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Follow Your Bliss (Bliss Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Marji Spicer

  Joy felt someone watching her. She looked up. A woman with a stern-looking pinched face stared at her. That must be Gladys. She did look constipated. She got the feeling the woman disapproved of her. That was odd. They’d never met.

  Gladys glared at her as she whispered to a woman beside her.

  Joy decided to ignore her. She found two bags of books to read. She paid for them and walked back upstairs. Gladys and the other woman followed her. As Joy exited the church, she hurried down the steps to try and get away from the older women. What did they want? Why are they following me?

  Joy stumbled on the last step and fell to her knees. She still clutched the bags of books in her hands. A pair of work boots were directly in her line of vision. Please don’t be him. Please! She looked up.

  Denver looked down at her and grinned.

  “My word. You two never stop,” Gladys hissed. She turned to her friend Fern. “It wouldn’t hurt if she’d kneel for Jesus. But no, I’ve never seen her here on a Sunday morning. She’s more than willing to get on her knees in front of this heathen. And the nerve of her to try her antics here. At church of all places. I do not understand the world today. We have got to do something about all of these preverts flocking to our town.”

  “I think she tripped,” Fern said.

  “Oh, she may have wanted us to think that, but I know how these women work their wiles on men. They’re full of tricks. I don’t know why she’s working so hard on this one. He’s about as easy as they come,” Gladys muttered.

  “Ladies,” Denver said. He smiled, knowing how much he got on Gladys’ nerves. He still didn’t get what he’d ever done to get on her bad side. She didn’t like him.

  Gladys huffed. Fern smiled at him and winked. He winked back.

  Denver held out his hand and helped Joy get up. “Now, honey, you have to stop falling to your knees when you see me. People are going to start to talk.”

  “Shut up.” She set her bags down and dusted off the knees of her jeans. Thankfully, it hadn’t been a hard fall. Being clumsy, she was used to it by now. “Gladys should talk of all people,” she whispered. “You should see some of the books she had in her bag. She’s the pervert.”

  Denver grabbed a book out of the bag Gladys had placed on the ground. “What’s this? “Are you thinking of changing hair colors?” He started to open the book. “Hmmm, let’s see… 50 Shades of—"

  Gladys snatched the book out of his hand. “I bought that to keep it out of hands of preverts like you. I’m going to throw it into the trash as soon as I get home. Who on earth would donate a book like that to a church sale?”

  “What is it about? I’ve never heard of it,” he smirked.

  “Just you never mind prevert. Come on, Fern. We don’t have time to waste on this gigaloo.”

  “I’m not busy,” Fern protested.

  Gladys pulled her away and practically dragged her down the street.

  “You should have bought that book,” Denver said. “We could have acted out some of it.”

  “I haven’t read it, and I have no interest in acting out your fantasies.”

  “That’s funny,” he said.

  “What is?”

  “You not wanting to act out my fantasies. I could have sworn that’s what you were doing last time we were together.”

  Joy’s face turned bright red. “I have to go.”

  She left him standing on the sidewalk with a big grin on his face.

  Chapter Thirty One

  Joy decided to surprise Denver with lunch. He normally worked out of town. But this week he was doing some local work. She hadn’t seen him since the week before when she’d ran into him at the church book sale.

  She parked in front of his office building and grabbed the lunch bag and thermos off the front seat of her car. The sun beat down on her as she walked towards the building. There hadn’t been a break from the heat in days. She wore a yellow tank top and black cargo shorts. Her hair was pulled back into a loose French braid. A couple of men were in the shop working when she walked into the building.

  “Hi guys,” she said.

  They mumbled a hello but said nothing more. Neither of the guys looked at her. That's strange. They usually joked around with her. They didn’t seem to be in a good mood. Maybe it's the heat.

  “Well, this could go one of two ways,” Rick said. “It can change Denver's mood or make it worse. Let's hope it improves. If not, I'm ready to call it a day. He's too much of an asshole to stick around. Everything's done here anyway. It's hotter than hell out here. He's in an air-conditioned room, and he's still a dickhead. I hope Joy’s visit improves his mood.”

  “His mood probably has something to do with the stack of bills that came in today’s mail,” Chris said.

  “Yeah, I don't envy him having to deal with that,” Rick said. “Maybe we should have warned her about his bad mood.”

  “Too late now.”

  Denver sat at his desk and stared moodily into space. Now that he’d hired a couple of new guys, things had slowed down. That figures. He had to get out there and find more work. He felt the familiar dull ache of a tension headache coming on. Denver closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. He hoped the pain would go away before he had to take something. There was a quiet knock on the door.

  “Didn’t I tell you I was fucking busy,” he bellowed.

  Joy opened the door slowly and held up the bag. “I brought you some lunch.”

  Denver pointed to his desk. “Leave it there.”

  Joy saw a stack of mail on his desk. Must be bills. That explained the mood out in the shop and his orneriness. “Sorry to interrupt.” She placed the lunch bag and thermos on his desk. “I’m going to get out of your way. I’ll see you later.”

  Denver grunted. Joy quickly walked to the door. Coming here had been a terrible mistake. His office was freezing, and he acted just as cold. She wanted to leave and get back into the sunshine.

  “Stop,” he ordered. Her hand was on the doorknob. “Turn around.”

  Joy turned back towards him. Denver leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. A muscle ticked in his jaw as he looked her over. He hadn't shaved that morning. Normally, she loved this look, but not today. He looked dangerous and mean. His gaze dropped from her face to her chest. Her nipples strained against her tight tank top. His eyes narrowed, and he scowled at her. “Why are you walking around like that?” he growled.

  Shit, here we go again. “What's wrong with my clothes? It's hot out. Everyone wears shorts and tank tops in the summer.”

  “Are any of my crew still here?”

  “A couple of guys are.”

  “I see.” He continued to stare at her, not saying anything.

  Joy hated how he made her feel guilty. So much for a nice gesture. “I can see you're busy. I'll let you get back to work.” She turned and opened the door.

  “Close the door and lock it.” Joy hesitated before she locked the door. Great! Here comes the caveman. She turned back towards him. Denver stood up and stalked towards her. “Do you intentionally try to piss me off?” he snarled. “Because it sure seems like you do.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “What's that, baby?” He leaned in closer to her. “You want me to do what? Fuck you, is that it? Denver took a step closer to her. He placed his arms on either side of her head and pinned her tightly to the door with his body. “Open your damn mouth,” he said against her lips. He swept his tongue into her mouth, hungrily taking possession of it. His kiss was punishing at first but soon softened. Joy rubbed her body against his and felt the hardness of his arousal. He tore his mouth from hers with a growl. Heat smoldered in his eyes. He kissed along her jaw to her ear. His beard scraped her tender skin. “Did you come here to tame the beast?” he snarled. “You going to make it all better?” He stepped back, pushed up her tank top along with her bra, and cupped her breasts. Joy closed her eyes as he pinched her nipples lightly. He took her nipple into his mouth, sucked hard and bit it g
ently. She arched her back and moaned. “Are you ready for me, honey?” He unzipped her shorts and pulled them off. “Or, am I going to have to do something about it?” He kissed a trail down her stomach as he sank to his knees. He lifted one of her legs, placed it on his shoulder, leaned in, and blew lightly. He looked up at her. “What should I do now?”

  Joy blushed. She hated when he made her talk. “Lick me, make me come.” He leaned forward and licked her. “Yes, like that,” she gasped. Joy shoved her hands into his hair and held his head in place. He shoved two fingers into her and stopped.

  “You like that baby?”

  “Yes, please don't stop.”

  Denver continued to lick her until he felt like he was going to bust out of his jeans. He lifted her leg off his shoulder. She whimpered. He stood up, unzipped his jeans, and pushed them down. He picked her up and slowly lowered her onto his cock. She wrapped her legs around his waist. “Oh fuck,” he moaned. He thrust into hard and slammed her into the door. Joy barely felt it. He continued to thrust into her. She screamed as she came. It happened so fast; he didn't have time to cover her mouth.

  “Fuck, I'm going to come, baby.” Joy unwrapped her legs from around his waist and slid her feet to the floor. Denver stumbled as he pulled up his jeans. He leaned in and rested his forehead against hers. He was still breathing hard. “Damn! I'm sorry. Are you ok? I turn into an animal around you.”

  Joy lifted her head and kissed him. “You in a better mood now?”

  Denver smiled against her lips. She stepped back, grabbed her shorts, and pulled them on. After she adjusted her bra, she pulled her tank top down. She walked him backward, shoved him into his chair, and handed him his lunch. “Now, stop being an ass.” Joy kissed him. He grabbed the back of her head and deepened the kiss. She broke loose. “You need to get back to work.” She kissed him lightly. “I'll see you at home.”

  Denver's mood had changed. He started to whistle as she walked out.

  The guys in the shop looked at Joy with a knowing grin on their faces. If he was still pissed off, something was wrong with him.

  Joy’s face turned beet red. They must have heard her scream. “Bye,” she mumbled.

  Denver yelled from his office. “You guys get your fucking eyes back in your heads and get to work.”

  They gave each other a thumb’s up.

  Joy got into her car. Her heart still beat fast. She put her hand to her chest. That man is going to kill me someday. But in the best way. Joy turned her radio on and backed up. She smiled all the way home.

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Denver sat at the bar and debated whether he should call Joy or surprise her. He couldn't wait to get home and see her. He wondered if she missed him as much as he did her. He decided he’d surprise her. They had finished a job early. Joy didn’t expect him home for another week. He was going to meet Mark for a quick beer and then head home.

  They stood just inside the bar entrance.

  “Are you sure about this?” Joy asked.

  “Yes. Mark stops here on Friday’s after work. We don’t do anything together, and I never go out. I always sit at home and wait for him,” Krista complained. “He was an ass this morning. I want him to see that I have a life. I can go out and have fun too. I’m so glad you moved here.”

  “I mainly sit at home and wait for Denver to come home too. Why is that? It’s like we’ve turned into old women who wait for their men to return home.”

  “I know, right?” Krista agreed.

  Joy wasn’t sure about their clothing choices. They both wore tight, short dresses. Krista's was black, and hers was red. The dress was shorter and tighter than anything she’d ever worn. Thank God, she passed on all the chocolate cravings. Otherwise, she would have looked like a sausage bursting out of its skin.

  “I look like a hooker,” Joy said. “I’m a little too curvy to wear this.”

  “You look great. If only Denver could see you now.”

  “I have a feeling if he saw me now, he wouldn't be happy. Especially with me being here at the bar.”

  “You need to live a little. Denver doesn't own you, and it’s just a fling. Isn’t that what you said?”

  “That’s true. It’s not like we’re dating.”

  “Denver’s works out of town all the time. He could be in a bar one right now.”

  “Thanks, that's not something I want to think about when he's gone. I trust him anyway.”

  “Right, so he should trust you. By the way, thanks for doing this with me. I could never do it alone. It's dark in here, and no one will know us anyway.”

  “Yeah, right, we’re only twenty minutes from home. It’s more like everyone will know us. I'm sure word will get back to Denver.” Krista frowned. “Ok, I know we’re here to have fun.”

  “Are you ready to go in?” Krista asked.

  “Yes, let’s do this.”

  “You didn’t bring a purse. Where's your money?”

  “I keep it in my bra.”

  “What? Turn around and get it out before we go in. Guys don’t need to see you dig money out of your bra,” Krista laughed.

  A man who sat next to Denver whistled. “Check out the chicks at the door,” he said with a grin.

  Denver glanced briefly towards the door. Two women stood with their backs to them. Yeah, so what? They wore slutty tight dresses. They were in a bar. The girl in red did have a nice ass.

  He preferred the way Joy dressed. She usually wore long, loose clothes. That way, no one could see how curvy her hot little body was. He would never let Joy leave the house in that outfit. That was worse than the fuck me dress she wore at Krista and Mark’s reception. He wouldn’t want her to wear it even if she was out with him. He’d be fighting the guys off. Those two chicks were on the prowl. Women didn’t wear slut gear like that unless they were looking to get laid. His woman was at home, waiting for him. Right where she ought to be. Joy was probably curled up in a chair reading a book.

  Denver looked at his watch. Where in the hell was Mark? He wanted to get home to see Joy. She was going to be surprised to see him tonight.

  “Ok, let’s go,” Krista said. “Don't make eye contact with anyone. Guys think you want them when you do that.” Joy laughed. “What? It's true,” Krista said.

  “Where do you get your information?”

  Denver picked up his beer; it was halfway to his mouth. He was about to take a drink when he heard a laugh. Joy's laugh. He looked in the mirror behind the bar and froze. Joy and Krista. Joy wore the clingy red dress that showed off her curves. The girl with the nice ass. What in the hell is she doing here? And, she thought he was still out of town. Denver almost turned around, but something stopped him. He intended to find out what she was up to.

  “I wish I could get a piece of that chick in the red,” the man next to him said. Denver scowled at him. The man sat his beer down and got the hell out of there. Shit, he thought. That guy looked like he was going to kill me. No beer is worth that.

  Denver sent Mark a text. ‘Get here ASAP.’

  ‘What's up?’

  ‘Joy and Krista are at the bar. They both look like a couple of high-class hookers. I'm going to stay put and see what they're up too.’

  ‘Shit! Ok, on my way.’

  “See that wasn't so bad, was it?” Krista laughed.

  “No, not if you like being undressed by every guy in the bar,” Joy giggled.

  The waitress stopped at their table. She walked up to the bar to get their drinks. “The guys at the pool table just bought those girls a drink. I have a feeling they'll be drinking for free tonight,” she laughed. She returned to their table and pointed at the guys. “They bought your drinks,” she told them.

  Joy and Krista picked up the beers and held them high. “Thanks,” they said.

  The men nodded and smiled back at them. Denver's grip tightened on his beer bottle.

  This is fun, Joy thought after her third beer. “I could have left my money in my bra.”

ta giggled. They were both getting tipsy. They kicked off their heels.

  The man who sat at the table next to theirs watched as Joy crossed her legs. Her skirt rode up high on her thighs. Joy was oblivious. The guy’s girlfriend looked angry. Joy leaned over to say something to Krista.

  There she goes almost falling out of her damn dress again, Denver thought angrily.

  The waitress came back to the bar, “A couple of shots for the girls.”

  “What are they drinking?” the bartender asked.


  Denver's eyes narrowed. He texted Mark, ‘Where the fuck are you?’

  Two more shots of tequila and they were ready to dance.

  “I've never done this before,” Krista said. “This is so much fun.”

  They got up to dance. Denver watched Joy in the mirror while she shimmied. She danced like a damn stripper. His cock was at attention now. The song ended.

  “We have a special song for the guys,” the singer of the band said. They started playing; Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off.

  Joy and Krista roared. Denver was not amused!

  Mark showed up about the time the song started. "I love this song,” he said. “What are the girls drinking?”

  “Beer and Tequila,” Denver growled.

  “I fucking hate this song,” Mark said.

  The girls sat back down.

  “Damn! It's hot in here,” Krista said.

  “When do you think Mark will get here?” Joy asked.

  "Who the hell cares? I'm having too much fun to deal with his grumpy ass.”

  The waitress placed another shot in front of them. The guys at the pool table waved. They lifted their glasses, smiled, and slammed them down.

  “This stuff is disgusting,” Krista shuddered.

  “I know it is. But it works fast,” Joy grinned.


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