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Eyes For You (Chasing Tomorrow Book 1)

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by Abby-Rose Macchio

  "She's in shock. There was a drunk guy and I got him just in time. She's okay. I got her so no one will ever touch her anymore." Travis said while walking out the door with Emma following his actions.

  "Oh my! Ana. I am so sorry. I can't believe I let this happen to you." She said sadly.

  "You didn't. Don't be, I'm okay." I said while giving her a small smile.

  We finally made our way to our dorm. Emma opened it up and pointed to my bed.

  "That one’s hers."

  Travis placed me on the bed and told Emma, "If you need anything. Anything! You call me, okay?" "Definitely!" Emma stated.

  "Travis?" I said and he turned around,

  "Thank you."

  "Don't thank me Anastasia." He said while walking out and shutting the door behind him.

  The next morning

  I woke up with a smile on my face until the memories from last night flooded my brain. I heard a knock at my door and looked over to realize Emma wasn't there. I looked at the clock 10:08am. Maybe she forgot her key?

  "Just a minute!" I yelled while slipping off my dress, trying to find a t-shirt to cover my whole body. I looked around and only found one t-shirt.... Travis's. I put it over my head quickly and walked to the door. When I opened it, Travis was standing right in the doorway.

  "Uhh... Travis! Hi... what are you... um what are you doing here?" I asked trying to find the right words. "Hey. I am just coming to check on you and see how you are doing. How are you?" He asked worriedly.

  "I am okay. Uh... thank you for last night. I don't know what would have happened so thank you." I said with a shy smile. I just realized that I have no bra on, so I quickly cross my arms and look back at him. He just laughed at my action.

  "Are you hungry? I figured we could go grab some breakfast. There's a little place right down the road off campus."

  "Um... Travis I don't need sympathy for last night. I'm okay."

  "No sympathy. Just me offering some breakfast

  Anastasia. Come with me."

  "Travis I'm fi-"

  "I know you're fine. Which is why I am taking you to breakfast. Now let's go!"

  "Emma doesn't know where I'm going so she'll be worried. Especially, after last night."

  "Emma already knows. I walked by her on the way here. She was going to the store for.... some girly things that I didn't need to know about but she told me anyway." He spoke fast and shyly.

  I laughed, "Yup that's Emma for ya! Alright. I'll come with you. Just let me get dressed." He smiled and I rolled my eyes and shut the door.

  I pulled his shirt over my head and threw on shorts with a plain shirt and flip flops. I put a brush through my hair and washed my face. I am now makeup free. I brushed my teeth then looked in the mirror, "Ugh Ana. What are you doing? It's just breakfast. Only breakfast." I said to myself.

  I walked to the door and opened it.

  "I'm ready!" I said to him with a smile as I shut the door behind me and locked it.

  "Great! Let's go."

  "Are we walking there or..?" I asked.

  "No I have a motorcycle." He looked at me and smiled.

  "A motorcycle?" I laughed thinking he was kidding. He looked at me and smiled again. "Are you being serious?" I asked. He nodded his head yes.

  "Here, take this." He told me while handing me a helmet.

  "I cannot believe I'm doing this." I said while buckling my helmet and swinging my leg over the bike to sit on the back.

  "You'll be safe. Promise... give me your hands." He said and I listened. He grabbed my hands and put them around his body. I linked my arms together around his stomach and felt the hardness of his body. The warmth that came off of him and into me.

  "Ugh stop Ana." I whispered to myself.

  "What was that?" He looked in back of him at me.

  "Oh nothing! Nothing at all." I hurried and shut my mouth.

  I squeezed my legs to his body as tight as I could get them.

  "Relax! You'll be fine! You ready Anastasia?"

  "As ready as I'll ever be!" I said while pulling the visor down so my eyes are covered. The engine started and I gripped him tighter. He grabbed the handles and moved his wrist. I realized he had tattoos on both of his arms. It definitely fits him. Next thing I know, the winds in my hair and I'm watching everyone and everything fly right by me.

  He put the bike in park and put the stand down as he hopped off the bike. He turned around and held out his hand to help me.

  "See! That wasn't so bad." He smiled at me.

  "Eh... I prefer my transportation with doors and seatbelts..." I said while taking my helmet off and setting it on the back of the motorcycle.

  "But..." He exaggerated.

  "But... it was fun and you kept your promise." I laughed.

  We walked into the diner and there was a host waiting for us.

  "Hey Stone! Just two?" He asked and Travis nodded. He brought us to a back table that was far from the window.

  "Okay... who's Stone?" I asked Travis while sliding into the booth.

  "Stone is a long story Anastasia." He explained while letting out a deep breath he seemed to be holding for a while.

  "Well the guy last night practically obeyed you and this guy didn't think twice about taking you all the way back here." I said while looking at the menu.

  It's kind of a name I sort of picked up around my hometown… and now this town." He said while opening a menu.

  "Okay. Well, why Stone? It sounds kind of... bad."

  "I'm not bad I promise okay? It's just a nickname. It means nothing."

  I dropped the subject as a waiter came over.

  "What can I get for you Stone?"

  "I'll get the usual John." Travis said while smiling at me.

  "I'll get a chocolate chip pancake with some orange juice please." I stated.

  After the waiter walked away, I started looking around the diner trying to avoid an awkward conversation.


  "Yes Travis?" I asked while turning to look at him.

  "Look I'm not bad. Okay?"

  "Then tell me what "Stone" stands for?" I asked while using the quotation hand motion.

  "People around town just know they can't mess with me. That's all." He said as he rested his hands on the table.

  Chapter 4

  One hour later

  We arrived back to the university and he parked his motorcycle. We decided to take a walk around outside to get some fresh air. "So, what's your major?" Travis asked.

  "Biology, you?"

  "Biology also!"

  "Really?" I said shockingly. "You don't seem like the science type." I laughed while looking up at him. I just realized he's really tall... like really tall. The top of my head isn't even close to his shoulder!

  "I love science actually. I was always trying to get into extra credit science classes in high school."

  "How old are you?"

  "22, you?"

  "I'm 21." I stated.

  "Ana!" I heard someone yell from behind me.

  "Hey Em!" I said while she was running towards me.

  "Hey Emma." Travis said.

  "So, how was breakfast?" She said excitedly.

  "It was good. Hey Em, do you have that thing I told you to get at the thing?" I questioned her while giving her a little smile. Travis looked at me weirdly.

  "Huh? Oh right! Yes it's back at the dorm for you!" Emma said confused.

  "Great!" I looked at Travis, "Em and I should get going now... we have... she got me something I needed from the-"

  "Thing... yeah I got that part." Travis said giving a small smile and totally not buying any of this.

  "Well I'll see you soon Anastasia!"

  "You too Travis." I said while turning around and walking to the dorm room with Em.

  "Okay, what was that about?" Emma asked while I threw myself on my bed.

  "I don't know... he seems weird."

  "Weird how?"

  "Well, people call him Stone..." I sa
id to her. She looked confused too, "Yeah believe me I know... its just weird."

  "Maybe he's just a tough guy that people know not to mess with?"

  "Maybe." I said while thinking.

  September 4, 2018 9:46am

  It's been two days, yet so many things have happened. My roommate Emma is great. She brings out a part of me that's been buried deep inside me for so long. I'm finally letting lose and having some fun. My first night here wasn't quite so fun. Well, it was at first. That was until a drunk guy tried to take advantage of me… but he was there.

  The "He" I'm referring to is this guy named Travis, or should I say Stone? I don't know. He seems hidden. Like he's hiding something but on the other hand, he's scared of something.

  Classes start tomorrow, which I'm looking forward to. My whole life I've been wanting this and it's finally just 24 hours away.

  I have one question: Does a person always have a fear of something or is it just someone and their actions?

  "What are we going to do tod-" Emma was about to say but, the knock at the door cut her off. She walked to the door and opened it.

  "Hello girls! I am here to hand everyone their schedules for tomorrow! Are you girls Emma Beltran and Anastasia Reilly?" A girl asked way to perky. No one should be this happy in the morning.

  "Yes we are!" Emma said while grabbing the schedules out of her hand.

  "Thank you!" I half yelled towards the door.

  "You are very welcome! I can't wait till tomorrow! You have a great day now!" Once again... way too perky.

  "Okay... I need to burn my brain with a shower to try and get her voice replay out of my head." Emma said while grabbing a towel and clothes.

  "I'm right behind you." I hurried to get my clothes and towel.

  We walked out and shut the door behind us.

  We decided to go check out the school and see where our classes are since we don't want to rush around tomorrow. Em is studying biology as well, so we will both be in the same unit.

  "It's so nice that our classes are at the same time so neither of us will be alone!" Em said while we were walking outside. The building we are going to is about an 8 minute walk from our dorm.

  "Ugh I know... we literally don't know anyone else here."

  "Except Travis." Em states.

  "Well, yeah but he doesn't really count." I said while opening the doors to the science building.

  "Why not Ana?" She asked while rolling her eyes.

  "Because, I told you... I am not ready to date. It can't happen!" I told her while looking for my class room.

  "It can't happen or you won't let it happen?" She asked while searching for her classroom as well.

  "I won't let it happen! Besides, everyone seems to be either scared of him and obeying his every word... 2546...2547...ah 2548! This is my first class tomorrow morning."

  "You are totally changing the subject and this is my first class too!" Em squealed. As we turned around, she bumped right into someone.

  "I am so sorry. I wasn't looking in front of me, I was looking for my class. Are you okay?" A guy asked her while holding her arms trying to steady her.

  "Yeah..." Em said and looked up at him.

  "I'm... I'm okay. Yeah thanks!"

  "I'm Ethan." He said while looking back and forth between us.

  Emma was in awe staring at him so I spoke up, "This is

  Emma and I am Anastasia."

  I elbowed her in the side so she'd stop gawking.

  "Uh right... yes! I am Emma and this is Anastasia!" She said happily to Ethan.

  "Yeah... I got that part," he laughed, "Well, I have to go find my classes! I'll see you around Emma?"

  "Absolutely!" She said too loudly and quickly.

  As we walked away, she whispered, "He is beautiful... like really beautiful."

  I laughed and shook my head as we walked out of the building.

  As we were walking outside, everyone was running toward an alley between two of the school building. I saw two guys fighting.

  "Wait, is that...?" Emma asked.

  "Travis? Oh my…" I said while running up to the group of people surrounding the fight.

  "Wait no Ana! Don't!" Em yelled running after me.

  I ran all the way to the front. There was blood everywhere, but it wasn't Travis's blood, it was the other guys.

  "Ana! Stay back. Don't go any closer." Em said while grabbing my arm.

  "But he... that's Travis… why is he?" I couldn't process what I was seeing, let alone try to talk about it.

  "That's because he does this for a living kid, get used to it." A random guy said rudely, while standing next to us.

  "He what...?"

  "He does this for a living. Come on. Look at him. It's Stone." The guy said laughing and enjoying what he was seeing.

  "Travis!" I yelled.

  He stopped and looked right at me. He was breathing heavily and paused for a few seconds... until he started punching again. After a little while goes by, the guy that talked to us went to Travis and stopped him. They smiled together. I started walking away, Emma right behind me.

  "Anastasia!" I heard Travis yell. I felt everyone's eyes looking my way. I looked at Emma and she nodded, so we started running until we got to our dorm room.

  "Oh my god Emma. He does that for a living…" I yelled while putting my hand on my forehead. I couldn't help but pace back and forth in our room.

  "I guess that's why everyone calls him Stone." Emma laughed.

  "Em, now is not the time to be funny." I rolled my eyes at her, frustrated.

  "You're right. I'm sorry."

  "He beat that guy to a pulp! This is exactly why I can't get involved with anyone. Look who they turn out to be...

  guys like him!" I yelled.

  "Anastasia!" I heard Travis yell from outside the door. "Anastasia can we please talk? Just hear me out." Emma and I say on our beds looking at each other. We kept quiet so he wouldn't hear us.

  "I know you're in there. The girl at the front told me." That perky Bitch.

  "Travis, just go away." Emma said.

  "Not until Anastasia talks to me." He said sounding upset.

  "Travis just go." I told him firmly.

  "Okay Anastasia. I'll see you tomorrow and I'll explain everything." He said. I heard his footsteps walking away.

  Chapter 5

  "BEEP...BEEP...BEEP!" I woke up and pushed the button to shut off our alarm.


  Classes start at 9. I sat up and stretched. Emma didn't move an inch so I grabbed my pillow and threw it towards her, hitting her head. She sat right up glaring at me.

  "" she said slowly.

  "Just checking. Now get up and let's get ready. We have 45 minutes." I said while standing up and walking to my dresser.

  Emma got up, grabbed her clothes and walked out of the room.

  "Someone's grumpy." I whispered.

  "I heard that!"

  Once we were done getting ready, we grabbed our books and started walking towards the Biology building.

  "Anastasia!" Travis yelled from behind me.

  "You have got to be kidding me." I said to Em while rolling my eyes.

  "Just hear him out Ana." Emma stated while walking ahead of me.

  "Anastasia. Listen to me." Travis pleaded while taking Emma's spot, walking beside me.

  "There's nothing to say Travis. I saw what you were doing and there's no explanation, other than you were fighting and apparently you do that for a living." I said while opening the door and walking to my classroom. "Anastasia! It's just cage fighting. People just tell me what other fighters to fight and I get money for it. That's it." He whined.

  "That's it? Travis! His blood was everywhere! Look, this is my class, so just let me go right now." I said opening the door to my class.

  "We'll talk later?" He pleaded.

  "Fine." I stayed as I shut the door. I sat down next to Emma and told her our conversation.

  "Hello students! Welcome to
Cellular Biology..."

  After that three-hour class, Emma and I decided to grab a bite to eat.


  "It's Travis," Emma smiled. Travis caught up with us, "I'm going to go grab us something to eat!" She said while walking away.

  "Hey! How are you?" Travis asked as we continued to walk side by side.

  "Very good! Class was great and my professor is very nice." I told him.

  "That's good! Here, let me take your book bag for you... it looks heavy." He smiled while grabbing my bag off my shoulder.

  "Uh... thank you. So, how was your day?" I asked him while putting my hair up because the breeze was blowing it all over the place.

  "Great... so, we need to talk." He stopped walking and turned towards me. I stopped as well.

  "Travis, I don't need to know your business. What you do on your time isn't for me to know."

  "I just need to explain... can I pick you up at 8?" He asked smiling and handing me my bag back while walking away.

  Travis I don't thi-"

  "8 o'clock Anastasia!" He yelled back to me.

  Travis didn't tell me if I was dressing casual or fancy so I decided with something in between. Jeans, a cute dressy shirt and flats. Em was grabbing something to eat.

  That girl always has food on her mind.

  There was a knock at my door so I opened,

  "Anastasia you look beautiful."

  "Thank you, so do you... handsome I mean, not um not beautiful." I said blushing.

  "Let's go!" He said while grabbing my hand as I shut the door behind me.

  We were at a restaurant that's right off campus, we walked here rather than using his motorcycle.

  "So, favorite food?" He asked.

  "Definitely pizza, you?"

  "Pasta, favorite dessert?"

  "So many, but I'm going to have to say brownies." I said laughing.

  "Cookies for me."

  "What kind?" I asked him while resting both elbows on the table.


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