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Black Rayne Silent Screams

Page 14

by Yvonne Nicolas

  Oh, sweet torture…

  Once she began to release sharp cries on every exhale, begging him not to

  stop, he crooked his fingers, went in a little deeper and gently flicked her internal

  love bud. As her nectar showered his hand, her channel clenched him violently and

  her body convulsed.

  “Ohh shiiit, baby! That"s my spot,” she sung with a drawn out release. “Boy,

  you the boss.”

  The things he could do to her…This was not even a taste. The mischievous

  part of him was dying to turn her body inside out, to show her how nasty he could

  really get and how loud he could make her scream. But there was something so

  erotic about taking it slow and loving her as a human man would. The real treat

  would be taking her over the edge when she completely shifts.

  He extracted his fingers from her dewy sheath, brought his cream coated

  fingers to his mouth then licked them clean. The delicious, unique taste tantalized

  his pallet and tripped through his system mercilessly, expanding his force. His

  eyes rolled back and his mind went numb.

  They were almost there. He eyed her glistening slit and shook his head.

  Now, if he could only just hold back the need to bury his face between her luscious

  cheeks to lap at her sweetness…


  Swiftly, he moved behind her and smacked her backside. Startled, she let

  out a sharp shrill and heaved forward. His hands mounted on her hips, he drew her

  back toward him. Cradling him, her soft folds and slick clit glided across the

  length of his cock. Her warm essence lubricated him.

  Smiling, he slapped the other cheek and instead of a shriek, he received a

  low growl and a sultry dare. “Hit me again.”

  Gladly, he met her request then rubbed it after his stinging strike. She threw

  her head back and ground against him. Her demon was right at the surface of her

  needed passion. Perfect.

  “Seriously Demetri, if you don"t fuck me right now, I might have to fight


  He chuckled. “Patience. I must release your force before your body can

  handle me, so let me get you there, beautiful.”

  Drawn to the glowing tattoo on her back, his eyes fell upon her birth

  marking and the spell, which repressed her full transformation and soul"s energy.

  Of course her spirit"s base form would be a dragon.

  The art of the mystical creature, its angel-like wings splayed and its eyes

  blazing silver gold, held him in a trance for a second. The bright luminous colors,

  which meshed with the finely drawn details of its scales stood out brilliantly

  against her dark skin. The creature"s long tail coiled into a symbol at the small of


  her back. It traced her birth marking. This rune was the old language of the demon

  dragon. Curro.

  Starting at the neck, the spell etched in six dragon hieroglyphics ran down

  the center of the beast to the main symbol, which was the tail. He brushed his

  fingers over the symbol and the tattoo became animated. The creature"s eyes

  melted over in gold as it bawled softly to him.

  It would take a time to decipher the message that the symbols created, and

  time was something he didn"t have. This would not be effortless. Whoever the

  wizard was who applied the chakra binding magic set it in stages, like a

  combination lock. He would only be able to release part of her tonight.


  “Wha—what"s wrong,” she slurred, twisting around to look at him with her

  pearlescent fangs gleaming from beneath her lips.

  “Not a thing, darling.” He smoothed his hands over her ample backside. “I

  want you to relax and concentrate on what I"m doing to you.” He undulated into

  her, stroking her quivering bundle of nerves with his rigid masculinity.

  Concentrating past her sweet whimpers of pleasure, he gathered his sinew,

  held his hand over the dragon and began to unlock the symbols. Two of them

  unlocked easily and gleamed with his Curro spoken words. He attempted to undo


  the third, but she apparently had no interest in his goal. She started to rotate her

  hips into him.

  Her enticement drew a strained growl out of him. “Sharayna, you are

  shattering my spirit channeling—”

  She reached down and caressed the head of his cock, while riding the length

  of him at a slow agonizing pace. He grabbed her hips and tried to restrain her, but

  her demon pushed her past his force. She stood up on her knees, threw her head

  back on his shoulder, circled an arm around his head and dug her fingers into his


  Helplessly, he surrendered to her seduction.

  Demetri wrapped his arms around her, palmed a breast and rocked his hips

  to her sultry rhythm. As her rapid heartbeat set pace with his, her body stuttered

  against his joined sensual assault. His aching shaft pulsated intensely between her

  thighs. Harsh growls rumbled within his chest as her skillful fingers and fiery sex

  massaged him toward eruption.

  The need to bite her grew unbearable.

  Mentally stroking her desire, he raked a fang across her jugular then

  caressed her mind with the images of him sinking his incisors deep into her throat

  while prodding her wet core with his stiff rod.


  She fisted his hair and her body suddenly stilled. “OohGod! OhmyGod,


  Shuddering against him, she released an unrestrained howl and let loose her

  milky goodness to flow along the stem of him.

  The muscles in his rear end clenched and his thighs trembled. A wondrous

  sensation spooled within his groin. His hips lunged forward then a wave of

  spiritual rapture weaved through his lance and exploded at the tip. He roared in

  overpowering delight.

  Moaning his name, she caught the spurts of his essence in the palm of her

  hand, then rubbed it up her torso and over her breasts—her manner to bind her

  demon to him.

  Enraptured, he took her down into the bed and held her against his chest.

  She sung softly to him until her words slurred to hums, then she went limp and fell


  Even as she lay motionless in his arms, her angelic coo sifted through his


  “When the raven night falls and crimson melts over the distant moon, you will be mine, my

  lover, my king, my man, forever.”


  This type of affection which had not been known to him for many decades

  was now fighting to spill out of him. He sniffed back the blood pooling in his eyes

  and kissed her temple.

  One more step to completion then the Dragon Queen would be his mate.


  Chapter Nine

  Strike Force

  Osaka, Japan

  Shanoki Buddhist Temple

  “Yo", did you feel that massive energy pressure over us when we were

  passing through town?” Quest asked, climbing up the steps to the temple doors,

  his eyes to the sky.

  Steel nodded then glanced over his shoulder along the dusty road they"d

  traveled. Something was amiss. He felt it in his gut.

  “Yeah, it was brief, but I damn sure felt it.” He adjusted the strap attached to

  his jumbo automatics, Venus and Serena, then banged on the st
urdy wooden door.

  It"d been a three mile hike to the temple, and none of them seemed even the

  least bit tired. Their spiritual energy had been sparked by the unknown presence

  that zipped over them about a half hour ago. They were fueled with awareness,

  ready for the upcoming battle, which was supposed to be a simple transport


  mission, but he knew better. Nevertheless, they had to get in and get out like

  ninjas, without a trace.

  Steel turned back to Quest just in time to see him stiffen and cock his

  automatic. The team"s sensor confirmed it. A battle would definitely go down

  today. With that realization, his hope for ninja tactics went straight out the


  He looked to the sky and saw the burning star heading west. Not good. A

  gray cloud formed in the distance, darkening as it headed their way. Definitely not


  “What we dealing with, playboy?”

  “Sulfur,” Quest murmured without turning from the doors. “Demonios


  “In the temple, dawg?” Steel glanced at his best friend in confusion.

  “Demons can"t cross holy barriers, right?”

  “They"re in there, buey. The sulfur is burning up my fucking senses.”

  “Hey, his nose has never steered us wrong before.” Jade unclipped her silver

  whip and chambered a round in her automatic. “And I"m not about to get caught

  with my pants down.”


  Steel smirked and leaned in close to Quest. “Ay man, you and I both know

  you had your nose buried in Japanese bush all week. You sure that hasn"t thrown

  off your bloodhound snout just a tiny bit?”

  Quest didn"t even crack a smile. “Not this time, Steel. Something"s fucked up

  about this whole scene. The usual demons don"t jar me like this, and that miasma

  cloud heading our way ain"t making things any better.”

  The team nodded as an unusual silence descended around them.

  “Totally diabolical, dude,” Spade agreed, fingering his M-79 grenade

  launcher. “Time for us to bring the pain.”

  Copper adjusted her fingerless leather gloves. “Bloody right,” she murmured,

  her British accent coating her raspy voice. She squatted and retrieved the compact

  sized night vision goggles from her duffle bag then handed them to everyone. “Let"s

  kill these wankas so I can get that bottle of Sake and ciggy I"m dying for.”

  “Right there with you, kitty.” Spade gave her fist pound then slid the goggles

  over his head.

  Her brows furrowed, Blaze unlatched her crossbow from her back holster.

  “Whoa guys. Before we bust in, guns blazing and everything, let me ask you

  something, Captain. Exactly what did Father Hamiway say to you?”

  Steel shook his head. “He didn"t give a whole lot of details for this mission.

  He just sent me an urgent message telling me to gather my team and meet him here


  in Japan at this temple. He wants us to deliver something of vital importance, his words

  exactly, to Father Shannon in Florida.” Warily, he darted his eyes to the sky. The

  faint sound of flapping wings hovered above them. “You sense the need for UV or

  silver, playboy?” Steel asked Quest. “Because I think we"re low and only packin"

  holy rounds.” He glanced back at Copper, who confirmed with a head nod.

  “We got the right ammo. We just gotta come at these demonios with some

  magnum-sized spiritual energy „cause these fuckers are strong, outer-worldly


  Steel nodded as he popped the goggles over his eyes. “No time to fuse

  energies, just in case?”

  Quest answered with the slight shake of his head.

  “Alright.” Steel rolled his shoulders in preparation. “Everybody needs to stay

  linked „cause we"re forced to do this without fusing.” He took in a deep breath and

  kissed his twin cannons. “Looks like we are gonna bring the noise to Osaka.”

  “Bout bloody time.” Copper sat her blazer sniper rifle on the ground and tied

  her waist-long, coppery hair back in a pony tail. “I can get some better shots off

  from that vantage point.” She nodded toward a shrine on the other side of a small

  copse of trees. “I"ll let ya know when I"m in position. Just give me a minute.” She

  grabbed her gear and jogged toward the shrine.


  “A minute?” Spade asked, a humorous smirk curving his lips. “More like a


  Just as the words left his mouth, two shots resounded through in the air. A

  large winged harpy dropped to the ground with a loud thud.

  “Posted!” Copper confirmed. “Let"s get this shite done!”

  Struggling to gather itself, it shrieked angrily at them then lunged at Spade.

  Unmoved, Spade retrieved his semi-auto and shattered its head.

  “Anybody notice this demon didn"t ash after the first shot,” Spade

  murmured, staring awkwardly at the creature as it disintegrated.

  “Like I said, outer-worldly strong,” Quest grumbled.

  “Doesn"t matter where they"re from, we don"t back down until we"ve

  completed the mission. Blaze and Spade, ya"ll keep eyes on the entrance and smoke

  any of them creepas trying to leave the party early. Quest and Jade, ya"ll rollin" with

  me.” Steel eyed his crew. “Let"s move.”

  Quest kicked in the large wooden doors to the courtyard. Crouched low at

  the opening, he scanned the area, then motioned to Steel with the wave of two

  fingers. Stealthily, they moved through the eerie silence of the open space toward

  the large temple.


  Death was in the air. The grass in the area was burnt black and the Sakura

  trees had withered. Life had been literally sucked out of every living thing

  surrounding the temple.

  Weapons ready, they went through the open doors of the seemingly

  deserted building. Wind from the approaching smog storm blew out the lanterns,

  leaving them in the dense unnatural darkness. The starlight to their goggles

  activated as they moved deeper into the building.

  “Let"s try to get this done before the storm hits, people.”

  A sudden jarring presence caused them to swing their weapons in its

  direction. Standing before them was a little bald boy draped in the robe of a novice

  monk. Right away, Steel noticed the young monk staring at Jade like she was a

  slab of prime rib. He shot a shifty glance at Quest, who returned the gesture.

  “Are you tourists? Would you like a tour?”

  “Aye cono, a kid? These fuckas have no morals.” Sighing, Quest drew his pistol,

  aimed and shot the boy"s directly in his heart.

  The monk yelped and fell to the ground. In battle stance, they stared down

  at him. He appeared to be dead, but this was no doubt a deception. After a short

  moment, the boy"s head popped up, his demonic eyes glowing malevolent green.

  “That wasn"t very nice.” The demon shed the monk"s form and attacked.


  Blaze smiled at the sound of shots popping in a rapid series. “Sounds like the

  party just jumped off,” she informed through their mental link.

  “Sweeet! I am so stoked!” Grinning, Spade gave Blaze fist pound. “I was hoping

  we"d get a little action on this trip.” He anxiously tapped his launcher. “I was thinking the

p; other day this team should probably seek some psychological help when we get back to the States.”

  She poked her head through the open doors of the courtyard and eyed the

  dying Sakura trees, before glancing over her shoulder at him. “What on earth for?”

  “Because we like killing demons and vamps waaay too much— shifters, eh, not so

  much…but the rest of them are a joy to kill. Feel me? Or maybe I shouldn"t speak for everyone on

  the team, but I know I love killing them mafuckas.” Chuckling, he removed his hat and

  ruffled his dusty, blonde curly hair. “I have erotic dreams about this kinda shit, don"t you?”

  Blaze giggled. “That"s what we were born to do. Rid the earth of the devil"s spawn. They

  spread evil, sin, disease and death.” She whipped her shiny, black ponytail from her

  shoulder. “They corrupt those who are trying to find their way to God. Destroying them should

  be enjoyable for us.”

  He threw his head back and guffawed. “Say my name when you put it like that,

  kitty! I just got an instant hard-on from your little destroying evil spiel.”

  They both chuckled then fell silent as the sounds of gunfire within the

  temple continued to ring through the air.


  Spade began to hop around and punch at his unseen opponent. Then he

  abruptly stopped. Blaze cut her eyes at him. He tilted his head and stared

  suspiciously across the emptiness of the adjacent field. The dark cloud drew

  closer, carrying a massive demonic aura.

  “Something"s coming.”

  Blaze nodded and stood. “I know. I feel it too.”

  A fast approaching presence snapped their attention. As soon as they

  cocked the weapons to fire, Blaze was hauled into the air, thrown across the plane

  and slammed to the ground.

  “Blaze!” Spade attempted to get to her, but was ascended by the ghostly air

  and hurled into the courtyard.

  Blaze hopped to her feet to go assist her brother, only to be shoved back

  down by the unseen force. It jumped on top of her, its putrid stench


  Groaning, she fought to free herself from beneath the beast"s weight. It

  dragged its nails down her torso, shredding her fatigues, trying to claw through


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