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Spice Box: Sixteen Steamy Stories

Page 153

by Raine Miller

  Long, thick fingers. Just like Jim’s.

  Would Loverboy’s fingers elicit the same exciting sensations as Jim’s? She didn’t think so. Jim McBride was the man for her. She knew it deep in her heart, even with the way things stood between them.

  Sky swallowed and pressed her cool glass of tequila against her hot forehead. Damn that Jim McBride for pushing her! Ever since he’d finger fucked her, she hadn’t been able to think of anything else but sex. Sex. Sex. Sex.

  Yeah, sure, she masturbated, but Jim’s pleasure had been different. It had been deeper and more soulful and with more meaning. It was as if he’d unleashed her carnal side. Ripped away her confidence and made her addicted to…well, sex.

  A friend of hers had once told her, “The minute you get properly fucked by a man, you’re hooked. Addicted to the high of sex.”

  Ain’t that the truth.

  Over the past week, she’d fantasized way too much about Jim. She dreamed of how it would be for him to make love to her. Having him plunging his hard dick into her vagina or into her eager mouth, or maybe her ass? She closed her eyes and tried to keep the dark fantasies from crowding into her brain. She needed to concentrate on her job and ignore the lust screaming through her system.

  Sky rolled her cool glass over her hot cheek, opened her eyes and watched Loverboy.

  He appeared different from his photo and from the several other nights she’d followed him since arriving here on Saturno. Tonight, he seemed bigger. More powerful. Damn sexy.

  Muscles bulged in his strong arms as he hoisted his mug to his lips. Full lips. Kissable lips.

  Down girl.

  The next time she saw Jim she’d give him a piece of her mind for introducing her to sex. Up until his impromptu performance, she’d been quite content masturbating on her own and now she had doubts that she could truly handle Loverboy. Earlier, she’d cyber-texted Sex Squad Headquarters to tell the Chief she was making her move on Loverboy tonight and she wanted to know who the male backup would be. He’d reassured her the backup was already in place and she would know him when she saw him.

  Her thoughts returned to Jim. Too bad she hadn’t seen him since after that episode. She would have loved to flaunt her new style in his face and make him jealous, but she’d been busy getting ready for the assignment. Her last day on Earth had included a complete transformation, which included new clothes and a cut, style and hair color. She’d gone from butt-length mousy brown hair to a stunning mid-back black hair.

  For tonight, she’d picked a tight black leather skirt that showed off her wide hips along with a matching pair of pumps, a plain white very see through blouse and a black string bow tie. She’d opted for no bra and no underwear. The latter two were the things she was self-conscious about. The thought of possibly showing Loverboy her pussy in order to get him interested and the fact that her blouse left little to anyone’s imagination had her nervous. In the way the male customers eyes had stalked her tonight when she’d entered the bar, she knew she’d done something right.

  During her research phase, she’d staked out Loverboy and quickly discovered he was a creature of routine. Every night he visited the same ten bars. He acted like a regular customer and ordered a beer. He chatted pleasantly with a bartender. Ten minutes later, he’d leave. Without drinking his beer.

  She’d checked the financial situations of all ten bars and a pattern had emerged. All the bars were owned by the prospective bartenders. All the businesses were in financial trouble.

  The way Sky figured it; Loverboy targeted these bars because of their financial distress. The owners kept their eyes open for potential victims and Loverboy paid them generously for their information.

  Tonight, she’d picked bar number seven in the string to make her move. It was the smallest business with the largest debt. She’d already given the bartender her sob story over a couple of potent tequilas. Now she waited anxiously for the barkeep to hopefully mention her to Loverboy. It didn’t take long.

  Unexpectedly Loverboy turned his head and they made eye contact. His look was intense and intoxicating. Her pulse skittered and she forgot to breathe. His gaze slid from her face to skim along the length of her neck, over her chest. She swore she could feel his eyes softly caress her breasts. Her nipples peaked. Hardened. They ached to be touched.


  Jim had been right. There was something about this man or maybe the bartender had slipped something into her drink to make her more aware of him. Nonetheless, she needed to be very careful.

  Suddenly he lifted his beer mug and toasted her. He followed up the toast with a couple of long sips. Okay, this was different. Something was up. She tensed as he placed the mug back onto the bar, nodded to the bartender and then slid off his stool. A moment later and he was heading straight for her!

  “You’re a beautiful woman obviously in need of a man,” he whispered into her ear as he sat down on the barstool beside her.

  His breath smelled delicately of beer and it mixed with his own unique scent that went straight to her head like a shot of whiskey. A tinge of dizziness swept through her and she held tight to the edge of the bar.

  Easy girl. You’re here for a reason.

  Sky swallowed. Hard. She looked up at him under her lashes and smiled seductively.

  “What makes you think I’m in need of a man?”

  “The way your nipples are practically popping out of your blouse. Aching to be caressed. Suckled. Worshipped.

  Mercy! He had a way with words.

  He continued, his breath a whisper, “Your eyes are shining brightly with a hunger for sex. I’m sure if I touched your vagina, you’d be wet for me.”

  “And if I reached over…” Sky swallowed back her fear and forced herself to keep her eyes on his sexy mouth as she boldly cupped his giant bulge pressing against his pants.

  The man was huge! Almost as big as Jim. She squeezed his hard erection and Loverboy’s lips twitched slightly.

  Amazing. A tough man like himself, aroused by her touch.

  Feminine power surged through Sky and it gave her back some of that confidence she’d lost to Jim when he’d finger fucked her last week.

  Sky’s smile grew.

  “Your place or mine?” she asked as she released her grip from the intoxicating bulge.

  Loverboy returned her smile.

  Gosh, he looked cuddly when he smiled like that, but she noticed his smile didn’t reach his cool blue eyes.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t do virgins,” he suddenly said.

  Sky blinked in surprise. Was he testing her? Suddenly she could feel the Loverboy case begin to slip through her fingers.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’ve offended you.”

  “No. No. I’m the one who’s sorry. I came on too strong. I’ve never done this sort of thing before. Temporary insanity. A momentary lapse of judgment.”

  Heck, she’d never expected he would turn her down. She fingered the condensation on her tequila glass and wondered what she should do next.

  “That’s quite understandable,” he replied. “You want to get back at your ex-fiancé. Show him you’ve decided you’d rather get fucked by someone else because he couldn’t wait for you.”

  He was using the information she’d given to the bartender. She smiled as sweetly as she could under the circumstances.

  “That’s very perceptive,”

  “Actually, the bartender mentioned you had some trouble with your boyfriend. It’s very admirable you wanted to remain a virgin until your wedding. He should have been very proud to wait for you and to be given the privilege to experience where no other man has gone before.”

  Despite trying to appear sophisticated, she couldn’t stop the hot flush flooding her face. When she’d sobbed her story to the bartender about getting dumped because she wanted to wait until she was married, she hadn’t been the least bit embarrassed. What she’d told him was part of her strategy in getting noticed by Loverboy. S
he’d stuck to the truth as much as possible, lessening her chances of saying the wrong thing and tipping off Loverboy she was a Sex Squad cop.

  “Ah. A virgin blush. The most beautiful thing for a man to see.”

  “I intend on rectifying that problem soon.” Sky stated.

  “So the bartender told me.”

  “And since you don’t “do” virgins…” Sky studied the smoky room. “I’m sure there will be another candidate along soon enough.”

  “I think maybe I can help you…in some other way.”

  She narrowed her eyes and tried to appear curious.


  “The bartender mentioned you got laid off last week. I may be able to find you employment.”

  She faked excitement. “Are you serious? I am so desperate for work. I’m weeks behind on my rent and my land lady says I have until tomorrow night to pay up in full or I am out on the streets. And you know as well as I do that Saturna is not a place to be homeless.”

  “I run a school in the area.”

  Bingo. Sky ran a finger leisurely along the edge of her glass and tried hard not to show her excitement.

  “What kind of school?”

  “How to “please” men and women.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I plan on training sex slaves for Saturna. I’m searching for recruits. Are you interested?”

  Her heart picked up speed. “I’ve heard they make great pay.”

  “They do.”

  “I might be interested.”

  “What’s your name, hon?”

  “Sky. Sky Blue.” It was the cover name the department had come up with for her.

  “How about you come to my farm and meet the class? You can participate in some lessons and if you don’t like it, you’re free to leave”.

  “How do I know you’re not just going to take me out somewhere, fuck me, kill me and get rid of my body?”

  Loverboy grinned and shook his head slowly.

  “That would be bad for my business. Everyone here sees me talking to you and if you leave with me, they’ll see that too. If you go missing, there are plenty of witnesses that saw us together. The last thing I need is to have the cops asking a lot of questions and scaring off potential clients, right?”

  Sky nodded. “I suppose.”

  “So, do want to try out the school?”

  “On one condition.”


  “You buy me one more Tequila for the road.”

  Heaven knew she was going to need it.


  Although Sky felt flushed, she didn’t think it had as much to do with the drinks she’d had as it did with this virile man sitting on the truck bench seat beside her. There was something about his scent that made her heart gallop at full speed with both excitement and fear.

  Her ploy had worked. She’d been invited to Loverboy’s farmhouse. But what if he decided he did “do” virgins and wanted her?

  Although she knew self-defense, she didn’t know if she could fight this big guy off her if he decided he did want her.

  “Where are you from, Sky?”

  “New Hampshire, Earth,” she lied.

  He frowned. “That’s not far from where I grew up. Just across the state line, actually.” He became quiet for several moments before speaking again. “How long have you been here? What kind of work were you doing here? I gather from our conversation you don’t work in the pleasure business as that’s what this planet is all about.”

  Perfectly normal questions. So why were beads of perspiration popping out on her brow?

  “I worked for my fiancé. He ran several pleasure houses, but he sold them and returned to Earth just last week. I worked as a receptionist at one of his houses, hence why I am out of work now.” She’d supplied the information as part of her cover. If he checked it out, everything would seem legit.

  “Any family?” he asked.

  “Mom was it.” She’d agreed to stick to the truth regarding family life. Less to memorize. “Mom died a few years ago. Way too old for her age. Worked herself to death juggling three jobs so she could bring me up with the things she never had.”

  “And your father?”

  Sky forced herself to keep her anger in check at that question.

  “Never knew him. He took off when he got mom pregnant. He joined the army and she never heard from him again.”

  “I see.”

  Sky inhaled a quiet sob as she remembered her childhood. Her mom had dragged her all over the States, working here and there. Doing a little prostituting when funds were low. She’d even read tarot cards to raise money for food.

  “I suppose that’s why you’ve hung onto your virginity so long. Can’t trust a man.”

  “Can’t trust condoms or The Pill or The One Year Injection. They aren’t one hundred percent reliable.”

  “Well, there always is that chance that one of those little buggers won’t wiggle through and you’ll end up like your mom, right?”

  Sky nodded. He hit the nail on the head with that one. It was why she wanted to wait until she was married. She’d confessed to Jim all about it, but he’d just gotten pissed off claiming he wasn’t like her father.

  “Yet you want to lose your virginity to a stranger?”

  Although she felt quite jittery and a bit embarrassed at his prying questions, Sky tilted her chin upward in a brave show of defiance. Oh, the things a Sex Squad Cop had to do to take down her man.

  “That’s right. I aim to get fucked. Good and hard.”

  Oh God! She couldn’t believe she’d just said that.

  “You’re not afraid to get pregnant anymore?” he prodded.

  Sky shrugged. “If it happens, it happens. It’s time to get on with my life. I want to experience being a woman.”

  “Why not ask your ex-fiancé to do the honors? I mean he’s been waiting for so long. I’m sure he’d be more than willing.”

  “He’s long gone. Out of the picture. Besides, I don’t want to return to Earth. Saturno is my home now. Besides, I don’t have the money for the flight back.” She wished her backup man was tailing them and keeping an eye on her. She couldn’t help but to glance at the side view mirror. No lights beckoned to her.

  “I’m sure we can find the right man to do the job, for you. We want your first time to be…memorable.”

  He glanced over at her and winked.

  Sky’s breath caught. What did he mean by that remark? Had he changed his mind? Was he insinuating he was going to do the job? What if he offered? What if she accepted? Sky shook her head.

  No! She couldn’t accept an offer from Loverboy, that is if he made one. She needed to stick to her principles. Besides, she still wanted Jim. But she couldn’t help remembering what her cover might require. That, if necessary, she actually become a sex slave in order to infiltrate Loverboy’s organization and to find the missing woman.

  Sky drew her gaze to Loverboy’s long fingers curled around the steering wheel. Wetness pooled in her underwear as she remembered Jim’s fingers thrusting into her pussy.

  To her surprise, Loverboy lifted his arm and curled it around her shoulders drawing her against him. The urge to pull away was great, but she didn’t. The gesture to escape his embrace would only tip him off. Best to stay right here and pretend she was truly interested in him.

  Up ahead, in the darkness, a farmhouse appeared. The porch light shone across the yard giving Sky a good glimpse of the building. White paint curled off the walls in long strips, revealing an ugly dark gray beneath. Some shutters were missing, others were crooked. What once must have been a garden lining the front porch was now overgrown with weeds. Although the house appeared neglected, Sky saw the potential.

  A few slaps of white paint, some rosy pink on the shutters, pretty wildflowers in the garden and the place would be friendly. A buttery glow splashed from most of the windows and as Loverboy drove the pickup truck into the yard, Sky spied a shadowy figure watching from a second flo
or window. It quickly vanished.

  Two brunettes lounged on a couple of porch wicker chairs and when they spotted the truck, they raced down the stairs toward them. The women were young and very pretty and a niggle of low self-esteem slipped over Sky. They were gorgeous compared to her. They were thin with seductive curves and well toned. Model material. Slave material.

  They wore very short shorts and halter tops that left nothing to her imagination. With those gorgeous creatures around him, no wonder Loverboy had refused to fuck her. The smile of appreciation on his face proved Sky’s point. She was surprised when annoyance skittered through her the instant the two women latched onto him as he stepped out of the truck. They wasted no time running their palms over his biceps and shoulders and by the smile on his face, Loverboy was enjoying their attention.

  How cozy. They are just like clinging vines.

  Her cop brain shifted into gear. Who were these two young women? They were barely out of their teens and willing to become sex slaves. Why were they so happy to see him? And why couldn’t they seem to keep their hands off him?

  “We’re glad you’re back.” The pretty brunette with a heart shaped face said.

  “Hi Carmella. Hi Loren. You gals been practicing your lessons while I was away?”

  “We have.” The brunette said. “Loren was showing the new guy some of what she’s learned so far with her tongue.” Sky didn’t miss the enthusiasm in both their eyes or the reddish glow to their cheeks as they spoke of the newcomer. He had to be her backup from Sex Squad Headquarters and this Carmella chick looked exactly like her photo in the Loverboy file. She had sparkling green eyes and a mole above her upper right lip.

  “Did you bring the presents?” Carmella asked.

  “In the back of the truck.”

  The two women squealed and giggled as Loverboy led them to the back and lifted a large paper bag over the tailgate.

  From the bag, he withdrew two long white boxes.

  Long stemmed roses? Maybe. But she wouldn’t bet on it.

  Sky climbed out of the truck and joined the happy trio and Carmella acknowledged Sky by giving her a quick visual once over. Without saying hello, she returned her attention to Loverboy.


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