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Page 6

by Deb Stratton

  Titles by Debbie S. Stratton

  I got to be here

  Then I was gone

  My Messy Mind

  The Bigfoot Farm A children’s Book

  Create Happiness

  The Witches Night Out Spell book

  The Rustic Witch ~Natural Witchery

  How to talk to your Bigfoot about Life

  Little House on the Corner

  Inspiration to Celebrate Your Home and Life

  Little House on the Corner

  Instant Pot Recipes

  Coming in 2020

  Drug Cemetery


  The Plan

  Little Farm on the Corner

  Farmhouse DIY


  The Honey Shack

  Speckled Friendship A children’s Book

  Thank you for being a part of my Journey


  Find & Follow~

  The Urban Bigfoot Community on Facebook @DebStratton

  Urban Bigfoot

  Alien Zoo

  I got to be here

  Instagram @A_little_piece_of_debbie

  #UrbanBigfoot #UrbanBigfootbook

  All Books are available:

  I am happy to announce the next book release in June 2020

  Drug Cemetery

  “The worst thing is watching someone drown and not being able to convince them that they can save themselves.”

  Please continue reading for a special preview of the book.


  Drug Cemetery


  Deb Stratton

  Chapter One

  I would not be very honest if I told you that I was ok. I feel sick. I look sick. I think I will never be ok, ever again.

  I don’t know what happened. I had a pretty good life. I had a few friends. I had a job. I had a family that loved me and worried about me.

  I stopped caring about my life and myself.

  You see, the person that you knew is still inside of me. When you see me leave for days or weeks at a time, I am still thinking about you every single moment.

  My thoughts race back to the days that I was normal in your eyes. While I am running from one place to another trying to get right again. I think of you.

  As I jump into a car with others just like me, I lose that for just a moment. The high of getting to the next open drug house is consuming me. I just want to get there. The others I travel with on the streets are not my friends. They feel like they are. We run into each other often. We all have the same goal and that is to feel the next high.

  Today I don’t feel well. I woke up in a basement with others surrounding me. There are old mattresses everywhere and even though I do not know the others here, they are not strangers. We are all living a similar life which makes us function together as a family.

  Sometimes my things are gone when I wake up. There is a lot of theft with this lifestyle. I steal a lot also. If I need something, I take it. I hold no grudges against anyone that stole my shoes. I stopped caring about what I was wearing a long time ago. The only possessions I need are the ones that will sell for enough money to get my next fix.

  Thank you for being here

  "This book shimmers with something much more than just fear: it is a book that hit my heart hard." - New Book Press Release

  Author section:

  Deb Stratton is an aspiring novelist and artist. She has an adventurous soul filled with all things beautiful and beastly. She resides in Missouri and has published more than twenty books, in thirteen languages, including the Urban Bigfoot Series, Alien Zoo and I got to be Here.

  Interested in another great Deb Stratton read?

  Here’s a glimpse into the Urban Bigfoot Series!

  Here you will find the first full chapter and the beginning of the second.

  Urban Bigfoot is now 7 books and

  a screenplay!

  Urban Bigfoot

  Deb Stratton


  I was just a girl from Missouri with a passion for the woods. My morning walks were a beautiful way to start the day. It took just one moment to change my life forever. One slip. One fall. That was just the beginning of the weeks and months ahead in my journey to escape and find my way home.

  For many years the search for Bigfoot has captured the attention of many worldwide. Bigfoot sightings have been reported in many Cities, States and Countries. The Bigfoot enthusiasm was launched many years ago. Each state or country has come up with their own nicknames to describe the hairy cryptid. What we call the beast is based on the sighting location. Will you spot any variation of the Hairy Being in your area? Oh, it is very possible. Encounters are reported across the United States and worldwide daily. The sightings have been in the wooded north and as far south as the swamplands.

  If Bigfoot is everywhere why has one not been captured or clearly photographed? It could be because they are isolated and reserved.





  Chapter One

  On such a beautiful morning, how can anyone expect but such a perfect day? As I woke up, I began to make my rounds throughout the house, opening blinds, gathering laundry and such. I grabbed the bacon and my cast iron skillet, and I looked out to see the neighbors mowing and children playing in the streets. I love this time of day and I fill my mind with anxiety to see what the day will bring and how my life will unfold in all of its glory. If only at this moment I had realized my entire life would be different soon.

  “Good morning.” I said.

  As the kids all started wandering into the kitchen to see what is cooking.

  Sundays are the best days for family time in our home. The rest of the week was filled with work and my long hours working as an office assistant at the local nursing home. My afternoons were

  always spent at basketball games and doing homework. And it always made for a long day. Time to relax was hard to come by.

  My husband and I were divorced 4 years ago and in honor of keeping our family as dysfunctional as possible we still live together to raise our two children.

  Marlie (age 11) and Devon (age 15). I had always felt lucky to have a home, a husband and such happy children. It is such a blessing. Stress sure takes it tolls on marriages and relationships in modern day and I was ready to give up as easily as he was but after rethinking it all we decided it was best to stay in the same house for the kids and for financial reasons.

  I married Dave, right after my 20th birthday. He was the cool guy that played guitar. Which may be why our son Devon is talented in that area? I certainly am not. I stick with crafts and sewing. It is something easy to do in

  between working and family activities. Marlie played basketball which can be a time-consuming sport. The Daily practices and games on weekends do not leave much time for my crafts. So, I try to find something quick and easy to soothe my soul.

  Having the clothes in the dryer was a chore marked off my list for the day. I still had time to get my hair up and sneakers on. I sat down on my little wood bench and tied my laces.

  My eyes glanced over at the edge of the floor and spotted some dog hair. I realized that it had been a few days since I had swept. It will wait until I get back inside later.

  I have wanted to spend more and more time outside when the weather was nice.

  I recently turned 40 and I have put myself through my own midlife crisis. I tried to quit smoking on several occasions and found walking or

  exploring gets me out in the fresh air. I currently keep some hidden for rough days. I envy the mothers I see jog by in their cute leggings. They always have layered hair, while my hair looks like a rock star out of the eighties. It’s all good. I may get there, and I may not.

  “Dave, I will be back in an hour, I am heading down to the dead end to walk the trail.” I said in my hurrie
d voice, so he does not think I am going to be gone too long.

  Our modern home is in a subdivision with about 70 other homes. It is built on old farmland and it is surrounded by woods and ponds. I am happy to live in the back on the last road because it is a dead end. It helps keep the traffic down and it is nice and quiet. We opted for the ranch with one level so all the bedrooms would be on one floor. It had worked well for us until one of the kids stay up with their music or TV’s blaring through the walls.

  I headed out the front door, checked

  my flowerpots and tomato plants and hit the driveway in my new shoes and baggy sweatpants.

  It is August and fall will be coming in soon. Missouri fall is unpredictable. It can last through November on a good year without a frost. Some years, the month of September is the latest I can grow any type of plant.

  As I marched down the street, greeting others working in their yards, I regretted that I did not turn on my sprinkler. It is about 70 degrees this morning and with the heat increasing later in the day I wouldn’t be able to water until after 9pm. Oh well, no need to turn back. It will get done.

  I often take my dog with me when I walk and today was one of those days, I had left her behind. She is a wonderful dog. A large black lab named Solstice.

  As beautiful as her name is, she can be quite a handful while waking. She is not really a family dog; she favored me

  and because of that I provided her with an unlimited number of treats.

  I was watching a show about dog training that implied that I am her pack leader. I had never become aware of this until watching her actions.

  It was wonderful to me that this dog’s only job in life is to love me. How great the world would be if that was the case with all human beings as well. Never knowing any other emotion but love would be peaceful.

  I started picking up my pace with a slow run. My legs are long, and I have always walked fast. I am not in the best of shape but get where I am going. I had seen the edge of the trees getting closer.

  I found myself wishing I would have brought along my insect repellent; I have a great fear of tick bites. The pavement ended and I had made it to the start of the path. The sun was shining through the trees so flawlessly. The fresh scent and breeze were clean and so clear that I literally could not

  wait until I got home to open my windows that evening to enjoy it more. It is always so nice after the heat dies down later in the day.

  “Good morning!”, I said to a passing jogger.

  He was really rolling down the path with such experience. Almost everyone I see has headphones on so greeting them is usually just a wave.

  I tend to be overly friendly, which to me is good, to some not so good. I just want people to know that I am happy and responsive. Some would say weird.

  I love looking up in the trees. There were so many birds out. I pay attention as I have a great love for them.

  My yard is filled with birdhouses and feeders. I am waiting to lure in a new family of finch that I can watch throughout the year.

  We have Cardinals in our neighborhood, but I have not had the luck of having them nest in my area. Life

  goal. Should I put a hashtag with that statement? I laugh and realize I think like I am online making a status update.

  One remembrance I had which had always stuck with me was when I was about 10. It was the best memory. I recall I had gone with all my friends to the woods to explore and make a clubhouse. The woods were always and still were very appealing to me. I often wonder why I have not found the chance to reside in the deep forests that surround most small towns here in my state.

  I long for a new life in a log cabin someday. One filled with beautiful fireplaces and pine furniture. It would be designed with open rooms and lots of warm rugs and windows. I have a plan in my wish book. I keep it hidden in my craft box for dreaming on rainy days.

  Looking around I seen some mulched paths off of the rugged rock trail. I had not walked on most of the pathways. We have lived in this area for two years and I tried to stay on the rock paths for most


  I have no compass and I have seen too many horror films to venture off too far.

  I am going to try a short footpath though because today I am feeling adventurous.

  I am the great explorer of my forest and I am still feeling bad about leaving my dog behind. The shady path is still cool to me and I wish I had something to cover my arms.

  I stumbled through the mulch path observing the crackle of broken twigs and wildlife around me.

  It is amazing. I had watched a movie about trail walkers that were attacked by a bear. Why didn’t I buy that bear repellent I had seen at the fish bait store? Are there bears in my area? Am I too old to outrun one or climb a tree? I should have worn hiking boots. I am always hoping they come back in style for women. In high school we always

  had those light brown boots with the red laces. It was such a cool feeling to wear construction boots.

  My new shoes are proving to be comfortable and I am happy that I had chosen these. I had almost put them back after the cashier told me that my coupon had expired.

  I am standing now at the intersection of “wow you are completely lost” and “do not go this way”. Hmmm which way do I go? My brain tells me to just turn around. I have only been out here 15 minutes and if I kept walking eventually, I would stumble across a farm or something. My big adventure begins.

  I look off to the west and it looks like rain may move in later. I really do not mind a little rain. The smell is soothing and calming to me. I have nothing else to really look forward to today but this great walk so bring it on. I feel the sun leave the treetops and my shoulders as the clouds move in.

  I decide to not go either way at the end of the path and jump across the little pebble creek.

  Reminds me of the old streams where a speck of gold would glitter and catch your eye. Recreating the dream of being rich and finding the great fortune.

  My collection of rocks has been growing from all my walks. I usually bring home at least one. I often wonder why I love them so much. I spend a lot of time looking for the sparkly glimmering rocks. I also had an idea to do some rock painting for my garden and looked for some flat rocks that may serve my crafty purpose.

  I should have brought along a bag with me. I found a few stones and set them to the side. I can always pick them up next time. If they are hidden well enough behind that old log I will come back by for my treasures.

  The area seems untouched for quite some time. The trees are standing still

  without the breeze touching them. I noticed some areas around the trees where deer bed down and some broken trees. The tree limbs looked like some sort of art display. They were large and heavy. Stacked and some were bowed out. There was also a line of trees that were growing horizontally. Some of the fallen trees were formed like an X.

  Evidence of an old fire pit is still there with some old rusty cans. What a strange little area.

  Sometimes I had seen teenagers head out this way when we had first moved in and it may be a place where they used to hang out on weekend nights to party.

  There was a heavy urine smell. I walked around a large oak and noticed two of the pines had been stripped of their bark. It was strange but interesting to me.

  The pines were also pushed over into the forks of the other trees. I gave my best guess at this must be a previous

  attempt at building a secret fort or hideout by some kids.

  I may bring my dog out next time to enjoy this walk. She loves the woods. It may be a good thing that she remained home if the clouds produce thunder, she would be a bit frightened. She is the most anxious dog I had ever met. She was just a big bundle of nerves.

  Jumping, splashing and leaping. There is nobody here to witness my childish playing. I am my own person. I feel like I am the only one on earth and this is my planet. Laughing and humming a bit I continue. I am enjoying my newfound freedom. My adventure is growing by the moment.
I am half tempted to come back to this area and light a fire at night.

  Too bad it is not mushroom season. I think this would be a great spot to pick up a Morel or two. Maybe I will mark it to find this area again someday. I have nothing with me but my clothes. Searching my person, I notice that I

  have this crazy grouping of hemp bracelets on. I loved those hippie strings. I tied one to the branch.


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