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The Games We Play

Page 6

by Mark C. Wade

  The man spoke like a politician, calm and smooth and well-rehearsed.

  “Hello. My name is Havel Kovacs, and I’m the CEO of the Restin Corporation.”

  The crowd burst into raucous cheers and applause.

  Really? All he said was his name.

  Henry worried how Orwellian it was for so many people to love the face of a corporation. Henry focused on the eyes. Despite the man’s good guy act, Henry saw something shifty in those eyes. It could have just been greed, but Henry didn’t think so.

  Havel continued, “We’ve had a good year and some bad news. I would like to start the ceremony with a moment of silence. We lost one of the finest players in Eburnean Passage this year to a horrible accident. I offer my condolences to the friends and family of Zane Wolmark, better known in-game as Pickles. It is a loss that will be felt for a long time.”

  Havel bowed his head, and Henry saw everyone around him do it as well. This was the perfect opportunity. Henry glanced around the large room, trying to see if anyone was suspicious.

  He saw nothing out of the ordinary. Some of the top players were waiting off stage, and he saw they didn’t bow their heads. But they probably had the million-dollar prize on their minds.

  The moment came to an end and Havel continued, “Thank you all for your patience. You all probably have heard about and read about the format for the tournament this year. We decided to do a major throwback. The tournament arena will no longer be one versus one. It will be a Battle Royale, a format wildly popular around 2018, but has not been seen in about two decades.

  “This means fifty players will be dropped into the arena all at the same time. They may choose to team up or use the environment in any way possible to survive. Only the single remaining player will move on from that round. The groupings are determined by current ranking seeds.

  “There will be five groupings. This means that only the top 250 players will compete in this year’s tournament. We think this is fair and includes many more people than normally would get to participate. The five players to move on will be in a final round together, and that round will only be announced once the winners have been chosen.”

  The crowd erupted into cheers and howls of excitement.

  Havel waited patiently for the cheering to die down. He had a smug look on his face, like he was solely responsible for so much excitement and happiness.

  Henry didn’t understand what the big deal was, but he couldn’t help but feel a thrill running through him. The atmosphere of the room was infectious. Plus, his own money was on the line.

  Havel said, “I will now present you the 250 contestants in this year’s final tournament for the prize money of Eburnean Passage.”

  Havel began to announce the names one by one. The players walked across the stage to the sound of muted applause. Henry rolled his eyes. The process was tedious and boring and would probably take an hour.

  It was at that moment that Henry realized how good these players must have been. Millions, maybe even a billion, people played Eburnean Passage a year. This final tournament only included the top 250 people. That was practically no one in the grand scheme of things.

  When they got to the final five people, the lighting in the room changed. Everything darkened, and the stage lit up in a brilliant display. Havel let his voice deepen for dramatic effect.

  Aeden was announced. The calm clapping turned quickly to an explosive ovation. Henry made a mental note that Aeden was well-loved within the Eburnean Passage community. He didn’t know if this would be useful, but it was something.

  The others were announced to less enthusiasm, and finally, the top player was announced as Nyissa. For a moment, the entire room went silent. Nyissa stepped out cautiously across the stage in front of the other contestants.

  A solitary boo came from somewhere in the crowd. Like a cascade of falling dominoes, the rest of the crowd joined in with hisses and jeers and name-calling.

  The community had made up its mind: Nyissa had committed the crime. Before all the evidence had come forward, before a proper trial, they had convicted her.

  Nyissa stood there on the stage with a giant smile on her face. Henry stared back, momentarily confused. He thought at first that she was putting on a show, but then he decided that she genuinely liked the attention. The smile wasn’t fake at all. It was like her happiness fed on the hatred, and Henry related to that.

  The ceremony wound down to a close with some boring speeches and a band playing the theme song to the game. Henry snuck out the back. He had what he had come for. He thought to himself: let the games begin.

  Chapter 10

  Henry knocked on the door to Tom’s house. The gruff, older man opened the door. Tom walked off toward the kitchen without a word, and Henry wandered back to the room he knew so well. There was no need to exchange pleasantries.

  Henry cracked the door to the dark back room and stepped inside. His body hummed with the seedy vibe. Oh, how he loved this place.

  He loved the green velvet of the table. He loved the sound of cards smacking against each other and the clack of the chips as people made their bets and tossed them into the center. He loved the smell of cigars.

  But, most of all, he loved that he could get completely smashed on bourbon, and no one would think twice about it. No one would judge him.

  It was poker night with the guys, and it only came once every other week.

  One by one the men showed up to the back room. The small talk started, and Henry only half paid attention as he sipped at his drink.

  And then there were six—the crew assembled.

  They always played the same format: Texas hold ‘em. Henry had done this enough times that he knew the first few hands were just warm-up. The true mind games wouldn’t come until later.

  The men complained about their wives and jobs, and Henry kept to himself through it all with the occasional eye-roll. Henry would not participate unless called on by name.

  Frank said, “Henry.”


  “I heard you started working again. That’s good. Is it anything exciting? Something we’d hear about from the news?”

  Henry grumbled to himself and said, “It’s a big case, but I can’t talk about it. You guys probably wouldn’t be interested in it, anyway. It’s got nothing to do with the type of stuff you’re into.”

  Tom joked, “Ah. I see. So, has to do with men.”

  Henry flushed while the rest of them laughed a bit too hard for how early it was in the night. They couldn’t blame the alcohol yet.

  Henry said, “All right. All right. Let’s just get on with the game.”

  Teasing was part of the mental strategy. They were all more than okay with Henry’s sexual preferences. Everyone would be teased about something before the night ended.

  Henry shuffled the cards violently. He dealt the next hand. The conversation died down, and Henry began to concentrate. He’d get them back by winning all their money. It was rare the competitive streak in him came out this strongly.

  Henry was a better detective than he let on to civilian friends. Over the years he had studied the many ways in which he could tell when people were lying from their body language. He studied Frank across the table. Frank shifted his cards around uncomfortably.

  Many probably would have thought this was an indication he was nervous, that he was trying to hide something. Henry knew better. Frank’s shoulders remain relaxed, and his feet pointed confidently straight at Henry.

  The shifting of the cards was just an old habit.

  Tom, on the other hand, had his feet splayed apart, pointing at no one. A sure sign he didn’t want to confront anyone. His eyes darted about shakily. Tom was about to bluff, and Henry was sure of it.

  But Tom was an experienced player. His shoulders may have tensed, but everything about his upper body held fast to not give anything away. There was no fidgeting or moving of the cards. Tom was trying too hard, and Henry could tell.

  They went around the
table making their bets, calling each other, and raising the stakes. Henry had to refrain from laughing when all five other men made exactly the wrong call. They thought Frank was the one bluffing and Tom was the one with the real hand.

  So, it was a surprise to them when Henry held fast against Tom. The pot was as high as it had been all night, and the tension in the room ratcheted up a notch.

  Henry saw a drip of sweat fall down Tom’s cheek, and Tom swiped at it quickly. Henry second-guessed himself for a moment. Maybe he’d been wrong. He showed his full house, and Tom let out a defeated gasp as he showed he only had a single ace.

  The built tension in the room dissipated, and everyone let out small chuckles at the unexpected turn of events.

  Tom asked, “How do you always know? It’s like you can read people’s minds. You’re so good at it that it’s almost unfair.”

  “Years of catching criminals, I guess,” Henry replied.

  They passed their cards into the center, and Henry grabbed his winnings. The mood of the room had noticeably shifted.

  Tom said, “Speaking of criminals. My kid wants to go to this Eburnean Passage tournament. Does anyone know anything about it? It sounds dangerous with this crime that happened. The killer could be there, for all we know.”

  Pressure built in Henry’s chest. He’d gladly go back to the small talk to get out of this topic.

  Frank said, “I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s not like the criminal will try anything with all those people around. There’ll be a ton of security there, too.”

  Tom said, “Darn. I was hoping to have a good excuse not to go. Kids and their stupid games.”

  Henry said, “You know there’s a one-million-dollar prize pool? It’s not just some kids’ game.”

  Tom chuckled and asked, “Since when are you an expert on a video game?”

  Tom cut himself off before speaking further. The men’s eyes flicked around the room as each of them came to the same realization at once. Henry had given himself away, and now they all knew he was working on the case.

  Henry said, “You know what? I’m going to call it here for the night, cash it in…you know, while I’m still ahead.”

  Henry gathered his things and started to slink toward the door.

  Frank said, “Whatever you say.”

  At least no one wanted to confront Henry about it. They knew that some things needed to remain a secret for a reason. They knew what had happened to Marie.

  It was still frustrating because Henry believed he could have doubled his winnings for the night if he had stayed. He considered turning back, but it wasn’t worth it. The night would turn into a drunken raucous, and Henry had a bad habit of spilling too much information in that type of situation.

  Henry took an autocab home, and as he was opening the door to his apartment, he was still lost in thought about the night. He hoped he didn’t put any of them in danger by letting them know the truth.

  The sight of a person made Henry yelp in fear. Then he yelled, “Jesus Christ! Stop doing that!”

  Nyissa had broken into his apartment again. She jumped up off the couch and walked with her slowed seductive movements. Henry trembled.

  Her voice remained low as she said, “I thought you might want this.”

  She handed him a ticket, and Henry examined it. It was for the Eburnean Passage tournament. He figured his opening ceremony pass would still get him in, but he hadn’t paid very close attention to it.

  Nyissa continued, “I got you front row seats, so you won’t miss a thing.”


  She walked toward the door as if she were going to leave. Henry didn’t want to be alone for the night just yet.

  Henry asked, “Is that all you came for? You sure you didn’t want to see me? I mean, you could have just slid that under the door or something.”

  Nyissa twirled her hair back flirtatiously.

  “You’re cute and all, but you’re not my type.”

  Henry stalled some more. “Hey, by the way, what are the chances you’re actually getting this money? I didn’t realize you still had to win this tournament.”

  “I told you at the start. It’s just a formality. I’m going to win. I’m the best.”

  Henry hated how her cockiness turned him on.

  Henry said, “Okay. But let’s just say you don’t.”

  Nyissa stepped right up to Henry’s face. “I’ll do my job. You make sure you do yours.”

  And just like that, Nyissa was out of Henry’s life again, and Henry couldn’t help but feel like that might be a good thing.

  Henry said, “Ykülma, call Quillen.”

  Quillen’s soothing voice came through the speakers. “Hey, Henry. What’s up?”

  The awkwardness of how they’d left it was gone. Was there even a glimmer of desire in his tone? Henry marveled at how it always seemed to work that way with them.

  He tried something he’d never tried before. His voice shook with anticipation as he asked, “What do you know about domination?”

  The reply was merely, “I’ll be right over.”

  The dead air hung there for a moment, and then the click of hanging up.

  Chapter 11

  Quillen burst into the apartment in full uniform, and Henry’s heart skipped a beat. He stepped in those heavy black boots once, twice.

  Henry trembled below the power. The tan fabric of his uniform strained across the man’s broad chest muscles.

  The solid brick of muscle was now practically on top of Henry.

  Quillen said, “Same rules as before?”

  Henry nodded his consent then squeaked out, for good measure, “Yes.”

  Suddenly, Henry’s body was facing the other direction, and his right wrist had been pulled up behind his back.

  Quillen pulled the other arm back. Leather straps were around Henry’s wrists so fast, he would have thought they were actual handcuffs.

  Quillen leaned in and said, “You’re under arrest Henry Gallagher.” The man’s rugged jaw brushed Henry’s shoulder as Quillen’s mouth went to Henry’s ear. “I’m going to take you…” Henry shuddered. “…in for questioning.”

  Henry said, “But I didn’t do anything.”

  Quillen said, “I’ll find something to bring charges.” His hands took hold of Henry and slid around in an erotic pat-down.

  His hands crept closer to Henry’s cock, and Henry couldn’t help the arousal at the thought of his punishment for the cop finding such an illicit package.

  Quillen had worked his way to the front of Henry, and now the bulge was undeniable. Quillen’s left eyebrow slanted up, questioningly.

  His hand grabbed hold of Henry’s shaft suddenly. Quillen asked, “And what is this? Were you trying to hide this from me?”

  “No, sir!”

  “So, you wanted me to find this?”

  Henry wasn’t sure how to reply. “Uh, yes?”

  Quillen’s eyes flicked with humor at this, and Henry didn’t think he could stand the buildup anymore. He just needed this man’s hard fucking and now. Henry sensed the leaking precum wet his underwear in a cool, slippery jerk.

  “Wrong answer! This is a violation of Title 18 Section 607. You’re going away for a very long time.”

  Henry said, “But, it’s natural. That just happens. It’s not my fault.”

  Quillen’s whole body moved up against Henry. Henry almost lost his balance with his hands restrained behind his back.

  Quillen sensed this and grabbed Henry’s back. His hand moved down to Henry’s ass and he grabbed it once before pulling his pelvis in.

  Their cocks rubbed through the clothing.

  “Yes, how unfair. But there is a way out.”

  Henry said, “What? I’ll do anything?”

  “I can just carry out the punishment now, then we’ll call it even.”

  Quillen smirked again, and Henry’s chest pounded with excitement.

  “That sounds fair.”

  Quillen said, “Oh, I p
romise it won’t be.”

  Quillen undid the tie and shoved Henry onto the bed. The man was so fast and strong. His legs already straddled Henry at the chest, arms pinned upward.

  Quillen quickly retied Henry to the bedpost. “We can’t have you trying to escape before it’s over.”

  Henry put on a show of struggling as he longed for Quillen to get on with it. Then he unzipped his fly and pulled out his monster cock.

  The hefty leather belt of his uniform held everything perfectly in place, and Quillen grabbed Henry's head.

  “The first order of business is to prepare your punishment.”

  Henry opened his mouth. Quillen wasted no time with pleasantries; the shaft was halfway down Henry’s throat in one forceful thrust.

  The only real punishment was how desperately Henry’s own member shoved at his pants, bursting with erotic tension, getting no release.

  Quillen’s head threw backward as he let out gurgles and gasps. The harder he shoved, the closer Henry got to losing it all.

  This was what he’d been wanting and needing from this man since he first walked into his office those weeks ago.

  Quillen suddenly stopped. “I think you like that too much. It wouldn’t be a proper punishment if you liked it.”

  Quillen flipped Henry over and pulled his pants down. Henry’s hole ached for that cock. His hands pulled at the restraints to get better situated, and the struggle and constrained motion proved who was in charge.

  Henry’s whole body trembled in awe of Quillen. He was at the mercy of that powerful body, and the fever of desire grew stronger inside of him.

  A switch flipped inside of Henry as Quillen began the pounding. Cum leaked from his cock, and he suddenly felt like he’d do anything for this man. Quillen’s arms wrapped around Henry’s torso, and he bit at Henry’s ear.

  That uniform still so pristine and unwrinkled even in the desperate throws of pleasure. Henry’s cum shot load after load onto the bed, and he wished he could stay in that moment forever: perfectly safe under Quillen’s control.


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