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Deputy's Dilemma (Big Rock Romance Book 3)

Page 5

by Nora Nolan

  "I ought to turn you over my knee for real for scaring me like that."

  "Then maybe you should come in the water and cool off."

  He considered. He wanted to. He really wanted to. He really wanted to spank her ass, too, for scaring him like that. She'll only be around for a couple of days. The water did look inviting. Besides, it wouldn't hurt him to clean up a little bit. He hadn't bathed since he left Big Rock. He decided to leave on his drawers, but he removed everything else.

  "Afraid to get naked?" she taunted.

  He smirked. "A little. I think it's wisest if I leave them on."

  "You've seen me naked." She stood up, teasing him.

  "Woman, you're going to be the death of me."

  "Well, suit yourself. I left the soap on the rock—did you bring it in?"

  "Sure did. Here, let me wash your hair." She came to stand in front of him and slipped her head under to wet her hair again. He lathered the soap in his hands and rubbed it into her hair, taking care to get all around her hairline and ears and neck, massaging gently.

  "Aaron, that feels wonderful. Now let me wash yours." She leaned back into the water and ran her hands through her hair to rinse the soap out. He went under to wet his hair, too.

  She reached up to wash his hair, and they both laughed when they realized she couldn't reach the top of his head. "I didn't think this through very well. You're going to have to kneel down."

  He went down on one knee and she began washing. She walked all around him and massaged the soap in from all angles. He especially liked it when she was in front of him because her breasts swayed with her movements and he couldn't help but watch them. As much as they begged for his mouth, he refrained. She finished his hair and eased down to massaging the soap into his neck and shoulders. She hoped he wouldn't object. She was itching to touch those planes and valleys and contours of his muscles that she had admired earlier when he first lay down to nap. She was determined to splay her fingers across his chest hair, just as she'd imagined doing. Maybe she could trace the path downward.

  Aaron chastised himself for getting into this situation. He would need to have the strength of giants to keep from taking her right here in the water, but he had to summon the strength. It wasn't right to use her as he wanted to. He didn't want to use her; he wanted to make love to her. He wanted to make her his. But he knew he couldn't do that to her, just for her to leave. He couldn't take her maidenhead. That was something for her husband. She deserved to be able to share that with the man she would love forever. He couldn't take that from her, so he had to be strong.

  She urged him to lean back into the water, and she used her hands to help remove the suds. She made her way back in front of him and continued to soap down his chest. She lathered him up and slowly ran her fingers through the hair, over his nipples, and along his sides up and into his armpits. When he was all soaped up above, she started to trace that dark line of hair downward, but he stilled her hand when it ventured below his navel.

  "Darlin', that's about all I can take and still act like any kind of a gentleman. Let me rinse off while you finish washing. I'll get out and go get you a fresh shirt of mine to wear." He allowed himself a grin.

  SHE WAS DISAPPOINTED, but she couldn't let it show. She figured she was already acting like a Jezebel. So much for learning to be a damn lady. It felt so good to be so close to him, to be touching him. She couldn't help it—she wanted more. Why can't we just kiss? Just kiss and nothing else. That shouldn't be a problem. Maybe I'll be brave later and ask him if he'll kiss me. Maybe kiss me a lot if I like it. I'm sure I'm going to like it.

  While he was still headed inside, she got out and grabbed both of their dirty shirts and took them back into the stream to wash them with the remaining soap. When she finished and she and the shirts were all rinsed, she got out and sat on the rock to dry off most of the water and wait for Aaron to bring his shirt.

  After a few minutes, he came back down, bringing the shirt with him. He had changed into dry drawers and fresh britches, but no shirt.

  "Ah, thank you," Evie said.

  "Evie, I have to ask. Did you run around naked a lot at home?"

  "No. Why would you ask that?"

  "Because you seem so comfortable with no clothes on. I've never met a woman like you."

  She looked down, ashamed again. Here she was, just proving she was no lady. "I'm sorry. I'll put on my clothes."

  She started to get up from the rock, but he took her arm. "No, I'm not saying that's bad. It's just not something I'm used to seeing. Believe me, you're beautiful and I, uh, I very much enjoy your company like this."

  She accepted that he wasn't criticizing her. "No, I was fairly modest at home. My brothers sometimes had friends over. I'm not sure why it seems all right with you, but it does." She laughed. "Maybe it's because I was naked when we met."

  She saw his face soften and his eye twinkle. "If I live to be one hundred, that will definitely be my favorite memory. This time I've spent with you, it's been the best time I remember having. Evie, we need to talk." He looked at her earnestly. "But first, please put on the shirt. I can't be distracted while I say this."

  A shadow crossed her face because that sounded ominous. He's about to tell me to leave.

  "There's so much about you I don't know, and I want to know everything about you. I can't tell if you're running from something or running to something. Even though I know you can take care of yourself, I find myself wanting to take care of you. Not because you can't, mind you," he said, smiling, "but just because I want to. It's an instinct or something. I can't explain it. When I woke up and had my arm around you, if felt so right."

  Her heart began fluttering. These are the words I wanted to hear!

  "I want to take you back to Big Rock with me, if you'll come. I know you want to find your aunt in Laramie or Cheyenne, and I can help you. It'll be easier than living out in the wild while you make your way. And it'll be hard getting through the Medicine Bow Mountains to get to Laramie. You'll probably have to take a northern route and follow the railroad. I can't stand the thought of you out there. I know you can take care of yourself as far as food and shelter goes, but what if you're attacked? That's a whole different situation, and even strong men get themselves killed. I'm not trying to diminish your capability. I'd go with you, but I can't right now, I don't think. I'd have to work it out with the sheriff. Please come back with me. We can take our time and come up with a plan for you. But don't leave me right now. Please."

  Evie took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to say. After that sweet speech, it seemed inadequate to just say yes.

  "I'll consider it on one condition."

  "What's that?"

  "Kiss me."

  "That's it? That's your condition?"

  "What if I don't like kissing you?"

  He cocked his head and looked at her. "Have you ever been kissed?"

  "Not by choice."

  His eyes darkened. "What? Did someone force you?"

  Evie realized she couldn't keep her family story from him much longer. "I guess I owe you an explanation. You need to know about my family. Sit down and get comfortable." She smiled ruefully. "My dad's mostly been in prison since I was a kid. He was never around for long at a time before he was trying to rob another bank or another stagecoach. My brothers raised me after Ma died, if you want to call it that. They taught me to hunt and fish and trap, taught me to shoot. I can do everything I need to for survival. I never learned any more ladylike things after Ma died. You asked me why they sometimes went away for days at a time, and it was because they were out robbing and stealing. I suspect they killed people, but I don't know for sure. They never told me, but I overheard a few things I wasn't supposed to. It seemed like, at any time, one or more of the men in my family might be in jail. I got used to it. They had their friends. More like a gang of criminals. When I got older, there were a couple of them my brothers tried to give me to. The first one tried to take me behind the barn a
nd, well, you can guess what he tried to do. I ended up pulling my knife, and now he's got a scar on his face from temple to chin."

  "Your brothers tried to give you to this man? What exactly do you mean by that?"

  "I think they owed him money. Or they owed him for a job that didn't pan out. They were going to give him my virginity as payment. But after I cut him, he hauled ass out of there, and I never saw him again. That was a couple of years ago. Recently, it was a man named John Walters. He's a slimy, wretched man. A horse thief, and I think maybe a murderer. It's the same kind of situation, but he didn't want a one-time thing. He planned to take me so no other man would be interested then marry me. I was able to fight him off, but he liked it when I struggled. He liked hitting me. I got back to the house, and he left me alone. He told me he'd have me soon enough, the next time he saw me. I left the morning after they took off. I've been on the road long enough for the bruises to go away." She smiled, holding out her arms. "I noticed that right before you came in the cabin and found me."

  AARON REALIZED he'd been holding his breath and tightening his fists so hard, his hands would have bled with any more pressure. He pulled her into his arms.

  "Darlin', if I'd known that, we'd have put more distance between you and them before now. I've dealt with those kinds of men before. They'll be tracking you, at least Walters will. Your brothers may or may not be with him, but he's expecting to take you to wife. Let's pack up everything tonight and leave before first light in the morning. Why didn't you tell me about them sooner?"

  "I saw your badge in the saddle bag last night. I was afraid if I told you my family was wanted, you'd want to go after them, and then Walters might be able to find me. Besides, I knew you came here to spend a few days."

  "Evie, you're far more important to me than they are. When I'm satisfied you're safe, then I might think about getting them." He saw the panic flash across her face. "Or I might leave it up to other authorities. The one thing I can guarantee is that Walters will never lay a hand on you again."

  Evie was moved almost to tears at his declaration to protect her, and she was barely able to whisper her thanks.

  They went back inside the cabin, and Evie prepared a big supper so they'd have leftovers to take when they started out the next morning. Before it got dark, Aaron went outside to make sure the traps were dismantled. He brought them back in and left them on the end of the table, in case another traveler came along and needed them. They made sure everything was cleaned and orderly and ready to close up, then they finally went to sleep. They both slept on the cot again.


  A aron awoke long before dawn and began packing the horse. Big Boy wouldn't be able to carry both of them and all their supplies all the time without getting unduly burdened, so they carried only enough food for two days, since that's about how long it would take to get back to Big Rock. They could always shoot squirrels or rabbits if something should happen and they ended up traveling longer than expected.

  They didn't even bother with a fire for cooking. Instead, they ate the fried food that was left over from the previous night. They filled their canteens and made sure the stove had no live embers remaining. When Aaron determined everything was safe and as welcoming for the next person one last time, he lifted Evie onto the horse and climbed on behind her in the saddle. He wanted to put distance between them and the cabin in case her brothers or Walters were on their trail. The further away from the cabin they got, the better Aaron could elude them.

  While Big Boy was still fresh, he encouraged him into a slow trot; it was as quick a pace as he dared in the near darkness. It was good enough for now. When they were a couple of miles north of the cabin, he slowed a bit. "I think that's a good distance for now. We'll stay in this tree line so we'll be harder to spot. In another hour or so, there's a stream where we can let Big Boy rest. Unless you need to stop sooner?"

  She turned her head to speak over her shoulder. "No, I'm fine. It's so peaceful out here before dawn, I'm enjoying the ride."

  He smiled at that, oddly glad that she was finding it an enjoyable ride. Even though it was nature's setting and the first streaks of dawn beginning to break that she probably found pleasant, he felt a little responsible for being able to show it to her.

  "I know what you mean. I love to be outside and watch the woods wake up." He was glad she was sitting in front of him, glad one arm was around her, holding the reins, and the other arm was around her waist—and glad she was leaning back into him, her softness swaying with the horse's movements.

  "Aaron, tell me about Big Rock. What should I expect?"

  "It's a nice little town. We've got some mighty good people. There's a general store, Mary's restaurant. You'll love Mary. Everybody does, and the food's delicious. Of course, there's the jail. My house is behind it. It's actually the house the town provides for the sheriff, but Jim has his own house that his parents built on the edge of town, so I live in the one behind the jail. We have a bank, a telegraph office and newspaper, a dressmaker, a blacksmith, a couple of saloons, a church that's also a schoolhouse, a barber who's also the undertaker, and a few more businesses, I guess. It's a growing little town. There are some horse and cattle ranches around it. We'll stop at one of them on the way into town."

  "Oh, really? Why would we do that?"

  "It's still a small town, and there are gossips. I need to look out for that because of my job. I think they'll accept our situation better if you come in wearing a dress instead of britches. None of the women in town wear them, unless they're out helping their men on the ranch, then they change back into a dress as soon as they can. Molly McBride is about your size, and she'll be happy to lend you a dress, I'm sure, and fix up your hair."

  Evie was getting increasingly agitated as he spoke. "So, you're saying you're ashamed of me looking like this?"

  "No, not at all. I like the way you look. But the people in town won't know what to think."

  "Well, I don't care what they think! I'm not wearing another woman's clothes just so they won't turn up their noses at me. They can just jolly well get over it."

  Now Aaron was getting agitated. "Evie, I told you about this before. They can fire me if my reputation has any stains."

  She snapped. "Oh, so now I'm a stain on your reputation?"

  "Evie, be careful. You know what I mean. I can't afford to lose my job. I'm asking you to try to understand that. None of this is meant to insult you. I want them to see you as I do, and it'll help if you aren't dressed as a man. Please don't make a big thing of this or make it a point of contention. All we need is to make the best possible first impression, and I'm sure things will go smoothly then. Besides, if you do take a job to earn money to go to Laramie, you'll need to wear dresses. You understand that, don't you?"

  SHE DID, but she was too proud to give in. "No, I don't understand. Why wouldn't I be just as good for them in britches as I would be in a dress? It would be that same me, you know."

  "I know that, but they might not. It isn't what they're accustomed to. Now get used to it. We're stopping at the McBrides' and you will wear one of Molly's dresses. I don't have any doubt that they'll want to help us."

  "No, I won't! That'll be embarrassing, meeting someone for the first time just to ask to borrow something! It'll be like I can't take care of myself. I won't do it, Aaron. No."

  "Yes, you will," he said wearily. He pulled up on the reins to stop Big Boy. He was off the horse in no time and reached up to pull her off. He didn't set her down; instead, he threw her over his shoulder and looked around to find a stump or fallen tree. When he found a suitable one, he turned her around while still holding her until her back was against his chest. He held her up and to him below her breasts with his left arm while his right undid the buttons on her britches. When she realized what he was doing, she started kicking and fighting and pulling on his hands.

  "Don't fight me; you'll just make it worse."

  "You can't do this to me! You can't make me wear someone
else's clothes!"

  "Yes, ma'am, I believe I can. Let me show you how I'm going to do that." He pulled down her britches to her knees before sitting down on the log and settling her across his lap. She was wearing her long johns under her clothes, and he unbuttoned the drop seat to bare her.

  "Stop that! You can't do this!"

  "I've seen it before, Evie. And I've done it before."

  "No, that was just a game. This time, you're serious!"

  "Yes, ma'am, I'm dead serious. You need to learn you have to mind me. It might not be pleasant all the time, but I'm only going to do what's best for you. I know this town, I know the people and I know what the gossip is going to be like. I'm trying to protect both of us."

  He began raining down hard blows all across her exposed bottom. The opening of her drop seat didn't allow access to her bare thighs, so he concentrated the swats on her round cheeks.

  She was determined not to shout or cry or beg him to stop, but that was becoming difficult. She lost count of the strokes, and each one burned a new fire on top of the previous ones. Tears welled up in her eyes and she fought with everything she had in her not to allow them to fall. She willed herself not to beg him to stop, but soon, she was unable to keep from grunting or hissing, and eventually, the cries had to escape.

  "No, please stop! I can't take any more!"

  Aaron peppered her backside a few times more. "I think you can."

  She reached back to try to cover herself, and he took her hands into his left hand and held them at her waist. Her tears were falling in earnest now.

  "No, please, I'll mind you. I'll borrow the clothes."

  He wasn't ready to stop. He was well aware that promises were made in these situations that weren't kept. Instead of stopping, he applied more force and really laid on the wallops. Her cries and promises intensified then died down until they stopped and she was limp and sobbing. Only then did he stop.

  "Evie, you're going to have to mind me. Period. I don't mind if you ask me to explain. I wouldn't ask you to do something you don't want to without a reason. But don't ever tell me you won't do something I ask. Do you understand that?"


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