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It's His Choice

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by Vish V

is choice

  It was the beginning of 20th century, the days when school going kids are still taught that black and white are races and not just two colors. Although numerous laws were enforced to uproot racism, there were many incidents of suppression on the black community all around the globe including the fast developing United States of America. The black and white communities are said to be at an equal level despite institutional racism being practiced everywhere. For every poisonous plant that has grown, there has to be that someone who planted the seed. In the same way, for every change in the civilization, there has to be that someone who lit the spark.

  Born in a rich and respectful white family to Joseph Carter, an established business man in the state of Florida, and Emily Carter, John was expected to grow up in his father’s footsteps. Right from the start, his parents taught him good things and tried to make him a better person in the society. They wanted John to be a man of high morals and qualities. But, it’s not in someone else’s hands but our own that our fate is decided; John is destined to something which Joseph Carter never expected. Right from the time when we walk as a child, we are what we choose in our life, how we perceive the alien environment, how we understand it and how we sculpt our character. For every tree to grow tall and wide, the roots have to be strong enough to support it. Those roots weren’t very strong with John. He ended up wrong friends in his school. As a child, he came to the conclusion that dominant leadership and wealth are the keys for a successful and happy life. In no time he became a 19 year old boy with not enough maturity in his arsenal to tackle the adversities in life.

  As John entered the Duke University, he is surprised to witness something he’s unaware of. That was the first university in his state where both black and white students are taught under the same roof. That was a landmark step undertaken by the government as a measure to uproot racism. At first John is reluctant in studying at Duke’s, he eventually had to suck it up as his father left him with no choice. Despite being the son of a respected father, he got attracted towards racist morals prevalent among the students of white group. Like the wind aiding fire in its spread, he is encouraged by the white faculty in support to this act of ignorance.

  A few months passed in a flash, and John became the face of whites earned by his unique charm and nature. His personality propelled him to enter the wrong path of racial discrimination. Under Johns lead from the front, and backstage misguidance from the upperclassmen, suppression and criticism paced up on the black students of his class. Black students wouldn’t be allowed to sit next to whites, they would have their own washrooms, dorms and even their own cafe. The “Separate but equal” minded whites continue to trouble blacks in every possible way.

  John made many white friends and his position in the class drew negativity among the blacks. With his attractive looks, it was inevitable that John had many white girls chasing after him; however, John’s mind is preoccupied by one black girl, Michelle, who caught his eye since the first day. They would exchange looks but none of them initiate a conversation with the other. Michelle, even though she is of the knowledge that John was the leader of the discrimination being poured upon them, is attracted to him. The repulsiveness he had created for himself as the leader of the whites, left him with no black friends to help the situation. The oppression continued, the black students formed into a rival group. They elect Blake, their fellow student, as their leader to ward off John and his gang’s atrocities.

  It is just a matter of time for the things to get worse. The day came when they were to elect a representative to form student body union. That person who is elected would be the bridge between the students and the university administration. With the announcement made, the upperclassmen at Duke’s advice John and his fellow whites to grab the opportunity and have John become the leader. They also decide to not allow any of the blacks to nominate. As John’s nature is on par with the given advice, he gladly accepts. Guided by his upperclassmen and faculty members, John and other whites approach Blacks led by Blake, and warn them to stay away from the upcoming elections. They use foul and degrading language, insults the female black students which angers them. That marked the first rub of shoulders to take place between the two groups causing minor injuries and material damage. This marked the first bloodshed, and the rivalry escalated to new heights.

  Later that night, the blacks had a secret meeting at Blake’s house. They discuss the possible ways to set blacks as a dominant side. Prepared to clash with the whites, they decide to nominate Blake in the upcoming body elections.

  John is having lunch in the canteen along with his friends. Michelle, the black girl, shocks everyone as she walks into the white canteen, alone. That is something which has never happened in the history of Duke’s. The grunts of the whites can be heard clearly as the footsteps of Michelle travel in the direction of John’s table. There are no signs of nervousness visible in her face. She knows what she’s doing, and she looks prepared to face the consequences. She stops in front of John and tells him that they need to talk. It is a very unusual place to be in for John as this is the first time that a black girl spoke to him before fellow whites. The closeness he feels with Michelle is pushing him to make it happen. He knows the consequences. He pondered for a long time before letting out a sigh. He looks at his friends, and as they leave, turns his attention to Michelle. He looks lost in deep thoughts. Everyone witnessing the scene can feel their heart pounding. Michelle, in a bold voice, explained John that he has become a racist knowing which, his parents would be ashamed of. She tells him he is acting ignorant and is being manipulated by his friends. That he forgot his background and should reconsider the path in which he is travelling. Upon hearing to Michelle, John remained speechless. He heard those words from someone he first talked to. The expression in the faces of the people who surrounded them is no different. There is no more grunting, no more whispering, everyone remained silent. No black student ever had openly expressed their displeasure on racism. They fear it might be the beginning of the ending. After regaining some strength, John thrashes Michelle to mind her own business and he is happy with his friends. His words made a little impact; they appeared less prominent. Before things could get worse, Michelle walks away. She left her impact on the whites. The spark has been lit, a doubt, not just in John’s mind, but in everyone who is present there.

  Once she’s gone out of the sight, John expected his friends to be normal as always. He hoped they’d discard what has happened, and that wasn’t the case. While he sat down and resumed his lunch, most of them in that canteen left, rather quickly. Others took time, but eventually, everyone left. John spent rest of the day as Michelle’s words echoed in his mind.

  Days passed by in a flash as the number of people at John’s back continue to decline. He’s also told that Ashur, a classmate and wingback of John now separated from them and is maintaining a separate group. Ashur was always a close friend to John. Cutting all these thoughts, he convinced himself that it was a part of the blacks’ plan to isolate him from his friends and Michelle was just an arrow aimed at separating the bird from her nest to steal the eggs. He wants to settle the misunderstandings with whites.

  On the other side, gossips on John and Michelle spread among the white students like a wild fire. That ignited a doubt among the whites on John's leadership. The upperclassmen involve and elect Ashur to lead the whites until the cloud of doubt on John passes off. They also ask Ashur for help in strengthening their vulnerable relation with John. Ashur was John’s first friend at Duke’s. He always dreamed to become the leader of whites. If it wasn’t for John, Ashur would have been their leader. He wanted John to be on his side and strengthen his grip on the white students. However, the upperclassmen chose John over A
shur, for various reasons, John being smarter and more popular being the most important one. Since then, Ashur started to develop grudge against John, yet staying with him, waiting for his opportunity to strike. He’s a fox.

  The distressful events are taking a toll on John. He is awake as the clock ticks at 1200 in the midnight. After a long hustle with the bed to fall asleep, he walks to the balcony. Just as the fresh breeze of air brought relief in his face, he frowns as he watches his father get down from the car with Michelle next to him. His heart dropped for a second, he wanted that to be just a delusion. After realizing it is in fact Michelle and she is with his father, he flurries down the stairs in a flash with apprehended look seated deep in his face. As he reaches downstairs, he finds Michelle sitting next to his father; they’re having a conversation. He wipes off the drops of sweat trickling down his jaw line and walks to them.

  To John’s utmost surprise, Joseph reveals to John that Michelle is the granddaughter of Sander, who worked as a manager for Joseph’s estates in Texas before they moved to

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