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Eyes For You (Chasing Tomorrow Book 1)

Page 13

by Abby-Rose Macchio

  "Nothing. Hi Olivia." I gave her a hug.

  "Nice to see you again Travis" she smiled at me while holding Tyler's hand. Can that be me and Anastasia right now?

  "How was the flight?" I asked her while checking my screen for any phone calls or texts. Nothing.

  "It was tiring! The time change has me all messed up. Hey thanks for letting us stay here." she told me sincerely.

  "No need to thank me. Make yourself feel at home." I smiled to her while Tyler grabbed her bags from her and they went up the stairs to his suite.

  "Come here and spill." Penny smiled while gesturing me to sit on one of the stools at the kitchen island with her.

  "Nothing's wrong." I told her while sitting down across from her.

  "Travis. Don't lie to me." Damnit. She knows me too well.

  "That obvious huh?" She nodded. "I screwed up again."

  "Why do you think that?" She asked me concerned.

  "She hung up on me because I brought up her past when I know I shouldn't have." I fake smiled.

  "And?" she dragged out.

  "And what?" I have no idea what she's talking about.

  "And... you can’t get anything past me, you should know this by now. So, what else you are keeping from me."

  "I kind of hired some people..." I carried off.

  "What do you mean hired people?" Penny asked knowing where I was going with this.

  "I hired men to watch her." I half smiled, afraid to look at her.

  "Travis." she started but didn't finish.

  "I know I know."

  "No you don't know. That's something that has to go through her first and she needs to accept that before you turn her into your little puppy."

  "I didn't turn her into a little pup-"

  "Travis, you practically put her in a little cage with big dogs surrounding her and trying to protect her when she can't even breath and they don't know it's hurting her." Penny explained.

  "When you put it that way..."

  "I'm always right. Now is the time where you call her apologize or even surprise her and show up there. If you want to protect her, that is fine and you are doing the right thing, you just need her to confirm it first. She's in control of her life, not you." She's right.

  "Thanks Penny." I smiled while getting off the stool and kissing the top of her head.

  "Don't thank me! Now go, sweetie." and on that cue, I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

  I packed my bags and walked down the stairs. I walked over to the speaker phone and went on the intercom.

  "Bye boys! I will be back in the morning. Going to visit Anastasia." I told them while hanging the phone up after I heard all their goodbyes.

  "Bye Penny. Thank you and I love you." I walked up to her giving her a hug and heard her say it back before walking out the door.

  I decided since it was somewhat a nice day out today, I was going to take my BMW i8 out of my garage for a nice drive and give Paul the day off.

  I hit the button to my driver’s side door on the key and my butterfly door opened and I got in and hit the button to shut it. I started my engine and oh what a lovely sound it was. I backed out of the garage and headed down the driveway, off to see my beautiful Anastasia.

  Chapter 23

  Travis POV

  When I finally get there on campus, I park my car and start walking to Anastasia's dorm.

  "Hey Stone!" I heard somebody yell behind me. I turn around to find Dominic, one of the men I hired to keep Anastasia safe.

  "Hey Dom, you know where she is?" I asked him while shaking his hand.

  "Yes. She went into her dorm by herself about 8 minutes ago." he told me while looking at her building.

  "Great thanks. You and your men take the night off. I got it for the night. Come back around 9 tomorrow morning." I told him.

  "Yes Stone." he nodded and then walked away to go find the others and tell them.

  Just knock Travis. Be a man and knock.

  "Coming!" I heard her beautiful voice through the door. I couldn't help but smile.

  "Travis? What are you do-" She was in shock and her eyes went wide.

  "I came here to apologize to you about what I said this morning and about what I haven't told you that there were men watching you. I am really sorry." I babbled out not knowing if that made sense.

  "It's okay." she simply said with a small smile.

  "I'm really sorry."

  "Travis, it's okay."

  "Are you sure?" I asked her.

  "I understood it after I talked to Emma. It's not okay."

  "I know it isn’t-"

  "You didn't let me finish. It's not okay but I understand where you are coming from and I thank you for that." she sincerely told me. Ugh her eyes are so beautiful, the way the glisten in the simplest lights. She stood on her tippy toes and pulled me in for a kiss, I gladly kissed her back.

  "So, is it okay to stay here until tomorrow morning?" I asked her as she broke free from our kiss.

  "Of course it is Travis." She said giving me a small smile.

  "Good because I've missed you." I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.

  "Don't you have to train though?"

  "I can skip tomorrow morning. But, that reminds me.

  Guess what!" I said excitedly.

  "What?" she asked confusedly.

  "I have my first fight in three weeks!" I told her while grabbing her hands and pulling her close to me.

  "That’s so great!" She told me equally excited as she squealed because she tripped on her foot as I pulled her close, but I caught her.

  I pulled her in and held her tightly. I missed the smell of her hair and the warmth of her body next to mine. I crave her and she doesn't even know how perfect she is.

  Anastasia POV

  I missed his smell and the way my body fits perfectly in his. The way my head meets his chest and his arms engulf me. I forgot for a few days what it was actually like to feel safe and here I am with Travis doing the simplest thing and I couldn't feel any safer than I already do.

  "What do you say we go back to that diner where our first date was?" he said just before kissing the top of my head.

  "I would love that." I looked up at him with my chin on his chest.

  "Great! Let’s go!" he smiled while kissing my lips and grabbing my hand. I quickly shut and locked the door as he was pulling me down the hallway.

  "Where's Paul?" I asked him confused and looking for the car we normally take.

  "I gave Paul the day off today so I am driving my car." He smiled while unlocking his doors and walking me to the passenger side.

  "This is your car?" I asked him stunned at the sight of what I was seeing.

  "Yes it is." he told me proudly.

  I searched for a door opener and there wasn't one. He must have read my mind.

  "Back up a few feet." He told me while pulling my waist back to wear he was standing. As he said that, he pushed a button on his key and both of our front doors open.

  "Oh my god! Butterfly doors?" I asked him excitedly.

  "Yup! Now get in and I'll push the button so keep your hands inside the vehicle." He told me in a posh voice.

  "Yes sir" I saluted and he laughed.

  The inside was all black with red stitching and it still smelt brand new. He probably never drives cars considering he has Paul. The windows were tinted, we could see outside but I'm pretty sure no one can see us. This must have cost a fortune, I mean yeah he's rich. But geez, this much?

  "What are you thinking about?" He asked me and I jumped out of a deep thought and didn't realize that his door was shut and we were already pulling out of the campus.

  "Oh nothing." I sang and looking out the window. "You know? I do prefer this rather than a motorcycle." I laughed and he laughed with me.

  "Hey you know you loved it, you're just too good to admit it." He smirked while reaching over and putting a hand on my thigh and resting it there.

  "Yeah yeah yeah." whi
le I moved one of my hands to rest on his.

  As I looked over to him, I couldn't believe how amazing he looks and I know that he doesn't even try. The way his hair is curly and messy but perfect on his head, his prominent jaw line, his blue eyes, his perfectly shaved face, his neck vein that pops out when he talks, the way he hums to the music playing, everything he does.

  "Stop staring." He joked and laughed at me.

  "I'll take a picture then." I pulled put my phone from my vest and snapped a picture of him. I got it just in time while he laughed at my response. His perfect smile and his squinted blue eyes make the picture. "Saved!" I sang to him while he laughed and looked over to wink at me.

  God I love this man.

  Chapter 24

  As we walked in the diner, I could smell the delicious food. My stomach smelt it too because it started growling. He turned around and looked at me.

  "I guess you're really hungry." He smiled and laughed while I blushed.

  "Maybe" I sang.

  The hostess came up to us and took one look at Travis.

  "Right this way Stone." She said while turning around to walk towards his table all the way in the back again.

  "Actually, is it alright if I sit in the front this time?" He asked while looking back at me.

  "Certainly Stone." She smiled while walking to a table right in front of the window. "Is this a good table for you?"

  "Absolutely. Thank you." He told her while pulling out a chair for me to sit in and he sat across from me.

  "Wow." I stated while picking up the menu to look for something to order.

  "What is it Anastasia?" He looked at me confused.

  "Since when does Stone sit in the front?" My eyebrows rose and I couldn't help but smirk.

  "Well, I wanted to try something different and I know you'd like this table better." He smiled proudly and nodded his head.

  "Ah I see." I nodded my head at him while putting down my menu as I saw the waitress coming over.

  "Do you guys know what you are going to order?" She asked politely and Travis gestured me to go first. "Yes I will take the grilled cheese with fries on the side." I smiled while handing her the menu.

  "I will take a steak sandwich with a side of fries also." He told her while she took his menu and he looked at me as she walked away. "Grilled cheese? Your stomach just sounded like a dying whale and you ordered a grilled cheese?" He started to laugh.

  "Yes. Yes I did. Now don't judge me!" I smirked while leaning on the table.

  "No judgement here." He put his hands up in defense.

  "Oh my god! Hey girl!" I heard someone yell after the front door of the diner slammed shut.

  No. It can't be. Really?

  I turn around to find Darcy standing there in a pink dress with heels and a pink handbag. Isn't she cold?

  I looked back at Travis and fake smiled. Then I turned back to Darcy to see her walking up to the table. I couldn't help but try to hide the smile after noticing her bright red cheek from that bitch slap last night.

  "Darcy... hi" I fake laughed and looked at Travis. After I said her name, he knew who she was. "What are you doing here?" I smiled at her. I hope it didn't look too fake.

  "Fancy meeting you here. Who's this hottie?" She looked at Travis and placed her hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off.

  "This is my boyfriend Travis." I said through gritted teeth hoping she'd get the hint to not touch him again.

  "Oh well wow... aren't you a lucky girl?" She smirked while touching his shoulder again and he shrugged it off... again. Steam rose from my head and I cooled it off so I wouldn't cause a scene.

  "No actually I'm the lucky one here." Travis said while trying to scoot his chair as far away from her as possible.

  "Aww well aren't you cute." She said in a high pitch voice. If she touches him again. I swear to god I'll-. "Okay well I'll see you back at campus." She looked at me and then back at Travis and smirked at him while turning around to walk away. If she sways those hips any more, her heels won't be able to keep her balanced.

  "So that's Darcy." Travis took a deep breath and went wide eyed then rolled them.

  "That's her." I let out a breath.

  "She looks familiar but I can't figure out how." He said confused while exhaling out his long breath.

  "Well, her voice is easy to remember." I rolled my eyes and then smiled because I saw my grilled cheese coming towards our table.

  "Here you go Stone. I thought I'd bring out your meals because I wanted to see how you've been. I've missed you around here." A man with an apron on said.

  He looked at me and put his hand out. I shook it.

  "Rich this is Anastasia. Anastasia this is Richard." Travis smiled. "I missed you too buddy. How's everything going?" He asked while I took a bite of my grilled cheese and oh my god it is delicious.

  "Everything's going great! I'm actually back at home right now. I decided school wasn't the right fit for me but I will definitely be coming here a lot still!" He smiled at Richard.

  "We'll keep in touch Stone! Can't wait until you come visit again!" He smiled at Travis while patting him on the back. Travis stood up and pulled him in for a hug.

  "I will Rich and I'll see you soon!" He pulled away and smiled then sat back down.

  "You two seem close." I smiled before taking another bite.

  "Yeah. We are… I kind of helped him a lot. I've done a lot of favors for him." He hurried and took a bite of his sandwich so he didn't have to say anything else.

  "Oh." I decided to drop it and not talk about that.

  "How's the food?" I smiled.

  "Amazing!" He said with his mouth full and I just laughed.

  "Mine too." I smiled.

  "But... it's not as amazing as the girl right in front of me." He smiled and winked at me.

  I smiled and took the last bite of my grilled cheese and started to eat my fries, he did the same.

  We headed back to campus after we went out to eat and decided to spend the day and night in the dorm room to watch TV together.

  "Let's watch Pretty Little Liars!" I half yelled while jumping and spreading out on my bed.

  "Uh no." he hurried to lay next to me while grabbing the remote. "Let's watch Sons of Anarchy!" He said excitedly.

  Emma was out with Ethan for the day so we could have ‘us’ time.

  "Absolutely not. Not happening sweetie, hate to break it to you." I grabbed the remote from his hand and stuck my tongue out at him while hitting Netflix.

  "You watch girly stuff and I watch guy stuff so this Netflix thing won't work out and we'll fight all day." He started laughing.

  "Oh I have a good one!" I went to my watch again list and landed on Friends.

  "Something we can agree on!" He smiled at me as I nuzzled my head in his chest and his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

  I'll be there for you

  (When the rain starts to pour)

  I'll be there for you

  (Like I've been there before)

  I'll be there for you

  ('Cause you're there for me too)

  We watched episodes of friends all day and all night. Emma called me to tell me she was going to spend the night at Ethan's.

  "We better shut this off now since you have to be back training early tomorrow morning." I half smiled at him, already upset that I know he'll have to leave tomorrow.

  "Hey, I’ll see you soon! You don't have to worry about anything Anastasia." He smiled while shutting the TV off and rolling on top of me.

  "I know I know. I'm just still upset that's all." I told him as he brought his head down to kiss me.

  "There's. Nothing. To. Be. Upset. About." He said in between kisses.

  Chapter 25

  I pulled him close and kissed him harder. My hands traveled down his chest and landed on the hem of his shirt. He got up on his knees and took his shirt off and threw it on the floor. His hands moved to my waist and his fingertips traced my stomach. Goosebumps arose from my skin as I sat up s
o he could pull my shirt over my head. He unzipped my bra and it fell off my bed. I tried to cover up my stomach and chest.

  "Anastasia... you're beautiful. Don't hide from me." He whispered against my neck. His lips traveled to my collar bone and then to my chest. He gripped one of my boobs in his left hand and he sucked on the other one while his right hand moved down to my sweatpants.

  He kissed every scar on my stomach until his lips touched my hip.

  "Fuck." I moaned while putting my hands in his hair. I lifted up my hips so he could pull my sweatpants and panties off. He looked up at me while opening my legs and laying down. His hands moved around my legs and rested on my stomach to hold me in place. My back arched as he ran his tongue up my center. "Fuck, Travis." I moaned while moving both hands to grab fistfuls of his hair.

  "You like that Anastasia?" I looked down to see him smirking at me.

  "Don't stop. Keep going please" I panted.

  "What was that?" He looked into my eyes.

  "Please Travis ple-" I couldn't get the words out fast enough.

  His tongue kept going in a circular motion and I started to feel the sensation throughout my whole body.

  "I'm almost-"

  "Cum for me baby" He said against me right before he moved his tongue faster.

  I grabbed the sheets with one hand while the other was in his hair.

  As I reached my high, he didn't stop, he just kept going until I came a second time.

  "Fuck Travis… get inside of me." I panted.

  As he rolled on a condom, I took in his features. His blue eyes are now lustful. The way his tattoos fit perfectly on his skin. The way his jaw clenches when he concentrates.

  "This is going to hurt again, okay? I promise that I will be careful." He told me while positioning himself on me.

  "Are you ready?"

  I nodded my head and squeezed my eyes shut. He must have felt me tense up. "Hey, look at me Anastasia." I opened my eyes to find his face above mine and full of concern. "I'm not going to hurt you. I will never hurt you.


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