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Spice Box: Sixteen Steamy Stories

Page 205

by Raine Miller

  I thought about smashing my Cabernet Sauvignon over his head to make my escape, but I still had a few swigs left. I didn’t want to waste that last bit, might need it to make it through the rest of the night. Besides, he didn’t really feel threatening. I felt like I could trust him, my captor. How stupid is that?

  He seemed so civilized, cool and collected. I’m sure he only smacked me as a way to get control of the situation. And the fact I kneed him in the nuts probably had something to do with it. I needed to watch out for that psycho Lia. Not this man.

  He didn’t react to my bait, so I tried another tactic. “What are you gonna do with me?” I shifted my legs, allowing my bathrobe to part just enough to flash a little bit of shaved pussy. He smiled at the blatant invitation.

  “Does everything with you revolve around sex?”

  I opened my legs wider and pulled back the hem of my robe. He had an unobstructed view of me from the belly down.

  “I imagine that’s what most men think about in your presence, you’re an extremely sensual person. I suspect it’s your dominant trait.”

  “Sex is my life. It has been since I was fourteen. I’m very good at it. Wouldn’t you like to find out?” I smiled as my hand creeped down my belly to stop between my legs, touching myself as he watched.

  “I bet you are. Esperanza … you’ve had it rough. I don’t mean tonight, I mean in general. For that reason I truly regret what I must do. But I see no other acceptable alternative.” Then he struck hard and fast, right in the neck. It wasn’t one of those friendly little nips. He chomped on my neck, and it hurt. He latched onto me with his iron grip and sunk his teeth in so deep I thought for sure he’d take a chunk out of me.

  Then it hit, a wonderful joyous euphoria. It started between my legs and worked its way all throughout my body. He had me clawing at his back moaning and groaning with it. Starbursts and fireworks, a roaring rush like no other. A full-bodied orgasm, convulsions and all.

  I found myself wrapped around him humping on his thigh, making this guttural grunting noise. I was so damn wet. He made me squirt. My thighs were soaking wet from the world’s most awesome orgasm ever. I’m pretty sure I called out his name a few times along with God, as if the two were interchangeable. For those minutes he held onto me sucking the life out of my neck, he might as well have been God for all I knew. Yes, it really was that good.

  When it finally ended I was spread eagled on his thigh, my legs wrapped tightly around him. My hips kept humping, involuntarily, rubbing my soaking wet crotch all over his leg. I just couldn’t stop coming, my body did its own thing. I was sore. Who needs a cardio workout when you can burn hundreds of calories with the world’s best orgasm?

  My arms hurt from holding onto him so tightly, my jaw ached from earlier, and my pussy was raw from grinding on him with every ounce of strength I had. He’d burned me out in just minutes. I felt totally limp. I tried to stand up, but my legs wouldn’t hold my weight. I collapsed. Enrique caught me up in his arms before my head hit the floor. Creepy fast and strong as an ox.

  “Whoa there, you need to take it easy. You’re anemic. Between Lia and I, we’ve taken a little too much in one night. We’ll have to get you a blood transfusion.” He laid me down on the bed and brought back a glass of water. He tucked me in as if he really cared. I felt so dizzy, drowsy, nauseous. As I dozed off asleep I heard him speaking into the intercom on the wall.

  “Bring me two pints of AB positive and an IV tier setup.”



  He woke me up with the prick of the IV needle.

  “You really are a vampire.” My own voice sounded strange, groggy, slurred. I drifted off back to sleep as he kissed me on the forehead. That was nice.

  I awoke sometime later in the night. Enrique sat next to me on the bed. The IV tier had disappeared. I felt so thirsty, a horrendous puky taste. My tongue had morphed into a piece of deadwood stuck to the sides of my mouth.

  “Can I have a drink of water?” I croaked.

  The glass of water materialized in his hand out of nowhere, must’ve been on standby. I downed it all. He brought a refill.

  “Thanks.” I regained my voice at least.

  “You’re welcome. How are you feeling?”

  “Fine.” I felt pretty good all things considered. And having a handsome smiling man at my bedside didn’t hurt.

  The fact he sat there staring at me started to sink in. Men sit at my bedside for one reason only. “Okay then.”

  He kept staring at me, boring into my soul with those damn freaky intense eyes.

  “Okay. I guess this is what you want.”

  I untied my terry cloth robe and let it fall to the bed as I sat up. Though tired, sore, and not really in the mood, I was still alive and well. I owed him a thank you. Men are simple, they appreciate the simple gestures. Apart from all that, he looked quite yummy in his expensive suit. If he tasted half as good as he looked, I might even enjoy it.

  “Esperanza, you don’t have to do this. It’s not necessary. I appreciate the offer, I’m flattered. I feel guilty enough as it is without taking further advantage of you.”

  “It’s my body. I give it freely in gratitude for my life.” I kinda liked him. He seemed so dashing and debonair. Cultured. He had that old world Spaniard nobility thing, a Latino James Bond.

  I crawled onto his lap, reaching to undo his pants. I looked him in the eyes as I wrapped my hand around his cock. “Hope. My name is Hope.”

  I swallowed him whole. I took every last inch I could. He’d been mostly ready when I tasted him, but he grew even larger, rock hard in my mouth. I sucked harder, deep throat, and then back up to encircle the head with my lips and tongue. They usually go nuts over that, and he was no exception.

  “You … know … what … you’re doing!”

  Mouth filled with him, I mumbled, “Mmhmm.” Then I showed him just how much I knew.

  The guy had a cock on him, at least eight-to-nine inches or more. Unable to read his mind, I was forced to figure out what he liked by trial and error. I worked at making him groan, gasp, sigh. I had more than enough experience to read a man’s reactions. He fisted his hand in my hair and pulled me down to take him all in. I took every last inch, till I kissed his balls.

  “Aye que rico!” He cried out.

  I thought for sure he would try to make me swallow it. I hate swallowing. But he turned the tables on me. In the blink of an eye he pulled me up and flipped me over face down on the bed. Then he shoved his entire cock in me with all his weight and power.

  “Oh god you’re fucking huge.” And he was.

  He attacked me with a fervor I have rarely ever seen in a man. He buried that thing in so far I thought it would come out my mouth head first. “Oh shit! Oh shit.”

  He didn’t fuck me, he assaulted me, the bed springs screamed as I grunted, face totally buried by all that power and weight. The man fucked me harder than I have ever had it. I don’t know what I’d done to him to deserve a grudge-fuck like this, but it was intense.

  Then it hit me. He didn’t have a condom. That’s the golden rule, the inviolable rule. I had no chance to think about it. He slammed that thing up into me, scooting me across the bed face first. I had to push off the headboard or have my face jammed in it from all that strength behind his thrusts.

  “Aye querida, you steal my control.”

  In spite of the pain it was awesome. He pounded my cervix to a sopping wet sponge and I loved every last second of it.

  “Shit, I won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

  The man was made of steel cables and he rammed that steel inside me till I screamed his name, again. I never said anybody’s name, not even Faustino, not even when I knew he wanted me to. Enrique had me screaming out his name as I held onto the headboard, barely able to maintain my grip.

  “That’s it! Say it again!” He shoved that monster cock in faster and harder as I hit my peak yelling like a madwoman.

  What began as an attempt
at providing him some satisfaction ended with me writhing and screaming beneath him. He hit my buttons with long, hard, deep, strokes.

  “Oh Hope you shouldn’t have done this.”

  With that he laid his weight into me, squashing me down into the mattress and bit down on the back of my neck. As soon as I felt the sting of his sharp little teeth, an explosion of orgasmic wonder hit me. It was like nothing else. Love, joy, heaven, nirvana. He only bit down for a few seconds, but long enough to make me very, very happy.

  And then I felt his whole body clench up with it.

  “Don’t do it!”

  I swear he buried that cock all the way up into my ribcage and emptied himself inside me.


  He pumped it up in a couple more times as he unloaded, his steel fingers pulling my ass up tight against his groin, painfully tight. I couldn’t have escaped that grip if I wanted to.

  I haven’t had bareback sex since I was fourteen. It felt … strange. Felt like I’d been claimed, permanently. Like he had made me his, and therefore he could come inside me as much as he wanted to. Like we were married or something.

  “Aye Esperanza, see what you make me do.” He pushed it in a little farther as he convulsed in release.

  “Oh god you’re so huge.”

  I felt like I could hardly breathe with all that cock inside me. Probably just his weight smashing me into the mattress. We would definitely have to change the sheets. I was a wet mess, and he kept pumping, shooting it up in there as far as he could get it.

  I’m gonna get pregnant. Stupid asshole just knocked me up. “You fucker! I hope you want a kid, because you probably just gave me one.”

  He slid out slowly, all that wetness going everywhere. I didn’t want to move, didn’t think I could. But I wanted him to put that thing right back where it was and sink those teeth back into my shoulder.

  “Well don’t stop now. You already did it. Might as well do it again.” I mumbled, happily exhausted, face still down in the mattress.

  “We must be more careful, querida.”

  “Too late for that.”

  “You mistake me. I cannot impregnate you, Esperanza, not even if I wanted to.”

  “That’s what they all say.”

  “I can imagine they make many excuses. It’s a base instinct, to mate, to make children. I cannot. It’s the truth. I will never have children.”

  “If you say so.”

  “You’ll see in time. But you must not test my control like this. It’s far too easy to hurt you. Are you hurt?” He stroked my back soothingly. Those powerful hands could be gentle too.

  “I’m not getting up anytime soon, but I’ll survive.” I spoke with my head turned sideways, too lazy to wipe the slobber from the side of my mouth.

  “Yes, I think you’re okay. Don’t do that again. I almost couldn’t stop myself.”

  “You already did it inside me, why stop now? I can handle another round. Remember, I’m the Energizer Bunny, takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin’.” I still hadn’t moved, yet. I don’t think he believed my bravado.

  “Let us rest for now.”

  “Okay … sounds like a good idea.” I could barely keep my eyes open as he finished undressing and climbed into bed to wrap all that steel around my happily abused body. He owned me now. Might as well get a decent cuddle out of the deal. As I passed into blissfully sated sleep, tightly held in Enrique’s embrace, he whispered something strange in my ear.

  “I’m sorry I had to do this. But there was no other way.”

  His words didn’t mean much to me at the time. I felt safe and protected in his strong arms. Satisfied, content, I snuggled in closer and went out like a light. What an idiot.

  I awoke in the afternoon alone in bed. I could still smell him on the sheets. Like the fool I am, I thought he’d be there. Wake up sex can be awesome, but I rarely if ever have someone there when I wake up. And it usually isn’t someone I really want there.

  A dining cart awaited me with pizza, bottled water, a couple cans of Ensure protein shakes, and a note. The pungent aroma of the chicken pesto pizza had me ravenous. I inhaled two pieces as I read Enrique’s little love note:

  Dear Hope:

  Please eat and drink as much as you can. You will be anemic constantly. You must take very good care of your health. The Ensure supplement will help. There will be plasma and blood transfusions available soon, you will probably need them. Take the sublingual strip Suboxone to hold off withdrawals until we meet again after sunset around 7:15 p.m. The Suboxone goes under your tongue.

  I apologize for your situation. I hope we can find a way to work through this and become friends.



  Okay … Suboxone. Some of the guys at the Towers mentioned it once. It helps fight off heroin withdrawals. One guy said it gave a slight buzz, but nothing like heroin. I have never and will never try heroin. I’ve seen what addicts look like, it’s really fucked up.

  So why would he give me Suboxone?

  And why wait till seven? Three hours from now. I didn’t want to wait for him. I wanted him here now. Right now! I wanted him to bite me again right now!

  “Son of a bitch! He got me with that fucking bite. That’s what he’s been talking about. He’s got me hyped on his bite! Fucking vampires!”

  I had a craving, a need, an unscratchable itch for Enrique. Three more hours to go.



  I was bouncing off the walls by 5:30 p.m.. The Suboxone helped get rid of my headache, and I had a decent buzz going. None of that solved the craving I had for Enrique, or more specifically his bite. A warm bath didn’t help, the three cans of Ensure didn’t help, nor did the half bottle of chardonnay, although it kicked up my buzz nicely.

  By 7:16 p.m., I was ready to strip the floral print wallpaper off with my nails. Every part of my body ached for Enrique. I don’t mean pain, I mean need, desire, angst. By 7:17 p.m. I kicked at the locked door, front kicks and sidekicks. I took a few steps back to do a jumping side kick when he opened the door with the most infuriatingly calm comment on his lips.

  “Did you miss me?”

  I screamed and launched forward. “You son of a bitch!”

  He caught me right out of the air in a graceful embrace, absorbing all my impact in his iron hard arms. Before I could react, he bit me fast and hard, right in the neck, robbing me of all sense and reason. Anger, hatred, need, frustration, all obliterated in the blast of sweet, sweet euphoria so intense it brought tears to my eyes. He carried me to the bed as I convulsed with orgasms, still held in the leech’s embrace as if he cared for me. It’s a good thing I didn’t have any underwear on beneath my bathrobe, I would’ve had to change them. My inner thighs were soaked by the time he let up.

  I hated and loved him. I wanted to kill him, fuck him, and kiss him, all at the same time. What a mess. Hate won the toss up as the strongest sentiment of the moment.

  “I hate you.” I spoke in a quiver, breathless from his bite.

  “I expected as much. It’s regrettable, but under the circumstances you left me no choice.” He sighed.

  “That’s all you have to say? What did you do to me?”

  “I know this seems bad. I understand you’re upset, and rightfully so. I apologize, but it was necessary.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I had to assure your loyalty. I had to bind you to me. There was no other way.”

  “What do you mean bind? How am I bound? I can’t read your mind! You have to tell me what you’ve done to me. Why do I want to be with you all the time? Why do I need you to bite me?”

  “I understand. It must be upsetting you can’t get in here.” He tapped his finger on his skull. “The only name for your condition I have ever known is an archaic terminology I learned from my master over a century ago. He called them ‘Bloodslaves’. I think it’s an inappropriate title. I have no intention of making you a slave.”

  “If I’m not
a slave then why don’t you let me go home?” I whined.

  “Querida, you know too much. It was bad enough you knew of our existence. Then Lia brought you here. She is a constant strain on my patience. If she had let you be, the situation would’ve diffused itself. I imagine you considered her an eccentric. As it stands now, I can’t let you go. To be truthful, your particular talents are intriguing. I’m beginning to like the idea of having you around.”

  He had me crying by then. I couldn’t go home, ever. He’d never let me go. Hating him for my captivity, I still felt this inexplicable desire to touch him, coerce him into biting me again. The bastard had me hooked like a damn heroin junky! As I stood there with tears streaming down my face, the son of a bitch hugged me.

  It didn’t seem real. Like a bad dream I couldn’t wake up from. He had to let me go home.

  “What if I promised I would never say a word to anyone? Who would believe me? This is all so crazy! I can’t hurt you or expose you in any way! I’m an illegal immigrant! I can’t call the police or any other government agency! Your secret’s safe with me! I don’t care who or what you are, or where you live. I just want to go home!” I begged him shamelessly. “I don’t want to be a bloodslave! And I can’t stand it here. Your mind is locked up solid. You could be lying to me! I don’t know anything about you!”

  “Shush, Shush, Shush. It does no good to lament. What’s done is done. Querida ... you are bound to me. The bond cannot be broken. Surely you’ve noticed the connection between us, the way you need me?”

  “OH MY GOD! You did this to me on purpose!”

  “Though I’m not proud of it, I’ll not lie. Yes ... I did this.”

  “Oh god, I’m a slave!”

  “That’s not really correct. I’ve no need to stoop to such degradation. I respect you. Enough drama – let’s look at some of the positives here.”

  “What positives?”

  “I know this seems bad, and it is, but there are some benefits to this life. Come with me.”

  I followed him reluctantly into the luxurious bathroom attached to my bedroom prison cell. The nicest bed/bath combo I’d ever stayed in. If I could come and go at will it would be perfect.


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