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Eyes For You (Chasing Tomorrow Book 1)

Page 6

by Abby-Rose Macchio

  "Let's go! Paul is waiting!" He started walking out. I grabbed my wristlet and my phone and followed him out. "Emma and Ethan went out to the mall to do some shopping and then they were going to the movies."

  "Good morning Mr. Coleman and Miss Reilly." Paul said while he opened the back door to the brand new black Escalade.

  "Good morning Paul." Travis and I said in unison.

  "Thank you for taking us." I smiled at him.

  "My pleasure Miss Reilly." He smiled while shutting the door. "Where to?" He asked Travis while closing the driver’s side door.

  "The stables." Travis said while leaving me curious.

  "Stables?" I asked confused.

  "Yes Anastasia, stables." He smiled while resting his hand on my knee as Paul started driving away from the house and down the driveway.

  "All this land is yours?" I asked him while looking out the window. At the end of his driveway, there's two streets. One is the way out and another leads somewhere that I can't see because it's too far away and there's so many trees. The road has a forest on both sides. It is so pretty.

  "Yes Anastasia, it is." He said back to me while also looking out the window. "It is too far of a walk from the house so I'm having Paul drive us there. I think you'll love it. We'll be there in five minutes."

  As Paul kept driving, I realized he had a whole new world behind his locked medal gates at the start of his driveway off a busy street. I don't know why he goes to school when he has enough money to live off of and he has this place that completely shuts you out of the world.

  It's peaceful, quiet, beautiful.

  As we pulled up and got out of the Escalade, I see a barn that's bigger than my house. It's red and wooden then there's white gates surrounding it and in the back of it all, there's mountains and mountains of land.

  "Wow Travis, this is beautiful. I can't believe this is all yours." I say surprisingly. As we were walking towards the barn, I see Paul drive away. "Can I ask you something?" "Anything." He said while turning to me.

  "Why do you go to school if you have enough money to live off of and you have all of this?" I asked him. I couldn't help the curiosity circling my brain for the past three days.

  "It gets lonely here. I love going to the school and spending time with my friends and learning something other than financing my money. I like having people in my life. When you live here, it gets lonely and you don't see a lot of people. It's mostly just you unless there's a party for the hospital or a get together every now and then for the family. We are always busy, each and every one of my family members so it's tough to get everyone in one place at once. So I like going to school. It gets me away from all this. I've been at this since I was a child, I want to be a free normal early 20's man. I want to see what a normal life is like." He explained to me while opening the barn doors.

  I can't help but wonder if he's always been this lonely. He's right, this is great and perfect and all but, it could definitely get lonely here by yourself.

  "Wow! Oh my! They are so beautiful!" I said completely stunned while walking up the walkway to see each stall companied with a beautiful horse. Black, red, white, brown, tan, gray. All so beautiful. "How many horses do you have?!"

  "I have 8 horses." Travis said happily. "My father loved riding. So when my brothers and I grew up, we got some horses and we keep them here. They come here as much as they can but I'm here all the time. I come here even if it's for a night of riding, I'll make the trip worthwhile. It's worth the drive from school to see them. When I can't come by, I have my next door neighborhood who lives about 20 minutes away, come by every day to feed them and let them all out for a bit. They all get along so they can be put together outside for a while!" He explained excitedly.

  "Can I pick one to ride?!" I asked jumping up and down.

  "That's why we are here Anastasia. Pick any one you want." He told me.

  I instantly ran to the black one. It was the only black one there and it was a stallion. They are so rare and ever since I watched 'The Black Stallion' with my mom when I was a little girl, I have been waiting so long to see one in person.

  "This one please!" I begged him.

  "Absolutely!" He said while opening the gate and grabbing the saddle and putting it on the horse.

  "Anastasia meet Midnight, Midnight meet Anastasia." "That name fits him so well." I smiled.

  As Travis was getting the saddle ready and getting a helmet for me, I went up to Midnight and touched his face. He let out a puff and rubbed his head against my hand. I walked a little closer and gave him a hug while petting his shoulders and hair.

  "He loves you and loves that he just made a new friend." Travis smiled.

  "The feeling is definitely mutual. I'm in awe... he is so beautiful." I said excitedly.

  "You stay in here and I'm going to get my horse ready then meet you over here! I'll be right back!" He explained while I stayed near Midnight, stroking his hair.


  Finally, Travis came back with a brownish red horse that was very tall and beautiful like Midnight. His name is Chestnut.

  "You ready?" He asked me while walking his horse down the walkway. "Take his reins and follow me." He instructed me and I nodded.

  Once we go outside of the barn, we walked them towards the start of a trail.

  "This trail leads to the mountains and it takes us around up there and then it leads back here, it's about a 4 hour trail with a few stops for the scenery." He ties his horse around a pole and came to me. He grabbed my foot and pushed me up. I jumped on the saddle and I had one leg on either side. I stayed put and he untied his horse and jumped on his saddle. He made a clicking noise with his mouth and both horses went side by side and started walking up the trail slowly. He gently tapped the side of the horse with his shoe and both of our horses started galloping but they weren't going fast.

  They were going at a perfect pace.

  "Clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop" the horses’ hooves went as we were galloping.

  We were in a comfortable silence for a while, both of us taking in the scenery of the forest and trails. All you could here was the horses’ hooves, their occasional nicker that they make, birds chirping, and just enough of a little breeze to hear the trees leaves moving. It was so peaceful and beautiful.

  “Come this way.” He said after silence. He started riding up a tight trail.

  “Are you sure that we will fit?” I asked him concerned before I started riding up the trail.

  “I think so.” He replied to me and I stayed still with my horse. “I’m kidding.” He laughed at me.

  “Very funny ha ha… ass” I rolled my eyes and started following him.

  “You honestly think that I would put you in danger?” He asked me while glancing back.

  “I mean, I don’t really know actually.” I said.

  “What? Anastasia, I would never!” He yelled at me, still looking at the trail ahead of him.

  “Well, like I don’t know… this is a very remote place and you could have planned to take me here, kill me, and then bury my body. I mean, it’s not like anyone would exactly find me up here. Even if they got a search warrant to search your property, they still wouldn’t be able to find me.” I said seriously. He just busted out laughing like a freaking hyena. “What? I’m serious!”

  “How do you even come up with that stuff?” He laughed at me more.

  “You didn’t deny it either.” I stopped my horse and stayed on the trail as I watched him move forward.

  He stopped and looked behind him and at me. “Do you watch those crazy shit shows on that DI channel?” He laughed.

  “It’s the ID channel and you still didn’t deny it!” I whined.

  “Of course I deny it! I would never! Stop being so dramatic.” He laughed and rolled his eyes while moving up the trail again and I followed.

  “And I don’t watch that ID shit. I just happened to switch by the channel and that story came up and I just watched it for maybe 10 minutes.” I rolled my

  “10 minutes?”

  ”Well, maybe 20… or 30… well maybe I watched the whole hour. Still though, those things really happen you know.” He just laughed at me while I huffed and puffed.


  Once we finally reached the top of the trail, it turned into an open field. Green grass filled the field. There were beautiful flowers that were planted in different areas and they were all different colors. There was a perfect breeze, not too cold and not too hot.

  “Wow.” I said in awe. I’m at a loss for words.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” He stopped his horse in the middle of the open field and I did the same. He jumped off his horse and came to my side to help me down.

  “Very!” I said as I started walking on the field. I felt free. I feel free.

  “I come up here a lot to think. There’s no distractions.” He yelled towards me since I somehow made it far on the field. He stayed back with his horses as I roam the grass and touch the flowers.

  “It’s so… It’s so freeing!” I yelled back. I turned around and my hair blew just the right way with the wind. I couldn’t help but smile at him from afar. I opened my arms to the side of me and I spun around with the wind. I felt so light and it’s such a wonderful moment for me. “I love this!” I started running towards him and as I got closer, he held his arms out for me. I ran right into his arms and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms wrapped around me and my hands found the back of his neck. His hands landed on my butt and he twirled around as we laughed. My hair was in our faces and we couldn’t help but keep laughing. ”I love this. I’m so in love with this.” I whispered to him, afraid I would disturb the wind. “It’s so beautiful.”

  “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered to me. He looked me in the eyes and kissed me, I gladly kissed him back.

  Chapter 12

  After our little vacation, we finally got all back to our dorms. Emma and I started to unpack our things. We talked about everything we did and our dates, how we felt. When we were finally done unpacking and laid on our beds, there was a knock at the door.

  "Coming!" Emma says as she gets up and walks to the door. As she opens it, "who are you?"

  "Is Stasia here?" I hear. No please no. It can't be. What is he doing here? Why would he follow me? He can't be here.

  "Uh... Anastasia you mean? Yes why?" Emma asked while looking back at me on my bed. My bed is on the other side of the door so I can't see him, but I can hear him. He walks right in without her telling him he can. He looks around the room and his eyes land on me.

  "Stasia... nice to finally see you again." He said creepily.

  "Liam, what are you doing here?" I asked in short of breath voice. I refuse for him to believe that I'm scared of him anymore so I stand up and keep my posture. I hold back the tears, "you need to leave." I said sternly.

  "I'm not leaving until you give me another chance." He smirked at me.

  "Absolutely not. You need to leave and I never want to see you again." I told him strongly while walking to the door and gesturing him to leave.

  "Come on baby please?" He pleaded.

  "She said you need to leave," Emma said sternly. "Or I'll call security." So she does know who it is.

  "This isn't over Stasia." He said while looking at me and walking out. I shut the door and lock it instantly.

  The next morning

  I drag myself to the bathroom to get ready for classes and Emma was already in the bathroom.

  "Hey, how are you feeling?" Emma asked while brushing her hair.

  "Confused, shocked, scared, mad, distraught, I don't really know exactly how I feel. He knows where I come to school, he knows where my dorm is. How can I let myself walk around this campus freely anymore without being scared and thinking he could be watching me?" I asked her while washing my hair in the shower.

  After washing my hair, I just stand there in the shower, under the hot water. I know I should be getting ready for school but I don't think I should go today.

  "Hello? Ana???" Emma asked while interrupting my thoughts.

  "Huh? Yeah sorry... what?" I asked her while shutting the shower off, wrapping a towel around me and stepping out.

  "I was saying how I think you need to tell Travis." Emma stayed while turning around from the mirror to look at me.

  "No... no no no. I can't do that." I told her while she got her stuff together and we walked back to our dorm.

  "Are you crazy? How could I possibly tell Travis?"

  "You guys are dating, he is your ex Ana, Travis would want to know! Especially with the way Liam has treated you in the past." Emma firmly stated while grabbing her book bag to head to our class.

  "I'm going to stay in for the day." I told her while sitting on my bed and ignoring her comment. "Okay, well listen. I'm here if you need me. I won't tell Travis but that's your job and I strongly suggest you do it. He needs to know. I will be back when class is over." She said while opening the front door.

  "Sure thing." I said as the door shut. I went to lock it and laid back on my bed.

  September 24, 2018 8:28am

  All the demons, I tried so hard to deflate them, it didn't work, and they are now back at the surface. I should have known that they'd eventually float up. As soon as I heard that voice, my world shattered once again. I thought it was over. I started moving on and here I am again thinking back to the days in my life that were the worst days. I can't tell Travis. How can you tell a guy you like, that your ex is here and is asking… no, is telling you that you need to give him another chance and especially after I told him the truth. I can't do that. I don't know what to do.

  I was getting bored of watching TV so I decided to throw some decent clothes on and head to the little restaurant around the corner on campus. It was 11:30 and Emma would be in class for another hour or so. So it will be me going by myself. No one with me. Alone. I don't really think that's a good idea since I saw Liam last night but the campus has students crawling around everywhere, so I'm going to go.

  After I grabbed my food, I basically ate it all on the way back so I just enjoyed the sunny cool weather outside. Walking around campus felt calm and freeing but there was inner me that was screaming inside to go back to my dorm and lock myself away. I won't because that would give Liam the satisfaction knowing that I'm scared of him. Am I scared? Ugh who am I kidding? I came here hours away from my home, my friends, my family... and him, but he still found a way to get to me.

  "Anastasia!" I heard a familiar voice. I was so lost in my thoughts that I walked right by Travis.

  "I'll talk to you guys later!" He yelled back to his friends. He walked up to me and gave me a quick kiss on my lips and put his arm around my shoulders and started walking with me.

  "Why aren't you in class?" He asked confused.

  Shit. Ummm... "I didn't feel good." I sort of half lied considering I didn't really feel good but I can't bring up the why. Mentally face palming myself because that was the lame excuse #1 in the lame excuse book. Couldn't of thought of a more believable one. Anastasia?

  "Are you okay? You seem okay now!" He smiled while looking at me confused. He knew I was lying but dropped it. "What are you going to do?" He asked me.

  Damnit Emma. She told him. It had to be before class because she's in class now. She would have had to go to his dorm and tell him.

  "I'm not sure what to do. There really isn't anything I can do. I'm just as confused as you." I told him not wanting to go into detail.

  "Why are you confused? There's so much we can do around here. You've only need to a few places on campus!" He told me.

  "Wait. Huh?" I stopped and looked at him asking confusingly.

  "You were walking on campus and I asked you what you were going to do. I didn't know where you were headed." He explained.

  Oooohhhhh... sorry Emma... I mentally said to myself. She didn't say anything. I'm an idiot and I almost told him.

  "Right... yes! So yes um... what would you like to
do?" I asked him hurrying to change the subject so he wouldn't ask questions.

  "Well, since you ate already, I figured I could take you to play some pool? It’s in building five on the first floor."

  "Yes! That sounds fun! I've never played pool before." I stayed excitedly.

  "Then I'll have to teach you," he winked at me and I blushed. "Come on!"

  As we walked into the pool area, it was actually quite busy considering it was Monday around noon. Emma is getting out of class soon so I shot her a text to grab Ethan and come by with us.

  "Look! There's an empty table with my name on it." He pointed across the area.

  "You have your own pool table?" I asked stunned.

  "No no," he laughed "I was kidding. I'm happy there's an open table so we won't have to wait to play."

  “Well, I wouldn’t exactly be surprised.” I said and he laughed. I followed him and he grabbed two sticks in the corner and rubbed the tips with chalk. He was the one breaking and he got three balls down the holes. On the corner of my eye, I saw Emma and Ethan walk in. I waved my hand and called them over.

  "Hey guys! Grab sticks!" Travis said while walking up to me. "Come on, I have to teach you how to shoot." He smiled.

  I looked for a striped ball I wanted to shoot and he told me to lean forward. His hands found my hips and he bent down and whispered in my ear.

  "You have to open your legs a little apart." He was talking about pool right? Yes Anastasia only pool. I mentally cursed myself at the dirty thoughts circling my brain.

  My cheeks flushed and I did what he told me too. His right arm found my arm that was holding the stick and he helped me put it in the right position on the table. I grabbed the stick tightly when his other hand found my hip to push me a little more forward to get a better aim on the ball.

  "Can I shoot now?" I asked him.

  "You sure you want to do that? Or do you want to be in this position a little longer? I don't think you needed help figuring out how to shoot." He whispered.


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