Wicked Enchantment

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Wicked Enchantment Page 13

by Wanda Coleman

  “advancing like an unstoppable monster, she

  descended upon the son.”—officer’s report

  dear delmore,

  i am engaged by your mutant stare which follows

  me everywhere in this perfect judeochristian jabberwocky

  where i am impurely woman you were impurely man.

  what’s wanted is an extended romantic narrative

  climaxing with the sociopsychological simplistic resonant

  with gnostic implications of western rape/ropeology

  and all of that, but what should count is that at given

  moments during coupling there’s conception at nexus

  vis-à-vis artist as outlaw, expression an act of

  lawlessness. happy endings are the propagation and

  perpetuation of The Lie. nappy endings are, of course,

  less straight; and, as we know, some majas are born

  more naked than others blah blah blah, blahbity blah

  (i see my native land thru

  the iron bars of my inflamed skin)

  hebben—a port city, located in the extreme southwestern

  region of the 31st state of the union. where all lotus eaters

  and navel surfers are board certified


  ghoul’s grapevine

  so did you hear about the west Hollywood cemetery where they keep the ashes of only the hottestofhot celebrities and public figures. and SHE’s buried there. and you know Tiresias used to make late day visits and plant the rose of a big fire-engine red lipstick kiss on her crypt. it seemed a grand gesture. but Ti stopped because it became The Rage, all this strange crypt-kissing going on, expensive graffiti to remove, you know, and besides they kept moving HER around. like some rich old schmuck would drop dead and put in his will that he wanted to be buried next to HER and so they charge the estate King Tut’s ransom. and the old fart gets the next crypt over for a few licks of eternity. then some other old deceased prick makes the same bequest and they move HER again. whattta drag. they pimped the poor sex goddess when SHE was alive. now she’s dead and they’re still making HER work the block. so much for R.I.P. or dignity

  from lockup the view so blistering so

  clear. better i exorcise him myself than let

  them do it. they always leave black and blue

  marks all over the spirit and a little red

  where the heart ruptures thru

  to love and not act is to not know love

  ballad of you, bleak starlight in matrix

  the death-exit ensemble solemnly enacts

  its stagy ruined romance-in-progress

  intermission is the horror prance of hooves

  the wasting sinew, a wraith’s whimper

  my birth memory is savored torment

  o oceansong of you/cold wind that fills

  your absence, eldest. you are the missing

  and i miss you years before the fact, have

  longago prepared my mourning black

  nightstains and the moonlight’s killer kissrays


  where the spirit converges on summer’s coast

  to the muted platter patter of heavy djs

  ripped on a cocktail of faith and hallucinogens

  resulting in atrial fibrillation

  pulse discovery of contagious titubations

  studied over and protected against by ebony men doing

  red-wat rituals to rid themselves of the eruptions

  emesis egestion and other redolent effluences

  accompanying the deadly viral strain of eurocynicism

  belief being fact. smoke signals

  calling captain zero . . . calling captain zero . . .

  i am sending out incendiaries all

  over the nation i am igniting cities

  i am setting blaze to unattainables

  looting and sacking the complacent

  doing the inner sanctum purification burn


  you were not in

  my heart when my

  son called to tell me

  he was beyond

  reach of my sacrifice


  but dear cousin,

  don’t you agree that one’s pending mortality or the

  loss of one’s health is not near so great a rend as

  the loss of a child? since the child is all of history,

  the loss being an indictment of one’s failure to parent

  adequately even if one’s done one’s best? isn’t it the uttermost

  hell believing that one did not prepare oneself well enough

  for battle. and that the wage of war is the child?


  child. get in here and whisk up this

  here life. lord don’t like dirty. get all

  them cobwebs down and child

  don’t forget to take out the trash

  else the vermin will find and dine and

  piss on thine. lord don’t like no

  tomfoolin’ and no horseplay

  child. shake out the sheets

  and turn down the quilt. fluff the pillows and

  pour the milk, lord don’t like lazy

  child. wash your face and stand

  tall. gots to be ready when lord pays a call


  morning stretches to encourage bloodflow a little

  aspirin because flight causes clots. i miss those mornings

  of clear wakings when brain central kicks in and it’s

  all there. and i’m up for it. i miss seeing the shape

  i’m taking. stepping from shadow into lamplight. i miss

  breathing unawares and unwarned. i miss certainty and

  sassiness. more than that, i crave the turn of his

  satisfied back after release, the slippings soundlessly

  off together. rare now, those seconds of what being what


  (lone ride cross purple sage. lame horse. no water. no bullets)


  at the whim of high transience

  an essence trapped in corner life—thwarting

  the sleepers below

  i—black phantasm rising from the ink

  no sleep without terror. waking to the quiet prowl

  of the dog. its absent growl. the din of greed. no sleep

  without terror. my body covered in brown wheals like

  blackbrown pearls strung neck to crotch. my lover seeks

  to lull me but i’m crazed in the mirror crazed by this

  foreign flesh and the bizarre heat of my thots

  on the yard i plant good seed. i water it with tears

  but only dull gray cement squares grow

  implacable to life-giving yellow and blue


  the terror wakes me and i prowl the muzzled screams

  of fear. these rags i wear like spent togas

  washed to exhaustion, clinging limp outer skins

  concealing the rages beneath. the medicine i take

  for these bleatings only works if it numbs my thots

  if it brings sleep without terror. if only i could

  stopper this vesuvius

  (someone called. used your name and hung up.)

  duty will allow me to accomplish what

  love does not. duty is a woman. duty says

  i am the mother duty says. give as you’ve

  never . . . be the muthur nutter duty says.

  you are a wife. duty makes it possible to

  stand over the carpenter and point out his

  mistakes. duty endows me with the will of

  early hours difficult work done endlessly

  sans appreciation sans thanks. duty allows

  the resentment of the children to roll off

  my heart like water off a drake. duty keeps

  me moist enough to receive the demands of

  marriage. duty stems the flow/entombs angst

  and ange
r. done duty. duty will grind me

  gracefully until i fill the urn with the

  sardonic dust of bone. duty’ll prevent this

  bomb of you from exploding inside me.


  he selfbardic . . . such jittersweetness . . .the

  parting troubles . . . but the symptoms are beyond dispute . . .

  to extrude is to extinguish



  deterge me of the poison that elevates

  my blood and dims memory

  divest me of the ugliness that wears my

  face and distorts my form

  devoid me of the bile that robs food

  of flavor and spoils the wine

  divest me of the lard that clogs my

  judgment and slows my step

  deterge me of the loathing that obscures my vision

  and starves my ambitions

  devoid me of the meanness that wounds

  all i hold most tender

  deterge me of the evil that assigns all

  evil to my birthskin

  devoid my mad ears of scatophony that

  i might hear other songs

  divest me of the weight of my yearnings

  that this self is not crushed

  deliver me from the romance of deceit

  that i may embrace justice

  divest me of the cloying dead that i may

  live unfettered

  deterge me of false guilts

  let my grief be pure

  divest me of the shackles of my hands

  Late Broadcast News

  —after Elizabeth Bishop

  black gooseneck lamp six black men were killed and more than a hundred blacks were arrested when rioting started following the death of a 16-year-old mentally retarded black detainee in the county prison. more than a billion dollars in damage resulted from fires that raged through the city. the dead were all shot in the back. thousands of law enforcement officers, state troopers and national guardsmen were dispatched to the trouble spot. armed with handguns, automatic weapons and tanks, they were given shoot-to-kill orders by the governor. a dusk-to-dawn curfew was imposed and hundreds of black men, women and children were arrested. the disturbance erupted after a demonstration had taken place and demands were made for information about the youth who was slain while in police detention.

  word processor a new government study indicates two-thirds of all the firstborns to American black women are conceived out of wedlock. many of these children do not escape the stigma of illegitimacy and are doomed to be raised in poverty. the survey states that single white females are more likely to find fathers for their babies than females of other races.

  reams of scrap paper “birth control a plan to kill negro” warned crudely painted graffiti. inside otherwise pristine walls, a small circle of blacks formed an anti- genocide black caucus at the convention on world population control. some delegates proposed that youths should be encouraged paper to participate in homosexual affairs to prevent births. it is a widely held suspicion that the true purpose of such conventions is to further decimate global populations-of-color already ravaged by poverty, disease and social upheavals.

  acid free white bond one young man in the audience fainted and another rushed out clutching his stomach. nothing like it has been seen on-stage in that small, unsophisticated country—two hours of blood, sex, rape, cannibalism. the production of “Titus Andronicus” by a visiting Shakespearean company, exploded like a bombstink. arts supporters and government officials are purportedly unhappy about the Elizabethan gore which included ten gallons of imported fake blood. state censors were displeased with the play’s sensualism.

  hours of uninterrupted music she arrived with a court order granting her permission to remove furnishings from their apartment. his twelve-year collection of rare vinyl records, tapes, and cassettes was his whole world. he stood watching, unperturbed until she went first for the stereo and then his collection. he went to the bedroom, got his revolver and shot her in the back as she fled. hidden in a neighbor’s closet until police could arrive, she finally staggered out, screaming, “i’m dying, i can’t breathe.”

  micro floppy disk some passengers find black flight attendants distasteful. no other profession so tenaciously heralds a woman’s beauty and femininity. black stewardesses are visibly absent from certain flights, though airline officials claim there is no discrimination in assignments. some passengers request service by white hostesses only. many black hostesses com- plain of fewer incidents with customers than with pilots.

  two pots of French roast don’t argue with your lover, be sure you and your family stay healthy, stay out of court, don’t lose your job, and don’t add any new persons or unusually expensive items to your household. such stress-filled life events are most likely to cause someone to kill him or herself, especially if three or more of these events occur within six months.

  aspirin with codeine social scientists began hunting the monster Tuesday, using a love potion concocted of eel, newt, powdered horn of rhinoceros, the ground entrails of elephant, sea cow and other creatures. large doses of sex essence were laid out in strategic areas surrounding its suspected lair, said a spokeswoman for the enthusiastic group. “our combinations of talent and intellect are formidable. i don’t know how any so-called monster could fail to be subdued by such a magnitude of force.”


  he slept thru his ascension of the northern latitudes

  to be rudely awakened by the stink of burning cash

  heat. stinging July heat and firecrackers went off

  in his mouth

  in the elevator up his brain swelled,

  threatened to explode—as did his lungs

  spiraling upwards,

  he came alone but knew they could hear him too well through

  those sheet-rock tar-paper chicken wire walls

  like speedballs moving upstream, stray thoughts howled and

  screeched with feline lust under moonlight

  the unfettered snores of dreamers tore at his ears

  seducers in ancient postures and blood-red getups hugged the curbs

  and toyed with stop signs and the hunger pangs of children

  what lover of melodrama had condemned him to

  this month of Saturday nights?

  whizzing bullets pierced naked calm leaving cracks &

  expelled casings

  best leave now best leave now

  a jagged shuffling of feet housed in synthetic leather came from

  behind him to suggest he travel faster

  he kissed the reefer burning his thief’s fingers

  leaned against that bitchin’ hood and blimped the itch

  his blaze interrupted the sermon and singed the robes

  Jazz Whine

  —for Sascha Feinstein

  i was reborn in a massive trunk cascading forward

  toward the falls

  while the endless scrollings of octaves tranced

  me into hummings

  unheard before the roar. nevertheless, twice baptized in

  the shine, i could

  survive anything in those days maybe even my own mouth,

  a known dancer on

  the blade. now, i have troubled sleeps, bad circulation

  and feet bruised

  on the insteps. the last time i saw the only grandmother

  i have ever known

  she was crying away that 1952 Sooner summer afternoon

  perhaps recalling her

  mother taken decades before by Mississippi fever perhaps

  sensing the shade

  under which she would one day recline. i imagine her hands,

  now a kindness

  across my shoulders, slim long naked yellow fingers tease

  my sunbleached locks

  “you’ve got your daddy’s hair but my melancholy soul,”

  as though we weren’t

  strangers as though t
he banjo player in bibbed coveralls

  still strummed

  his bluesy walk and white lemonade sweetened the heat and

  her six daughters in

  their homemade dresses tittered as our men tested their

  prowess barnside

  with strong cords and a mighty axe while i forever stand

  in that doorway gone

  farm dust, “grandma, what’s wrong?” sings off my lips

  and into this

  California dawn where coffee customarily calls down

  comfort. because

  i once dared think i was immune to rhythms past and

  had all damage

  under the mute, solo and jazzed for the new sounds the

  new croons and in my

  arrogance had no need for those old licks and tricks for

  hicks in the sticks

  till my eyes began to bleed and i could no longer find my ears

  Life as a Cartoon 2

  (penned in a multicultural rainbow—

  someone’s gettin’ globs off the concept)

  ink peepo

  in the mean mean Santa Claus, his voluminous rosy

  cheeks, his “gotcha coon” gray-eyes shooting sparks,

  with large well-manicured hands, sets giant 3-layered

  red-white-and-blue cake on the table before a modern-day

  ink spot, MIZ stick figure in her triangle skirt and


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