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Just a Purr

Page 10

by Lynn Hagen

  Jeremy felt horrible for Kenny’s situation. Then again, if he hadn’t chased Kenny down, he would’ve gone home and Brad might have made Kenny his next victim.

  So he convinced himself that he’d saved Kenny’s life. It was ass-backward but made Jeremy feel better. “You don’t know anyone in town who will let you stay with them?”

  “Do you think I’d be wandering the streets if I did?” Kenny asked. “My brother is too independent and I’m not going to ask him. He’ll only worry and worrying Steven is never a good thing. And I’m not very good at making friends because…reasons.”

  Jeremy couldn’t believe that about Kenny. The guy wasn’t bad looking, and he seemed genuinely nice. He’d just caught a tough break today, all because Jeremy had mistaken his identity. He had to make this right.

  “How about you hang out with me tonight?”

  Kenny snorted. “So you can tell your cop friend that I broke into your house and stole from you? Or that I held you at gunpoint and made you let me spend the night?”

  “Okay, I deserve that, but you have to understand my friend was shot and you were wearing the leather jacket Brad wore this morning. How was I supposed to know you weren’t him?”

  Kenny stared incredulously at Jeremy. “Maybe because Brad is built like a linebacker, and I’m more the size of a cheerleader. How the hell could you mistake me for him?”

  Jeez, Kenny knew how to hold a grudge. Jeremy was trying his best to make things right, but Kenny was making that effort impossible. “So, are you gonna come with me or not?”

  After sex with Cyril, Jeremy was exhausted. He just wanted to go home and sleep. But already he missed Cyril. He’d told his mate he needed some space, but now that Cyril wasn’t around, fuck…Jeremy wanted to drive back to his house.

  But now he had purpose. Kenny needed help, and Jeremy was gonna help the stubborn twerp, even if he had to kidnap Kenny and drive him to his house.

  He did have a roll of duct tape in his trunk. Only because his back bumper had been loose. Not that he was into kidnapping people.

  Kenny looked hesitant. “Is your friend okay?”

  “Moose?” Jeremy nodded. “He’ll be fine.”

  He wanted to say that Moose had already recovered, but Grayson or Cyril hadn’t said anything about Kenny being a shifter, so Jeremy assumed the guy was human. And he would know that a bullet wound couldn’t possibly heal that fast.

  “Fine, I’ll stay the night, but if you try anything, I’ll call the cops and say you kidnapped me.” Kenny moved toward Jeremy’s car. “And tell me you’ve got something to eat. I’m starving.”

  Jeremy chuckled. He really did like Kenny, although the guy was kind of abrasive. “I can’t cook for shit, but I’m a pro at ordering pizza.”

  “Pepperoni and extra cheese?” Kenny’s blue eyes lit up.

  “Sure thing.” They got into Jeremy’s car, and Jeremy drove home. He had a feeling Cyril would be calling him soon just to check up on him. Jeremy couldn’t wait for the call just so he could hear Cyril’s deep, reverberating voice.

  He stared at his wedding band, and although he still missed Lily, he knew it was time to let go. Hovering between his past life and his new life with Cyril wasn’t going to cut it. Cyril deserved all of Jeremy.

  In that moment Jeremy decided he would pack a few bags and move in with his mate, just as Cyril had asked. He wouldn’t sell the house right away, or ever. Jeremy wasn’t sure yet, but the decision could wait.

  But now that he’d just committed himself to moving in with Cyril, his heart felt lighter, and he couldn’t stop smiling.

  “Why are you smiling?” Kenny asked.

  Jeremy let out a breath and giggled. “Because I’m in love with the greatest guy.”

  “I’m so happy for you.” Kenny snorted.

  “Do you always have a sunny disposition?”

  “Sorry,” Kenny said. “I just don’t believe in love and happy endings. Those kinds of things don’t exist.”

  Wow. The guy had sounded really sad when he’d said that. He’d already said he didn’t have any friends. Jeremy was gonna be Kenny’s friend, even if he had accused the guy of heinous crimes.

  “You’ll change your mind when you find the right person.” Jeremy was sure of it.

  He pulled into his driveway and then let them into the house. Lady greeted them at the door, and Jeremy wondered how Samson and Davidson would behave when he brought her to Cyril’s house.

  “Nice place,” Kenny said when they walked into the living room.

  “Thanks.” Jeremy tossed his keys onto the table by the door seconds before he heard the door close.

  He turned and gasped when he saw Alan standing there, a hard glint in his eyes and a gun in his hand.

  “What’re you doing?” Jeremy backed away, pulling Kenny behind him. Not that he could protect his new friend, but it had been a knee-jerk reaction.

  Alan’s nostrils flared as he looked between them. “You’re gonna give me that insurance money, Jeremy. It belongs to me, not you.”

  Oh crap. They were in serious trouble, and Cyril wasn’t there to help them. Jeremy swallowed, praying he and Kenny survived this.

  Chapter Ten

  “What insurance money, and who in the hell is this guy?” Kenny asked. “A friend of yours?”

  Jeremy ignored him. He had bigger things to worry about.

  Like the fact that Alan was a shifter and he and Kenny were human.

  Like the fact that Alan had a gun in his hand and could shoot Kenny to make Jeremy do what the guy demanded.

  Like the fact that it had been two years and why was Alan just now coming after Lily’s insurance money.

  “I was married to Lily,” Jeremy said. “I was her legal beneficiary.”

  Not that Jeremy had wanted the money. It hadn’t soothed the pain of losing her. No amount of money would have compensated for the loss he’d suffered through. It wouldn’t have brought her back, either.

  “Lyle,” Alan snarled. “Lyle was my delusional brother. Your marriage was a sham. You don’t deserve to benefit from it.”

  “Now I’m really confused,” Kenny said. “Are Lyle and Lily the same person or brother and sister to this guy?”

  “How do you even know about it?” Jeremy asked.

  “My mom,” Alan said. “She’s broke and mentioned how nice it would’ve been to have gotten the insurance money. Lyle has had the policy since he turned eighteen and it belongs to his family, not you.”

  All Alan had had to do was ask. Then again Jeremy wasn’t sure he would’ve forked any of it over since her mom and dad had disowned her.

  Jeremy jumped when his phone rang. He wanted to answer it, suspecting it was Cyril calling him, but Alan shook his head.

  “Don’t even think about pulling that phone from your pocket.” He waved the gun at the sofa. “Take a seat, both of you.”

  “How exactly do you plan on getting the money?” Jeremy asked. “Write you a check?”

  “That’s exactly what you’re gonna do,” Alan said. “You’re gonna write it, and then I’m gonna tie both of you up. As soon as the check clears, I’ll be out of your hair.”

  It wasn’t going to be as easy as Alan thought. If Jeremy wrote him a check for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, the bank would call Jeremy because that would drain every cent from his account.

  Or would they call him? Jeremy wasn’t sure since he’d never taken that much out before.

  “How could you disgrace Lily’s memory like this?” Jeremy demanded. “Even though we knew you hated her choices, she still loved you.”

  “Lyle!” Alan slammed his fist into Jeremy’s nose. Blood spurted as Jeremy cried out and clapped his hands to his face. “Stop calling him Lily. He wasn’t a girl!”

  “Oh, I get it now,” Kenny said. His voice sounded harsh as he stepped from behind Jeremy. He planted his feet apart and slapped his hands on his waist, glaring at Alan. “Hit him again and we’ll kick your ass.”
/>   “Kenny, don’t.” Jeremy grabbed the man’s arm and yanked him back. If Jeremy had learned anything from Lily, it was that shifters were ten times stronger than humans. He didn’t want Alan caving Kenny’s face in.

  Alan hadn’t hit Jeremy that hard, but it had been enough to make his nose bleed. If he put full force behind his swing, the guy could do some serious damage.

  “Fuck that,” Kenny snarled. “I hate bullies. Brad’s a bully, and I hope he gets what he deserves. Just like this lunatic needs to be taught a lesson.”

  But not by them. Why in the hell hadn’t Jeremy stayed at Cyril’s? He had no idea what to do or how to handle this situation. That morning at the diner Jeremy had had Cyril and Moose to take charge.

  Now it was two puny humans against a menacing hyena shifter. Jeremy looked around, but no answer came to mind. He would have to do as Alan asked. That was the only way he and Kenny would survive this.

  “Where’s your checkbook?” Alan demanded.

  Jeremy couldn’t stop staring at the gun as his phone began to ring again. The sound filled the room as Jeremy’s heart raced, and he felt lightheaded.

  “We have to get that gun away from him,” Kenny whispered.

  Jeremy grimaced. Alan had superior hearing, and no matter how low Kenny talked, the hyena would be able to hear him.

  “Fat chance of that happening,” Alan growled.

  “How did he hear me?” Kenny asked. “That’s impossible.”

  “You.” Alan pointed his gun at Kenny, and Jeremy had flashbacks of this morning when Brad had pointed his weapon at Moose. “Go take a seat on the couch and shut your face.”

  “I’m not leaving Jeremy’s side,” Kenny said.

  Alan closed the distance but stayed far enough away that Jeremy couldn’t grab the weapon from his hand. “Do what I say, or I’ll shoot you. If you think I’m bluffing, try me.”

  “Just do it,” Jeremy said to Kenny. “I’ll be fine.” Although Jeremy wasn’t sure how true that statement was. He hadn’t seen Alan in two years, and even back then, he hadn’t known the guy well enough to be sure Alan wouldn’t make good on his threat.

  Jeremy’s phone started ringing again.

  “Turn that damn thing off,” Alan demanded.

  Jeremy slid his phone from his pocket and saw that it was Cyril trying to call him. Instead of turning it off, he taped the green button and quickly put the phone back into his pocket, hoping Alan was dumb enough to think he’d hit the End button.

  “If I turn it off, then my boyfriend will get suspicious and might come over here,” Jeremy said. He knew Cyril heard him because he had the same superior hearing Alan had. “You don’t want anyone finding out that you’re robbing me, do you, Alan?”

  “Checkbook,” Alan snarled.

  Jeremy went to his desk and pulled the book out from the drawer. His hands shook so badly that he dropped it on the floor. He picked it up and grabbed a pen.

  He didn’t care if Alan got away. Cyril had heard enough to know something bad was going on. As soon as Alan left with the check, all Jeremy and Kenny had to do was wait for Cyril to arrive.

  Jeremy filled the check out and handed it over. “That’s all of it.”

  Greed sparkled in Alan’s eyes as he looked it over. He smirked as he glanced at Jeremy. “Now get some duct tape so you can tie your friend up.”

  Jeremy could have said he didn’t have any, but he didn’t want to push his luck. Alan was still none the wiser that Cyril was listening in, and Jeremy wanted to keep it that way.

  He also didn’t want Alan to shoot Kenny. The guy had had a tough enough day already, which had been Jeremy’s fault.

  Jeremy went to the hallway closet and rummaged through his things until he came away with a half-empty roll.

  “Now tape him up, and you better do a good job,” Alan said.

  “I’m so sorry about this,” Jeremy said to Kenny when he returned to the living room.

  Kenny glared at Alan before he pulled his attention back to Jeremy. “Just do what you gotta do.”

  Jeremy was thankful Kenny was being cooperative. The man turned and put his hands behind his back. Jeremy had to make sure it was secure.

  Alan would, no doubt, check his work.

  The ripping sound of the tape was loud in the room as Jeremy wound it over and over again.

  “Just do me a favor,” Kenny whispered. “If anything happens to me, promise me you’ll look after my baby brother. His name is Steven and he’s twenty-five, but he’s…special. He’ll need someone to help look out for him.”

  “I promise.” But Jeremy planned on both of them surviving.

  “That’s enough tape,” Alan said.

  Jeremy tore the roll free, and Kenny took a seat on the couch. Jeremy handed the tape over to Alan, who secured his wrists.

  When Jeremy sat, Alan taped their ankles then stuck a piece over each of their mouths. He tossed the roll aside and headed for the door. If Jeremy hadn’t accepted the call, he wasn’t sure how long they would’ve been stuck like that.

  He wanted to reassure Kenny that help was on the way, but Alan hadn’t left yet, and he doubted Kenny would understand him through the tape.

  Alan opened the door, and Moose barged in, slamming his fist into Alan’s face.

  Jeremy jumped up and down on the couch, filled with joy that his friend was there.

  Moose winked at Jeremy. “Cyril wasn’t sure he would make it in time, so he texted me to get my ass over here pronto.”

  Jeremy was so relieved that tears sprang to his eyes.

  Moose grabbed the gun from the floor where it had fallen and stuffed it into his pocket before heading over to the couch to remove the tape.

  Jeremy and Kenny shouted as Moose ripped the pieces from their mouths.

  “Fuck that hurt!” Kenny worked his jaw from side to side as he stared wide-eyed at Moose. “You’re a big fucking guy.”

  “I’m a growing boy.” Moose grinned, and Jeremy laughed.

  Then Alan shifted and snarled at Moose. Was the guy that dumb? Even if he’d been a lion shifter, taking Moose down would not be an easy task.

  “What. The. Fuck.” Kenny’s eyes were bulging as he stared at the hyena. “Did he just change into…I have to be seeing things…that’s not…that’s not possible.” Kenny gave a nervous, high-pitched laugh, although he looked as though he’d freak out at any second. “Mind sufficiently blown.”

  Cyril came through the door, and Jeremy wanted to weep at the sight of his mate. His gorgeous face was masked in darkness as he glared at the hyena.

  “He wanted Lily’s insurance money,” Jeremy said. “Kick his ass!”

  “Handle the shady bastard while I get this tape off of them,” Moose said over his shoulder. “I’m pretty sure you want a piece of him.”

  Cyril looked at Jeremy, and his features darkened even further. Jeremy had forgotten that Alan had socked him on the nose. The blood was still there, and that seemed to enrage Cyril.

  “You should’ve left town when you had the chance.” Cyril closed the door.

  “Look away,” Moose said to Jeremy and Kenny. “You don’t want to see what’s about to happen.”

  Jeremy looked at Kenny, who was still staring wide-eyed at the hyena. “Look away,” he said to Kenny.

  Kenny looked at him as Jeremy stared at Kenny. They kept staring at each other as a snarl escaped the hyena. Too bad Jeremy couldn’t close his ears, because the sickening sound of bones snapping made his stomach lurch.

  Moose removed the last of the tape and stood. He grabbed the prone hyena and carried him out the back door. Jeremy jumped from the couch and rushed to throw himself into Cyril’s arms.

  Cyril curled his arms around Jeremy and held him close. “You’re never leaving my side again.”

  “Never,” Jeremy said. He pulled his head back and stared into Cyril’s gray eyes. “I love you. I wanted you to know that. I figured out how I felt about you when I was driving home. I…I just…I just wanted
you to know that.”

  Cyril gave a hearty laugh. “I love you, too, sprite.”

  “Does anyone love me?” Kenny asked as he got up. “Does anyone love me enough to tell me what the fuck just happened?”

  Jeremy looked at Cyril and sighed. He let Cyril go and walked over to the couch. “We have a lot to talk about, but not tonight.” He turned to Cyril. “I have bags to pack.”

  Cyril’s eyes lit up. “Yeah?”

  Jeremy grinned. “Yeah.”

  Kenny stayed as Jeremy grabbed a duffel bag from his closet and shoved it full of clothes. When he returned to the living room, he looked around.

  So many happy memories had been created there, but it truly was time to move on.

  “Kenny’s gonna stay with us until Brad is caught,” Cyril said. “If that’s okay with you.”

  “No, I’m not.” Kenny shook his head. “I’m not gonna be a third wheel.”

  “You’re jobless and homeless,” Jeremy reminded the guy. “Take the offer.” He looked at Cyril. “Can you grab Lady and her belongings?”

  “Fine, I’ll take the offer, but you’re still ordering me a pizza,” Kenny said. “And no one better breathe a word of this to Steven.”

  Cyril crossed the room and kissed Jeremy on his temple. “Your wish is my command.”

  As Cyril gathered Lady’s things and Kenny grabbed the cat, Jeremy looked down at his wedding band. He gave the band a kiss before he removed it and set it on the mantel next to the picture of him and Lily smiling like idiots.

  He would always love her, but she was now in a chapter of his life that he had already lived. His new chapter would be with Cyril. And although he still felt an ache in his chest for his loss, his heart was filled with joy and excitement as he took Cyril’s hand and walked out the door.





  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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