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Page 14

by N R Tucker

  Even with Ryan in his unconscious state, confidence filled Victoria. She was no longer alone. Companionship made a big difference. She looked out the window and watched the sunset. The colors were beautiful, but probably no more impressive than dusk in the Seen. When had she last viewed a sunset back home? Victoria searched the tower room again and confirmed there was nothing to help remove his cuffs. She did find something of interest, but it was useless until Ryan regained consciousness. By the end of the search, it was full on dark, and the stars were breathtaking, probably a result of the lack of artificial light in the Farseen. Victoria stargazed for a while and laughed at herself for looking for known constellations in the Seen. The fae still hadn’t returned, so wherever they went, they weren’t in a hurry to resume their lessons.

  She sighed, set the candle beside the bed and lay down beside Ryan. She had never shared a bed with a man before, but it was the only one, and she should probably rest while rest was possible. She must have nodded off immediately. She awoke to a rising sun.

  “Good morning sleepy head,” Ryan said from the open window.

  She hopped out of bed. “I can’t believe I slept so hard. We need to get going.”


  “Look what I found.”

  “Hmm…” Ryan peered down the stairs that were behind a secret door. “You know this could be a trap, right? Right now, you’re fairly safe. If this is a test, they might toss you down to the dungeon where I was. You don’t want to be there, trust me. If this is an old staircase that they don’t know about we might make it into the wastelands, and there’s not much I can do to protect you.” He held up his hands to display the cuffs still on his wrists.

  “I don’t see we have a choice. I trust you at half strength more than most people at full strength. If you weren’t trying to protect me, you would have already started down the stairs, right?”

  Ryan didn’t respond, and Victoria smiled, “I’m going. I expect you to follow me.” She grabbed the candle and began her descent. Pulling the door closed behind him, Ryan followed.

  Victoria muttered under her breath, counting steps. She estimated the tower was five stories high. Using a rounded average of fifteen steps per floor, they should reach the bottom in seventy-five steps. Step eighty-five marked the bottom of the stairs. A small circular room with a single tunnel was the extent of the room.

  Ryan sighed as he jumped the last step, once again the thump of contact was loud. He was amazed that their captors hadn’t heard him. After the first few steps, Ryan had quit trying to walk and started jumping from step to step. These stairs were steep, and there wasn’t enough chain between the cuffs on his ankles for him to step down normally, so he had jumped or hopped down.

  “Too bad there are no windows. We don’t have any idea where this tunnel goes, although at this point it doesn’t matter.” Ryan moved down the tunnel. “Stay behind me. If anything attacks, stay back.”

  “You don’t have any more magic than I do at the moment. You’ll be fodder.” She didn’t want to be fodder, but it didn’t seem fair to hide behind him.

  “You’re the brains. I’m the brawn. Brawn gets to be fodder first.”

  “I don’t remember that from Tempe’s survival guide,” she retorted.

  “You must have missed it. It’s in there.” Ryan smiled.

  Victoria rolled her eyes and followed.


  “Lady Saffron. Ridge. Unknown fae.” Fred bowed and gritted his teeth. He had been prepared to pay whatever price Lady Saffron placed on his head for her help, but he didn’t want to owe Ridge a favor. He didn’t even know the third fae’s identify.

  “Fred, this is Salix. Kailani told me of your news from the Seen, while both Ridge and Salix were with me. They refused to stay behind but were not invited.” She smiled, probably at his obvious relief that he would not owe them anything, before asking, “What news do you have from the Seen?”

  “Fae – wearing faceless masks – appeared in the Seen and kidnapped a human scientist. Ryan was captured when he entered the gate to rescue her. They are being held in a fortress east of the river. Balen, Spruce, and their father seem to be the brains behind the kidnapping. The others had the markings of fae mercenaries.” He pointed behind him toward where the fortress was. “I am unable to contact the Seen or open a gate.” There! He got the information out without making a request.

  Salix grinned, “Nicely said, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone identify those three as the brains before.”

  “Last time I passed the fortress, six seasons ago, it was empty. If they are using it to hide activities from the realm, it’s my problem to address.” Ridge turned to Salix, “You and Lady Saffron take Fred to safety, and inform Lord Ellwood and Lady Tempest of the problem while I go to the fortress.”

  “No!” Fred’s voice was sharper than intended. “That is, I need to go with you. Victoria’s scared and Ryan’s wounded. I don’t have a lot of magic to call, but I can’t go to safety while they’re in trouble.”

  “Then shift and let’s go.”

  “I’m more useful in human form.”

  Ridge raised an eyebrow, but didn’t respond, except to say, “Follow me.” He opened a gate and entered.

  Praying he was doing the right thing, Fred followed. The gate exited at the base of the mountains behind the fortress. Much better than running back.

  “Shifter, how did you escape? This fortress, while old, is known for keeping its prisoners.”

  “Er, I wasn’t a prisoner. They didn’t know I was there.”

  “What’s your shifter form? A small bird.”

  “I take a small flying form, yes.”

  “Can you fly to where your scientist is being held? Check and make sure she’s still there and let her know I’m coming to rescue her. I know a couple of tunnels that Pinus and his boys probably don’t know about.”


  “Balen and Spruce’s father.”

  “Got it. I’ll sneak up to the fortress and shift.”

  “It would be better if you shifted here.”

  Fred ground his teeth. “I don’t think so.”

  “You’re the butterfly shifter, aren’t you?” Ridge didn’t change his expression at all.

  “How do you know about me?” Fred paled. He hated for anyone to know his shame, but especially powerful preternaturals.

  “Anyone who knows many shifters knows about the butterfly shifter. Frankly, I don’t see what all the fuss is about. I would like to change my form and being able to fly would be nice.”

  “Not as a butterfly,” Fred muttered.

  “If, as I suspect, you used the vents to fly between a room where they kept your scientist and the dungeon where Ryan is surely kept, only a flying creature the size of a butterfly would fit. I stand by my statement.”

  Fred almost grinned. Ridge might have fallen out of favor with Tempe, but he had been kind to keep his laughter, and even his smile, to himself. Most didn’t once they learned what his form was. “How do you know so much about this fortress?”

  “I built it. This was, at one time, my home and anyone staying here now is trespassing. I should have guarded the place, but I left it for travelers as a place of safety in the wastelands. My oversight. I will address it. Now go, check on your friends.”

  Fred shifted and flew up to Victoria’s window. Balen screamed, and Fred slowed his approach.

  “Where are they? The food would have put Ryan to sleep. They didn’t pass the guards, and the manacles aren’t here, so he’s still wearing them and has no magic.”

  Not waiting to hear anymore, Fred flew back to Ridge and shifted. “They’re gone! Escaped apparently. Balen said the manacles Ryan is wearing doesn’t allow him to use magic.”

  “Which window?”

  “The only open window on this side of the fortress.”

  Ridge smirked. “They found one of the hidden staircases. Come, let’s get to the escape tunnel. It comes out deeper in
the wastelands. I’ll deal with Pinus later.” Ridge opened another gate, and they left.

  Chapter 25

  Ryan hobbled as quickly as he could, hampered by the cuffs. So far, they had been lucky, and nothing had attacked. He didn’t want to know the odds of their luck holding. They had pushed out of the tunnel further back up the foothills of the Northern Wasteland Mountains. He needed to get Victoria across the Kaveri River and into the relative safety of the Lord Ellwood’s residence. Ryan sighed. He was in such dire straits that Lord Ellwood looked like a suitable safety net. He had to get these cuffs off, but Ryan needed another preternatural with the strength to break them to do that. Such a lovely mess he had gotten himself into. Problem was, Ryan wasn’t sure what he could have done differently.

  “It’s not your fault.” Victoria slapped at a huge bug with mosquito traits and continued walking through the brush. “If you weren’t here, I would still be back at the fortress.”

  “I doubt it. You’re the one who found the stairs.”

  “Yeah, but I wouldn’t have had the courage to use them on my own,” she admitted. She let go of the branch she was holding too soon, and it smacked Ryan in the face. She cringed, “Sorry. How can we remove the cuffs?”

  He rubbed his jaw where the branch hit him. Ryan watched the blood drip from his fingers to the ground. “With the key, unless you have the magic necessary to break them.”

  “But there should be something –” Victoria’s voice trailed off.

  Noticing her worried look, Ryan added, “Don’t worry about it. We’ll be to the Northern Realm soon.”

  “If that’s supposed to make me feel better you guys shouldn’t have told me stories about Lord Ellwood and the Northern Realm.”

  Victoria had muttered her response, but Ryan’s shifter ears picked it up just fine. He pressed his lips together to keep his laughter at bay and continued to hobble toward the river. As they neared the sound of running water, Ryan began to see a positive outcome for this adventure. He would owe someone in the Farseen a huge favor, but it would be better than having something happen to Victoria. Once they returned to Calabozo, he would demand that she remain in the facility. It was harsh but less harsh than her dying during another kidnapping.

  An enormous red dragon, one the same size as Tempe, landed in front of the duo.

  “What an odd couple to be wandering the Northern Realm Wastelands. It has been a long time since a human has wandered the wastelands without a patron.” The dragon grinned at Ryan, “A patron from the Farseen, I should have said. Ryan, third in the Alpha Clan and protégée of Lady Tempest, you should know better than to wander such, especially encumbered as you are.”

  Ryan gritted his teeth but didn’t speak. If the dragon hadn’t already attacked, she wanted something.

  “Hey! Even encumbered, as you so rudely pointed out, he saved me.” Victoria glared at the dragon.

  “He might have saved you from someone else, but he looks a bit banged about, and he hasn’t saved you from me, yet.” The dragon smiled showing lots of sharp teeth. “Ryan, I offer fair trade. I will remove the manacles from your hands and feet, and you will find something of mine that has been taken to the Seen.”

  “What was taken?”

  “It matters not. It is mine and must be returned to me. I will give you full details once you agree. I also vow that I, and those under my will, shall leave your human unharmed this day.”

  “If we are to trade, I have need of your name and designation.”

  “Indeed, Lady Tempest has trained you well. I am Ralliner, Supreme Matriarch of the Reds.”

  Based on her size, he wasn’t surprised, but it was good to have verification. “Ralliner, to accept your quest with no other information given, I require that this human, Victoria Nelson, have the protection of you, and those under your will, any time she is in the Farseen, regardless of her reason for being here, for the rest of her life.”

  “Well played, young alpha. The deal is struck with no out clause. Once the manacles are removed, you have one rotation of the Farseen planet to arrive, alone, at my lair for instructions.” The manacles dropped from his wrists and ankles as the matriarch flew away. Seven smaller reds followed her. Ryan had noticed only five. He still had a lot to learn.

  “Do you even know where her lair is?”

  “No,” Ryan rubbed his wrists, “But I know who to ask. Let’s get you home.” He opened a gate, took her hand, and walked onto the pad at Calabozo.

  Ryan had to scream for his passcode to be heard over the alarms from his unscheduled appearance. The obnoxious sound lowered in volume but didn’t cut off completely. The guards’ weapons remained focused on Ryan and Victoria. Loane entered the room flanked by Sam and Eli. Ryan huffed out air but opened his mind, not that he could keep his powerful great-aunt out of his head even if he tried.

  After a few seconds, Loane smiled. “Ryan is cleared, and the sovereign is waiting for a report.”

  The alarms cut off, and the silence was greeted with relief by everyone in the room.

  As they walked down the hall, Sam asked, “Where’s Fred?”

  “No clue. He was unconscious when I entered the gate.” Ryan looked at Sam and groaned. Fred was resistant to electrical charges and must have followed Victoria. Ryan had left someone behind. “I gotta go back. Tell Sage…”

  “Tell me yourself.” Sage stood. As Raven replaced her in the command chair, Sage headed for her office.

  Ryan sighed and followed her.

  Chapter 26

  “They didn’t know you were here. Impressive.” Ridge said as he rose from the bushes he and Fred had hidden behind.

  “I told you that. Why didn’t we join them? You could have removed the cuffs from Ryan, and he wouldn’t have owed a favor to a dragon.”

  “Many would rather owe a favor to a dragon than to me.” Ridge grinned. “I’ll open a way to Beryl Lane and return you to your duties.”

  Thankfully, Ridge led the way. Fred still wasn’t sure he should trust this fae. When Victoria was in danger he didn’t care, but now she was safe, and he could worry about his own skin. The gate opened on a walking trail used between Beryl Lane and Vitvarg Farms. Ridge walked to the edge of the shield and tapped it, sending sparks into the air. Few could see the shields that had been placed over the territory of preternaturals. It appeared that Ridge was one of the few.

  Tempe arrived moments later, appearing beside Fred. “You alright?”


  She turned to Ridge, “What was your part in this?”

  “Only that my fortress was used without my knowledge. I assisted Fred in tracking his comrades and then returned him here, unharmed, after they left the Farseen. That is payment enough for not tending to my holdings properly.” Ridge bowed, “I take my leave, Lady Tempest. Peace be present with you.”

  “With you as well,” Tempe inclined her head. After Ridge left, she turned to Fred. “Ryan and Victoria are already in Calabozo. We should join them.” She held out her hand. When Fred took it, she teleported them to the room in her house that contained an entrance to the facility and commented, “Perhaps we can enter without setting off all the alarms, as Ryan did.”

  Fred nodded and provided his palm print and passcode. Tempe did the same, and they breezed through with no alarms, although Loane was there to verify Fred was himself.

  When they entered the sovereign’s office, Victoria was just completing her report. “Balen was the only name I heard. I called the others Fae One and Fae Two. Fae One seemed to be in charge. The ones who never spoke seemed to be muscle.”

  “Pinus was Fae One. Balen and Spruce did whatever he said.” Fred grabbed a seat.

  Ryan, with a blush running up his cheeks, looked over at Fred, and admitted, “I wouldn’t have left you if I had known you were there.”

  Fred looked around. His shifter form was known to everyone in the room. “How could I have let you know I tagged along? I knew if I shifted to human the pixies would notify the
ir masters that I was there.”

  “Not in the dungeons,” Ryan explained. “Pixies won’t enter them for some reason.”

  “Wish I had known that.” Fred stretched his neck. “Question, Tempe. Ridge and I caught up to them just as Ralliner struck her bargain with Ryan. Ridge didn’t intervene – according to him – because most would rather owe a dragon a favor than him. I think there’s more to it.”

  “If Ridge had interfered during the negotiation, the dragons would have attacked. Ralliner wants something from the Seen, and I suspect that’s what she bargained for.”

  Ryan finished chewing a bite of sandwich one of the PAs gave him, and said, “Yep, I need to return to her lair as soon as we finish here.”

  “How soon?” Tempe leaned back in her chair.

  “I have a full rotation of the Farseen planet from the time the cuffs came off.”

  “Good, we have time to discuss after everyone reports in.”

  A short time later, after everyone else left the conference room, Sage turned to Ryan. “What do you have to do for Ralliner?”

  “Find something that was taken from her.” Ryan leaned back and closed his eyes. He opened them slightly and glanced at Tempe through his eyelashes, “Is that what she wanted you to do?”

  Tempe laughed. “No. But I believe our tasks are related. A member of the Northern Realm stole something from Ralliner. She didn’t tell me what, but she demanded that I deliver the thief to her.”

  “Demanded?” Sage leaned forward. “Why is this the first I’ve heard of it?”

  “I was there as a daughter of the Northern Realm. Since I’ve been staying at Father’s when Star visits, I’ve taken over my old rooms, and I’m participating in court as a member of that court, I am bound by fae law to support the realm as required. Ralliner requested me and expected me to get the job done without creating an incident.” Tempe shrugged. “It worked. I captured the thief, he confessed before Lord Ellwood, and I delivered him to Ralliner to meet dragon justice.”


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