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Meeting Mrs Garret

Page 8

by Raquel De Leon

  “Oh, Juniper’s? Hm, I wouldn’t mind having one of her burgers. No matter where I go, I haven’t found a burger as good as hers. Give me a few minutes to consult with the girls and I’ll let you know, alright?” Her husband sounded taken with the idea, making Maddie felt more optimistic than before.

  “Alright, I’ll go talk to Sharad to make sure he’s set for the day. Call me as soon as you know for sure.” She waited for Adam to agree before ending the call, again tucking her phone back into her pocket.

  She wandered out of the exam room, glancing down the hallway to see if the door to Exam Room 3 was still closed. It was open, so she headed back to Sharad’s office. She tapped on the heavy wooden door and was granted immediate access.

  The metal doorknob was cool in her hand as she stepped in with a smile. “Hey Sharad, I’m just about ready to cut out for the day. You gonna be alright?”

  The black-haired man smiled reflexively, his teeth seeming exceptionally bright against his dark complexion. “I’ll be fine, Maddie. Go ahead and go spend time with your family. Adam’s headed out again today isn’t he?”

  She sent him a resigned look. “That’s right. Call if things get too crazy.”

  “Will do,” he confirmed with a friendly smile and a nod.

  She waved as she exited his office, barely taking two steps when her phone went off. She answered it just before the third ring.

  “Adam, what’d they say?”

  “Well, Brittney is stuck sketching out some designs due for one of her final projects, but Natalie said she’d like to try Juniper’s famous burgers,” Adam’s voice picked up at the end, hoping the additional presence of Natalie would somehow make up for Brittney’s inability to attend.

  Maddie withheld a disappointed sigh. Brittney had said she could only stay the weekend if she could get some quiet time to work on some things for school, but Maddie had still hoped her daughter could pull herself away for lunch.

  “That’s fine,” she paused, aware that Adam knew how sensitive she was to Brittney’s absence. “We don’t want Natalie to miss out on one of Sage Falls’ hidden treasures.”

  “At least she’s met the best-looking engineer in these parts—and the finest doctor in a three hundred mile radius. Anything else is just a bonus.” She laughed and shook her head.

  “I’ll see you in a bit. I’m going to go ahead and try and grab a table before they’re all taken.” Juniper's was the best place to eat at in town, something the entire town was aware of. Getting a seat around meal times could be a hassle. If she left now, she still had a good shot of procuring them a spot.

  “Alright, Natalie and I are gonna try and clean up a bit more so we’re suitable company. See you soon.”

  Maddie ended the call with a small smile, retreating to her own office to put away her lab coat and retrieve her laptop bag. She shut off her computer and tucked away some notes and files into the bag before locking up, leaving with a final wave to Annie at the front desk.


  Natalie tapped her heel against the doorjamb. “You’re sure you can’t take a break for what I’m told are the best burgers in existence?”

  Brittney sent her an apologetic look. “One of my initial calculations proved to be a little off. I’ve got to basically redo half of this.”

  Natalie bit her tongue, tempted to offer Brittney help again. She’d done so before but had been unequivocally rebuffed. “Your mom would really like it,” she said instead.

  “I know, I’m sorry.” Brittney looked genuinely apologetic so Natalie decided not to pester her further.

  “Alright, your loss. I should have known better than to try when your dad already failed to convince you to come.” She cheekily stuck her tongue out, leaving the room before Brittney could react. A loud, exasperated sigh followed her. Maybe Brittney was also feeling a little antsy about coming out. A public restaurant wasn’t a good place for a private conversation anyway, but Natalie wouldn’t push.

  Her descent down the stairs was quick, her boots thudding quietly against the wood. She made it to the front foyer just in time to see Adam pulling on his jacket.

  “No luck?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  She offered him a shrug. “Nope, she’s trying to crack a problem and she just won’t quit.”

  “That’s my girl,” Adam declared proudly. “I’ll bring her some takeout.”

  Natalie smirked and shook her head. “Let’s get this show on the road. I’m ready to eat after all your big talk about the food.”

  “It’s not just talk. The food is great,” Adam insisted as they left the house and approached his truck. He unlocked it with his key fob and hauled himself into the driver’s seat.

  He smiled as Natalie buckled her seatbelt, and they were off.

  Natalie watched the scenery pass by with interest, curious about the town Brittney had spent a great deal of her childhood in. It was a relatively small community, but the stores and buildings seemed well-maintained and showed little to no sign of the economic decay. Surprising, considering how most small towns seemed to be faring around the country.

  Sage Falls seemed to be in its own little bubble, making her pleased on behalf of the Garrets. She blinked when she realized they’d come to a stop. She unbuckled her seatbelt and shook her head at a grinning Adam.

  A moment later she was standing in front of a bustling diner, the outside patio surprisingly full for the late fall weather.

  “Juniper bought all the patio furniture just a few months ago. A lot of people kept complaining about having to get takeaway all the time since it’s always so busy,” Adam informed her as he nudged her with an elbow.

  “I’m intrigued,” Natalie admitted as she took in the many people consuming their lunches.

  Adam nudged her again. “Come on, Maddie will have gotten a seat inside.” His upper lip curled. “Juniper kinda has a soft spot for her.”

  Natalie followed him diligently, curious about the displeased look. She followed him through the main door and paused to examine the restaurant as he tried to locate Maddie.

  The diner had a rustic feel with wooden tables and chairs, with cleverly designed booths tucked against the walls.

  She spotted Maddie nearly right away at one of the booths.

  Maddie’s hair was neatly braided, her usual bangs framing her face. She was dressed in a pressed baby blue button-up, its sleeves neatly rolled up to her elbows. A tall lightly-tanned man in a sheriff's uniform was standing at her table and smiling down at her. He was relatively attractive with an easy smile and dark hair, and Maddie was smiling back up at him.

  Natalie bumped her shoulder lightly into Adam, tilting her head in Maddie’s direction when he shot her a curious look. The same displeased look from before flashed on his face as he made his way to his wife’s table.

  He seemed ready to start an argument with the sheriff as they approached, but Adam relaxed at the last second and offered the sheriff a nod. “Grady,” he intoned in a grudgingly respectful tone.

  The sheriff’s smile became forced as he turned to acknowledge the new arrivals. “Adam,” he returned before glancing back to Maddie, his smile once again genuine. “Well, I see your company has arrived so I’ll go ahead and get going. Enjoy your lunch.”

  “Thanks, Grady. Have a nice day.” Maddie’s voice was polite, but Natalie could read a subtle tension in her shoulders.

  Neither Adam or Maddie moved at first, prompting Natalie to slide onto the bench seat across from Maddie. Just like that, things were back to normal. Adam shot her a wink as he slid in next to her and directly opposite of Maddie.

  “Sorry about that,” he admitted sheepishly. “Back when Maddie and I first moved here, we had a few problems with Grady. He wasn’t the sheriff then.”

  Maddie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Men. I dated Grady for a couple of years in high school.”

  Natalie quirked an eyebrow as she looked between Adam and Maddie, accepting a glass of water Maddie pushed her way.
“You totally got into a fight with him when you moved here, didn’t you?” Her amused question was aimed at Adam.

  “Only a small one. He still has the hots for Maddie. There’s no logical reason for me to be jealous but, since the beginning, he and I have just rubbed each other the wrong way.” He shot Maddie a contrite look.

  The seat squeaked a little as Natalie leaned back. Adam and Maddie had seemed totally at ease and in sync the few times she’d been around them both, so this anomaly was something she hadn’t been prepared for.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I ordered you both classic-style burgers since the wait time can be horrendous this time of day. Natalie, honey, if you want something else please don’t hesitate to change it. I just thought you both might be hungry.” Maddie’s smile was soft and a little hesitant, and Natalie understood she was trying to gracefully change the subject.

  She shot her own smile back; she admired Maddie’s ability to read the slightest hint of discomfort from her company.

  Though Natalie usually didn’t like when others ordered for her, she knew that Maddie had only been interested in feeding her and Adam as soon as possible. “A burger’s great. I was going to pick one out anyway with the way Adam was going on about them.”

  She sucked in a breath when Maddie smiled again, almost forgetting that she needed oxygen. The subtle lines around Maddie’s eyes and mouth were entrancing; she wondered what sorts other things Maddie had laughed at over the years.

  Maddie’s lips began to move, and Natalie had to focus hard to understand what she was saying. “—grease monkeys having fun playing under the hood of that old car?”

  To her right, Adam grinned. “Definitely. Between the two of us, we were able to get a good look. Natalie’s going to have her hands full rebuilding essentially everything in the engine compartment.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. I’ve done a few restoration jobs, but nothing on this level,” Natalie chimed in. She was glad Adam had spoken first and given her time to recover her wits.

  “Be sure to take your time. I want to make sure this is done correctly. Don’t feel like you have to rush it.” Adam bumped his shoulder against hers in emphasis.

  “Don’t worry, Adam. I’m sure Natalie is going to do an exceptional job on that old rust bucket.” Maddie winked at Natalie before shooting Adam an innocent look.

  Adam opened his mouth, no doubt to protest his wife’s description of the G-47s, when the table was approached by an older woman with salt and pepper hair. Three plates were expertly balanced on a tray. She began to set the plates down with a smile.

  There was a comforting air around the woman, who reached down to squeeze Maddie’s shoulder when she finished. “I’m glad Grady was able to say hello.” Her attention turned to Adam and Natalie. “Please, enjoy your lunch.”

  Natalie tilted her head curiously as the woman walked away. Adam shook his head. “It’s hard to believe Juniper Louis gave birth to him. He never fails to get on my nerves, and she never fails to make me miss my own mother.”

  She nodded along, understanding that must have been the sheriff’s mother. Small town life, she thought.

  “Juniper is lovely,” Maddie affirmed. “Now, let’s eat before it gets cold.”

  Natalie’s eyes flicked down to her burger and the thick home fries that accompanied it. The burger was massive and she wasn’t certain she’d be able to eat it without making a mess.

  Her attention wandered to the other side of the table where Maddie was meticulously cutting into what appeared to be seared salmon. She sighed and decided there was no graceful way to go about it. Hesitantly, she brought her burger up to take a bite.

  She forgot all about how she might look as she chewed. She groaned as she swallowed, turning devoted eyes to her right. “I love you so much, Adam.”

  Both her tablemates chuckled, and Maddie shot her a playful look. “Hey, I’m right here.”

  Yes, you are, Natalie’s mind hummed. She shoved the thought away and smiled, and then they were all quiet as they ate.

  She was halfway through her burger and the amazing fries that came with it when Adam’s phone rang.

  Adam hurriedly wiped at his face and mouth to reach for the device, avoiding the exasperated look his wife sent his way. “I have to take this,” he said apologetically before standing and moving from sight.

  Maddie watched him go with pursed lips, setting down her fork and knife and leaning back in her seat.

  The content air about her from before had vanished, and Natalie felt a pang of sadness at its loss. She fidgeted with one of her fries, not sure what had changed or what she could do to fix it.

  She caught sight of Adam returning, and she could tell by the look on his face that he didn’t have anything good to say.

  He stopped by Maddie’s side of the bench with his hands in his pockets. “That was work, our client just decided to renegotiate their contract and I need to draw up some additional plans. I’m sorry I have to cut this short, but I don’t have a lot of time before my flight.”

  Maddie wouldn’t look him in the eye. “Alright, go.”

  Adam hesitated and leaned down to brush a remorseful kiss on her stiff lips. He straightened awkwardly. “Natalie, do you mind catching a ride home with Maddie?”

  “Nah, that’s fine.” She pasted a smile on her face as he jerkily nodded and turned to leave. His footsteps were lost in the din of the diner as he left.

  She swallowed when Maddie pushed her plate away with a sigh. Natalie couldn’t stand to see her looking so disappointed.

  “You know, you never sent me the copy of that picture like you said you would.” She watched as Maddie slowly blinked.

  Maddie studied her silently, a tentative smile peeking out. “You’re right. I’ll do it now before I forget again.” She set her small purse on the table and retrieved her phone, swiping a few times and then smiling.

  Natalie internally cheered, having hoped the photo might help restore Maddie’s good mood. She absently tugged her phone from her own pocket as it buzzed. She grinned down at the photo.

  “Oh my god, yes! Brittney is drooling. This is dynamite material,” she crowed enthusiastically.

  Her vigorous response made Maddie chuckle, and the last hint of a frown faded from Maddie’s face. “I’m happy to be of service.”

  Natalie looked up with an eyebrow wiggle. “Is there more where this came from?”

  Maddie grinned. “If you play your cards right, there just might be.”

  It took everything in Natalie not to make a suggestive comment. She was too used to hanging out with the guys. She’d wouldn’t go there. “I’ll keep that in mind, Mrs. Garret.”

  Well, not there.

  When Maddie chuckled, Natalie wondered if the sound would always send the same tingle down her spine. She bit the inside of her cheek.

  “When you make that face, I can’t help but wonder what it is you’re thinking about,” Maddie admitted with slightly narrowed eyes.

  Natalie paled and swallowed, nervously playing with her napkin.

  Maddie hummed and leaned back in her seat, arching an eyebrow. “Judging by that reaction, I’ll let it slide.”

  Natalie brought up a fist to cover her mouth and clear her throat. “So, Adam said he wanted to order Brittney some takeout.”

  “Alright. Why don’t you finish up your meal and I’ll call her and ask her what she wants.” Maddie waited for Natalie to pick up her burger again before dialing Brittney’s number.

  Natalie took her time eating as she watched Maddie from under her lashes. She didn’t focus on what Maddie was saying, instead just enjoying all the emotions playing out on her expressive face.

  Maddie ended the call with an affectionate look, laughing a moment later when her phone buzzed. She turned her phone and held it up for Natalie to inspect.

  It was a picture of Brittney squeezing a teddy bear to her with one arm, grin on her face as her other arm took the picture.

  “She said w
e both get one of these when we get back,” Maddie informed her pleasantly.

  Natalie smiled and adopted a vacant expression. “What, a teddy bear?”

  Maddie twisted her lips into something between a smile and a grimace. “Yes, honey, we both get a teddy bear.”

  Natalie broke first, chortling softly as Maddie grinned. Yeah, this was definitely better.

  Maddie looked content as she stood, moving forward and squeezing Natalie’s shoulder. She glanced down at Natalie. “I’m just going to go put in her order, you go ahead and finish up.”

  Natalie tried very hard not to look, but her eyes were drawn to Maddie as she walked away. She sighed, resigned to the fact that her stupid crush was going to be around for a while.

  She wouldn’t let it get in her way, not when Maddie was so incredibly nice. She could tell that Maddie was upset Adam had cut lunch short, and she didn’t want to think about what it would mean for Brittney’s plans to come out. She decided her Navarro charm could come in handy to keep both Maddie and Brittney distracted.

  By the time Maddie returned, she’d polished off her food and she was waiting with a patient smile.

  “So I was thinking—I’m totally up for trading these regularly.” She grinned. Maddie looked confused and sat down.

  “Sorry, trade what regularly?” Maddie’s confusion shifted to curiosity.

  Natalie’s grin widened as she turned her phone. On display was a picture of Brittney with her eyes crossed and her tongue poking out.

  Maddie’s hand reached out to help support the phone. “Ha!” she said with a grin as she tilted it for a better angle.

  The thumping of Natalie’s heart became erratic with Maddie gently cupping the back of her hand, but she managed to focus enough to speak. “Since you can’t see her much while she’s away at school, I thought I might send you some of these delightful gems when the opportunity presents itself. That way you can also see for yourself that she’s doing just fine.”

  “I’d love that,” Maddie admitted as she gently squeezed Natalie’s hand. She looked up and their eyes met. “Thank you, Natalie.”

  “Any time, Maddie,” Natalie said. She made herself look away after a moment, trying to ignore the loss of Maddie’s hand on hers scarcely a heartbeat later.


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