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Page 3

by Honey Palomino

  Skylights overhead highlighted the full moon shining in the dark sky. My heels sank into the thick white carpet as I slowly strolled down the hallway. I stopped to look at a piece of art hanging on the wall — a huge abstract painting of about ten different shades of — you guessed it — white paint.

  I yearned to throw a big splash of color on it. Maybe a big burst of sunny orange or fiery red. I smiled and shook my head, amused at the differences in people’s tastes.

  Turning away, I walked a little further down the hall and stopped when I saw an open door. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Artie Paige inside.

  He was the entire reason I was here.

  And there he was, in the flesh. The man himself.

  I’d spent a lot of time thinking about that man and a lot of time thinking about what I’d do when I saw him in person again, but I never expected it to be like this.

  His back was turned and he had no idea I was watching him.

  The interior of the room was a stark contrast to the rest of the house. Everything was dark in there — dark wood paneling, dark green leather couches, a dark chestnut desk, dark brown wood floors and the lights were slightly dimmed. A fire roared in the brick fireplace.

  Artie walked behind the desk and stood in front of a painting over the fireplace. My eyes shot up to it and I saw it was a portrait of Artie’s wife, Tulsa. She sat on a velveteen couch, a small brown and white Spaniel in her lap. My eyes widened when Artie reached up and removed the painting, revealing a small metal panel built into the wall.

  My mouth watered and I almost shouted with glee as he flipped open a tiny door, revealing a digital display and a keypad underneath. He punched in three numbers, the digital display conveniently showing me each one — thirty-eight, twenty-six, and sixteen.

  I bit my lip as it beeped and the door flew open.


  Artie reached over to the desk and grabbed a small black leather bag and put it inside the safe, placing it on top of a small stack of papers that were already resting inside. I took a step back and snuck away, heading back down the long hallway.

  “Thirty-eight, twenty-six, sixteen,” I whispered to myself over and over.

  I was almost back to the stairwell when I heard someone call out behind me.

  “Hey!” I froze, taking a deep breath and plastering a smile on my face before I turned around.

  “Hi,” I said, pulling my shoulders back, facing the monster himself.

  “Lost?” Artie asked, walking towards me. I resisted the urge to lunge for his eyes.

  “I am,” I said, raising my voice an octave and smiling up at him. I could tell by the look in his eye that he didn’t recognize me. Of course, I didn’t expect him to. I looked nothing like I did the first time we met. And it was a long, long time ago. I was just one face in a thousand to him then, and this time wasn’t any different.

  “Kind of hard to get lost on the top floor, isn’t it?” He winked, his eyes raking over me.

  He thinks he’s charming, I thought, my stomach churning.

  I laughed, high bubbling laughter that floated over our heads and was swallowed up by the coffered ceilings.

  “You caught me,” I admitted, throwing a sheepish look his way, my fake eyelashes fluttering. “I just love this house. It’s incredibly beautiful. I wanted to see the rest of it. Although,” I paused, giggling. “I could use a ladies room, too.”

  He nodded, his eyes landing on my cleavage. I pushed my chest out slightly, subtly giving him what he wanted.

  “It’s okay, honey,” he said, a creepy grin spreading across his face. “What’s your name, baby?”

  “Willow,” I whispered, before biting my bottom lip.

  “Willow,” he repeated, slowly nodding as he unabashedly let his gaze rake over my body. My stomach churned again, but I kept smiling. “I like that.”

  “Do you?” I asked, lifting a brow teasingly.

  He leaned in, his breath hot against my cheek. “What are you, Willow? An actress, right?”

  “I dabble,” I said, shrugging modestly.

  “Dabble,” he smirked. “I bet you do.” He reached up and ran a fingertip along my cheek. “Do you know who I am?”

  I giggled and batted my eyelashes, again. “Everyone knows who you are, Mr. Paige.”

  “Call me Artie, baby,” he said.

  “Okay, Artie, baby,” I repeated, flashing him a sly smile.

  Suddenly, his hand snaked around my waist and pulled me close. It took all my strength not to lift my knee and slam it into his crotch. Instead, I leaned into his chest and giggled.

  “Tell you what, Willow,” he said, running his hand over my ass. Bile rose in my throat. “I’ve got some things I need to take care of right now, but I’ve got a part in a movie that I think you’d be perfect for.”

  “You do?” I asked, with wide eyes.

  “I sure do,” he said, grabbing a rough handful of my ass cheek. I swallowed hard, trying not to puke on him. Luckily, he took a step back and reached into his suit jacket, pulling out his wallet and sliding a business card out of it. He smiled at me — a smarmy sneer that was sure to appear in my nightmares later.

  He took the card between his fingertips and ran it over my cleavage, sliding it between my breasts and nestling it into them. “Call me next week, baby. We’ll get to know each other a little better.”

  “Sure, Artie,” I said, batting my eyelashes at him again. I felt so stupid acting like that, and yeah, I wanted to kick him in the balls right then and there, but physical violence was never my style. I took the card out of my breasts and smiled sweetly, knowing I’d get revenge in my own way.

  This stupid idiot had no idea he’d made my job that much easier by leaving his study door open. What an unexpected gift he’d handed me.

  “Thanks so much,” I said, gushingly, sickeningly.

  “Can’t wait, babe,” he whispered in my ear, squeezing my ass one more time before patting it so hard it sent me reeling a few inches forward.

  “Oh, and there’s a bathroom right there.” He pointed to a nearby door, before walking back down the hallway. He turned to smile and wave at me before disappearing into one of the rooms at the end of the hallway.

  I ran into the bathroom and closed the door, my stomach churning. I put the cold glass of champagne against my forehead and slowly breathed in and out to keep from puking.

  I hadn’t expected being that close to him to impact me so much, but it did. He was just as I’d remembered him — rotund, bald, sweaty, gross and arrogant.

  I splashed a little water on my face and dabbed it with a thick white towel, looking at my reflection thoughtfully.

  I definitely looked like I belonged there. Every hair was in place, my Gucci dress sparkling and dancing like the stars in the sky, and my makeup was applied perfectly.

  But inside, something else was going on entirely.

  I hated that I was this shaken.

  It was rare that anything or anyone got under my skin, but Artie Paige was the absolute devil and not just for what he’d done to me. Rumors about his nastiness flew around this town as fast as cash and yet he never had to pay for any of it. Women knew not to be alone with him, if they could help it. They went so far as to warn their friends, and their enemies, about him.

  The first time I met Artie Paige I was new to town, and I still had stars in my eyes. By sheer luck, I was able to get an audition with him and he managed to prove every stereotype about himself true within fifteen minutes. What he’d just done to me in his own hallway was minor compared to what I’d endured with him back then.

  I was already nervous.

  It was only my second audition and it was for a minor role in a major motion picture starring Al Pacino. I’d practiced for weeks before showing up to Artie’s office.

  He looked me over like prey and he pounced within mere minutes after I arrived.

  “Oh, you’re beautiful,” he stated, as I walked in the door.

  I looked
around in confusion at the empty room. The other audition I’d been to, there’d been half a dozen people in the room.

  All I saw was Artie.

  And all he saw was me.

  He closed the distance between us quickly, coming out from behind his desk and coming right up in my face.

  His breath was hot with whiskey, his eyes glassed over, and his frame so large that he loomed ominously over my small body.

  I took a step back, but he took two forward, pinning me against the door.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Pepper,” I whispered, my voice cracking.

  I lifted my chin with false bravado, daring myself to look him directly in the eye.

  “Spicy,” he laughed, his voice slurring.

  “I’m here to audition for the part of Loretta —,” I began.

  I didn’t get to finish my sentence, though, and strikingly, the thing that stood out the most to me in that moment was that he just assumed I’d be down with him pawing me and pushing me against the wall, his hand sliding up my skirt as he shoved his tongue down my throat before I could get another word out.

  “Stop!” I cried, attempting to push him off and push his tongue out of my mouth. Unfortunately, even though he was a gelatinous blob of a human, he was also much stronger than me.

  He didn’t budge.

  “No, no, no, please stop,” I mumbled, my words muffled by his mouth.

  Unfazed, he kept pawing at me, licking at me.

  It was as if he didn’t hear me, or register that I was actually fighting against him.

  Or, maybe he liked it that way.

  Either way, he forced me to escalate things.

  I slammed my knee up, crashing into his nuts as hard as I could.

  His tongue slipped out of my mouth and his hand disappeared from my thighs and he landed in front of me on his ass.

  He stared up at me, his face full of pain and disbelief as he grabbed his crotch.

  “You bitch!” He hurled his words at me like bullets.

  “I said no!” I cried, pulling my skirt down. “I came here for an audition! For — for — Loretta —.”

  I sounded so naive even to my own ears at this point, and that only pissed me off. Angry tears sprang to my eyes.

  “And how did you think you were going to get that? With your talent?” He burst out laughing. “No pussy, no job! You’re over, cunt, you know that?” he shouted. “Nobody will ever cast you in anything in this town!”

  “You pig!” I shouted. I closed the distance between us and kicked him, the tip of my shiny, black, patent leather stiletto landing right in the middle of his soft belly.

  He cried out again and looked up at me with rage. He reached out for my ankle, but I jumped back.

  Something snapped in me.

  I remembered whose daughter I was.

  Pop’s face filled my brain and all the fear faded from my veins, replaced by a calm rage.

  “You’re going to pay for this,” I said, my voice — shaking only moments ago — was now full of barely contained fury, laced with courage.

  “Oh, please! You’re nothing!” Artie spat, attempting to scramble to his feet.

  I turned and ran out of his office building, not stopping until I’d made it all the way back to my tiny rented room.

  Right then and there, I vowed to get revenge on Artie Paige, no matter how long it took.

  I was patient. I could wait.

  And I knew, beyond a doubt, that revenge on a man like Artie Paige was best served cold.

  I had no idea it would turn out to be this sweet, though.

  This easy…

  All I had to do was come back later and clean him out. I figured stealing a few thousand dollars worth of things from his house would be sufficient payback for this bastard’s assault on me all those years ago.

  Right then, though, I’d had enough of the party and I just wanted to get out of there.

  I grabbed my champagne and downed it quickly before opening the door, and as I took a step out into the hallway, I was almost mowed down by a woman running by. At first she was just a blur, but I quickly recognized her as Evergreen Love as she passed.

  Not only was Evergreen running, but she was sobbing. I watched her run past me and disappear down the stairs, the train of her long emerald-colored couture gown flowing behind her like a cloud.

  Voices rose from behind the closed door down the hallway that I’d seen Artie walk into. I couldn’t hear what was being said, but the last thing I wanted was another run-in with him.

  I followed Evergreen down the stairs and watched as she ran past the guests gathered near the kitchen and hurried outside. My stomach sank as I realized the possibility that she, too, was just assaulted by Artie.

  What a dick, I thought.

  But I’d heard two voices inside the room.

  Who else was in there? I wondered.

  The urge to console Evergreen washed over me, but from the bottom of the stairs, I could see she’d joined her boyfriend.

  I took a few moments to compose myself, looking around for any other easy targets, but after my run-in with Artie, my heart just wasn’t in it anymore.

  Fury coursed through me.

  I wanted to destroy him. My brain was focused on him, and him alone.

  I wanted him to pay for what he’d done to me. What he’d done to countless other women. Unfortunately, there’s many people in this town that don’t face any consequences for the atrocities they commit. I knew Artie would most likely remain in that club. All I wanted was to do my part for what he’d done to me, and get out of there and move on with my life. I’d thought about that prick way too much after that audition and I hoped my vengeance would allow me a little relief.

  Unfortunately, I knew I couldn’t get out of the house unseen with this many people around, not with carrying around whatever he’d put into that safe.

  I’d simply have to draw on my endless reserves of patience.

  I’d already waited years for this opportunity.

  I could wait a few more hours.

  Wandering out to the garden, I got another drink before heading back down to the edge of the cliffs below. There was something about the wildness of the Pacific Ocean that had always spoken to me.

  It reminded me of myself.

  It didn’t stop to take anyone else into account.

  It did whatever it needed to survive.

  It just kept flowing, barreling over anyone or anything that got in its way. It moved endlessly, flowing under and over boulders and sharks and surfers and yachts and cruise ships like they weren’t even there.

  It was impressive.

  I looked down at the violent, crashing waves, the white foam rushing over the jagged rocks below, the misty spray shooting up the side of the cliff and sprinkling its coldness on my face.

  It was refreshing and cleansing and exactly what I needed at that moment.

  I took a deep breath, inhaling the salty air as deeply as possible, before turning back to the crowd above me.

  It was time to leave.

  I downed my drink and climbed the stone steps, joining the guests in the colorful garden above. Jewel-toned dahlias and zinnias lined the edges of the garden, with the last remnants of the season’s ruby red roses lingering along one wall, a background of Thujas contrasting them beautifully.

  At least there’s some color out here, I thought with a smile. I spotted Evergreen again, tucked in a corner with her boyfriend and talking animatedly. I inched a little closer so I could eavesdrop.

  “What’s wrong with you, Evergreen?” he asked, his quiet voice laced with anger. “We haven’t even been here an hour!”

  She twisted her hands together, and while her face was the epitome of calm and collected, it was obvious to me that she was not calm, not in the least.

  “I just want to go home,” she replied, her voice shaking.

  “Are you drunk? Is that it? Did you drink too much again, dammit?”

��No!” she cried, growing increasingly frustrated with her date. “Look, you can stay if you want, but I’m leaving — right now!”

  She turned on her heel and walked away, leaving him standing there holding her purse and looking completely bewildered. Slowly, he turned and followed her.

  I almost felt sorry for him.

  I almost wanted to tell him to take it easy on her, because Artie had obviously upset her and there was no telling what he’d done. I cringed thinking of what he may have done to her.

  I’ll get him for both of us, I vowed again silently, as I watched the two of them wait for the valet to bring them their car, tears still shimmering in Evergreen’s eyes.

  “Enough is enough,” I thought, as I headed for the exit. I pulled the valet ticket out of my purse and headed toward the valet stand just as Evergreen slipped into a sleek black Mercedes and was whisked off into the night by Preston, her long blonde hair blowing in the breeze.

  I took a quick glance back at the house, my eyes trailing over every last detail. I could still feel Artie’s hand on my ass and I engraved that feeling into my brain.

  I’d use it later.

  Artie was going to regret ever putting his hands on me.

  The sleek black Jaguar slunk up in front of me with the grace of a snake and I strolled around it, slipping the valet another of Eddie’s hundred-dollar bills and flashing him a smile, before sliding behind the wheel, and vanishing into the night.

  “See you soon, Artie,” I laughed, the devil’s pale castle disappearing in my rearview mirror.

  Chapter 2


  After joyriding around the city for a few hours, I returned to Artie’s street. Now that the festivities were over, the quiet of the place was a stark contrast to the jovial party atmosphere from just a few hours ago. Gone were the valets and bright lights, the starlets and shimmering diamonds, the fake smiles and plastic lips.

  Instead, I was greeted by a large iron gate and a whole lot of darkness.

  Getting in this time would require a different approach.

  After parking a few blocks away, I surveyed the street for a few minutes. A few cars were sprinkled around, parked in random spots within eyesight on the street, but I didn’t see any people. I waited a moment, then quickly jumped out and ran around to the trunk. I unzipped the backpack I’d stashed there and emptied its contents.


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