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Black Rayne Silent Screams

Page 6

by Yvonne Nicolas

  Her gasp echoed through the wind. Two bright spans of light shot out of her

  back, blinding him. Not even his lids could block out the searing glare. He covered

  his face with his forearm and took several involuntary steps back. Desperate for

  the warmth of her, he reached out to have his hand taken by her soft touch.

  “Who are you?” she whispered.

  “Demetri,” he replied softly, shivering from the sudden chill that surrounded

  him. Or was it desire?

  “Demetri?” she sobbed. “I don"t—what is this? Is this for real? Where are

  we?” Her angelic voice was filled with confusion and sadness.

  “I don"t know, darling. You brought me here.”


  Drawn forward, he curled his fingers around her delicate hand. The softness

  of her skin faded in and out beneath his touch. He groaned. Her astral being was

  hazy, driving him mad. He attempted to open his eyes to gain a glimpse of her

  beauty, but the light burned his irises at the thought.

  “I brought you here? What do you mean? What"s happening to me? Wha—

  can you help me?”

  “I can try.”

  “Are you real? I can"t really see you.” Her fingers caressed his face. “You—

  you"re covered by shadows. I can only feel you. Is this really happening?”

  “For the sake of my sanity, I surely hope so.”

  He drew her closer. As his hands searched blindly for her physical form, her

  touch moved up his chest, over his shoulders, and around to the nape of his neck.

  A riveting stimulus shot down his spine and weakened his knees. Heat encased

  him like a cocoon. Taken aback by the sudden warmth covering him, he curiously

  reached out to feel…feathers?

  Baffled, he attempted to step back, but her delicate hands cradled his face

  and locked him in place. Perplexity washed away with the rain when her soft lips

  kissed his.

  “Demetri, I don"t know who you are, and I don"t know what this is…maybe a

  dream. Whateva it is, I feel like I―I need you,” she whispered against him.


  “And I need you,” he breathed out, taking her mouth with passion.

  The anxious flutter of her feathered extensions washed a divine zephyr over

  him. The gates of heaven had been left open.

  Her lips parted, inviting him in for a taste. He eagerly accepted, then

  bristled when something sharp pricked his tongue. A fang, but not his own.

  Could it be?!

  Just as the question entered his thoughts, the encasing separated, softness

  left him, and the blinding light faded.

  “Oh, I think somebody"s calling me.”

  He reached for her in urgency only to grab the air. “Wait, sweetheart, don"t


  “If you are real, like I hope you are, please come to me, okay,” her distant

  whisper called out. “I feel like I"ll die without you.”

  He opened his eyes to his underground dim-lit chambers, lying in the

  comfort of his silk sheets. Angry, he shot up and pressed his hand to his chest. The

  heartbeat she"d given him was no more. Dazed and confused, he fell back, unable

  to grasp the vision that brought him to life for a still moment in time.

  Fatigue overcame him, indicating the rise of the morning star. The taste of

  his own blood lingered in his mouth and brought a smile to his face. This was

  torture indeed.


  With the unseen angel stroking his mind, he surrendered to the arms of


  “Heaven has no bounds,” he slurred into the darkness.


  Chapter Three

  The Prophecy

  Miami, Florida

  Indigo"s Massage Spa

  Demetri leaned against the doorframe, arms folded, smiling to himself as he

  watched Lady Indigo and her lover engage in the thralls of feverish lust. Indigo"s

  fingers slid in and out of the petite woman"s wet sex. She writhed and bucked

  against the hand that brought her so much pleasure.

  The scent of their arousal seeped into his senses, nearly drawing out his

  fangs. He repressed his hunger, and roamed his eyes over the enticing red gown

  that clung to Indigo"s beautiful curves. She knew he was coming.

  Long, amber locks rested along the length of her back, almost touching the

  curve of her rear end. The fragrance of cocoa butter on her smooth tawny skin, and

  the hint of jasmine on her neck intermingled with the scent of sex, stimulated his

  very being.


  Indigo pushed her lover"s leg back to her chest, consequently bestowing an

  unobstructed view of the woman"s wetness. Demetri slanted his head and eyed the

  hardened clit, standing out proudly between her open folds. Indigo bent over and

  teased her bud with the tip of her tongue.

  The moaning beauty thrashed her head back and forth, begging Indigo to

  deepen the kiss. Anxious to meet her request, Indigo wrapped her lips around her

  protruding pearl until the girl"s body shivered uncontrollably, then she lowered

  and slithered her tongue into her dripping well, slurping at her sweetness.

  Demetri"s incisors lowered and his cock grew to its full length. It took

  everything he had not to abandon his position by the door and join them in bed.

  Her lover"s body snaked and jerked against Indigo"s mouth as she

  whimpered for release. Suddenly, she stuttered, her hips rose, she cried out then

  went limp. Indigo continued to lick and suck her, devouring the juices seeping out

  of her core.

  He smiled and licked his lips. He could almost taste the essence of her sweet

  cream on his tongue.

  Steadying his aroused disposition, he closed his eyes and retracted his

  incisors. Once composed, he applauded the performance. “Well ladies, that was

  certainly worth the trip over here. Brava.”


  The young woman yelped and shot up on the bed, her hair spread wildly

  over her shoulders.

  Drawing back, Indigo wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “Demetri,” she gasped.

  “Oh, don"t act so surprised, lover,” he crooned, studying her startled face

  with sheer amusement. “You knew I was coming.”

  Pushing off the doorframe, he straightened his suit then ambled toward her.

  He approached at slow pace, deliberately taking his time to torture her with his

  mystical allure.

  “Please Demetri, let me just go and right myself—”

  He flashed before her and she stumbled backwards. He reached out and

  grabbed the sides of her face, drawing out a frightened gasp. “No need.” Eyeing her

  throbbing vein, he trailed the tips of his fingers along the elegant length of her

  neck. “I don"t mind smelling her on your lips.” He glanced over at the girl, who was

  now in the corner of the room, clutching at her night gown with trembling hands.

  “Or tasting her,” he finished on a whisper.

  The smell of fear, combined with the scent of her sex, made him ache to bite

  Indigo"s neck, but he had to resist. A chemical substance flowed through her blood

  stream tonight; something he"d be sure to address later.


  He pulled Indigo"s face closer to his and dragged his tongue across her

  quivering lips. The flavor of her lover"s sweetness tapped his taste buds.

Indigo closed her eyes and trembled against him.

  “Meet me in the parlor. We have much to discuss.”

  Leaving a whisper of his powerful aura lingering in the room, Demetri

  vanished. She placed her shivering hand over her chest and pushed out a slow

  calming breath.

  “By the Gods, I love it when he does that.”

  Once she had control of her jittery limbs, Indigo turned to the mirror and

  righted herself by applying some lip gloss and smoothing her hands over her gown.

  She glanced at her frightened lover, who sat on the floor, tucked into a tight ball.

  “Amaya?” Indigo held her hand out and motioned for her to come to her.

  Amaya slowly stood. “Is he mad at me?” she asked, easing over to Indigo

  with caution, darting her eyes at the door.

  Indigo rubbed her hand over Amaya"s unraveled hair and raked her fingers

  through it, loosening it more. “No baby. If he was mad at you, you"d surely know.”

  She placed a light kiss to her forehead. “Now go fix him a glass of wine. I"ll be out



  Demetri watched the nervous woman walk into the room, holding a bottle

  of wine and two wine glasses.

  Shaky hands set the glasses on the low oval cocktail table. As she shot coy

  glances his way, she poured the wine, spilling a few drops of the deep red liquid on

  the table.

  “There is no need to fear me girl. I have no intentions of harming you.”

  Openly startled by the sound of his voice in her mind, she gasped.

  Swallowing hard, she sat the wine bottle down and turned to him.

  He sat perfectly still, allowing her eyes to drink up his appearance. After a

  moment of silently staring at him, she thrust out her wrist. He held her gaze a

  second more before lowering his eyes down to her pulsating vein. The hot rush of

  her blood called out to him in a sweet rhythm that was nearly irresistible.

  Demetri brought his eyes back up to her sweet, timorous face. Her chest

  rose and fell at a rapid pace, quickening the rhythm of the crimson goodness

  pumping through her blood vessels; just the way he liked it.

  “You have the fever for my bite , do you?”

  She shuddered and stepped closer to him, holding her wrist out further. Her

  eyes urged him to take what his black heart desired.


  Curiosity drove him into her mental domain, and to his surprise, right at the

  forefront of her pretty little head was an overwhelming desire for him. He saw

  through her eyes, the numerous times he"d made love to Indigo, taking her body,

  ravishing her, feeding from her, and nearly claiming her life in the thralls of ecstasy.

  This woman longed to feel that same pleasure, to feel his incisors puncture

  her delicate skin, to feel his touch, to feel his length deep inside of her, to share a

  bed with him and Indigo together.

  “Truly?” The corner of his lips curved into a smirk. “This is but a small

  request I"d be more than happy to fulfill.”

  He reached out and wrapped his hand around her arm. There was a sharp

  intake of air. Her eyes widened, but she didn"t try to pull away. He gave her a

  gentle tug and she tumbled into his arms.

  Within his embrace, she trembled with utter desire. Small whimpers seeped

  from her lips as her mind begged him to take her, and take her hard. She tilted her

  head, exposing her long neck.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  Demetri pressed his cheek to hers, inhaled the scent of her and grazed his

  fingers down the vein that throbbed beneath her soft skin. She slipped her shaky

  fingers into his hair and cupped the back of his head. He moved his lips closer and


  closer to the spot. Tremors ran down her body in waves. Anticipation consumed


  His fangs slid into her flesh and her breathing went ragged.

  Indigo"s quickened foot falls and rapid heartbeat raised his senses as he

  siphoned slowly from the petite beauty bundled in his arms.

  The parlor door flew open and Indigo screamed, “Demetri nooo!”

  He carefully withdrew his incisors from the girl"s fragile skin and looked up

  at the distressed priestess. She slapped her hands over her mouth to muffle her

  painful cry. A fountain of tears spilled from her eyes.

  Smirking, he caressed the girl"s temple and her head popped up.

  Frazzled, she pushed out of his arms and stumbled to her feet. “Oh sorry,


  Indigo"s open palm struck the side of her face. She tumbled to the floor and

  covered her reddened cheek.

  “What in the hell were you thinking, Amaya!”

  She sniffed back tears and slowly stood. “Mistress, please. I"m sorry,” she


  Indigo turned away from her hurt-filled expression and shook her head.

  “Just go clean yourself up and go to bed.”

  Soft sobs filled the room as the priestess"s pained lover scurried away.


  Indigo direct her attention to him. “What the—?”

  “Are you going to scold me now, Lady Indigo?” he asked dryly, brushing lint

  from his jacket.

  “Scold you? You are an asshole, Demetri!” She leveled her finger at him. “I

  told you my girls were off limits!”

  He ran the tip of his tongue over his lips to swipe traces of the girl"s essence.

  “Then perhaps you shouldn"t have them in my presence.”

  Indigo balled her hands into fists, but kept them at her side. “Demetri, you

  know she couldn"t help herself! You could"ve turned her down!”

  He closed his eyes and absorbed the scent of her rising ire. It amused him

  really. The calmer he remained, the angrier she became. “Indigo, you are aware I

  wasn"t going to kill the girl. This is a senseless argument. Please sit down.”

  “What! You"re a fucking Xsonri all you do is kill!”

  “Lower your voice and have a seat,” he ordered, motioning toward the warn

  leather chair across from him.

  “Fuck! You!” she shouted, rage blazing from her deep brown eyes.

  Demetri squinted, tilted his head and by will squeezed her windpipe.

  Huffing for air, she clawed at her neck, attempting to pull away the invisible force

  that choked her.


  Poised and unmoved, he dragged her across the room until they were face to

  face. “I don"t know if the substance you"re injecting into your bloodstream has

  gone to your brain, but it"d be wise of you to remember who you are dealing with.”

  “I"m sorry, baby. I"m so sorry. Please let me go.”

  With the casual flip of his hand, he released her and she fell to the floor,

  coughing and heaving. She clasped her hands around her neck and gathered the

  wind back into her lungs with gasping breaths.

  A tinge of guilt tapped at his wicked nature. He hated to do that to her, but

  she was delirious with emotion and he had to bring her down the only way he

  knew how, with raw force.

  He offered his hand to her. She glanced at it then gazed up at him with

  sorrowful eyes. Flashing a half smile, he wiggled his fingers to extend his offer. She

  smiled wryly, placed her hand in his and allowed him to pull her up from the floor.

  She settled next to him, inhaled deeply then reached over and rubbed her

  finger along the rim of one of the win
e glasses. The wine instantly mixed with


  The curvy glass lifted from the table and floated to his hand. “Thank you.”

  “Welcome,” she uttered bashfully, looking away.

  “Look at me.”

  She turned to face him with glassy eyes.


  “Why are you using drugs?”

  She rubbed her hand across her needle-scarred arm, sniffing back emotion.

  “Their screams. I hear their screams when no one else can. Every night, their screams rip my head

  apart.” Expressing her anguish, she grabbed a handful of her dreads and yanked on

  them. “The visions make it hard for me to breath. I feel their pain, their agony. The demons are

  murdering them brutally. Killing them without mercy. Tearing their bodies apart. Feeding on their


  Tears rolled down her cheeks. He set his glass down to cradle the sides of

  her face. Staring deeply into a set of eyes, which had never shown fear, he wiped

  the tears away with the pads of his thumbs.

  “Is there a purpose?”

  “There is always a purpose, Demetri. Power. These demons want

  unimaginable power.”

  “I don"t understand how this power can be acquired by killing innocent

  girls. It doesn"t make sense, Indigo.”

  “They are looking for her, the one that holds this power in her blood. The Dragon Queen.”

  Her mental whisper sifted through his mind like a thought.

  He dropped his hands from her face and stared at her inquisitively for a long

  moment. “The Dragon Queen?”

  “Yes, she is here. Her scent is everywhere.”


  “Everywhere? I cannot sense—” He stopped and dropped his sights to the table.

  If his heart could thump out of anxiousness to what flitted though his mind, it


  “What do you mean you can"t sense her? Even I can sense her and I"m not a damned demon

  vampire,” she murmured, wiping at her eyes.

  Could it be?

  He took in a deep whiff of air. The slight hint of the scent filled his nostrils,

  exciting his body with promises of another sweet kiss. Could it be?! Yes, her scent

  was everywhere, and her voice was stamped in his mind—his mysterious siren, the


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