The Ammagan Invasion of Earth: A Chronicle of the Quest to Save Earth from an Alien Invasion Force
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The Ammagan Invasion
of Earth
Also by TJ Viola
The Gumshoe Trilogy
The Gumshoe Chronicles—1920
The Gumshoe Chronicles—1921
The Gumshoe Chronicles—1922
Ammagan Invasion
of Earth
A Chronicle of the Quest to Save Earth
from an Alien
Invasion Force
© 2021 by TJ Viola
ISBN: 9798514650231
Georgetown, Texas
All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law and fair use.
This book is dedicated to all the pioneers
who have ventured into the vastness of the universe to explore the unknown for the benefit of mankind
and to answer the age-old question—
Are we alone?
Chapter 1
Desperate Times
V orlov, the Exalted Leader of Ammag, had lost his patience with his military commander. It was time to tell him the truth.
“Muglar, this debate is over. If we do not activate the antigravity plasma generators to isolate government and military facilities, we’ll have no choice but to defend our government against an overwhelming uprising.”
“Sir, I’m confident I will be shipping uranium ore from planet Earth in less than three Earth years to keep our life grids fully charged.”
“Not good enough. The Undesirables will migrate en masse once they detect a reduction in output from the remote radiation grids. We have kept the mutants isolated from the rest of society by providing the higher radiation levels required to keep them alive. Once the grid output starts to decline, civil war will erupt with devastating consequences. The Undesirables are physically superior, and when they realize the depletion of uranium is proportional to population density, they will not hesitate to commit genocide.”
“I don’t understand the urgency. The latest production analysis indicated we have sufficient uranium for the equiv-alent of ten or more Earth years. I guarantee that cargo ships will be returning from Earth in time to resupply the grid.”
To back up his statement, Muglar activated the planet’s master computer from his arm bracelet and asked for confirmation.
Vorlov ordered the system shut down. “Do not forget, Muglar, I control the information released by the master computer. I couldn’t risk the truth getting into the public realm before I prepared for the inevitable.”
Muglar understood that a leader needed to be devious, depending on circumstances, but not with his military commander.
“If we levitate the military bases and government facilities without prior notice, our people off base will be left to perish with the rest of the population.”
“An unfortunate reality,” Vorlov said. “If we begin a mass extraction of our personnel and their families to government facilities, it will confirm the rumors already spreading throughout the province that the radiation grids are malfunctioning. This will accelerate mass panic—putting all your troops and their families in jeopardy!”
Vorlov pushed past Muglar and stood before a force field that shrouded the antigravity activation console.
“This is the one and only action I cannot undertake without the cooperation of my military commander. Muglar, the time to act is now!”
Muglar hesitated as he thought about his wife, who was enjoying a family vacation with their two offspring. He glanced at the sentries guarding the exit to Vorlov’s chamber then pivoted and joined Vorlov. Upon entering their unique codes into each other’s security bracelets, a portal opened in the energy field. Muglar again hesitated and glanced at the sentries as Vorlov stepped across the threshold of the portal and disappeared into total darkness.
When Muglar entered the portal, his gaze was drawn to an isolated pedestal that held an illuminated metal plate imprinted with their right hands. Standing before the pedestal, Vorlov reached into the light. At that instant a three-dimensional hologram of the planet’s surface filled the interior of the forcefield, displaying the locations of all government and military installations equipped with antigravity apparatus.
“I have taken every precaution to assure that we, who represent the best of Ammag, will be the last to perish.”
“As you know, all government districts have their own radiation grid—independent of the main grid—in the event of an emergency. I’ve been increasing the stockpile of uranium at each location ever since the master computer projected a disastrous decrease in the output from our mining operations.”
Muglar paced in front of the pedestal, then stopped and stood toe-to-toe with his Exalted Leader.
“Why was this information kept from me?”
“There was no need. You had your orders—find and secure new sources of uranium—I expected you to act with all urgency.”
“How much time do I have to return from Earth with uranium before the surface grid totally shuts down?”
“Twenty-four to thirty Earth months. But understand this: within eighteen months, only the worst of the worst will be left alive on the surface—those willing to kill to survive.”
Muglar stood next to his leader, staring down at the metal plate.
“Given Earth’s distance from Ammag, a round trip will take a minimum of twelve months.”
Vorlov pointed at Muglar’s imprint.
“Now you understand my urgency—the uranium to feed the levitated grids will last only twenty at most.”
Muglar slammed his hand down. Instantly, the hologram tracked the government facilities across the planet as they began to separate from the surface, ascending to their hovering position a half mile into the atmosphere. The masses were left behind to deal with the consequences of the failing radiation grid, so vital for their survival—including Muglar’s family.
Activating the antigravity console had also grounded all space vehicles that remained on the surface and deactivated ground-based, long-range weapons systems. This ensured that the general population was incapable to retaliate against their leaders’ betrayal—leaving them to die a slow, agonizing death without the life-sustaining radiation.
Vorlov led the way out of the hologram and took a seat. He motioned for Muglar to join him.
“The instant your hand hit the console our tractor beams locked onto your family’s identification implants and transported them to military headquarters. The same is true for your officers’ families and those of our top scientists.”
Muglar’s eyes glowed an intense red. “It’s obvious that you felt it necessary to test my loyalty—why?”
“We just doomed billions of Ammagans as we strive to save the elite—not an everyday occurrence. Now tell me, is your armada ready to launch?”
“Our space probe in Earth’s orbit recently transmitted the information we need to finalize plans for subjugation of the planet if negotiations fail. Once shipments have commenced from Earth, I will proceed to the next planet identified by our probes.”
“There will be no negotiations. So far, only a few of the space probes we launched throughout the Universe have detected deposits of uranium. Earth has the most abundant supply and, unfor
tunately, is also the most technologically advanced. We do not have the luxury of time for negotiations, and neither does Earth.”
Muglar stood, struck his Triagmite breastplate with his fist, stepped back, and turned to leave. But the Exalted Leader wasn’t finished.
“Muglar, I’ve decided Doran will be your second-in-command.”
Muglar spun around to face Vorlov, who held up his hand to stop his objection.
“I know he’s not ready, but he is my eldest and my successor. He needs the experience and to learn from the best.”
Muglar knew it was useless to protest. No amount of training would change Doran’s basic personality, which wasn’t suited for leadership. Doran despised authority, all authority—except his own.
Chapter 2
Planet Earth
I f the history of Earth were compressed in time, the dominant image would be one of relentless conflict, interspersed with brief moments of scientific and human accomplishments. Equally shocking would be the disparate economic conditions across the globe that have persisted since the discovery of fire and its impact on civilization.
The advent of the space age brought into perspective the vastness of the Universe, and with it, a scientific interest in exploring the outer reaches of the galaxy and beyond. However, Earthlings’ attempt to locate life on other planets paled in comparison to the resources spent on global conflicts and the development of new weaponry. Thus, they remained ignorant of life on planets in other galaxies and never imagined that a hidden alien presence existed on Earth, observing their species over centuries.
The alien bases, constructed by androids from Grillion—a planet in the Orb Galaxy—were buried deep inside concealed mountain caverns. Androids, maintained in a state of suspended animation, reactivated whenever a significant political or scientific event was detected by a sophisticated surveillance network. Their ongoing mission was to document Earthlings’ evolution in an attempt to reconstruct Grillions’ own physiological and societal development, which was lost over eons in an effort to purge perceived social and structural injustices of the past.
The arrival of an invasion fleet from Ammag, first detected by the Colorado base, triggered an emergency activation, causing two calcified limestone walls, which blocked the entrance to a grotto within the cavern, to begin undulating, and then liquefying. The dissolving wall methodically amalgamated into three-dimensional shapes that erupted from their self-induced state of suspended animation. The two freed shape-changing android sentries implemented their emergency activation protocol.
One initiated a diagnostic sequence to assure their activation was not due to an equipment malfunction, while the other interacted with a holographic image of the exterior landscape in the immediate area of their base, zooming in on large heat patterns. Once satisfied that nothing was amiss, the android expanded the surveillance in concentric circles. The sensors picked up normal human and wildlife activity—nothing suspicious. The same was true from the equipment diagnostics testing—the base was functioning to design specifications.
Suddenly, encrypted data—unlike anything detected from the Earthlings—streamed into the central neuro-memory computing module indicating an alien presence in space.
The androids intercepted the Ammagans’ ship-to-ship communications as they prepared to attack Earth, then infiltrated the armada’s onboard computers for historical information. Simultaneously they intercepted data streaming in from Earth’s satellites that indicated Earth was unaware of the impending attack. Using predictive statistics to analyze the planned attack patterns, the androids determined the probable outcome of the hostilities. The results triggered the transmission of a distress signal to their home planet, Grillion.
“The Ammagans, from the planet Ammag in the Tetra Galaxy, are amassed on the dark side of Earth’s moon and are about to launch a surprise attack. They are in desperate need of uranium to sustain their life-form. Given their attack strategy, it is highly probable that the annihilation of all inhabitants on Earth is imminent.”
The response from Grillion was swift once the leaders were aware of the Ammagans’ desperate search for uranium. They knew their planet would eventually be invaded since Grillion and Earth were sister planets, having the same metallurgical composition—with an abundant supply of uranium. Preparing for an eventual Ammagan invasion became a global priority for Grillion.
“Monitor events, and avoid detection at all costs. When necessary, transfer operations to remote activation mode and set the security sequence to total destruction if unauthorized entry occurs. The Ammagans must not discover that Grillion is a twin planet to Earth, or we will suffer a similar fate.”
Knowing that their mission—to record and transmit the biological and technological evolution of Earthlings back to Grillion—was about to end, the androids had already set their security protocol to self-destruct in the event their base was breached by the Ammagans.
Chapter 3
The Ammagan Invasion
S atisfied his armada’s presence was undetected by Earth’s antiquated surveillance systems, Muglar gave the order to commence hostilities.
“Commander, the fleet is in position with all weapons systems armed.”
“Very well, Doran. I’ve transmitted the trajectory for each neutron bomb and the coordinates for switching out of stealth mode to the weapons control room. The rest is up to you.”
Doran struck his breastplate and left the bridge with a spring in his gate.
Muglar monitored the projectiles’ flight paths and Earth’s military satellites to ensure the missiles became visible to Earth’s tracking systems at the pre-programmed coordinates. Their trajectories would appear to originate from missile silos in North America, China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, India, and North Korea—all attacking each other. Satisfied with the launch, he sat back and waited for the inevitable retaliatory global response predicted by his pre-invasion intelligence. It didn’t take long. His spacecraft’s infrared scanners detected Earth’s changing heat patterns caused by the horrific nuclear storm blanketing the planet. As expected, in addition to the response from the impacted countries, rogue nations harboring secret nuclear weapons also unleashed their arsenals. As Muglar watched, he knew, even if Earth’s leaders eventually realized the initial attacks emanated from space, their warships and weapons were inadequate to defeat his armada. He chose his attack strategy just for that reason. Why risk his spacecrafts when it was easier to let the Earthlings destroy themselves?
Doran returned and stood behind Muglar in the command center.
“It is hard to believe that any intelligent life-form wouldn’t anticipate the eventuality of an extraterrestrial invasion and put adequate defenses in place.”
“Evidently the Earthlings are an arrogant race—believing they were alone in the vastness of the Universe. Obviously, arrogance is a fatal flaw,” Muglar said as he activated all communication links throughout his fleet.
Doran waited for Muglar to finish his congratulatory message before he spoke again. “We’ll not get much resistance from the Earthlings—what’s left of them. Why not let me take half the fleet to our next destination?”
Muglar thought about the billions of humans dying so his people could survive. He would stop at nothing to save his civilization, but he couldn’t help but wonder how many more planets would suffer the same fate at his hands before a final solution to their energy crisis emerged.
“You’ll get your chance to command. We have more immediate priorities.”
“But sir—”
“Doran, haven’t you grasped the urgency of this mission? Earth has the largest uranium deposits detected by our probes. Your highest priority is to locate mining sites and begin uranium shipments to Ammag.”
Muglar waited for an answer, but Doran didn’t respond.
“I think it best that you attend to all your duties as your orders dictate. It’s your responsibility to extract and ship uranium and determine if the Earthlings have developed techn
ologies that might prove useful. And remember, they don’t necessarily need to be military in nature.”
Doran turned his back to Muglar to leave as he said, “Yes, Commander.”
Muglar noticed his show of disrespect and wished he had objected to taking on Doran as his second-in-command. He understood the political realities, but didn’t know if he had the patience to teach the boy the leadership skills he would need as the future Exalted Leader of Ammag.
Muglar couldn’t afford to dwell on Doran’s immaturity. He had more important issues to think about. He refocused his attention on the display, watching stoically, along with the rest of the personnel in the control room, as major cities were vaporized by the Earthlings’ own crude nuclear weapons. Hundreds of mushroom clouds entered the upper atmosphere and rapidly spread deadly radiation across the globe, raining down certain death onto survivors of the nuclear blasts.
“Commander, will we encounter significant resistance when our troops land?” the ship’s navigator asked.
“Once we make our presence known, there will be pockets of conflict, but according to surveillance reports, our troops’ Triagmite armor is impervious to Earth’s conventional weapons.”
“Do they have defenses against our radioactive weapons?”
“No! Nuclear radiation is deadly to humans. I can assure you that soon a continuous stream of cargo vessels filled with uranium will arrive on Ammag.”
As the crew cheered, Muglar had a premonition that he had just set in motion a firestorm that would alter the course of intergalactic history. He had dreaded that not negotiating for Earth’s uranium was a strategic mistake. The unprovoked invasion of Earth would send a chill throughout the Universe and ignite an intergalactic conflict, as others feared they would suffer a similar fate—a conflict that he detested but one he would win at all costs, even if it made him the most vilified warrior in the Universe.