for a moment, because I took that away from you.”

  “Neeta.” Gunner shook his head. “Don’t.”

  “I did, you know I did. You’re such a good male. You were a good mate. You gave me anything and everything to ensure my happiness and I walked away without even saying ‘thanks.’”

  Gunner’s body tensed against mine. “After all these years, right now, when I’m over the fuckin’ moon in love with Simone, you wanna talk about that shit? Talk about why you left?”

  “In love with Simone.”

  Of all the words he’d uttered, those were the only ones I’d registered. I stared up at him, his head shook slightly back and forth, irritation plain in the set of his jaw. But I could also see understanding settle in his green eyes as Neeta spoke.

  “No, I don’t. I don’t want to talk about why I left. I’m just so damned over the fucking moon that you are in love—” She stopped suddenly.

  “... you are in love.”

  Her words echoed in my head like a harmony playing alongside the melody of Gunner’s words. I smiled and glanced to her. Her mouth fell open as her gaze darted back and forth between me and Gunner. Her back went straight as her chin came up. Her gray eyes turned glacial and focused on Gunner.

  “I swear on all the ancient gods, Gunner.” Neeta turned her face away and stared at the island in the middle of the kitchen, blinking rapidly as if she were on the edge of tears.

  Gunner huffed and began rubbing his eyes with his free hand.

  Neeta blew out a breath and turned back to us. “You haven’t told her. You haven’t said those words out loud to her yet.”

  No, he hadn’t said those words to me. The same words I hadn’t said to him, either. We’d met less than a week ago, and even though I’d felt our connection from the first moment we locked eyes, and had admitted my feelings to myself only moments before, I kept them locked in my heart, unspoken. Waiting.

  Gunner’s hard stare melted. “No.” He rubbed his hand across his face. “I was...”

  “Don’t wait. Don’t wait for that perfect moment because it won’t ever come. Shit happens, Gunner, and then...” Neeta dropped her gaze to the tile and sucked in a breath before looking up again. “I told you, Gunner, I couldn’t be happier for you—for the both of you. I gave you my blessing because I know what it means to find your sakana. Just, please remember, even though Simone is your sakana, you still need to say the words and say them often,” Neeta scolded gently. “Please, do not wait.”

  Gunner’s body relaxed. He nodded. “You’re right. You’re right.” He gazed at me. His hands came up and framed my face. His lips touched mine softly, tenderly. His green eyes sparkled as he blinked slowly and whispered, “I love you, Simone. I love you so damn much. I was going to tell you so many times last night and this morning and I let each little moment slip by. I won’t do that again.”

  His face suddenly became blurry. I blinked away the tears as my breath hitched. I knew he loved me, but yes, hearing the words from his lips was beyond wonderful.

  “Great. Good. Beautiful.” Neeta sniffled, shrugged her shoulders, then wiped tears from her cheeks with her forearms as ice tinkled in the pitcher and glasses clinked between her fingers. “Now let me and Neeru take care of your female, celebrate you professing your undying love with a few drinks, while you go play with the boys.” Neeta held the glasses up as her smile widened. “Grab the olives, would you, Simone? I’m gonna introduce you to Texas martinis.”


  THE FIRST SIP FROM my glass hit my stomach like a nuclear bomb. I sputtered and coughed. My eyes watered uncontrollably. Neeta and Neeru burst out laughing.

  “Neeta makes a hell of a mean margarita,” Neeru commented, just before taking a nice, healthy drink from her own glass.

  “Texas martini, darlin’,” Neeta replied in a drawl she must have perfected while living in the Lone Star state. She raised her glass in salute. “Notice the jalapeño-stuffed olive. That and the copious amounts of tequila and triple sec.”

  I took another sip. The second went down much easier than the first, and yes, it left a slight jalapeño burn on the back of my tongue.

  “I’ve never had a margarita or a Texas martini. I was never allowed to have mixed drinks. A small glass of wine now and then, but hard liquor was out of the question. This is delicious.” I took another long drink. “I mean, once you get past the initial shock of it being more tequila than anything else, it’s difficult not to just suck the rest back in one big gulp.”

  Neeta picked up the pitcher and swung it toward my glass, which I offered for a top-up.

  “I know something I’d like to suck back in one big gulp,” Neeru said as she held her glass out for a refill.

  I followed Neeru’s gaze across the yard, where the Alpha males and a few others were engaged in a soccer game—of sorts—every one of them in his magnific
ent wolf form. Only the goalies shifted back and forth from wolf to male. When someone scored a goal, he needed his hands to throw out the ball.

  Besides my first margarita, the rampant male nakedness had also been quite a shock.

  It took everything in me to tear my gaze away when Gunner and I came outside to find several naked males cooling off in the pool before heading over to the game.

  The sight of Hemming running naked before he shifted back into his wolf caused a blush to heat my face. And like Gunner, Hemming’s male form was striking, masculine perfection. Well, like every male out on the field, Alpha or not.

  “Hey, that’s not fair!” Neeta shouted. “Hemming, that’s cheating!”

  “You go for it, pumpkin!” Neeru shouted out.

  Hemming shifted again as he caught up with the ball. Several wolves pounced on him, knocking him to the ground. One wolf took off, batting the ball out of Hemming’s reach.

  “Hey! Hey!” Neeru yelled. Hemming rolled, shifted to a wolf, and was up on his paws and running. “That’s right, Hem, kick some ass!”

  I relaxed on my lounge chair and smiled. Gunner ran full-out in the middle of the pack. Brenin ran next to him, along with another wolf covered in a deep golden coat. His copper eyes flashed in my direction for only a second.


  These males played rough. Much rougher than the play I’d seen in the front yard a couple of days before. They didn’t seem to hold anything back. But again, just as with the play I’d watched between Gunner’s pack members, there was no sign of blood. They chased. They tackled. They bit, but didn’t break the skin.

  They were as close to wild as they could be without causing bodily harm.

  I wanted to be wild, too.

  But would I be able to let go and allow my wolf free rein, after all the years I’d spent locking her away?

  I hope so.

  Closing my eyes for a moment, I inhaled the earthy fragrance of trees and plants, soil and hay, burning wood and cooking meat, horses, and cattle, and wolves. And close, very close, I smelled rain.


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