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Lady of Way

Page 24

by Rosemarie McCants

  “I know, but I hate that sort of joke, and for that reason, I am going to have Bruce check on you every single day and report back to me,” he said.

  Bruce Mckenzie was Clive's best friend. He was a white man, also in the marines, and also very attractive. He lived in the marine quarters alone and at times Natasha could not help wondering why such a hot young man like him was still single. He was the sort of man that could have practically any woman that he wanted, and some of her friends had even approached her to try and hook them up. She had never quite gotten around to do it, but it was something that she was going to have to do pretty soon.

  “Aha, so now you are keeping me under watch, while I have no idea what you are doing out there, very funny. Anyway, I am going to be too busy with work to bother about men and sex,” she said, hoping that she could make the four months he would be gone keeping her word.

  “I know, I was also just kidding. Come on, would you like to join me in the bathroom. I'll be needed at the office in exactly an hour and I think that in between that time, you and I can make love one more time,” he said, the sight of his ebony hardness getting her heated in all the right places as she quickly tossed the comforter off and dashed after him into the bathroom.

  He turned on the water, regulating the temperature and as he stepped under the water, Clive pulled her into his arms. Her body felt small against his gigantic frame, something that always made her feel secure whenever he embraced her. She was burning with desire in between her thighs as his lips came crashing down over hers, their tongues dancing together as they were both taken to another land of fulfilling love. Such were the moments that Natasha lived for and the main reason why she thought that she would die if he was going away for such a long time.


  Natasha got out of bed feeling sick. She did not know what was wrong with her body, but she felt nauseous and like vomiting. She dashed to the bathroom, dipping her head into the toilet bowl as a bitter bile went surging up her throat and out into the bowl. She crouched by the bowl for a couple of minutes before getting up and walking over to the bathroom sink. She looked at her face in the mirror as she splashed water over her face. Clive had been gone almost a month and a half and Natasha wondered if her suspicions were right. She would have to make a point of passing by the grocers to buy a pregnancy kit to confirm her fears. It was then that she realized that the days just before Clive had left, she had completely forgotten to use contraceptives.

  “Oh shit, I must be pregnant,” she said, looking into the mirror as her hand went quickly down to her belly.

  As she walked towards the shower, she stopped to look at herself in the body sized mirror, her hand still rubbing over her belly. She was not sure if that was a bump that she saw there, or if it was just something that she had always overlooked since she hardly ever looked at herself naked in the mirror. Her breasts also seemed to have a lively glow on the skin, and seemed to have filled out a lot more than they normally were. As she stepped into the bathroom, she made a mental note to call her best friend, Kimberly so that she could give her some advice on the way forward.


  “Hurry up, girl, I am waiting for you downstairs and so you had better not keep me waiting,” Kimberly said into the phone as Natasha quickly flipped shut her laptop.

  “Calm down, Kim, I'll be downstairs in a second,” Natasha said to her best friend as she grabbed her handbag out of the bottom drawer of her desk and began to make her way out of the office.

  She smiled at the receptionist as she made her way to the elevator. This was her time of truth and she and Kimberly were going to buy the pregnancy kit to find out if she was really pregnant, or if there was something else that was making her get nauseous in the morning.

  “Ah, finally, what took you so long in the office? I was getting so impatient, I was about to come up for you,” Kimberly said, hugging her warmly and then pushing her an arm’s length away from her and studying her body. “I think that your instincts are right, Tasha, I mean, look at your body, it’s glowing.”

  “Please don’t tell me that, come on, we can go to the store and then I can buy you lunch,” Natasha said as they headed out of the building, flagging a cab and getting into it.

  At the store, Natasha immediately got the pregnancy kit and then they headed off to a restaurant, where they could eat lunch as she checked her results in the bathroom.

  “I'll be gone for a few,” she said to Kimberly as soon as they had placed their orders.

  “Are you sure that you don’t want me to come with you,” Kimberly said.

  “Nah, I'm going to be fine,” she said, heading off.

  In the bathroom, she quickly checked herself and confirmed her fears. She was pregnant. She looked at the kit a number of times before placing it into her handbag and heading back to their table.


  Bruce was just about to pass by the restaurant when he saw her walking into the restaurant from the bathroom. He stopped short in his footsteps, his heart skipping a beat like it always did whenever he saw his best friend’s girlfriend. She was among the hottest women that he had ever met, and not a single day went without him imagining what his white body would feel like pressed against her dark ebony body, doing forbidden things that pleasured them both. Clive had asked him to keep an eye on his girlfriend, Natasha Baker for him, and it was the hardest thing that anyone had ever asked him to do.

  Bruce had been attracted to Natasha sexually ever since she had moved into military quarters, even though he knew that nothing would ever happen between them because he always saw the love that resonated between Natasha and Clive. All the same, he always felt some sort of fire in his loins whenever he saw her. Over the weeks that Clive had been gone, he went to check on her every evening and at times he would even have dinner with her. He was always tempted to make a move at her, but always managed to stop himself right on time.

  And then there was also the fact that Natasha knew how to dress in ways that made her look sexy no matter the occasion. At home she was usually dressed in a short robe that showed off almost all her thighs and it was hard not to imagine what lay just under the hood. She had fleshy chocolate thighs that always gave Bruce a hard on, and at times she was a little careless while sitting, giving him a glimpse of her crotch. Just the thought of it made his dick shift around in his pants as he turned to enter the restaurant that he had been considering skipping for another new one down the street.

  “Bruce, what are you doing here,” Natasha said, brightening up as he walked towards the table where she and a friend were seated.

  “I was just stepping in for some lunch when I saw you guys in here,” he said, his eyes hovering hungrily over her cleavage before he quickly looked at her friend, who seemed to blush as he looked at her.

  “Why don’t you join us, this is my friend, Kimberly, and Kimberly, this is Bruce,” Natasha said, introducing them, before waving him to a seat. “Kim, this is my boyfriend’s best friend, the one that he left to check up on me every now and then.”

  “Oh my,” Natasha blushed, “I sure wouldn’t mind such a hot guy checking up on me full time.”

  “You are such a flirt,” Bruce smiled at Kimberly, trying to compare her with Natasha.

  Both of the women were about the same age, in their early twenties. Unlike Natasha, who was an ebony woman, Kimberly was a blonde with sea green eyes. She wore revealing clothes just like Natasha, but for some reason, Bruce was more attracted to Natasha in the wildest way. The round table was small and under the skirting, his legs touched both women’s. Lust swarmed up within him in the most forbidden way.

  “You will not believe this,” Natasha said to him excitedly soon after a waiter had placed their orders before them.

  “What is it, Natty?” he tried to avoid her breasts although it was hard, since they seemed pointed at him, nipples huge enough to be seen through the material of the blouse she wore.

  “Please tell me that you are not going to lea
k this to Clive until I have told him myself, even if he is your best friend,” she said, leaning against the table and taking a hold of his hands, squeezing his palms.

  He felt a zing going all the way to his crotch, causing an erection to form in his pants instantly. If only this woman knew the sort of effect she had on him, she would not hold his hands like this, no matter how innocent the move was.

  “N-no, I can keep a secret-”

  “I'm pregnant,” she interrupted him excitedly, getting up and throwing her arms around his shoulders. “Clive and I are going to have a baby.”


  “Natasha, you have got to be blind if you did not notice the way that that man was practically undressing you and making love to you with his eyes,” Kimberly said as they walked down the street in the opposite direction from the one that Bruce had taken.

  “Kimberly, you should stop imagining things. Bruce and Clive are best friends, and he could never look at me in a sexual way. I think that you are so smitten over him to the point where you're imagining things. I would like to encourage you to go after him now that you two seemed to get along so well,” Natasha said, although she had long felt the ways that Bruce always regarded her whenever he was around her.

  It actually excited her that such a hot soldier could look at her in such a way despite the fact that he knew that she was forbidden to him. To her it was a harmless look although she knew that if she was still single she would have long seduced him and taken him to paradise with her.

  “I can't believe it, you can be such an ignorant bitch sometimes, even a child can see that the man practically has sex with you just looking at you,” Kimberly said.

  “Well, it’s too bad that it will never happen, and especially now that I am pregnant,” she said to her friend with finality.


  “Are you sure that you will be alright cooking by yourself, I can help you out in the kitchen,” Bruce said to her, his eyes on her blown up belly as she made her way to the kitchen.

  “I'm sure that I can manage it on my own, Bruce, but thank you anyway,” she said.

  Natasha would have loved to ask him to help her, but she was scared of what her hormones were doing to her pregnant body. She was now going to her fifth month and her boyfriend’s tour had been extended by a couple more month’s in deployment. The scariest part of her pregnancy was the fact that she was craving sex as if it was something that she couldn’t live without, and since Clive was not around, and Bruce was always there for her, she had begun to think of him in a sexual way. He was constantly on her mind even when he was not with her, and she couldn’t help imagine what his white body would feel against hers, his hard white cock penetrating her forbidden pregnant body.

  “No you can't, and I'm going to help you whether you like it or not,” he said, grabbing her just as she slipped and pulled her back upright with his face right next to hers. “You see what I mean?”

  She looked at the way that his lips moved and imagined how they would feel against hers. Just feeling him holding her had her hornier than she had ever felt before, goose bumps forming on her forearms. Her brown eyes looked into his blue eyes and in them, Natasha was sure that she could see the same fire that was burning in her own. As Bruce slowly brought her back to a standing position, Natasha felt as if her lips had gone dry, and she ran her tongue over them, lubricating them. The whole time, their eyes stayed locked together, and she made no move to get out of his hands. The sexual attraction between them was obvious, and especially when her leg touched his crotch by mistake, getting a feel of a huge hard boner.

  “Bruce,” she was not sure what she was going to say as his lips came down on hers, silencing her passionately.

  Natasha felt like a trapped lioness that had been set free, putting her hands around his head and pulling him in for a deeper kiss. Her lips parted willingly, letting his tongue explore places that were forbidden to it. Her whole body ached in ways that she had never imagined, and she could feel moistness spreading through her crotch. She had not worn any underwear since it felt uncomfortable with her pregnant body and so she could feel her juices beginning to roll down her inner thighs. Her clit throbbed in between her lips, arousal running through every vein in her body. She pressed her body into his, her hands untucking his shirt and moving under it. She let them trace over his muscular chest, fingers moving over all the contours before finally settling on his nipples.

  Natasha took his nipples in between her fingers and pinched them with just the right amount of pressure to send excitement through Bruce's body, making him groan into her mouth. Unable to resist what she had been longing to do for almost a month now, she moved one of her hands lower, over his belly and to his pants. Natasha squeezed her hand into his pants and past the boxer to take a hold of a rock hard cock within. The slit on the tip of the dick was overflowing with precum, and as she wrapped her fingers around the thick length and began jerking it up and down, Natasha rubbed her thumb over the tip, spreading the precum over the sensitive skin of his head.

  “Holy shit, Natasha, what are you doing?” he groaned, pulling his lips away from hers and looking into her lust filled eyes.

  “Something that you think of every single day, Bruce. I'm giving you the opportunity to mine for the forbidden treasure that you crave every single day,” she said, jerking his dick up and down even harder.

  She then went ahead and licked his white lips, feeling a sudden thrill since she was used to doing this to black lips.

  “I know that I have dreamed of this every single day, but this is not right. We should just let them remain dreams,” he said to her, holding his breath as her thumb brushed over the tip of his dick.

  “No, this time I also want it, Bruce, how do you think I can live for so long without any male attention, six months now and still counting. I'm a normal human being that feels horny just like any other woman and since you are Clive's best friend, maybe you are the right person to take care of me. After all, when he left didn’t he tell you to take care of me?” she could not believe that the words were actually coming out of her mouth, but it was true, her body was in need of sexual attention, and who not better than her baby daddy’s best friend.

  “Natasha, this is not good at all. I'm pretty sure that word will start getting around the quarters like bushfire, and that could ruin everything that we have worked for,” he said, his voice trailing off as she once again rubbed the tip of his dick, this time in circular motions over the tip.

  “Nobody has to know about this apart from you and me, Bruce. Stop being such a chicken,” she dismissed him, crouching before him and beginning to unbuckle his belt.

  She went ahead and pulled his pants open, letting them drop to the ground as he looked at her in disbelief. Natasha swallowed as his white cock came into view, the pink head still shiny with the precum that she had spread over it. She moved her head closer to his dick, sniffing in his crotch as the scent went straight to her head like fine whiskey. She wrapped her lips around the tip of the head and began sucking on the cock, running her tongue over the tip of the dick and getting a taste of his salty precum. The sight of her dark fingers wrapped around the white length only served to turn her on even more, her pussy burning with a need that she had never imagined she would feel with another man that was not Clive.

  “Oh my God, did you know that you look even sexier when you are pregnant?” he groaned as she began to suck more and more of his dick into her mouth.

  The cock felt thick and hard in her mouth as she struggled to take as much of it into her mouth, her head bobbing up and down on the shaft. She could feel more and more of the delicious precum seeping out of his shaft and it excited her that she could make him feel this good. She took the cock deep into her mouth and as the head slipped into her throat, it made her gag, making her pull the dick out of her mouth quickly, her eyes wide with desire. She began licking it up and down the sides before finally sucking his balls into her mouth, one after the other. As she sucked
on the balls, their sack seeming to grow taut, she jerked the length of his white shaft with her fingers.

  “Enough, Natasha, if I am going to cum, I want to cum deep inside your forbidden pussy,” he said, pulling her standing and locking his lips onto hers.

  They kissed passionately and she could feel his tongue touring all over her mouth, getting a taste of his cock in her mouth.


  Natasha was not only hot, but she was also one of the best lovers that Bruce had ever encountered. Her pregnancy made her look even sexier than ever, and he could not actually believe that he was making out with her, because he had lost all hope when she had told him that she was expecting Clive's baby. All the same, he had dutifully checked up on her, and today he was a little surprised at the way that she had taken him off guard, kissing him wildly and giving him the best blowjob of his life. He kissed her with all of the passion that he had kept pent up within him all of the months that he had known her.

  As he kissed her, he could not resist the urge to touch her breasts, massaging them over the dress that she was wearing. He realized that Natasha was not wearing a bra as her nipples hardened instantly to his touch, his dick feeling as if it was going to explode with all of the lust that he felt. He had never imagined that he would actually be preparing to bang a pregnant woman, but yes, he was going to bang one. He was going to bang his best friend’s girl, and even though he knew that it was not the right thing to do, he could not help himself. Maybe he was madly attracted to Natasha because she was not only black, but she was also his best friend’s girl, and even carrying Clive's baby.

  “Bruce, I need you inside me right now,” she said with urgency as she pulled her lips away from his. “I am dying with need and I just can't wait.”

  “Don’t you worry, honey, I got your back,” he said, taking a hold of her hand and leading her out of the kitchen.


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