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Black Rayne Silent Screams

Page 38

by Yvonne Nicolas

  concentrated hard on drawing the voice forward. It became louder and clearer. Her

  hands trembled.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  Then the familiar voice shot through her mind like a bullet. Her head jerk



  Gasping, she shot to her feet. “Demetri!”

  A hand grabbed her throat and slammed her back into the wall. She opened

  her eyes and glared at the creature who was now in human form.

  “You dare say that muthafucka"s name in front of me, puta!” he spat,

  squeezing her neck.


  Before she could think about what to do, her hands made a swift, reflexive


  He released her, weaved backwards like a drunken fool and stared at her,

  eyes stretched in shock. A waterfall of blood spilled from his sides. A crimson

  puddle pooled at his feet. She looked down dazed and giggled headily. In her

  bloody hands, she held two of his ribs.

  Silver from the bullet holes trailed through his body. His veins protruded, he

  staggered deliriously, but remained on his feet.

  Through the two gaping holes in his torso, his ribs started to repair

  themselves. He snarled and released a challenging growl.

  “Seriously though…?” she asked wearily. “Brah, I just snatched two ribs out

  of your ass and you still wanna come at me?”

  Canines bared, he rushed her. As soon as he was within arm"s reach, she

  reared back then surged forward, lodging the ribs deep into his gut. Before he had

  a chance to fall to the ground, she smashed her palm into the center of his chest

  and sent him flying back through the kitchen wall, all the way to the front door.

  Once again, she fell to her knees, her arms hanging loosely at her sides. That

  was it. She"d used the last bit of energy she had to push him back. If he came at her

  again, she was done.

  “That"s all I got,” she whispered. “I"m spent, baby. I need you.”


  “And I am here for you.” Demetri"s smooth voice was like a soft kiss on her lips.

  “Allow me to take away your pain.”

  Her head swirled in delight. A weakened smile curved her lips as she sought

  the floor for rest. The cool tile instantly warmed beneath her. She drew her knees

  to her chest and stared at the creature through the huge hole in her kitchen wall.

  “Baby, I"m sorry I didn"t call to you earlier,” she whispered, watching

  Armando gather himself. “I had to do this…”

  He yanked the ribs out of his stomach. His regenerative powers healed his

  flesh in an instant. As if he could get any angrier, he roared and shifted back into

  wolf form.

  “Oh my God, this bastard just won"t die—”

  “Shhh. Quiet yourself, Angel.”

  In mid charge, the lupine beast was seized by a dark mist and yanked back

  against the door.

  A woman"s beautiful soprano entered her mind as a blade shot through the

  creature"s head and out his mouth. The alluring song became louder, soothing her

  mind, compelling her to close her eyes, but she fought it. She needed to see him, lay

  her eyes upon his beautiful face once more before the darkness took her mind.


  A hand came through the door and snatched the wolf"s thick throat

  completely from his body. The headless form turned human and slowly dropped to

  its knees before falling limply to the floor.

  She stared at Armando"s head pinned to her door with the glowing blade

  protruding out of his mouth.

  It was done. Blood for blood.

  The blade retracted and the head fell with a loud thud. Like a balloon, the

  front door inflated, popped and broke into numerous small pieces that scattered

  about, giving way to Demetri. Eyes blazed in scarlet fury and fangs bared, he stood

  in the doorway, his sword gripped tightly in hand.

  Splintered wood hovered in the air as if the force of gravity had been

  suspended. He stepped over the threshold and decapitated body. Once inside, the

  shards of mahogany regrouped back into her stylish six paneled door.

  The woman"s song echoed through the walls of her mind as he approached

  with long graceful strides. His hair lifted off his shoulders like he was moving

  through wind.

  Lawd have mercy on me, if this man got any sexier…

  She wanted to reach out to him, but didn"t have the energy to move. She

  could only lay there and watch his gorgeous ass saunter toward her. He stepped


  through the hole in the wall and flashed across the kitchen. He sheathed his sword

  and brought the beautiful song of death to an end.

  Kneeling by her side, he looped his arms beneath her shoulders and knees,

  then cradled her close to his chest. A whimper seeped out on a deep sigh.

  “We got his bitch ass,” she chortled on a slur.

  A quirky smiled graced his face and his eyes glazed with tears. “Don"t you

  ever block me out like that again,” he whispered, brushing his lips over her brow.

  His silky hair fell over the side of her face, tickling her sensitive skin.

  Struggling to keep her eyes open, she gazed into his turquoise paradise. Lust

  for him heated her to the core. Moisture built between her thighs. As if the night

  hadn"t been weird enough with all of the traumatic happenings and pain, she

  couldn"t think to do nothing else but make love to this beautiful man of hers. Even

  in her enervated state, she wanted to spread her legs right there on her bloody

  kitchen floor and take all of him until she passed the hell out.


  He covered her mouth with his and thrust his tongue between her parted

  lips. Delightfulness tapped at her taste buds. She released a husky, muffled moan.

  The lurching in her gut ceased then the sheer exoticness of his essence set her

  insides on fire. Hungrily, she swirled her tongue around his, absorbing every bit of

  what he had to give.


  Places unknown flashed behind her eyelids. Cityscapes, oceans, deserts,

  pyramids, caves, temples—they all washed into her mind as if she"d seen them

  with her very own eyes. Times of old, languages, and historical events filled her

  brain all at once, bringing about a nerve shattering orgasm. She grabbed his collar,

  quickened in his arms and wailed sweet glory into his mouth.

  Desperately wanting to feel him inside of her, she tried to push away from

  the delicious kiss, if only to rip his clothes off and attack him with unbridled

  passion, but he wouldn"t allow her to move. He held her tight against his chest,

  feeding her more and more, nearly choking her with his essence.

  “Please, be still, Sharayna,” he cajoled softly. “Absorb my love in this kiss for I have

  much to give.”

  Surrendering herself over to his plea, she fell under his spell and became


  “Open your mind and allow me to sooth you to sleep. When you awake, I will be at your

  side. And then when you have an understanding of your existence…I will love you. I will love you

  easy, I will love you slow and I will love you hard, for all eternity.”


  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Graceful Geisha

  “Open your eyes, my lady.”

  Rayne"s eyelids fluttered open. A black
lit lavender sky greeted her. Colors

  of coral and soft blues danced across a reddish orange orb, which looked like a

  distant planet. Flashes of white and blue light darted around it like the pulse of a

  heartbeat. She blinked a few times, thinking maybe she"d wake up from what had

  to be a dream, only to find the more she blinked, the lovelier the sky became.

  Where in the world was she?

  She sat upright and swept her gaze over the area. A lush hilly terrain of

  bright green grass tinged with a glimmer of iridescent blue spread out before her.

  The caress of Demetri"s presence was all around her, but the only thing in

  sight was the dreamy landscape. Where was he?

  “Demetri,” she whispered.

  Something squeaked behind her. Startled, she twisted around.

  A squirrel-like creature stared curiously at her. Covered in a coat of spiky

  tan fur, it had enormous black eyes, a long bushy tail and a pair of large brown


  gossamer wings, speckled with small red spots sticking out from its shoulder


  It leaned in closely and sniffed her inquisitively, its tiny nose twitching on

  each inhale. It drew back on it hind legs and turned its head from side to side as if

  trying to figure her out. It reminded her of a Pokémon.

  Rayne got to her feet and noticed she wasn"t wearing the bloody, sweat

  soaked Tinker Bell t-shirt and sweat pants she had on when she fell asleep in

  Demetri"s arms. Instead, she was draped in a sleeveless, white, silver spangled

  gown. The breezy material fitted closely around her neck, left her back bare, and

  clung gently on the top of her buttocks, where a long elegant train trailed behind


  A flirtatious gust of wind brushed by. The free flowing fabric swept against

  her skin and the silver bracelets around her wrist chimed gleefully, gaining her

  attention. She raised her arms and appraised matching bands rounding her biceps.


  She reached up and patted a tightly drawn do. Her hair was twisted and

  wound up into a style, which was probably just as glamorous as the gown.

  Lost and confused in some surreal world, but at least she looked good.


  Smiling inwardly, she glanced down at the curious Pokémon then lifted the

  front of the gown to peek at her silver painted toenails. She wiggled her toes in the

  grass. Squeaking, the little creature leaped on her feet like a playful puppy.

  “Aren"t you adorable?”

  The sound of delighted giggles behind her snapped her attention. She spun

  around with a start.

  Two young girls stood before her with bluish white auras gleaming from

  their forms. They were identical, but set apart by the color of their hair and eyes.

  Long violet tresses accented with silver highlights hung down to the ankles of one

  of girls, while the other girl"s hair was a brilliant fuchsia. Eyes exotically slanted,

  matched their hair colors and complemented soft features set out against snow

  white complexions.

  The creature scurried up the dress of the fuchsia haired girl and perched on

  her shoulder.

  Sheer excitement brightened their uncanny beauty. They kept opening their

  mouths to speak, but would only offer girlish grins as if they didn"t know what to


  “Hi,” Rayne chimed, breaking the nervous silence.


  A look of pure astonishment fell across their faces then they erupted into a

  fit of giggles. She felt a little awkward, but tickled at the same time, so she tittered

  along with them.

  Once the laughter abated, they pressed their hands together and bowed to

  her. Since that was their manner of greeting, she put her hands together and

  returned the respectful gesture.

  Shocked, they tottered back then gaped at her. Turning to each other, they

  began to speak in an unfamiliar language.

  She tilted her head and listened carefully, trying to make out what language

  it was. It sounded a bit like French, but it definitely wasn"t.

  “Ahum, I hate to break up the pow wow, „cause the language is beautiful, so

  melodious, but uhm, where are we? Do you understand me? What is this place

  we"re in?” she asked, articulating each word.

  They glanced at one another then looked puzzlingly at her.

  “Great. Ya"ll don"t understand a word I"m saying.”

  Suddenly, an enthralling voice came over the hills in song. It was the same

  melody that"d captured her mind earlier when she watched Demetri take the head

  of a wolf shifter. The mystical voice rose and fell, singing in the notes of an aria,

  pulling her forward, stimulating her very soul. It spun in beautiful, amazing

  octaves that brought tears to her eyes.


  The girls rushed ahead, waving their hands for her to follow. She lifted the

  foot of her gown and ran behind them.

  Up ahead, a woman robed in a long white kimono, stood on top of a small

  mountain, arms out, face tilted to the sky, serenading the whole terrain.

  Her long salt and pepper hair danced in the wind as her smooth porcelain

  face soaked in the lavender atmosphere. Once she cooed out the last note, the

  woman floated down the mound and stood before her, beauty unparalleled.

  Gazing fondly at her, the two girls stood on either side.

  The woman had presence of royalty. The way she held her shoulders back

  and her head up…Rayne had the urge to bow out of respect, but was stuck in place

  staring into her extraordinary eyes. Darkened grey almost like liquid metal flowed

  beneath her lids.

  Freakish, although insanely attractive.

  “Young beautiful Queen, you have come to me.”

  Her voice… “I feel like I know you.”

  “Yes, you do. I am Katsumi, your high priestess.” Elegantly, she bent her legs

  and bowed her head.

  “Katsumi? Demetri"s sword,” she whispered.

  Was it coincidence or was she really bugging out? No. It was her voice who

  told her to strike the mirror when the team was in trouble. It was her voice who


  begged her not to open the door when Troy rolled by. This woman was definitely

  the sword, but how?

  Katsumi put both her hands over her heart and bowed once more. “My spirit

  is bound to my master"s sword by choice.”

  “Ohh,” Rayne murmured. “Okay, so if you"re a spirit, does that mean I"m…I"m


  Had she just dreamt the wolf"s demise? Had he actually killed her?

  Katsumi smiled. “No, my lady, you are not dead and I am not a spirit. I"m

  simply a priestess who sought refuge in the spirit realm.” With the graceful

  movements of a geisha, she spread her arms out in a wide gesture. “Here, in this

  place of beauty and serenity, I will never perish and I will continue to seize the

  souls of those who are damned through the hand of my master.”

  “So, how did I get here?”

  “I summoned your soul when Lord Demetri laid you to sleep. Please forgive

  me for my haste, but I could no longer wait for Princess Narri to impart the truth

  of your existence. Time is of essence.”

  “Princess? Narri"s a Princess?”

  “Yes, Princess of Arna, soon to be Queen. She will be summoned by her tribe

  soon and will
no longer be at your side. Her world is in chaos and her guidance is


  required.” She turned and floated across the field. “The world you live in is also in

  chaos, and as Queen of the Dragons, you are to set balance between good and evil.”

  “Whoa.” Unable to move, Rayne watched her drift away. “Queen of the

  Dragons? You serious?”

  The priestess"s words smacked her brain repeatedly. Now that it was said

  out loud, some things started to make sense to her, but still…

  “So, what does that make me? I get the Xsonri part but, am I like a—I can"t

  even believe I have to ask this, but am I a dragon too, or something?” she asked,

  looking to the sky, oddly searching for dragons.

  Katsumi spun around to face her, a pleasant smile brightening her striking

  features. “No, my lady, the base form of your demon is a dragon, but that is not

  your full make. You are the first and only of your kind.” Her voice rose with

  authority. Her face became stern. “You were born in the demon realm, a parallel

  universe much like the one you call home. You are a Xsonri, a creature spawned

  from Satan"s loins and cursed with the dark force. You are also a battle angel, a

  creature created in the heavens and blessed with the divine power to purify and

  eliminate darkness. The Dragon Queen; stronger than a battle angel and demon

  vampire alike. This is who you are. Soon you will learn to embrace your true nature

  and use it for its purpose, but the journey to completion will be long and difficult.”


  Turning back to her path, she brushed her long flowing hair over her shoulder.

  “Now, come with me, your highness, so I may prepare you for what lies ahead.”

  The girls took her hands and pulled her along to follow the priestess.

  Rayne was slammed with mixed feeling about everything that had been

  revealed to her. She dipped her head and stared at the grass as the girls led her

  across the meadow. This overwhelming night wasn"t letting up and it all boiled

  down to this point.

  Demon vampire? Battle angel? Dragon Queen? What?

  “My lady…”

  The sweet whisper of Katsumi"s voice snapped her head up.

  She had a commanding presence about her, determined and solemn. “There


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