Saving Hope: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Bloodmoon Series Book 2)

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Saving Hope: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Bloodmoon Series Book 2) Page 5

by Briana Alisandra

  Her concerned eyes met mine. “What?”

  “She’s a vampire, and Kane’s sister. She’s also compelling Jade.”

  “I knew it. There’s no way Jade would go for someone like…” She stopped talking when she noticed the look I was giving her. She cleared her throat. “We have to keep her away from her.”

  I sighed. “That’s the plan. Though, there is no actual plan on how we’re going to do that yet. But I’m going to figure something out.”

  There was no way I was going to let Francesca hurt Jade. Even if I had to tell her everything and risk losing her as a friend. At least she would know how dangerous it was to be around me. And it was. I was a walking lightning rod.

  “She’s coming this way,” Lexie said.

  Jade was heading inside of the school as Francesca walked toward us. She smiled at Lexie. “Alexandra. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Lexie glared at her and crossed her arms. If looks could kill, Francesca...well she probably wouldn’t be dead because she was a practically indestructible vampire, but she would be severely wounded.

  Francesca tilted her head in amusement. “Such terrible manners in this town.”

  “Why are you doing this?” I demanded. “Jade isn’t a part of this life. She’s a human.”

  “Yes, and in my experience humans tend to be very vulnerable. I could snap her neck like a twig and no one would even see it happen.”

  I didn’t like her threatening Jade. Something had to be done about her and fast. Jade’s life was at risk.

  “I should be getting to class,” the vampire said. “We should do lunch sometime. And girls, I wouldn’t try any of your witchy tricks. If I feel even the slightest bit of magic from you, I will make Jade beg for death.” She grinned before walking away and into the school.

  Lexie looked at me. “I hate her.”

  “I don’t. I loathe her.”

  I turned to head into the school and stopped when I saw who was coming our way. Caleb Wilson. AKA my mom’s baby daddy.

  He smiled at us. “Hey girls.”

  When I didn’t respond, Lexie spoke up for me. “Hi Mr. Wilson. What brings you here?”

  “Just dropping off something for Hayden before I head to the office.”

  I still couldn’t find words. It was so hard being around him. I wanted to tell him so badly who he was to me. But as much as I hated to admit it, I was afraid. What if he didn’t believe me? Or what if he didn’t want another daughter? There was nothing worse than feeling rejected by someone who’s supposed to be a parent to you. I’d been rejected plenty of times and I didn’t want to go through that again. Not after I finally felt like I had a home and people that cared about me.

  He cleared his throat. “Well, I better be going. Have a good day girls.”

  “Thanks,” I finally managed to say. But when I spoke it sounded like I swallowed a frog. So embarrassing.

  Caleb smiled before walking away.

  I looked at Lexie. She was cringing. “Wow. That was painful to watch.”

  “You don’t think he suspects anything do you?”

  She looked sympathetic. “You do realize you could just tell your father who you are right?”

  “Don’t call him that. I’m still not used to it and I don’t know if I’ll ever be used to it.”

  “Okay.” She bit her lip. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m the one that’s being a coward.”

  “You’re not a coward Hope. I’ve only known you a few months, but so far you’re pretty badass.”

  I didn’t feel very badass. I felt like a weakling that needed to have other people fight my battles for me. “Thanks Lex.”

  We walked inside of the school and headed for the junior hall. When we got to my locker, Knight was waiting.


  He smiled. “Hey.”

  His smile always seemed to make everything feel better. Like for that small moment, my entire world wasn’t falling apart.

  “I’ll let you two do your thing,” Lexie said. “I should go find Tegan.” She rolled her eyes. “Catch you guys later.”

  “Later,” Knight said. After she was out of range, he smirked at me. “Is she ever going to break up with her?”

  I shook my head. “It’s driving me crazy.”

  I put my combination into my locker and grabbed the things I needed for the morning.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Knight asked. “You seem tense. More tense than usual.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. There’s a new vampire in town and she’s Kane’s sister.”

  “No way.”

  “Yeah. And if that’s not bad enough, she’s compelling Jade.”

  “Oh. So that’s who Jade’s been hanging around with.”

  “All the time! It’s like she’s making her be her pet. It’s disgusting and I have to figure out what to do before Jade gets hurt.”

  “Maybe it’s time we tell her.”

  I sighed and nodded in agreement. “I’m thinking we’re going to have to.”

  Knight rubbed my arm. “Hey, I’m sure she’ll be open minded.”

  I smiled a small smile. “I hope you’re right.”

  “And this is kind of good news. At least now we know who the new vampire is.”

  I tilted my head. “You knew there was a new vampire already?”

  He tensed. “Don’t be mad.”

  “Why would I be mad?”

  “Because Caleb asked me and Hayden to spy on the Hale’s. Because of the recent vampire attacks, the pack is on edge and the council is reforming.”

  “The council?”

  “A group of all the different factions, humans included. They’re responsible for keeping peace in Salem Point. Mainly from vampires, hence why there are no vampires on the council.”

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about him not telling me. Was he planning on telling Caleb that the Hale’s were dangerous? Why else would he keep this from me?

  “I swear I was going to tell you eventually,” Knight said. “It’s just that there wasn’t really anything to tell. I don’t plan on telling Caleb or my uncle anything about Christian or Wyatt.”

  “Why not?”

  He smiled. “I don’t like them or anything. But I know you do. You care about them. I couldn’t do that to you, Hope.”

  I smiled back. My stomach was fluttering and my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. Knight was the most caring guy I’d ever met. I was the luckiest girl in the world to have a guy like him as my mate.

  But then why couldn’t I just be with just him? He was perfect. Literally. I know people say no one is perfect, but Knight was the epitome of perfection.

  He cared so much about me. And I cared about him. But I couldn’t ignore the feelings I had for Christian. As much as I hated to admit it, I had some pretty intense feelings for Wyatt too.

  My life was getting way too complicated.

  Chapter 14: Christian

  When I got to the cafeteria, I spotted Francesca right away. I could spot her anywhere. She had this striking beauty to her. It was impossible not to find her attractive. But she and I never went there. She was my friend, and that was all. Or, she was my friend.

  There was a time Francesca was my closest confidant. I trusted her with anything. Even more than my siblings if that was fathomable.

  If she was really coming after Hope, then she wasn’t the person I remembered her to be. The woman I knew would never harm another person. At least not intentionally.

  I walked over to Francesca and Jade. They were sitting together. They must have requested a schedule change. They weren’t in this lunch yesterday.

  Francesca smiled at me as I sat down across from her. She was putting on a good show. It almost looked like the genuine smile she used to give me when we would hang out together. But I was no fool, and I wasn’t going to be falling for any acts she was putting on.

  “Hey Christian,” Jade said. She was beaming. She looked happier than I’d
ever seen her before. Too bad she was being compelled to act that way.

  “Hi Jade.”

  “Have you met Francesca?”

  “Oh, we go way back, Jade,” Francesca said. She touched her arm and got her attention on her. She looked into her eyes. “Why don’t you go get yourself another water. You seem parched.”

  “Okay.” Jade got up and went in the direction of the lunch line.

  I glared at her. She was so different. She used to hate compulsion. She hardly ever used it. Only on rare occasions when she’d decided to feed from a human and she needed to erase the traumatic experience from their minds.

  “Come on. Don’t look at me like that Christian. You’ve done far worse.”

  “She’s a person, Francesca. A human being. Not a pet for you to boss around and use.”

  “I’m well aware. I treat Jade wonderfully. Anyone who tells you any different is telling lies.”

  She took a sip from her water and looked away from me. That was interesting. She could barely look me in the eyes. At least she felt guilt for what she was doing. “I just don’t understand.”

  “What don’t you understand Christian?”

  “For starters, you always said you hated your father. I had no idea he was Rex Cassius at the time. But why would you offer Hope up to him?”

  “To get my mother back.” Her eyes looked crazed and she spoke with such desperation in her voice.

  “I thought your mother was dead.”

  “She is you idiot. If I had her remains I could resurrect her, but he has them. He holds them so that I can’t be happy. He does this to control all of his children. He’s a mad man.”

  “And you’re willing to give Hope to him?”

  She took a deep breath and looked down at the table. “Great sacrifices must be made sometimes. Only the weak aren’t able to follow through.”

  “Who taught you that? Your father?”

  “And he’s right.”

  I got closer to her. “I don’t know what the hell happened to you or what that man did to you, but this isn’t you. Hope is an innocent girl who did nothing, but be born. This is wrong. Now, you always had questionable taste in men, dating my brother and all, but you were never a bad person.”

  “We all have a little evil in us Christian.” Her eyes met mine. “You taught me that.”

  “Yes, and you taught me that we don’t have to give in to our impulses. Doing so makes you everything they want to make us out to be. Monsters.”

  “I am a monster. As are you. Life is so much easier once you come to accept that.”

  I didn’t seem to be getting through to her. The Francesca I used to know was long gone. This shell wasn’t at all the person I used to spend hours talking with under the moonlight.

  “I don’t want to have to stop you Francesca.”

  She tilted her head and grinned. “The fact that you think you can reminds me of just how young you truly are.”

  “Is everything okay here?” Hope was looking at Francesca like she wanted to reach across the table and smack her. It was kind of hot seeing Hope trying to act so intimidating. She was doing a good job too.

  “Hope, please join us,” Francesca said.

  Hope sat down next to me. Her eyes never left Francesca’s.

  “Hope, we don’t have to listen to her.”

  “It’s fine Christian. Me and her have a lot to discuss.”

  Francesca looked taken back by this. “Do we now?”

  “You need to leave my friend alone.”

  “Down girl. Jade is just fine. She’ll serve her purpose, and once she does I will wipe her memory of ever even knowing me. You have my word.”

  Hope scoffed. “Your word? That means nothing to me.”

  “Smart girl. Tell me, what about you? Were you aware of this suicide mission Wyatt allowed my brother to go on?”

  Hope stopped and looked at me. “What’s she talking about?”

  “My father would never kill one of his own children, which means Kane is more than likely being tortured in our basement as we speak. I’ve been in his position. Trust me, it’s worse than death.”

  Hope didn’t know what to say. But I could tell from the look on her face that she was concerned about Kane now and wanted to know if I had any part in what she was talking about.

  “Now, I came to this town for one reason and that was to take you to my father.”

  “Then what’s stopping you?”

  “Oh, nothing really. I could take you right now if I wanted to, but seeing as he’s got Kane and isn’t planning on releasing him, plans have changed. I don’t always like my brother, but I do love him and I won’t allow him to be tortured.” She stayed quiet for a moment. “Even if that means saving him instead of bringing my mother back.”

  “I want to save Kane too,” Hope said. “He risked his life for me. He helped me to find my aunt and he gave me the life I have now. I’ll do anything I can to help him.”

  She smiled. “And I believe that. But it doesn’t change the fact that the only way my father will give up Kane is if I offer him someone far more valuable.”


  “You’re not taking her.” My voice was laced with hatred. I never hated someone as much as I hated Francesca in that moment. Even Hope looked taken back by my tone. I never wanted her to see me like this, but hearing Francesca blatantly threaten Hope’s life brought my dark side out.

  “Honestly, I’d prefer you come willingly, Hope. And if you don’t, I’ll be forced to take action. I’m being nice. I’m letting you know, so that you can say your goodbyes. As soon as I hear back from my father, we’re leaving town.”

  I slammed my hand down on the table, gaining the attention of some of the other students. Hope placed her hand on top of mine. “Stop it. She’s not worth it.”

  I looked into her eyes and tried to get control of my anger. I hated that she was seeing my true colors. The terrible person I was capable of becoming.

  And yet she still looked at me with such tender care. I didn’t deserve her. Hope deserved so much better than this life.

  I couldn’t let Francesca bring harm to her.

  One way or another, I was going to save Hope.

  Chapter 15: Hope

  “You should have told me!”

  Wyatt grunted and walked into the living room. I followed after him. I wasn’t going to let this go. He knew where Kane was all along and he lied to my face about it.

  Kane could be being tortured right now and it was all my fault. And Wyatt could have done something about it, but chose not to.

  He plopped down onto the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table, like he didn’t give a damn. Because he didn’t. Sometimes I wondered why he even saved me to begin with.

  Christian came into the living room behind me. He was letting me do all the talking. I think he was afraid to interrupt me. I was livid.

  “Wyatt, why would you let Kane go back to his family?”

  I glared down at him expectantly. I wasn’t leaving until I got answers.

  “Newsflash, Hope, he’s a grown man. I don’t control Kane and frankly, I don’t care about him.”

  “I get it. You’re selfish and you only care about yourself. But I do care about Kane.”

  His nostrils flared and his eyes were filled with anger. “Watch it, Hope.”

  We glared into each other’s eyes. Neither of us was about to back down.

  “Alright, let’s take a beat here and calm down,” Christian said.

  I took a deep breath and paced the room. We had to do something. Kane was missing and he was more than likely in the hands of his evil father. He betrayed his family for me and now he was suffering for it. I had to save him.

  “He sacrificed himself for me, and we need to help him.”

  Wyatt got up. “That’s not happening.”

  “Wyatt,” Christian said in a warning tone.

  “No.” He came up to me and towered over me. He was trying to intimidate me. It w
asn’t going to work this time. “The Cassius’ live in a fortress. No one gets in there unless they’re invited. And no one wants to be invited there unless they’re suicidal. I know you think you’re some amazing slayer now, but I can assure you, you’ll never be ready enough to go up against Rex Cassius and his army. It’s a suicide mission.”

  I couldn’t exactly argue with him. I wasn’t a slayer, and I was far from being one. I still couldn’t even get a handle of my magic, let alone slay any vampires.

  I backed away from him. I was seconds from punching him in the face for how pompous he was being. Well, try to punch him in the face. Either way it probably wouldn’t go over well with him.

  “Why did he go anyway?”

  Wyatt shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Wyatt.”

  “I don’t! Now drop it, Hope!”

  “What’s going on in here?” Gemma asked. She must have gotten home when I was in the midst of yelling at Wyatt.

  Gemma looked at Wyatt with a look of warning, to which Wyatt just grinned. “Good, maybe you can talk some sense into your niece.”

  Asshole. “I want you to leave Wyatt.”

  He looked at me in disbelief.

  “Leave, Wyatt!”

  He snarled before storming out of the house in the blink of an eye, slamming the door as he went.

  “What’s going on?” Gemma asked again.

  “Kane’s father has him and Wyatt knew about it this whole time. And now he doesn’t want to do anything to help him. Aunt Gemma, we have to save him.”

  She looked at Christian before looking back at me. She cleared her throat before speaking. “Unfortunately, Wyatt’s right. I wouldn’t even want to be there, and I’ve been training my entire life.”

  Great. Even Gemma wanted to just leave Kane to rot. This felt so wrong. He was only in this position because of me.

  I was so tired of everyone risking their lives for me. I wasn’t the center of the universe. Why was everyone so willing to jump in front of a speeding bullet to save me?

  “We can’t just leave him trapped there.”

  “We don’t have a choice, sweetheart. You are not going there and neither am I. We just have to hope that Kane can take care of himself and can save himself.”


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