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Ancient Enemy

Page 5

by Reus, Katie

  “Where is home, exactly?”


  She shot him another surprised look and nearly tripped on a jutting tree root that had upended the sidewalk.

  He steadied her, grasping onto her forearm, though he wasn’t sure she needed the help at all. Still, he liked touching her, liked the feel of her soft skin under his fingertips. And just this bare touch sent a rush of heat to…a place that he wasn’t going to focus on. “Why the surprise?”

  “You don’t sound Scottish.”

  His lips kicked up. “My homeland has many names, and if I’d woken from my Hibernation there, perhaps I would sound like…” He’d been about to say his brothers, but held off. The more he talked about his family, about his people, the more he would open himself up to her. He couldn’t be foolish. “I woke up in the wilds of what is now called Wyoming, and when I started hun—” He cleared his throat. He wasn’t very well going to tell her that he was hunting down one of her kind. “It was easier to pick up a local accent while living here.” There, that was simple enough.

  “Hmm.” She sidestepped another protruding root and ran her fingers along a bunch of multicolored beads strung up on a wrought iron fence. They made a little rustling sound as they fell back into place. “So…what are you taking care of while you’re in town?” she asked.

  He lifted a shoulder, not wanting to talk about it. And strangely, he also didn’t want to lie to her.

  “Oh, sorry for prying. I’m just sort of nosy by nature.”

  “It’s not worth talking about.”

  She simply nodded before looking up at Willow again.

  “This is us,” he said in relief as they reached a wrought iron gate that was open.

  “Wow, no wonder Aurora said I can stay here. This place is massive.”

  A purple and yellow three-story mansion that looked whimsical and inviting loomed in front of them. There were a few stained glass windows in the third story and she imagined they looked pretty during the day. As they stepped through the gates, he immediately spotted Harlow and Brielle patrolling the outer perimeter in human form. They’d recently installed cameras and sensors so it wasn’t strictly necessary for the tiger twins to even be patrolling.

  Brielle waved from her perch on the wall and he nodded back at her.

  Harlow, however, jumped off her perch farther down the wall and jogged toward them, her gaze on Willow still above them. “I thought Aurora was joking when she sent me a text about a dragon,” Harlow said animatedly, which was out of character for the normally quiet tiger. “Hey, I’m Harlow,” she said to Dallas.

  “Dallas. And this is Willow.” Her full lips curved upward as she talked about her pet.

  Rhys wondered how she’d taste, if she’d be playful if he kissed her, or if things would be intense and—

  “She’s just the cutest thing!” Harlow’s voice broke through his thoughts.

  Brielle jogged up a few moments later. “This is what it takes to get you to start talking?” she asked her sister, laughing. Then she introduced herself to Dallas, continuing, “Everyone’s in the back if you guys want to head that way.”

  Dallas looked up at him and he nodded. So instead of heading through the front door, they looped around the back of the mansion where the others were indeed talking and laughing around the big patio table. Edison-style lights hung throughout the pergola and over the patio and wove through the trees. The place was full of lush greenery, including a greenhouse. A bunch of chickens normally roamed around the yard but they must be hiding from Willow.

  “Everyone, this is Dallas,” he announced, then pointed to Willow, who had landed on wobbly legs on a nearby patch of grass. “And that’s Willow.” The dragon covered her face again with her wings but slowly slid them down and peeked out at everyone with wide blue eyes. At first glance he’d thought Willow’s scales were pure gray, but under the manufactured lights he saw little streaks of the faintest red shooting through her scales.

  Everyone stared, smiles on their faces. In that moment, he could sense the tension leave Dallas as the others looked on in curiosity more than anything.

  “It’s really nice to meet you,” Bella said as she stood, her long, jet-black hair pulled back in a ponytail. “Aurora said that you’d be staying with us for a little while. I hear you run a huge farm outside town.”

  Dallas nodded, still looking a little nervous. “I do. And full disclosure, I’m a witch,” she blurted, watching them as if she expected their rejection.

  In that moment Rhys felt like the biggest asshole on the planet. Because he had judged all witches based on a horrific experience with one. But it was so damn clear that Dallas wasn’t like that, yet was used to being rejected for who she was. And he hated that he fell into that category.

  “I’m a snow leopard,” Bella said without missing a beat. “And it’s pretty cool that you’re a witch. I don’t want to make assumptions, but do you happen to have any types of remedies for upset stomachs? Poor Axel must have eaten something earlier and our lion has been struggling.”

  Rhys had wondered where the lion was and had assumed the male was sleeping.

  Dallas seemed surprised, but nodded, her expression softening a bit. “Yeah, I can whip something up, depending upon what you have in stock. But I can add a little extra to it,” she said, wiggling her fingers lightly. “As long as he doesn’t mind drinking something that’s spelled. I don’t ever give anyone anything without their knowledge, so I’ll need his consent.”

  Rhys heard the truth in her words and felt even smaller.

  “Great, I’ll show you what we’ve got in the pantry.”

  Dallas glanced over at Willow, who was lying on her back on the grass with her wings spread out, eyes half closed in bliss as she got her tummy rubbed by Harlow.

  The others were laughing lightly at their antics. And Brielle was just staring in surprise at her twin sister, who was normally beyond quiet.

  Instead of heading inside, Dallas shifted on her feet almost nervously. “Generally I don’t leave her for very long. Also, by chance do you guys happen to have an unused bedroom on the first floor? She normally sticks her head through my window at night because she doesn’t like to be separated. I’m worried about how she’s going to handle sleeping apart from me.”

  Bella’s expression melted. “That’s the cutest thing I’ve heard. There aren’t any bedrooms on the first floor but there is an office with French doors. We can set up a cot or something in there and leave the doors open if that works?”

  She nodded, looking relieved. “Thank you for being so accommodating. And thank you for letting me stay here.”

  The petite snow leopard shot a knowing look at Rhys. “I heard you didn’t have much of a choice.”

  Rhys simply snorted in agreement and Dallas laughed lightly. The action completely changed her countenance, the sight of the pleasure in her expression like a punch to all of his senses.

  Everything about her was stunning—beautiful. And he hated that he was thinking about running his hands through her dark hair, hated that he even noticed the bright red and gold strands woven throughout. Something told him they weren’t dyed either.

  “I have to go out for a bit,” he said abruptly, needing to put distance between himself and the sensual Dallas. She was a witch, here to help King. He was in the city for revenge. Something he’d never had to remind himself of before.

  Bella simply nodded and Dallas gave him a half-smile.

  Without another word he stalked off. The farther he got away from Dallas, the easier he found it to breathe. As he made it to the edge of the house, Willow let out a sharp cry.

  Surprised at the sound, he turned and saw her flying toward him. What the heck was she doing? The little dragon barely stopped herself from crashing into him.

  Oh, hell. She hovered in midair, watching him closely, getting up in his personal space, and chirped animatedly at him as if demanding to know where he was going.

wrong?” he murmured.

  As if she understood, she chirped even louder, nearly headbutting him. Oooohh. She needed reassurance from an Alpha. Sighing, he held out a hand, smoothed it over her face and pressed his forehead to hers. The action seemed to soothe her because she stopped making the distressed sounds and basically started purring.

  “I’ll be back, I promise,” he murmured. She really was the sweetest little thing. “You need to stay put.”

  He wasn’t sure that she understood his words, but she must have understood his meaning, because she let out a loud chirping sound and flew back to the others.

  He caught Dallas’s gaze from across the yard, and when he saw her soft, open expression he forced himself to turn away again. This female was threatening to undo him.

  Yep, he needed distance from her. Fast.

  Chapter 6

  Two hours after he’d left for his own sanity, Rhys returned to the mansion with no new information and a strange sort of anxiety buzzing through him at the need to see Dallas again. What the hell was wrong with him?

  He rolled his shoulders as he quietly slipped in through the front door. He needed to get his shit together, needed to stop thinking about Dallas. Although that was going to be pretty damn difficult, considering he’d been ordered to be her shadow the next couple weeks.

  As he started to head up the stairs, he paused as he heard voices trailing from somewhere in the house. A very distinctive male voice—Axel’s—followed by Dallas’s laughter. Rhys straightened and instead of heading upstairs to his bedroom where he should be going, he hurried as casually as possible through the house to where the voices were coming from.

  “I swear, you are magic,” Axel said, practically purring.

  Damn lion.

  “I’m just glad the tea worked,” Dallas murmured.

  Rhys stepped into the kitchen to find the two of them sitting across from each other at the white granite center island, Axel holding a mug of tea that smelled like peppermint and something else Rhys couldn’t quite figure out. Only the small pendant light over the sink and some of the under-cabinet lights were on, giving the whole room a sort of…romantic feel. Rhys didn’t like this at all.

  “Rhys, my man.” Axel smiled in that genial way of his, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. “Dallas here is a goddess. Whatever she gave me, I feel a hundred times better.”

  Rhys clenched his jaw and actually had to bite back a growl at this male praising her. It was clear that Axel wasn’t hitting on her, just complimenting her. But his dragon wanted to rip Axel’s face off nonetheless. Then burn him to a crisp. And maybe eat him for a midnight snack.

  Whatever expression was on his face, it made Axel frown at him. “Everything all right?”

  He cleared his throat and realized that Dallas was watching him warily as well. “Yeah, I just had an unsuccessful night, that’s all.” And he did not want to care about the witch in front of him. Or the fact that he was beyond annoyed that Axel seemed so enamored by her.

  Axel pushed up from his chair and took his mug to the sink. “Maybe if you ask nicely, Dallas will make you some tea as well.” Then the big lion kissed her on top of her head and said, “Welcome to the house. If you need anything, my bedroom is on the second floor.”

  Rhys couldn’t tell if the male was flirting with her or just trying to be helpful, but he felt his dragon in his eyes so he turned away until he was able to get himself under control.

  Dallas murmured a generic thanks as the lion strode from the room. Then she smiled at Rhys. “I’m sorry you had a bad night. Did you want some tea?” Her voice was like sunshine, bathing him in its warmth. “He’s had like two pots of this stuff.”

  “I don’t want you to go to any trouble.” He didn’t want any tea, but he also didn’t want to go to bed. He just wanted to be around Dallas for a few more minutes, to extend their time together as long as possible. Something about her presence soothed something deep inside him. Which made no sense.

  “It’s really no trouble,” she said, glancing out the kitchen window. “Poor Willow, she can’t seem to get settled. I was hoping she would calm down a little bit as it got later.” Moving around the kitchen with ease, she pulled out another mug. “Oh, it looks like there’s enough, so I don’t even have to make any more,” she said as she poured him a full mug.

  “Thank you.” He took it, careful not to brush his fingers against hers. Then he motioned that he was going outside.

  She followed after him and he could see what she’d meant because Willow was pacing, her little wings flapping up and down as she tried to get settled on a soft patch of grass next to the open French doors that must lead to Dallas’s room.

  Willow let out a little snort of happiness when she saw Dallas and nearly stumbled over a lawn chair in her quest to get to her.

  I understand the feeling, he thought.

  “Hey, sweet girl,” Dallas said as Willow met her halfway on the lawn. The dragonling put her face against Dallas and Dallas kissed her cheek.

  The little dragon made another snuffling sound that was a mix between a sneeze and a cough before she looked over at him and made a happy chirping greeting as she raced toward him.

  His heart thawed a bit as she practically headbutted him in her attempt to get close. Laughing despite his mood, he petted her head, right behind her ear where she seemed to like it, if her purrs were any indication. “I can sleep out here with her.” The words were out before Rhys realized what he’d been about to say.

  Dallas stared at him in surprise, her pale gray eyes wide. “What?”

  “I’ll just stay out here in my dragon form. I like sleeping that way anyway. I can stretch my wings and it should settle her.” The dragonling was far from home and needed some comfort. He understood that on a bone-deep level. And who was he kidding? He simply felt protective of her. And Dallas.


  “Yeah, it’s a nice night.” It was chilly and overcast since the clouds had moved over the bright moon, but he didn’t care.

  “They put me right over here.” She pointed to the already open French doors on the east side of the house and strode toward them, Willow right on her heels.

  He’d been in the room before and it was an office/library, but they’d set a little foldout bed in there for her.

  “I was just thinking that Willow could stick her head in here while I sleep. I don’t plan on being here too long, so I think she’ll be okay for a week or two.”

  Some part of him didn’t like the thought of Dallas sleeping with the doors open, even with Willow as a guard and with the security cameras and sensors—and two shifters on patrol. It seemed too exposed. His dragon wanted to guard her.

  He lifted a big shoulder, as if he didn’t care one way or another, even as his dragon insisted they protect her. “Look, I’m going to sleep out here no matter what.”

  “Okay then…would you mind hanging out here with her for a little bit while I get changed?”

  “Of course not.” He wasn’t going anywhere.

  Even though Dallas stepped inside and shut the door behind her, Willow didn’t whine. Instead, she butted her head up against Rhys’s hand and he realized that she wanted to be petted again. Laughing, he set the tea down on the ground and rubbed her head with both hands.

  She closed her eyes and snuggled up against him, perfectly at peace.

  As she started to calm down and finally curl up into a little ball, he quickly stripped and put some distance between them so he could shift. Once he was in his dragon form, she slowly inched her way toward him until she crawled up right under his chest. She let out a sigh of happiness, curled back up and fell into a fast sleep.

  Oh sweet goddess, this dragon was too much.

  He heard the French doors open, and then a little gasp of surprise from Dallas. When he looked over, she had on yellow lounge pants and a formfitting T-shirt that outlined every curve of her very full breasts. He shouldn’t be noticing, but his beast called him
a fool for trying to ignore her.

  She lifted a hand as if checking in with him.

  He simply lifted one of his wings, which seemed to satisfy Dallas. For Willow’s part, she hadn’t even moved. She stayed tight against him, breathing in and out in a steady rhythm.

  Closing his own eyes, he wrapped his wings around her and tried to get some sleep.

  And tried not to think about the sexy female a few yards away from him.

  Chapter 7

  Dallas opened her eyes with a start, then settled when she remembered where she was. Faint daylight streamed in her open French doors. The thick cream and white silk curtains covering the windows on another wall barely stirred with the light breeze. Sitting up on the cot, she saw that Willow and Rhys weren’t sleeping where she could see them, but she heard female voices outside.

  Standing, she stretched, curling her toes into the thick multicolored Persian rug. Then she grabbed a robe and tugged it on before hurrying out the doors. As soon as she stepped into the backyard, she blinked to see Willow pouncing on Rhys, who was still in his huge—gorgeous—dragon form, barely moving as Willow “attacked.” Her sweet girl was clearly playing with him as a baby tiger might play with its mama.

  She spotted some of the women from yesterday sitting around the long patio table, watching the show. And she was pretty sure she spotted coffee. While she preferred tea, she could admit she was a sucker for bean juice too. She hurried over to the table. “Got any extra coffee?”

  “Take whatever you like,” Brielle said as she moved the carafe toward her. She was already dressed in what looked like tactical clothing—cargo pants, a tight black T-shirt. She had a couple weapons strapped to her legs, and her hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail. “We’ve got creamer and sugar inside.”

  She sank down into one of the chairs and poured herself a mug. The hazelnut blend teased her nose before she took a sip. Yep, she was definitely going to need some sugar but she wanted to watch the show for a while. “How long have they been doing this?”


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