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The Mercenary's Bounty

Page 26

by Kristen Banet

  The beast walked towards him, smoke erupting from its nostrils, twirling up into the night sky.

  “Rainev,” he whispered. “It’s me. Your father. Your baba. Please, my boy. We’re trying to protect Leshaun.”

  The wyvern snarled and jumped into the night, leaving him alone with the old male. Zayden knew his boy was out of control.

  Zayden took a deep breath. He’d named his son for all the passion he’d felt on the young male’s birth. Now he felt the name was apt in a different way. The wyvern, the andinno, the cousins of the Andinna. It encompassed all the same rage and passion as the Andinna. Their gods had made each of the two creatures in the same vein of passion and warlike tendencies they felt.

  The wyvern was his son’s rai. It was all the rage and anger his son was bottling up and trying to manage by himself.

  “No wonder he wants to be alone,” Zayden muttered, looking up to the sky, hoping to see his son. Rain was long gone. He had no idea when his boy would be back.

  He didn’t move to the driver’s seat of the cart. He watched over Leshaun, hoping the Company would send someone for them on the side of the road. If he saw any Elvasi, he could only hope Rain came back to help. He couldn’t go back to the Company. It would spell certain death to him and his charge.

  Alone, Zayden waited.



  It was a madhouse.

  Hell had broken loose after Rain left with Leshaun and Zayden and now, Mat found himself surrounded by Elvasi, with Alchan and Luykas at his back. Mave was deep in the mess, kicking one back as she gutted another. Right as the fight started, the Elvasi had the numbers to separate them easily.

  “This is bad,” he said, loud enough that he hoped his leaders would hear him over the clang of steel and the downpour.

  “Obviously,” Alchan snarled. “Let’s push them out together. We need to get with the rest of the Company.”

  Mat nodded, following Alchan’s lead as he pressed against one of the Elvasi. Mat and Luykas covered their leader’s sides. Mat felt something slice over his thigh, but it was minor enough that it didn’t bother him. Snarling, he shoved his broadsword into the Elvasi’s gut and let the foe drop to the earth.

  They broke through and went running for the rest of the Company. Nevyn was on his own and they got to him first, pulling him into their group. Mave was continuing to fight on her own, a monster with two swords.

  “Mave, to us!” he called out, hoping she heard him. She didn’t. She was so deep in her killing and rage that he wondered if anything would get her attention.

  “Stand together!” Alchan roared, throwing his sword up. “We’ll defeat them!”

  Mat roared back in agreement, letting the energy for the fight take him. He loved fighting like this; it was why he became a soldier, a warrior for their people. Mave finally moved to his side, helping fight off two Elvasi trying to cut Alchan down from behind. He wasn’t sure how she’d gotten to him, literally out of nowhere, but he was thankful. Nevyn jumped forward, snarling as he cut the head off another Elvasi.

  Together, they worked at pushing back their foes. This had been coordinated, that was certain. He knew once it was done, if they weren’t all dead, there was going to be a long discussion about it.

  “Fuck,” Luykas growled, burying his blade into the neck of an Elvasi, but not getting the clean kill. The Elvasi gurgled as he dropped to the ground.

  The action slowed as the Elvasi must have realized they couldn’t break through them.

  “Give us the female and we’ll leave the rest of you,” one of the Elvasi said to Alchan.

  Mat didn’t like that. Do they know who our leader is? I sure as fuck hope they don’t.

  “You’re a fool if you think I’m giving you one of my warriors,” Alchan retorted.

  Mave was tense next to him and he leaned to whisper in her ear, “We’re not letting anyone have you, amanra. No one.”

  She nodded, remaining silent. He hoped she believed him. After everything, she should.

  “Then we’ll take all of you,” the Elvasi said, sneering. “Nets!”

  Mat was tense now. Not the fucking nets. He hated the fucking nets. And they were all together, right where someone could easily toss at them.

  Suddenly, one came out of the trees. He jumped out of the way and into Alchan, who had to push his brother away for space so they didn’t all get knocked over. Right at that moment, several of the Elvasi began to push their attack again. Mat defended himself, trying to get back to Mave’s side as he realized they were focusing on her.

  Why do they want her so bad?

  He didn’t understand, but he could see it. It was plain as day, even in the dark night with only the faint red glow of the moon behind the storm clouds.

  She fought viciously as he worked to get back to her. What she couldn’t do was dodge a net and fight multiple Elvasi at once. The net took her to the ground, weighted and tangling into her wings and horns.

  It felt like time slowed down as she struggled to get it off her, Elvasi grabbing it and yanking her around. She swung wildly, trying to cut the net. He was moving too slow. They were trying to get control over her. Her tail whipped around, trying to stop them as she fought against the net, but it didn’t help, only tangling up in it.

  She looked over to him in the dark and rain. Lightning flashed.

  For the first time since he’d met her, he saw real fear in her eyes.

  “MAT!” she screamed as one of the Elvasi grabbed the net and began to drag. Everyone was fighting their own battles, including himself, with an Elvasi jumping in front of him. He didn’t waste a second, kicking the foe away and running for her until an arrow hit his thigh, making him roar in pain.

  He nearly dropped to the ground trying to get to her. The Elvasi dragging her away was smart enough to avoid her hands. She was trying to cut through the net and kill him but she was tangled completely up in it now.

  He was nearly there when Bryn came out of the trees and landed on the one dragging her, shoving his daggers into the weak points of the Elvasi’s armor. Mat had never been more pleased to see him.

  “Where have you been?” Mat asked, standing over Mave as Bryn and he met more Elvasi.

  “Killing the ones in the trees,” he answered, a growl on his voice. “They can’t have her. She’s ours.”

  “No, they can’t,” he agreed, seeing how Bryn was far past civilized. He’d known the other male was beginning to like her more than he wanted to admit. Now it was on display. Bryn was there to defend his female. Their female. At least in Mat’s mind.

  Together, they fought off the Elvasi, cutting down each foe foolish enough to get close. It felt like dozens, even hundreds. It felt like the battlefields of old, during the War. When he had to jump away from Mave to kill one, Bryn was there over her, snarling viciously to stop anyone else from getting close. When Bryn had to advance on one of their enemies, he took over. She continued to cut herself out, panting with exertion. He could tell she was scared. Skies, he would be scared too if he’d been netted in the middle of a fight.

  They weren’t going to let the Elvasi have her.

  Suddenly, all but Varon were surrounding her. He saw it was Alchan who grabbed the net on her and dragged her closer to one of the remaining carts. They moved with him. Mat stayed within feet of her, refusing to let any of the Elvasi near her. Varon jumped down from his perch on the cart, beginning to untie her. Once she was out, she roared, jumping back into the fight. Mat felt chills run down his spine at the sound.



  There were times when Mave knew she was afraid. The net had been one of those times. She hadn’t let it paralyze her, but she couldn’t deny the fear.

  So she used it to her advantage.

  They can’t have me! NEVER AGAIN.

  The promise roared and echoed in her head as soon as her blade connected with the flesh of one of the Elvasi. She roared as loud as she could, taking out all of her fear and
rage on the monsters who tried to drag her away into the dark.

  If it hadn’t been for the Company, they would have taken me.

  She was enraged with herself too, just for that. With each swing, she took it out on the Elvasi, cutting them open, clashing steel with steel as they danced and dueled in the storm, lightning, and the very faint glow of the red moon.

  The dark didn’t bother her. She knew how to fight in the dark, having protected herself in the dark pits for so long.

  They won’t live to regret this night!

  She roared again, bringing both her blades down on one of the Elvasi. Blood sprayed out of the wounds she opened up on each side of her foe’s neck.

  One was able to stop her assault, blocking her swing. He also used two blades and cut at her with his free short sword. She blocked it and delivered a swift kick to one of his knees, aiming low so she could put him into the mud. He fell, and screamed as she swung down, beheading him with a single, powerful strike.

  On it went, her rage fueling her when her body began to grow weak. There were so many of them. Every time she felt like they were making progress, another wave of them appeared.

  “Varon!” Nevyn roared. She turned to see the mute go still, a net over him. He didn’t struggle as the Elvasi advanced on him. She pushed back the one she was fighting and ran for him, cutting off the Elvasi advance on him. He still wasn’t moving or struggling against the net.

  “Move,” she ordered over her shoulder, keeping her body between him and the enemy.

  “He’s trying not to tangle in the net too bad,” Nevyn said quickly, working to cut the net. Bryn and Matesh were at her side next, then Alchan and Luykas. They held off the Elvasi until Varon was free.

  And so the fighting continued. Alchan screamed out for them to look for any Elvasi with nets and take them down first. She jumped behind the enemy front line and went for them, knowing they were the real threats. It was Alchan who followed her, snarling with a viciousness she respected.

  “Stay close!” Luykas roared over the sounds of the battle and rain. She glanced back, his white standing out in the night. He was still with the others. She and Alchan were the only ones who could jump through the front line of Elvasi to get to their targets.

  “Stay with me,” he ordered.

  She nodded, going back to back with him. They killed another Elvasi who had a net and looking for an opening to toss it. A body dropped next to them unexpectedly. “Good hit, Varon!” Once they slew another, Alchan nudged her, his tail grabbing hers. “Back to the group!”

  She didn’t respond, only followed his lead, backing away from their enemies. They were beginning to get circled now, able to see the Elvasi try to get around behind them.

  Mave was panting as she dueled with another Elvasi. She was no longer fresh enough to give them quick kills. Now every member of the Company was struggling, trying to cut down another without going down. They were lucky that they were made for war and carnage while the Elvasi weren’t, not in the same way. That was all they had going for them. Increased stamina, increased strength and size. They had advantages, but they were dwindling.

  A roar echoed from a distance. Mave roared in return, like the males. The sound rejuvenated them for a moment.

  She danced and dueled with her two opponents, exchanging sharp cuts as they were all beginning to make small mistakes.

  We’re dying.

  It felt inevitable now.

  But at least we’re going to die.

  The ground shook as another roar sounded off, much closer to them. The Elvasi in front of her stumbled in shock at the sound and she took the chance, cutting him open from shoulder to hip. She took a hit because of it though, as her second enemy landed a clear hit to her ribs, carving her open and cracking a few of her bones.

  She hissed and stumbled at the pain of the blow. She bumped into Luykas, also on his last leg when it came to energy. He was sluggish in recovering from her accidental body check. The only good thing was that the contact wasn’t skin to skin so the bond couldn’t distract her.

  Another roar, and something crashed to the ground.

  Mave nearly cried as Rain landed in the grove behind the Elvasi.

  Illi bodyr, I love you so much right now.

  Wyvern-Rain snapped out, grabbing an Elvasi by his torso and tossing the fool into a tree. The Elvasi began to scream in fear, trying to run instead of fight. She took the chance to attack another one, cutting him down. She was too tired to give chase for any others, though.

  Rain wasn’t. She jumped out of the way as the wyvern barreled over them and grabbed another Elvasi, chomping down. He swatted at two more, sending them to die against trees from an impact that made bone crunch.

  Only a few Elvasi made it out of the grove, all of them watching the retreat and the wyvern taking out whatever it could.

  It quieted quickly, Mave leaning over and grabbing her side. Once again, Rain saved the day with his wyvern form. Damn, it was impressively strong. She was mystified by the power of it.

  And she was so grateful to know Rain in that moment. For everything, even this.

  With a roar, Rain stomped around, the rain falling on him and bouncing off. It was an impressive sight as the lightning struck and the massive deep blue head turned on them. Even in the rain, smoke began to trail out of his nose, small licks of fire ready to burn everything.

  He took a step closer. She couldn’t see anything of her little brother in the beast now. A snarl made her shake. She had defeated many enemies in her lifetime. The chimera was the most dangerous. She couldn’t stop a wyvern from killing them.

  “Rain. Shift back.” Alchan’s order were the first words any of them dared to speak.

  Rain’s wyvern bent and did as it was told. She watched bones rearrange and crunch into the young male she knew, who went to his knees on the blood-soaked dirt.

  “I tried to control him. I tried to make sure he didn’t destroy anything,” Rain said quickly, panting. “It was hard. He wanted to set the whole damned forest on fire.”

  “You did good, young male. You did good,” Alchan told him, leaning over to pat his shoulder. Mave could see an impressed light in their leader’s eyes. He was probably already plotting how to continue to use Rain’s wyvern form in the future.

  She had a sneaking suspicion that even though Luykas and Zayden were against using the form, Alchan was more than willing to use it as much as he could. She had to fight a rush of protectiveness for her little brother. He was a warrior in the Company and Alchan was one of their leaders. She would have to trust them to make those decisions in the future.

  “Where are your father and my uncle?” Mat demanded.

  “I left them alone on the road. We had Elvasi chasing us and we weren’t going to make it, so I took care of them. Then I came back here. Someone will need to tell them to come back so we can keep moving.” Rain reported it like a good soldier. Mave’s chest filled with pride.

  “Who can fly?” Luykas asked loudly, looking around. She looked around as well. In the dark, she could see he was favoring a wing while the other had a small droop to it. Mat’s wings were limp-looking and she touched one, wondering if she felt blood or water. They were all injured, it seemed.

  Varon just jumped into the sky, leaving them in the grove.

  “I guess he’s doing it,” Alchan muttered, looking up to where the mute had flown up. “I love it when you all take initiative and just get shit done.”

  They stood awkwardly after that, looking around at the dead in the dark. Mave was beginning to feel lightheaded, and she wasn’t sure it was from blood loss. Something felt satisfied in her, as if she had just had the best meal of her life. Or the best sex. She felt supremely content and nearly happy, even though they had just been about to die.

  She leaned on Mat, a small smile probably making her seem ridiculous. She watched Bryn begin to walk around the dead, searching their pockets. Without being asked, Nevyn and Alchan joined him. Luykas threw some pant
s to Rain, then they were all searching the dead except her and Mat.

  Slowly, they got back to normal. Except her. She was feeling incredibly odd. Was it because she was happy to be alive and free still?

  “Are you okay?” Mat asked her softly. “We need to treat everyone’s injuries, like that one.” He pointed to the slice on her ribs. She had practically forgotten about it, since it wasn’t life threatening.

  “She’s blood-high,” Bryn muttered, shaking his head. “Happens every so often - ya know that, Matesh. We Andinna love a good fight.”

  “You know, that makes sense.” Mat chuckled, pulling her closer to him. She felt his absolutely straining-hard cock against her hip now. This was the second time she was covered in blood and so was he, and his cock wanted attention. “I’m pretty sure we all are.”

  “Is that what this was?” She waved around at the dead Elvasi. “A good fight? I never quite felt this way when I was a gladiator.”

  Bryn nodded. “Ya never fought a good fight as a gladiator. Those aren’t good. They’re tiresome. This…this was a good fight. We should have lost, but we proved ourselves to be better against a larger force in a real battle. Ya really never felt this way before?”

  “Well, when I fought in the tavern that Nevyn and Varon took me to, sort of.” She took a deep breath. Nevyn nodded to himself, as if he had done something right that night and this proved it.

  “We’re warrior people, Mave. Ya have to like being a warrior. We like the fight, the good fight. At least ya aren’t male.” He began to chuckle humorously.

  “Why’s that?”

  “Ya don’t get aroused by it. Well, maybe ya do, but not like us.” He waved over the front of himself. “We do, if it really riles us up.”

  “Ah…I knew about that. Just didn’t know why males were always so… male after killing someone.” Trying not to look down at his cock, she waved a hand at what he was doing, still searching through the pockets of the dead. “You find anything yet?” She failed, her eyes sliding a bit to see the outline in the front of his breeches. For how lean he was, she hadn’t expected the size she was greeted with. Her eyes flicked back up as fast as she could make them, which wasn’t very quick.


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