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Love Heals

Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Please. Oh please, I need more. More damn it,” she yelled.

  “Holy fuck,” Aleck said, and Titus lowered down to see him licking her cunt, then fingering it.

  “Together. Don’t worry, baby. Aleck and I are going to take you together,” Corey told her, and she moaned her release as Mavis came in her ass. He pulled out, and Corey lifted her up and carried her to the living room. He lay down on the edge of the long ottoman. She immediately grasped Corey’s cock and slid down over his shaft as Corey gripped her hips. “Holy fuck, baby. Goddamn, you’re fierce when you want something.”

  “When I want you. When I need more, and you guys tease me.” She closed her eyes and growled low. Corey cupped her breast, then slid his palm up to her neck and head to bring her down to kiss him. She spread wider as she rocked her hips and rode him until Aleck was behind her.




  She hummed into Corey’s mouth, then jerked when Aleck pressed lube to her asshole.

  “Take her together,” Titus said, and Aleck replaced fingers with his cock and stroked right into her asshole. Titus and Mavis watched. Titus could see her breasts bouncing, her body moving in sync with his brothers as she cried out and came. Corey came next, and Aleck kept thrusting into her ass, possessively held her shoulder as he stroked into her from behind, then came with a roar. They were panting, and the room got quiet.

  The sound of a cell phone ringing seemed to bring them out of their pleasure zone and back into the reality of life, and being absorbed in their own world had come to an end. Titus brought the phone to his ear but kept an eye on Charlie’s body as she detangled herself from his brothers who weren’t quite ready to release her without a few more strokes or caresses.

  “Hello?” he answered.

  “Sheriff, it’s Alex. We got ourselves a major situation at the state police barracks outside of town.”

  “What happened?” he asked, and his brothers and Charlie all stopped to look at him.

  “The Jones brothers. Looks like they had some help in breaking them out of jail. The barracks are a mess. There was an explosion, looks to have been set on purpose. I got all the details. We have an APB out on the Jones brothers now, and surveillance shows some kind of sedan picked them up. The guy who broke them free and set the explosion and fire had his face covered.”

  “Son of a bitch. I’ll get ready and meet you at the barracks for the investigation. I’ll inform the deputies to keep a lookout for the Jones brothers. Hopefully, they didn’t get far.” He spoke to Alex a little longer and then ended the call.

  “The Jones brothers had a friend set some kind of explosion at the state trooper barracks where they were being held until tomorrow when they would go before the judge. The place went up in flames.”

  “Did everyone get out?” Charlie asked before his brothers could.

  “Yes, but it seems to have been set on purpose and now we have the two prisoners and their helper on the run. They just turned their arrest into a major situation which will mean serious consequences and charges when they’re found,” Titus told them.

  He walked over to Charlie, cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply. “I need to go,” he said as he released her lips.

  “Be careful.”

  He pointed at her as he started walking away. “You aren’t going to the office today and being there alone. Save it for tomorrow, regular business hours.”

  “Titus, I have to—”

  Mavis pulled her into his arms. “We’ll explain, Sheriff,” he said, and then Titus nodded and headed upstairs to shower quick, get dressed and go hunting for the Jones brothers.

  “Is this really necessary?” Charlie asked Aleck, Corey, and Mavis as they followed her home and walked her into her house. Her place was a small little two-bedroom cottage, with a big backyard that led to the woods several acres wide and bordered the Mastersen farm. It was on the border of Cherry Hill and Central Valley, and she had several neighbors. It was evening time, and she missed out on work as she spent the weekend with the Mullen brothers, mostly making love.

  “Very necessary. In fact, we would prefer it if you would grab some things and stay at our place,” Aleck said as they looked around her house. Her computer was on, and she had it set to flash through different pictures of various events in her life, and more recently the trip she took overseas. Mavis and Corey were looking at the screen when pictures popped up with her a few other people in the group who went to help out.

  “Um, if I do that and go back to your place, I’ll never make it to work tomorrow,” Charlie told them, trying to draw their attention away from the computer, but then a picture popped up with her and a few guys in the troop she had worked with. Then another with her and Donovan. Being that they were military, they knew right away by his uniform that he was a commander.

  “That’s him?” Corey asked and hit the mouse, freezing the picture of her and Donovan with a few other people next to them, but Donovan definitely held her closer, and his hand was against her ribs, nearly to her breast, he was so much taller.

  “Those are just people I worked with there and met. They were stationed there, as well,” she said and walked over, tried to move the mouse but Corey pulled her close.

  “His hand is nearly on your breast,” he said to her and glanced at the picture, then back at her.

  “He’s a tall guy,” she said to him, holding his gaze.

  “Looks fucking young to be a commander,” Mavis said and clicked onto the next picture, and she felt her cheeks warm. They were all fooling around in the picture, and Donovan had her sitting on his lap with a bunch of other guys in the troop. The guys were all leaning closer.

  “What the fuck is this shit?” Aleck said.

  “Yeah,” Mavis added, and she pulled from Corey’s hold and clicked the mouse, removing the pictures and ending the slideshow. She wasn’t even sure if there were other questionable ones. She had a good time, and nothing happened.

  “Listen, nothing happened there with me or any men. We talked about this. The majority of them were patients.”

  They were quiet a moment, and then Corey spoke up. “Doesn’t mean we won’t get jealous seeing another man, hell men, holding you on their lap, attempting to touch your body when you now belong to us.”

  “Well, that’s silly, Corey. I mean seriously, it doesn’t make sense for you to be jealous. Not ever.”

  “Why is that?” Aleck asked. She sat on Mavis’s lap by the computer and desk, then took Aleck’s hand and Corey’s hand.

  “You know the truth. You know the only man other than you three and Titus that I ever had sex with was Tavern, and I was going to marry him. Now, not for nothing, but the four of you guys are a hell of a lot older, definitely have had your share of women, which I don’t even want to think about, yet I know it doesn’t matter. Now you’re mine, and I’m yours, so who cares?” she asked.

  “Shit, we’re being idiots. You would think with our experiences and age that we would not feel so jealous and vulnerable or susceptible to these feelings, but we are. We care about you so damn much it’s crazy,” Aleck said to her.

  “And I care about each of you. It will get easier, and none of us will feel insecure or fear this could fail the longer we're together and as long as we're honest with one another. Agree?” she asked.

  “Hmmm, I think I need a little more persuading,” Mavis teased and suckled her neck as he pushed down her top.

  “I guess we’ll be sleeping over tonight instead,” Corey said.

  “Damn straight,” Aleck added, and they chuckled.

  Chapter 4

  The weeks had passed, and there was no sign of the Jones brothers anywhere. Titus was beginning to believe they headed out of state. When he heard the knock on his door, he wasn’t surprised to see Deputy Nash Weathersen. His brother Alex was a Texas Ranger and had been one of the first men on the scene for the fire and explosion the other night, along with Jeb Perkins. The surrounding
towns and community members around Cherry Hill were very supportive of one another. The department was already receiving several tips identifying the escape vehicle and even a partial license plate.

  “What do you have?” Titus asked Nash.

  Nash rested his hand on the butt of his gun. “The vehicle belongs to Lucas Ports.”

  “Lucas? Jesus, the crazy bastard. Why am I not surprised? He’s hung out with the Jones brothers several times, and last year the three of them were caught hunting on the Shelbys’ property then took potshots at Mr. Shelby and his livestock. Shit.” Titus stood up. “Any idea where he’s at?” Titus asked.

  “No. I was going to drive by Maya Hennessey’s place. She’s friends with Adele, Lucas’s girlfriend, and they have the baby together. She might know, considering that Adele is missing, too. She wasn’t at the house when Alex and Jeb went by just a little while ago.”

  “Okay, bring Lotus with you, and keep eyes out. I’m not sure those guys are out of the area.”

  “Um, you might want to ask Charlie if she knows anything,” Nash said, and Titus squinted ta him.

  “Charlie? Why?”

  “Kind of heard some talk months back before Charlie went on her trip that she was helping Adele with some finances and things. That Lucas wasn’t providing for them, and Adele needed formula for the baby and some basics. Charlie took care of her.” Titus narrowed his eyes and then nodded.

  “I’ll go to her office, ask her some questions. You keep me posted on your conversation with Maya.”

  Nash headed out with Lotus. A few minutes later as Titus pulled up to Charlie’s office building, he saw Maya’s car out front. Just then Nash radioed in. “Maya isn’t home,” Nash told him.

  “That’s because she’s here at Charlie’s office. Head on over.”

  Titus got out of the sheriff’s patrol truck and headed toward the front door. The moment he saw Estella, and her eyes widened and then she quickly smiled, he had a feeling his woman was up to something or knew what was going on. After all, she helped to get Cody out of trouble, which he shouldn’t have been arrested considering he was protecting a woman from harm during that bar fight. Seems a lot of people relied on Charlie for help in different ways and didn’t always make that information public. “Good morning, Estella.”

  “Morning, Sheriff. How are you today?”

  “Doing fine, and you?” he asked and glanced toward Charlie’s office, and the door was closed.

  “Busy as usual. Did you have an appointment to see Charlie this morning?” she asked, and Titus gave the woman a look like she was out of her mind. Estella immediately looked down.

  “Who is she in there with? Maya?” he asked.


  Titus didn’t wait. He walked toward the door and opened it. Maya gasped, and Charlie placed her hands on her hips.

  “Sheriff Mullen, what in God’s name are you doing? I’m in the middle of a meeting,” she said to him, and Maya grabbed her purse.

  “It’s okay. I should probably go back home and rest a little before work tonight,” Maya said.

  Titus pointed at her. “You, sit back down. The three of us are having a little talk.”

  “Four of us,” Nash said, joining them in the office.

  Titus was trying to keep his cool as Charlie attempted to tell him that client confidentiality was very important to her when he cut her off.

  “That goes out the window when lives of law enforcement were in jeopardy, and innocent people could have gotten killed or injured. The state police have several men still suffering from smoke inhalation and minor injuries. Hurley and Pace Jones had help escaping the barracks, and the helper was Lucas Ports. He set the explosives up and jeopardized lives. These three men are going to jail. Now I need to talk to Adele and to find out where else he could be hiding out,” Titus said to her.

  “Oh my God, Lucas did that?” Charlie asked, and even Maya looked shocked.

  “Jesus, he’s crazy. He could have come after her that night at my place or when you were with her, Charlie,” Maya said, and Titus narrowed his eyes at Charlie.

  “You were with Adele that night?”

  “We were unaware that the bar fight and the jailbreak were even connected, Sheriff.”

  “You still should have informed me that a woman, a resident of Central Valley was in trouble. You better start talking, Charlie. This is serious. Lucas and these men could try to hunt her down and kill anyone in their path.”

  As Charlie explained what happened to Cody and Adele, he felt angry and sick. Lucas Ports was a scumbag as far as he was concerned, and he was on a path of destruction. If he could set up explosives and potentially kill police officers to get his two buddies out of jail, abuse his girlfriend and strike a baby, then he was capable of a hell of a lot worse. As Charlie explained about leaving her house late at night and getting Adele and Cody to a safe house, he was furious.

  “Nash, take Maya outside and go over any possible locations that she knows about, then follow her home. Be sure to check out her surroundings and, Maya, you keep that gun of yours on standby when you’re home alone. For the time being, one of the deputies will follow you to and from Harper’s when you’re working,” Titus told her, and Maya looked scared.

  Nash placed his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Sheriff. I’ll personally watch over Maya, and make sure she isn’t alone and is covered coming to and from work.” Titus knew that Nash had a thing for Maya, but Maya was resistant. She had been a victim a couple of years back of sexual assault. She saw Charlie and Jeremiah for counseling, and really kept to herself when it came to men. Nash and his brothers would make good guardians for her.

  As the door closed, Titus eyed Charlie over. She wore a navy blue, sleeveless business dress, with a V-neck collar that dipped low enough to catch the beginning of her deep cleavage.

  “You and I need to talk. There are going to be some changes and rules you will need to follow.”

  “What do you mean, Titus? I didn’t do anything wrong. I did what I’ve done a half a dozen times before in my career when a woman is in need, is a victim and has no place to turn.”

  “Things are different. You’re my woman, and I will be damned if you’re going to disappear in the middle of the goddamn night to take in a woman whose batterer boyfriend has the potential to kill to get what he wants. What if Lucas and the Jones brothers were waiting, watching, looking for Adele and Cody to take them with them? Then what?”

  “I was packing,” she said, shocking him. He stepped closer and pulled her against his chest, wrapping his arm around her waist snug. She pressed her palms against his chest, and he stroked her cheek.

  “They could have hurt you or worse. This shit is not going to happen again. You understand me, Charlie? As the sheriff of this town, I make the goddamn rules, and you will abide. As my woman, and as your guardian, you will not be placed in harm’s way. Not ever. In order for my brothers and I to ensure that, you need to call us and make us aware of the situation so we can assist. No more venturing an hour away in the middle of the night to take a victim to a shelter. Not without me knowing.” He raised his voice. She squinted at him.

  “How do you know I drove an hour?”

  He gave her a look. “Seriously? I know Carlton and his brothers. Cassidy is an angel, and that would be a great place to bring Adele and Cody since you said Lucas struck the baby, too. But damn it, Charlie, I won’t allow my woman to go all soldier mode when that isn’t your job to do. That’s what myself and my men are here to assist with and guarantee that things don’t get out of hand.”


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