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The Hidden Treasure of Darfor

Page 34

by David Shewring


  Back aboard the ship, Zeeree was passing the time by going through some simple puzzles. She would set the ship’s built-in computer some parameters and random values and create a problem then she would try and beat it in getting to the solution. The basic computer though was no match for her superior problem-solving capabilities and vast intellect – she won easily every time. Truth be told, she was bored. The ship had been refuelled and recharged and she had gone over every system, subsystem and sensor to which she was connected no less than three times. Everything checked out OK and the ship was ready to fly again. She was mildly irritated with Saleek and Patrick for just leaving her alone for so many hours. With the ship grounded she could not move anywhere; there was insufficient technology on the planet to connect to any data-stream whatsoever and all the sand flying around everywhere was playing havoc with her sensors – she could barely register the life-signs in the mechanic shop a couple of hundred metres away. She was a highly intelligent artificial construct and she needed stimulation to keep active. Add all this up and you had a considerably ticked-off AI. However, for better or worse, she did not have long to wait for a new problem to present itself. Seconds after she had beaten the computer for the seven hundredth and thirty ninth time, her sensors registered a lyan sprinting towards the ship at top speed. Saleek, for it was he, ran up the already-lowered ramp, through the hatch and into the corridors of the craft. Moments later, he burst into the cockpit, breathing very heavily indeed. Zeeree’s face popped up on the main view screen against a backdrop of pure white

  ‘Saleek, what is wrong? Are you all right?’

  The spiky alien rested a hand on a nearby chair to steady himself. For several seconds he did not reply, his chest was heaving and he was making very loud panting sounds.

  After he had recovered enough to speak again, the lyan raised his head to meet Zeeree’s blue eyes and said, ‘Get the ship ready for takeoff. Now!’

  Zeeree instantly began priming the launch systems but looked at Saleek with a quizzical expression on her features.

  ‘Would you mind telling me exactly what is going on? Where is Patrick?’

  ‘That’s...the problem,’ said Saleek in between sucking in great lungfuls of the ship’s somewhat stale air.

  He made his way to the pilot’s chair, sat down and started pressing buttons on the control panel.

  ‘He’s been taken,’ finished Saleek.

  ‘What? By whom?’ demanded Zeeree.

  ‘By a bunch of aliens who were pissed off ‘bout something,’ came the reply. ‘I barely managed to get away myself. And I have a feelin’ I know who they’re workin’ for.’


  ‘Mr Vallan.’

  Zeeree’s eyes widened, then she regained her confused expression and shook her head from side to side.

  ‘Saleek, are you sure about this? How could Mr Vallan possibly have sent anyone after you? He doesn’t even know where you are.’

  ‘I’m guessin’ he does now,’ replied the spiky lyan. ‘Those aliens that jumped us came outta nowhere and headed straight for us. They didn’t try and rob us or kill us – they captured Patrick and they tried to take me too. That means that they’re workin’ for someone else. There ain’t no reason to keep us imprisoned somewhere on this dustbowl of a planet that I can think of. This is the first time I’ve ever set foot on this hunk of sandy rock and I haven’t had time to piss anyone off yet. It’s gotta be Vallan tryin’ to get revenge for being double-crossed.’

  Zeeree’s rich blue eyes narrowed just a little as she still remained unconvinced.

  ‘But how would they even know who you are? There must be hundreds of different species of washed-up aliens on this planet. You and Patrick wouldn’t even stand out in a place like this.’

  ‘I don’t have all the answers, Zeeree,’ said Saleek, getting a touch fed up with the AI’s constant questions. ‘Maybe he sent out a galaxy-wide message to all the thugs on his payroll and told ‘em who to look out for. Maybe he offered them a big reward or something. I dunno, just trust me on this. I got a feelin’.’

  ‘So you’re sure it is Mr Vallan that is behind this?’

  ‘Either him or someone who’s workin’ for him,’ said Saleek as he finished typing commands into the console on his left. ‘I honestly thought we’d be safe out here in the Barren Lands of all places. Can’t believe that guy’s got contacts everywhere. Close the main hatch, power up the thrusters and retract the landing struts once we’re airborne.’

  ‘Aren’t you forgetting about Patrick? Are you just going to leave him here?’ asked Zeeree in disbelief, her eyes widening once again.

  Saleek managed a small smile.

  ‘I’m not a total asshole, Zeeree. Of course I’m gonna rescue him.’

  ‘And you’re going to accomplish this by flying away?’

  ‘Look, there must’ve been at least twenty people that attacked us and there may be more wherever they’re takin’ Patrick to. I can’t possibly beat ‘em all by myself and get him outta there in one piece.’

  ‘So where are we going then?’ asked a thoroughly confused Zeeree.

  Saleek’s smile broadened.

  ‘To get some help.’

  Chapter 22


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