Saving Hope: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Bloodmoon Series Book 2)

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Saving Hope: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Bloodmoon Series Book 2) Page 6

by Briana Alisandra

  I felt like screaming. No one was going to help Kane. They wanted to just abandon him.

  I couldn’t do that. He gave me the life I had now. He protected me for years. It was time I returned the favor.

  I had to save Kane.

  Chapter 16: Hope

  I was trying to focus on physics homework, but it was impossible. Everytime I tried to read the chapter my mind would drift to the image of Kane in chains in some dark, dirty dungeon.

  This felt so wrong. I was here in my comfortable room and Kane was out there suffering because of me.

  I brought pain to everyone in my life. Even Mom. I still couldn’t confirm it, but I was pretty sure she died because of me.

  I mean she was a vampire hunting witch, so she had a long line of enemies, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that her death was my fault.

  I didn’t know what to think. She had enemies, but apparently so did I.

  A gentle knock on my door pulled me from my shitty thoughts. Lexie opened the door and peeped her head in. “Can I come in?”

  I closed my physics textbook and smiled. “Yes. I wasn’t getting any of this done anyway.”

  She came into my room and came to sit next to me on the bed. We were a lot closer now. A few months ago we never would have felt comfortable enough with each other to sit next to each other and just chill. “Your aunt let me in. And she told me about what happened with Wyatt. I’m sorry about Kane. I know he means a lot to you.”

  “I just feel like everything keeps getting worse and worse. People I care about keep getting hurt trying to protect me and I don’t feel like I deserve it.”

  She looked at me in disbelief. “Hope, if I was in danger, would you do everything you could to save me?”

  “Yes.” I answered right away. It was a no-brainer. I would do anything for the people I care about.

  “Then why is it so hard for you to understand that we’d do the same for you?”

  I don’t know why it was so hard for me. I just didn’t like that people I cared about were suffering because of me. It didn’t seem fair to me.

  “Exactly, I feel like I should be doing something to help Kane.”

  “You are doing something. You’re training.”

  “That’s not enough. I need to do something to help him now.”

  “You’re not ready to go up against Kane’s father. I’m not ready to go up against him. But, maybe one day you will be. Right now, you wouldn’t be any help to Kane. I don’t think he would want you to put yourself in harm's way for him. He did what he did to protect you. Getting yourself captured is pretty much a slap in the face to him.”

  I guess she had a point. I was too stubborn to admit it out loud though.

  “It’s not like Wyatt would let me go after him anyway. He’s being a dick.”

  She smiled. “I’m pretty sure that’s Wyatt’s way of saying he loves you.”

  My heart skipped a beat at that word. Love? I don’t think Wyatt loved me. It was a strong word for whatever the hell there was between us. I couldn’t say there was nothing, because that would be a total lie.

  I did have feelings for Wyatt. What they were exactly, I had no idea.

  “Wyatt doesn’t love me.”

  “I’m pretty sure he does. And you know what?”

  I rolled my eyes. “What?”

  “I think you love him too.”

  I shook my head. “You’re crazy.”

  “Nope, I’m pretty good about these things.”

  That was a laugh considering she couldn’t even get herself to break up with Tegan and get with Jade already. She might want to practice what she preached. It seemed to be a sore subject, so I refrained from bringing it up too often.

  “Wyatt and I are complicated. But, I don’t think either of us are in love with the other. We hate each other most of the time.”

  She made a duh expression. “Hello, that’s how most people in love act.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “I think your relationship with Tegan has brainwashed you a bit.”

  She scoffed and crossed her arms. Again sore subject.

  Lexie hopped off my bed. “Come on.”

  “Come on where?”

  “We’re going to a party.”

  Partying was the last thing I wanted to do right now.

  “I’m definitely not in the mood for a party. My best friend is being compelled by an evil bitch, my old best friend is being held captive by his psychotic father who wants me dead, and I still can’t manage to tell my father that I exist. Not to mention setting things on fire with my mind and all.”

  “Is that all?”


  “I’m joking. Come on. That is why we need to go to a party. You need to clear your mind.”

  That seemed pretty much impossible. My mind was on constant overdrive.

  “I think I have a better chance at getting a spell done correctly without losing control than I do of clearing my mind.”

  “You do realize that being all tense isn’t going to help you become a better witch right? You need a clear mind for witchcraft to work.”

  Maybe that’s what my issue was. But if that was the case, I was never going to be the skilled witch my mother and aunt were.

  “Fair point.”

  Lexie smiled brightly. “Then let’s go clear your mind.”

  I groaned and got up from bed. “Fine.”

  Chapter 17: Hope

  The party was at Eitan Morris’ house. His parents were out of town and he had an extensive liquor collection.

  I felt out of place here. I was holding a red cup just to blend in with my classmates, but I had no intention of getting drunk like some of them already were. Even if I didn’t like drinking, I couldn’t afford to not be in full control of my body. I already had control issues. Adding alcohol to the mix was like adding gas to a fire.

  My stomach dropped when I saw who else was here. Francesca. And she was here with Jade.

  Jade hated parties, but she looked like she was actually having a good time. She was definitely being compelled.

  It was strange. Compelled Jade seemed to have a happier life than noncompelled Jade. But this wasn’t the Jade I knew. She was happy the way she was. She didn’t need compulsion to make her a fun person. I liked who she was, and I hated Francesca for trying to change her to be more like her.

  They were coming towards us. I pulled Lexie closer to me. She was already giving Francesca dirty looks. “We have to play this smart and make Jade think that we’re all friends.”

  “Why would we do that? We need to get her away from that bitch, not encourage her to be friends with her.”

  “If we show we don’t like Francesca, she’ll get mad at us and think we’re the enemies.”

  It was psych 101. If we acted like we didn’t like Francesca, it was only going to push Jade further and further away from us.

  “I don’t know. I feel like I have a pretty strong influence over Jade.”

  She did. But, I doubt it was stronger than a vampire’s compulsion.

  “Until we can get her away from her, play nice.”

  Lexie crossed her arms and pouted. “I’m nice.”

  Not when it came to Francesca. Aside from the fact that she was a vampire and here to kidnap me, she was also getting a little too close with Jade. Lexie’s jealousy was illuminating in fluorescent, bright colors right now. You’d have to be an idiot not to notice.

  “Hello Hope.”

  We turned around to face Francesca and Jade. Jade was smiling at Lexie the way she always smiled at her. You could tell she liked her, even when she was under compulsion.

  Francesca looked between Jade and Lexie, who was smiling back at Jade. She laughed and got Jade’s attention. She looked into her eyes. “Jade, why don’t you take the night off and go hang out with your friend.”

  Lexie looked surprised by the request, and I felt the same. That wasn’t at all what I was expecting from the vampire.

  “Are you sure
?” Jade asked.

  Run Jade! Run now!

  “Absolutely. Have fun.”

  Jade smiled and started to walk away with Lexie. Lexie eyed me curiously before disappearing into the crowd.

  I hung back to talk to Francesca. My eyes darted to her. “Why did you do that?”

  “Contrary to what you believe, I’m not a monster. It’s clear they fancy each other. I know it’s rather childish, but I can’t seem to shake the romantic in me.”

  Romantic wasn’t a word I ever imagined using to describe the girl in front of me. But if she did have a heart, maybe I still had a chance at winning her over.

  She was Kane’s sister after all. There had to be some goodness in her.

  “I’m here for my family, Hope. Just as you care for yours, I care for mine. I would think you would understand me better than anyone.”

  I did understand. If I had the chance to bring Mom back, I don’t know what I would do. But I think I might be driven to act the same as Francesca. After all, I didn’t mean a thing to Francesca. Why should she have a problem sacrificing my life for her mother’s? And now for Kane’s.

  Wyatt appeared beside me. I put some distance between us. I was still pissed at him from earlier.

  “Aren’t you a little old for a high school party?” Francesca asked.

  “Could say the same for you old hag.”

  The two vampires stared each other down, both with this intense look in their eyes. I don’t think either of them blinked for a good minute. It was creeping me out.

  “Okay, whatever this is, can continue without me. I came here to have fun tonight. Not to watch you two look at each other.”

  I left the two of them alone together. I didn’t feel like hanging out with Wyatt tonight and I never wanted to have to hang out with Francesca.

  I went in search of Lexie and Jade. I wondered if Knight was coming to the party. It was last minute, so I didn’t get the chance to ask him if he was coming tonight. I shot him a quick text as I walked.

  I wasn’t watching where I was walking and bumped into someone who was stumbling around. And me being the unlucky person I was, of course it was Hayden. She looked at me through squinted eyes. She could barely keep her eyes open. She was either drunk or high. Maybe both.


  “Hi Hayden.”

  I don’t know which was worse. Running into Francesca, or running into Hayden.

  Her eyes looked glossy, like she’d been crying. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but I didn’t want to push any buttons. She made it abundantly clear that she didn’t want anything to do with me.

  The only thing Hayden and I would ever share together was a father.

  “I didn’t know you’d be here,” she said.

  “That makes two of us.”

  I looked around to see if I could find Lexie or Jade. Or anyone, really. I’d even settle for Wyatt if it got me away from Hayden.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Come again.”

  I looked back at Hayden and she looked like she was about to burst into tears.

  “I was mean and I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be so mean. It’s just who I am. I can’t help it. Sometimes I don’t even know why I say the things I say. I’m just a terrible person.”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but no words would come out. I think I was having a stroke from shock.

  “I’ll just leave you alone.”

  I stopped her. “You’re not a terrible person.”

  She laughed. “That’s hilarious.”

  “It’s true. I mean, you aren’t always the friendliest, but we all have quirks. You’re not a terrible person, Hayden.”

  She stared at me for a good minute before smiling sadly. “You know the real reason I don’t want to tell my dad you’re his daughter?”

  I shook my head. I had no clue.

  “It’s because I know he’ll like you more than me. Everyone does; including me.”

  I didn’t know how to respond to that. Hayden would never have said any of these things if she weren’t sober. I kind of felt like I was invading her personal thoughts. It was like reading her diary, only she was divulging her secrets to me herself. Whatever she was on was doing the divulging.

  I nodded my head in protest. “I’m not so great.”

  “Are you kidding? Practically everyone is lining up to save you. I don’t think anyone would do that for me.”

  “That’s not true. You have people that care about you too.”

  “I have people that fear me. There’s a difference apparently.”

  Hayden let out a deep sigh and pointed in the direction of the stairs. “I’m going to go pee.”

  “Umm, do you need some help?”

  “No. But, thank you. You really are a great person, Hope.”

  She patted my shoulder before heading off in search of the bathroom.

  I wasn’t sure if I should follow her. I didn’t want to risk messing with a good thing. Hayden was being nice to me. I knew it was the alcohol, but it was still nice to have such an honest conversation with her.

  Having a sister would actually be cool. Maybe there was hope for us after all.

  That was, if I lived through the next week.

  Chapter 18: Wyatt

  Hope was mad at me. Oh well. I couldn’t tell her the truth about Kane without risking her getting hurt.

  I didn’t even give her the full truth. I didn’t hear from Kane so I had no idea if his theory proved to be true.

  He was right about one thing. I didn’t want to give her false hope if her mother really was dead.

  And now I had to deal with this pain in my ass. Francesca was even more annoying than she was when we dated.

  I didn’t want her messing with Hope. I know she was pissed at me right now, but that wasn’t going to stop me from trying to protect her. If anything, it drove me more.

  I couldn’t let Francesca take Hope. I hated that she was so angry at me, which was new for me. I didn’t care about making people angry at me. It wasn’t anything new. I’d be surprised if someone wasn’t angry with me. But it was different with Hope. We weren’t as close as she was with Christian or Knight, but we did come a long way since she first came to Salem Point.

  I walked into the office. Francesca was sitting on top of the desk with her legs crossed. She looked at me seductively.

  I knew what she was trying to do and it wasn’t going to work. She thought she was going to get me to let my guard down. When it came to Hope, my guard was permanently up.

  “So where’ve you been the last century and a half?” I asked.

  “All over. You should really try to do some travelling. The US is so boring in comparison to the rest of the world.”

  I couldn’t argue with her there. The only reason I was here was because of Christian and Elizabeth.

  “What can I say? I like small town life.”

  “Since when? The Wyatt I knew craved adventure.”

  I smiled curtly. “I’m not the Wyatt you knew. But I see you’re still the same bitch you always were.”

  Her eyes went black. In a flash she was holding me by the neck. I grabbed her neck and squeezed as hard as I could. She tightened her grip. Both of us couldn’t breathe, and yet it wasn’t fazing her.

  “Alright,” I choked out.

  We both released our grip. I coughed and rubbed at where I was sure her hand imprint was left behind. She had one hell of a grip.

  “You know I don’t like being called names.”

  “Sorry, I’m just being honest.”

  That was the thing about knowing someone so well. It was easy to push their buttons. I knew Francesca like the back of my hand. Well enough to know that this new villain persona she was putting on, wasn’t real. She couldn’t be a villain even if she tried. She had morals and those morals got in the way of living. I understood that all too well. It was a constant battle I fought through everyday.

  “You’re an annoying prick.”

  I nod
ded in agreement. “Yeah. Tell me, what’s with this new bad girl act you’re trying on.”

  “It’s not an act.”

  “Oh, it is. And it’s one you’re failing miserably at.”

  She huffed and shoved me with her shoulder as she walked past me. She looked at the books on the shelves.

  “Don’t get on my bad side Wyatt.”

  I ran forward and slammed her into the wall. I held a piece of hawthorn against her cheek and burned her. It was burning my hand, but I didn’t care. I was going to get my point across, one way or another.

  “You listen to me, you don’t want to get on my bad side Francesca!”

  She tried to move, but I held on as tight as I could and pushed the herb harder onto her face. She let out a growl as the skin beneath the hawthorn started to let off steam. My hand felt like it was on fire.

  “I will kill you.”

  “I will destroy you if you do anything to harm a single hair on Hope’s head.”

  She let out a laugh. “Wow. And I thought I had you whipped.”

  Before I could respond, a high pitched scream caught both our attention.

  I let go of her and took off in the direction the screaming was coming from. The party-goers could hear it too. That’s how loud the shrieks of horror were.

  Where is she?

  I looked around crazily trying to find Hope. I had to find Hope.

  The screams were coming from outside in the front of the house. I went that way. Francesca was right behind me.

  When I neared the front of the house, I caught a glimpse of her hair and then her intoxicating scent sent chills down my spine.

  As soon as I laid eyes on Hope I let out a sigh of relief. She was safe. When her eyes met mine, she seemed relieved too. I ran right up to her and followed after her. She was going towards the scream.

  I had the urge to grab her, pick her up in my arms and run off with her. But she was already angry enough at me. If I did that she’d never speak to me again. At least she’d be alive to not speak to me. Only I don’t think I could stand the thought of Hope never speaking to me again. So I let her go towards danger, staying practically right on top of her and ready to save her if she needed me.


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