Wicked Enchantment

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Wicked Enchantment Page 12

by Wanda Coleman

  which makes sweet jam from rot

  father, i stretch these hands to reach you. i clean your granite

  marker with my tears. it cost me two plane flights and a wound to

  the ego. i don’t have the cash for flowers this time. and if i had it, i

  wouldn’t have time to spend it in the gift shop, wondering what

  you’d like. all the lovely variations of things yellow. buying gifts for

  you was always a problem. so today i bring memories of your walk

  and two minutes of militant silence.



  oh just when everything is so

  sleepytime sweet!

  the dead black comic rises and spits his spew

  of raunch at the uninterrupted beepings,

  seeks ways to shush the electronic crow

  first, with slammings of its impervious head, then he

  unplugs its center and removes

  the batteries as blue bolts swirl from the core.

  then he digs in deep to extract the plastic

  negro core of the core

  and quiet breaks out like fat. and

  he pulls the comforter smugly over his smile

  with a big blissful yawn and “goodnight!”

  that done, i patrol the hallways

  startled by the grating squeak-squeak of

  teensy voices. the wee people, i

  think, but am disappointed to discover

  two round-eared, plaid-bellied, gingerbread mice skipping

  hand-in-hand across Mama’s living room.

  angrily, i snatch them up as they roll

  their toony-blue eyeballs at me

  squeaking for their lives,

  batting at me with their cookie paws.

  i rush into Mama’s bathroom, to the tub,

  and slam them repeatedly against the white enamel.

  the air fills with crumbs and squeaky beeps


  mother to arms

  what does one do when the future wears pink mules

  a Hawaiian print muumuu, cheesy blonde synthetic

  hair wig, has long given up shaving off the chin-hairs of

  sociopolit imbalance and tipples the gin?

  first the fever then the fire

  [i open hot. steamy. afternoon drips. significant

  skin difficulty. abnormal appetite. fatigue. chills.

  malaise. light sensitive. shortness of temper.

  exposure to loss. hemoptysis. test positive for rage.]

  in the manic pursuit of money

  the only gender is access

  pony pony

  exhaustion. fight becomes the desire for fight.

  tintinnabulations passion’s rifts/street chant of continuous

  noise the real doings out of reach we of the wrong zip code

  with no place to boogie.


  too way out west

  from Natchez to Newport Beach—wherever those bad winds blow

  born with a caul turned scowl

  marooned in the bankless boonies

  dustin’ off old 45s

  wringing the animus out those weary

  scratchy ruler of my heartbeat grooves

  groping for the ghost of an inspiration,

  starved for a fresh blast of thrill

  a virgin slice of curve-taking hot-rod XTC

  corkscrewed. same uncircumcised bugger,

  different coast. a close reading of his foreskin

  reveals duck butter in the folds

  and afterwards they lick the spoon and croon

  black rhino rampaging the torso

  red rhino rampaging in those eyes

  white rhino rampaging the corpus callosum

  blue rhino rampaging thighs


  of a former slave cum landed farmer’s brood, not significant

  enough for them to pay me a call. i’m not even a walk-on not even

  a stand-in. should i assess what happened to my success deferred?

  does it matter that i ran out of food three days ago, that my

  children eat one carefully measured cup of cornflakes three times

  a day, that our heat and electricity have been terminated, that i

  received a strange call this afternoon then the phone went dead. of

  what exchange value is this gristle without mass market appeal?

  born to drudge to mule to leave no legacy. born keeper-of-graves in

  the land of the graven dissatisfied yanqui. o having finally scored a

  hit, i spend every breath playing catch-up, trying to fill a bunghole

  thirty years deep

  (some idiot called, used your name, and slammed off in my ear)

  i get excited by the whine-and-twang of lonesome

  one-horse cowboys and eurotrash thugstas

  addicted to addition, pimpin’ the best of the west

  dressed in black and totin’ blades in sheaths

  having to score that niggah fix moving

  like they got snakehips talking black talk wannabe

  niggahs but coming up gray. i love the way they take

  command of our pain and wring it till the money runs.

  how when they ask if they can hang, i say, “enuff

  bone to fill a champagne glass is bone enuff”


  god bless the fire

  the lure that snares the loverheart

  he intrudes on my solitude.

  i say hello.

  he caters to my budding vanity.

  i am filled with ahhs.

  he seduces my weak wanting lips,

  drugs me with a majoon of confusion.

  i rationalize his failings as mine.

  he insinuates himself into my embrace.

  i work harder.

  he gratifies my power lust.

  i wash his feet.

  he dictates to me this life, which

  i berate as fate.

  he wolfs down my meat, drinks

  my wine, demands cake.

  i am bloodbone inside some incubus

  created by someone else

  a second impenetrable skin of false shapings as

  unshifty as solid as silencing as all-encompassing

  as an iron mask as an iron maiden. no one sees me

  only the dull mediated representational me which also gives

  back an accompanying distortion of the observer’s

  assumption of seeing all there is to me

  slits in the metal for foul air

  in this enclosure rage is torment

  torment fuels rage as i drink my own stink

  to stay alive—a woman of shadow without voice or value

  i know no measure of soft white cloth/

  love happiness peace—all vague abstractions tossed

  like rotted fruit at my erythematous essence

  which plucks out ill-recalled melodies

  on the discordant strings of blues guitar on a

  stage crowded and threatening to collapse

  under the weight of unspeakable words

  the grifter works the faithful with a brass collection plate and

  Styrofoam cross painted glitter gold


  mouth autocracy

  we are being attacked by the mouth. the mouth takes us into

  its custody. major mouth interrogator. (what is honesty without

  respect? truth without context? poetry without epiphany?) the

  mouth is judge and jury. the mouth knows all the laws/owns the

  law/is the law. the mouth imposes a guilty sentence. the mouth

  sprouts megapods and puts on combat boots and goose-steps over

  our thots. our ears burn inside the mouth. it spits out ashes.


  V-formation. a girl. sure. gender

  was what was. never an excuse

  twayblade disintegration

p; in a jolt. it occurs to me. there lives a rage beneath my rage. i

  suffer transactional pain. in addition to my own/other sufferings. at

  two impressionable points. as a child. most likely prepubescent.

  first, i took on father’s betrayal by his closest friend, in his limited

  attempts to cover the black with the green, as subtext for any/all

  betrayals to come. and, after hours spent listening to mother’s

  complaints, absorbed her frustration. her racist employers did not

  appreciate how hard she worked, rewarding lesser workers with the

  best bundles, no matter how fast how savvy her double-needle

  sewing machine display. her rewards were acute episodes of back

  pain and eye strain. this was her sacrifice and the basis of any

  similar agony of my own. thus my janus face/my bilocation took

  form and substance. the hermaphroditic nature of my tears-of-rage

  temperament—a special kind of duality—the warrior who weeps

  as she slays (woman-man/man-woman)—of myself corresponding

  to: the woman [society demands function on a par with the] man

  [as ideal provider-protector desired by] the woman. a perverse and

  contradictory bisexuality. hilt-deep on the sword of my inability to

  find and initiate the proper therapy

  et tu, dollface?

  when i catch cold, he coughs

  when i bleed, he has cramps

  when i get pregnant, his belly swells

  when i go into labor, he squats and has triplets

  when my face breaks, he cries a burst of white birds

  in the deep deep southwest

  where the lucky are somewhere dying unflawed at

  the ageless age of twenty-four, crushed

  starry-eyed at the crossroads behind the steering wheel

  of a speeding roadster or seducing a generation

  with a mysterious satin-sheeted demise at a voluptuous

  thirty-six following the breathy consumption of

  stardom and seconal or slipping songlessly into an

  eternal nod at the not-too-tender age of forty-four

  or dropping in unexpectedly on god at twenty-seven

  after having kissed that final sky

  teasing devotees

  to nosy distraction having

  avoided the indignities

  of tarnish simply by a

  shockingly early evaporation

  god bless the fire

  that transforms bleedings into art

  The King of Persia, 1961

  where are you now, dead royal cousin? need i say

  i wish a hellish consciousness upon you? that you be

  scorned by the holiest whose holy pulpit you assumed

  each Sunday with snake-head arrogance as you looked

  down your sanctimonious nose at those unfortunates those

  lessers those sheep/the parishioners who baaa-baaahed

  beneath you as you deftly tallied and pocketed

  their tithes and collection plate droppings. i marveled

  at your power to hold a congregation. couldn’t

  they see thru your elegant manly beauty to the

  soulmonger? the naïf i was couldn’t. i used to imagine

  i’d have a future lover as dapper as tall as smoothly

  brown as you, cousin, not handsome but of quality.

  only recently have i marked you as progenitor of my

  blank bibliomania. do you recall? how, when i visited

  your home, i was drawn to your study, intrigued by

  your assemblage of philosophy and theology—more so

  than your girls, my playmates. we were barely in

  our teens. while Mama chatted with your wife

  in the kitchen, i recoiled from natter about school

  high jinx, imaginary boyfriends and TV stars. i’d steal

  away from stultifying games of checkers or jacks to

  explore your stately bookshelves, drawn by aromas of

  resins, leather and fine papers. neither daughter

  understood my preference for books, which hurt and

  confused your youngest, my favorite. your oldest derisively

  called me “the brain.” she took her venom after her

  rapier-tongued dad, the bible-snapper, quick to quote

  chapter and verse or gleefully point the finger

  of blasphemy. it was startling to find Kant, Marx,

  Nietzsche, et al. on your immaculate shelves, betraying

  you as freethinker and pretender. how long had you been

  watching before my eyes were drawn to your sepia veneer,

  nostrils flared in consternation and pique?

  you walked over to me, took the volume from my hand,

  into your broad-knuckled fists, rested it beneath

  your belt and assumed a stern pose. i wasn’t yours to

  spank. “child,” you intoned, “do you understand what you

  read?” yes, i stammered. then you opened the

  book to test me, selected a passage. “read this aloud,

  then tell me what it means.” delighted by your challenge,

  i was eager to show off an ever-rebuked intellect,

  hoping i wouldn’t be alone anymore. there was another

  like me right in the family, someone to talk to. my

  performance impressed yet disturbed you. i read

  calculation behind your eyes. my heart drummed my chest,

  as i awaited your decision. you leaned slightly, studying

  me, your wide regal eyes narrowed to executioner’s slits.

  “so, young lady. i’m amazed. but since you’re evidently

  so bright, you’ll understand. here, take this

  book and put it back on the shelf where you got it.”

  puzzled, i did as commanded. “now, listen closely, because

  i won’t repeat myself. this is my private study. no

  one is allowed in here without my permission. you are

  never to come in here and touch my books again. understood?”

  stung, i shrank under the blaze of your perfect white teeth

  and fled the labyrinthine cruelty of your black smirk


  god bless the fire

  that fuses halves to make all whole

  fat off a steady diet of yearning and bad genes,

  the turbulent keeper stops combing her hair for

  the sake of more time. she starves their hopes. she denies

  herself sex for the sake of more work. she denies herself sleep

  to quiet the guilt. she feeds their itches. she hasn’t done

  enough, ever chasing the porky stubby hairless tail of a dream.

  so she starves hearts to feed stomachs

  zigzag maneuver

  funny. the key fills yet won’t open the lock


  meditation on

  a glass half empty, half full

  on average, how many sips per half? how many sips quench? are

  we talking shot, cocktail, highball, goblet or chalice? fresh, briny, or

  rain? pure, filtered, polluted? artesian or aerated? dry, sweet or

  heavy? young or aged? what is the potential for filling? refill? are

  there additional resources accessible, such as refrigerator, tap,

  decanter, Thermos, or liquor store across the street? is this to be

  shared or enjoyed in privacy? to what extent is degree of thirst a



  zigzag maneuver

  funny. the sex fills the cups yet won’t burst the zipper


  the guard tells me to take off any jewelry it goes into the

  property bag and is tagged and put away. he leads me past the

  scanner to the camera. i stand behind a line and mug. a picture is

  taken. a gesture brings me to the counter. i must relax my hands,

  i’m told. one-by-one each finger is rolled in ink. one-by-one each

  finger is pressed onto the white rectangle, starting with the pinky

  on the left and ending with the thumb, the right hand follows. both

  hands are held palm-up and coated with ink from the roller. then a

  print is made of each palm. now the record is complete. that was

  the fun part. not unlike finger painting lessons in kindergarten.

  ahead, the rec room and lockdown

  god bless the fire

  that burns the jail and liberates

  dream 826

  snug in my black leather bomber’s jacket

  i zip seaward on my hot steel hog on my

  merry way to the spiral cathedral when i

  spy Tiresias thumbing a hitch. these days,

  he’s a spike-haired blond in denims

  and white nylon sweater, long sleeves

  rolled up to the princely elbows of his

  pale truncated arms. he waves me over

  and climbs on back, hugs me at my waist

  as i deftly glide in and out of Sabbath

  traffic. on arrival, he thanks me with a

  civil smooch and skips up the marble steps.

  helmet under my arm, dreads to my chest,

  i look around but i’ve lost him among

  the worshippers. then, i notice the mixed

  race choir in the loft and kick back to

  listen. but the choir sings soundlessly,

  their balding director fruitlessly waving

  his baton. some of the singers clutch at

  their throats, eyes bugging over score

  sheets, mouths working, tongues wagging.

  but no song. in the dull distance i hear

  reverberations. church bells tolling


  between the rock of his passion and

  the hard place

  of his thotlessness


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