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Always, Ella

Page 7

by Sofia Sawyer

“Is this...fennel sausage?” Elena asked on a breath.

  Jackson couldn’t help but grin at her reaction. You’d think she was just presented with a check for a million dollars.

  “It is,” he replied with amusement.

  She looked up at him in appreciation and shock. “How did you know that I love fennel sausage?” She scanned her plate again as if she couldn’t believe her eyes. “And with mushrooms and cream sauce too?”

  His face hurt from grinning so much. She was adorable. And sexy.

  Jesus, man. Relax.

  “It’s hard to forget that impassioned speech you gave a few years ago about the perfect fennel to sausage ratio. I never thought someone could find thirty minutes worth of material on the subject, but you sure did.”

  She looked at him, half-serious and half-mocking. “It’s very important stuff.”

  A laugh rumbled through his chest. “Of course, and it stayed with me. You made me into a believer. Hopefully, my ratio meets your high standards.”

  “You have my mother to thank for that. She made me into the passionate food lover I am. It’s very serious business in the Lucia household.”

  “And even with all that eating, you still look…”

  Her eyebrows rose, waiting for him to finish. “Look…”

  Beautiful. Sexy. Like an erotic fantasy I never knew I had. “Fine,” Jackson finally mumbled.

  The amusement on Elena’s face dimmed just a fraction. “Wow. Fine, huh? It’s no wonder I couldn’t help myself from falling in love with you.”

  With the blood in his body rushing southbound, it took his brain a moment to register that she was referring to their arrangement, not that she was actually in love with him. So why did that fleeting idea warm him in ways he hadn’t felt before?

  It wasn’t that Jackson was opposed to a committed relationship, it’s just that his lifestyle hadn’t allowed for it once he started his business. He didn’t feel right jumping into a relationship with someone he’d never be around to treat right. He didn’t want to break someone’s heart, feel like he was chained to something, or have them resent him.

  Yet, the idea of being Elena’s someone caused a stirring in him.

  Pseudo-compliment forgotten, she dove into her meal and let out a satisfied moan. A moan that went straight to his cock.

  She’s going to kill me. This week is going to kill me.

  “This is amazing, Jackson. You have to try it.” She held a fork to his mouth, and he gently took it between his lips.

  “I’m pretty impressed with myself,” he joked. He was a horrible cook, but this wasn’t half bad. Thankfully, Chef James had been there to help him along. Otherwise, he had no idea how this would have turned out. Probably mutilated, overcooked, and unseasoned. And he most definitely would have gotten the fennel ratio wrong.

  Stephanie strutted up to them and crouched down out of eyeshot of the cameras, interrupting their moment. “Hey, guys. Great work today. Your chemistry is amazing on camera.”

  “Really?” Elena coughed, catching herself. “Oh, that’s great to hear.”

  “Yeah. Really digging your stuff. Can’t wait to see how it goes tomorrow.”

  “What’s on the agenda?” Jackson asked as he swirled pasta around his fork.

  “We’ll have some masseuses come in to teach you all how to give sensual, intimate massages.”

  His fork slipped from his hand, but he caught it. “Sorry. What was that?”

  She gave him a strange look. “Massages. You know? You’ll strip down for one another, learn the techniques, use some special oils that stimulate desire, and…” she trailed off and looked at the clipboard in her hands. “Something about erogenous zones and aphrodisiacs. Real sexy shit.”

  Jackson swallowed. If he could barely keep it together when Elena sent those little looks his way and let out those small moans, how was he going to handle rubbing his hands along her smooth, soft, naked body?

  Agreeing to this was the worst decision I’ve made yet.



  “So, should I kill you now or later?” Elena asked as they strolled down Meeting Street to Mae’s apartment.

  The sun had just set, and Charleston had transformed from one charming city to another. Between the historic houses lining the streets and the flickering lanterns lighting the way when it got dark, she could see why the producer was excited about the location. It was the perfect place to fall in love or rekindle a spark that had dulled over time.

  As tough as it had been to grow up here feeling like an outcast, Elena couldn’t help but love it. The palmetto trees, Spanish moss, and cobblestone streets made her think of simpler times, even as Charleston continued to explode thanks to high tourism and newcomers looking to call it home.

  Jackson rubbed the back of his neck, a bit of humor making his eyes sparkle in the dark. “Not sure what you mean,” he said with sarcasm.

  “I thought we agreed you wouldn’t throw me under the bus like you did when we were younger.”

  “The opposite, actually. You were too stiff. I could see one of your freakouts on the horizon. You’re a spaz. You realize that, right?”

  She poked him in the shoulder, her finger feeling a sting of pain as it hit rock hard muscle. “I’m not a spaz!”

  “I could rattle off at least five different times when we were kids where you came barging into our house with some sort of anxiety-fueled meltdown.” He glanced at her from the corner of his eye as they continued to walk down the street, now bustling with college students looking for a fun night on the town.

  Elena pursed her lips as she dodged a few buzzed girls from a bachelorette party teetering unsteadily on heels as they walked by. He had a point. “I wouldn’t call them meltdowns, per se.”

  “How about the summer pool party leading into your freshman year? You hyperventilated because it started raining.”

  “I was upset because it was ruining my chances for my first kiss.”

  “You were already wet. It was a pool party.” He shook his head.

  “But they made us get out of the pool. Danny Glasco and I were this close to sealing the deal.” She held up her pointer and thumb a centimeter apart.

  “I have good reason to believe that kiss wouldn’t have happened.”

  She rolled her eyes. “And why’s that?”

  “Well, I ran into Danny on a connecting flight from Costa Rica to Miami. We had a good chat.”

  She fluttered her eyelashes. “Did he ask about the kiss that got away?”

  He bit his bottom lip as if holding back a smile. “Actually, he asked me if I was staying in town long. Invited me to a restaurant that he and his husband own.”

  Elena’s face fell. “Oh.”

  Jackson let out a bark of laughter. “‘Oh’ is right. You always have these crazy scenarios in your head of how things should be and get disappointed when your perfect plan falls apart. You were and still are a hot mess—an adorable one, of course,” he added quickly when she glared at him. “What I did helped loosen you up. You heard what Stephanie said, the camera loved us.” He shrugged in his typical not-a-care-in-the-world way.

  Although she couldn’t deny the fact that she had felt awkward, nervous, and scared, putting her in that position without warning wasn’t fair. She was already a “mess” enough without his spontaneous hijinks. Being blindsided like that brought back all the memories of how he’d make a stupid comment, embarrassing her in front of her friends. Thankfully, she’d pivoted quickly this time because cooking was in her blood. She’d have been hard-pressed to have messed it up no matter what he threw at her, but how could he have known it wouldn’t have gone horribly wrong?

  “You were lucky.” She eyed him as he continued to amble down the street with his easy-going stride. “But you’ll pay for it.”

  Jackson grinned and raised his eyebrows. “Okay, Elena. Give me your worst.”

  Her evil smile deflated his playful mood. For a minute, he almost looked worried. “Just
you wait.”

  After navigating the busy streets for a couple more blocks, they made it to the new apartment complex located on northern Meeting Street. Charleston had been building out the peninsula over the years, making the northern side swankier and more modern, a stark contrast from the historic sections toward the center and south.

  It was a growing city and seeing structures like this, and a slew of new hotels popping up was a clear indicator of it. Although the building was only a few blocks from her apartment, the crossover from old to new was like night and day.

  They walked through the clean, minimalist stark-white lobby and hopped on the elevator. Elena couldn’t help but glance at him again, noting his languid demeanor. Was he always just so…relaxed?

  More importantly, why did she find it so attractive?

  “I can feel you ogling me,” he commented without looking at her, a smile lifting his lips.

  “Oh, you wish!”

  The elevator came to a stop, and she darted through the doors to Mae’s, needing a little space from him. He made her feel restless and something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

  All she knew was she was crawling out of her skin.

  Elena let herself in and went straight to the refrigerator, grabbing herself a seltzer. She needed something to do to busy herself and expel some of this random energy coursing through her.

  Jackson strolled through the front door a moment after her, looking completely unperturbed. She must have been the only one feeling amped up.

  “Mae, can you please tell your friend that she needs to stop planning life down to the second?” he called out.

  Mae breezed out of her bedroom, dressed like the perfect yogi. “Ha! That’s impossible, even for me.” She tossed Elena her gym tote. “Where have you guys been? We have yoga to get to.”

  “Your brother was torturing me.”

  He shrugged. “All I was trying to do was get you to relax. Crack that shell you were hiding in. You can’t plan for things thrown at you unexpectedly. Thinking on your feet is what gave us a glimpse of the true Elena.”

  She bristled, hating how it felt like he was calling her a fake.

  But it wasn’t that. It was about adaptation and presenting herself as the “right” way to be so she could finally find a place in the world.

  Jackson wouldn’t understand. It was easy for him to relax because he was a local. People accepted him. He didn’t know what it was like to be on the outside looking in.

  He’d never get it.

  “Go easy on her, Jack,” Mae said while pulling Elena into her arms and coddling her like a child. “She’s trying.”

  “That’s the problem. She’s trying too hard.”

  Elena pulled out of Mae’s embrace and frowned. “You guys know I’m standing right here.” She wagged her finger at him. “Some of us have to actually work to get ahead in life. I didn’t get where I am by ‘shredding gnarly waves’ and making business deals with high fives.” She rolled her eyes. “Have you ever had to be serious a day in your life?”

  Jackson’s blue eyes went dark, his face growing stone cold. “You should know that what I do isn’t all sitting on beautiful beaches while having tropical drinks. I have seen some really rough places, Elena. I’ve had to have tough conversations with the locals. And although I love seeing the world, living out of a suitcase isn’t exactly the most comfortable lifestyle. It takes its toll.”

  Wow. What? I didn’t see that coming.

  “So yeah, maybe I get to make endorsement deals and sign new clients while wearing board shorts. Maybe you see pictures on my social media surfing pristine water. But that’s only part of it. What I’m trying to do here matters. I’m trying to leave the world a little better than when I found it.”

  She was at a loss for words. Elena had never seen him so fired up and passionate about anything. And the altruistic aspect of his work suddenly had her seeing him differently. She knew he was making sustainable surfing products, but didn’t realize the lengths he had to go to make sure he was serving even the most remote and under-resourced communities of the world.

  Something about the moment clicked for her. Mae had told her all about his accomplishments over the years, but Elena had dismissed them, still feeling bitter about their falling out in high school.

  The man was literally salvaging her dream while simultaneously trying to chase his own, and she’d gone and insulted him like a childish idiot.

  “Jackson, I’m sorry—”

  He shook his head, the seriousness of his face starting to melt away. “It’s fine. All I’m saying is, I learned a lot by being on the road. There are plenty of things I could never plan for in a million years. What I discovered is the most important thing is to show up, listen, and be open and honest. People want to connect with people. My business would have never survived if I hadn’t put myself out there. That’s the point I was trying to make with you today.”

  “Okay, guys. As much as I love your back and forth, we really need to get going. Elena, go get changed.” Mae scanned Jackson with her gaze. “Judging by the fact that your shoulders are up to your ears, you need to get to yoga too.”

  “You’re probably right. I haven’t surfed in a few days and already feel my muscles tightening up.” He shot a look at Elena. “Do you mind?”

  She did. If Elena needed space from him before on the elevator, it was needed even more now. Her stomach did flips when his hopeful eyes landed on her. “You can come.”

  Mae clapped her hands. “Great. Both of you get changed, and let’s get going.”

  A few minutes later, the three of them walked into the yoga studio located in the commercial space housed on the first floor under the apartments. Mae led them to the back of the room, where there was enough space to spread out. Even with it being the last class of the evening, it was still packed.

  “Wouldn’t take you as a yoga guy,” Elena commented as Jackson unrolled his mat next to her.

  “Yoga helped me step up my surfing game. Between the stretching and the balance work, I’m able to maneuver my board a lot better.”

  “Jackson?” A voice came from behind them.

  He craned his neck and hesitated before smiling at the woman standing there.

  Not his slow smile. Interesting.

  “Laura. Long time no see.” Jackson hugged her quickly, and by the looks of it, the hug ended too soon for Laura’s liking.

  “Yeah, it’s been a while. I didn’t realize you were back.”

  “Just in town for a little bit.”

  Laura’s face brightened. “Oh? That’s great. And it’s awesome that you just so happened to spend one of those days in my class.”

  “You’re the instructor?”

  “Sure am. This is my studio.”

  Jackson fist-bumped her. “That’s awesome. Congrats.”

  She bit her lip shyly. “Thanks. Well, I better get class started.” She nodded at Mae and Elena before taking her place at the front of the room.

  Elena cocked an eyebrow. “Another one of your ‘friends?’”

  “Nah. We went on a few dates a couple years back. Just wasn’t any chemistry there. We went our separate ways on good terms.”

  Looking at the front of the room, Elena caught Laura’s eyes devouring Jackson. “Oh, I’d say she’d disagree with you.”

  Jackson peered at Laura, his face turning bright red.

  Even more interesting. Not as much of a player as I thought.

  “Oh God, Jackson. I can’t take you anywhere,” Mae complained as she moved into a sun salutation. “She and I were just becoming friends. I can’t have you making things weird.”

  Jackson held up his hands in mock surrender. “You don’t have to worry about it. She’s all yours.”

  “How kind of you,” Mae said sarcastically with a smug smile.

  As class started, they went through the sequences to loosen themselves up and get centered before they tried the more challenging moves. Laura glided around
the room, pushing people deeper into their positions or helping correct them.

  “Oh, Jackson. You’re holding a lot of tension in your hamstrings and glutes,” she commented as she came around. “Do you mind if I help you get deeper into your child’s pose to release some of that?”

  “I think I’m good here.”

  Elena chimed in. “But, Jackson, weren’t you just telling me how important it is to loosen up?”

  Oh, he’s going to kill me. This is too good. It’s payback time for the filming earlier.

  She smiled wickedly at Mae. Mae tried to hold in her laugh.

  His eyes narrowed. “I did,” he replied through clenched teeth.

  “Don’t be shy, Jackson.” She turned her head to Laura. “Maybe you can help him get a little extra oomph?” Elena suggested.

  “Gladly.” She didn’t even bother to hide her lustful delight.

  Laura rested her body on top of Jackson’s back, using her weight to push him deeper into the stretch. His eyes went wide as she pressed her breasts onto his back and wriggled, doing everything in her power to ensure every inch of her was touching him, and let out a sigh of contentment.

  “Wow, that looks like it’s doing wonders for him,” Elena commented. “If you have time, you should lay there a little longer, so he really gets the benefits of that stretch.”

  Elena and Mae suppressed their laughs, and for a moment, it felt like old times. They always had fun messing with him whenever they could as kids.

  Her laughter suddenly stopped as Jackson looked at her with disdain, mouthing something along the lines of, “You’re going to fucking get it.”

  Uh oh.

  Elena remembered tomorrow’s activity: couples’ massages.

  Maybe her little payback wasn’t the best idea, after all. Being naked and at Jackson’s mercy didn’t bode well.



  “I’m not sure I’m ready for this,” Maritza admitted to the girls as they changed into fluffy robes and made their way to the spa’s relaxation room the next morning.


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