Broken Shadows (The Broken Series Second Generation Book 2)

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Broken Shadows (The Broken Series Second Generation Book 2) Page 13

by Heather D'Agostino

  “She won’t care.” I frowned. “I’m her baby.” I grinned as I took another piece. It was then, that Hadleigh came down the stairs. She rounded the corner to the kitchen, and came to a grinding halt.

  “Oh my god.” She slapped her hand over her mouth as she stared wide-eyed at me. “I’m so sorry.” She stepped forward and attempted to touch my face. I reared back because I didn’t want my nose to start throbbing again.

  “Don’t worry about it. Just don’t touch it. Hurts like a bitch.” I laughed.

  “Wait.” Dad turned, pointed the tongs. “You did this?” He grinned as Hadleigh’s face started turning whiter. “She did this?” He looked at me now. We both nodded. “You didn’t wear gear. It makes sense now.” He threw his head back, laughter spilling out of him. “I thought it was a bad spar, now I know you’re just a dummy.” He laughed louder.

  “I don’t see how this is funny,” I deadpanned.

  “It isn’t, but it is.” His shoulders shook as he turned back to the stove. “You’re gonna look even more like me now.” He continued to laugh. It was like he couldn’t stop.

  “I’m glad my discomfort is so funny for you.” I grabbed two plates and served Hadleigh and myself before taking a seat at the bar. “Eat, so we can get out of here,” I muttered as she stared at the food. It was then that Mom decided to join the party.

  “Morning, Angel.” Dad smiled and it was as if no one else was in the room but Mom in that moment. “There’s breakfast if your son doesn’t eat it all.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled sweetly as she kissed his cheek. “I heard all the laughing. What’s so funny?” She looked around.

  “Your son…” Dad started, but I cut him off.

  “I didn’t wear gear, and she broke my nose.” I rolled my eyes. “It’s a really funny story, right?”

  “Why are you giving him a hard time about that?” Mom smacked Dad on the arm. “I remember you doing the same thing.” She served her plate and sat down.

  “Because I warned him.” Dad snickered. “I didn’t have anyone to warn me about you.”

  “You trained me,” she laughed, “and you knew me most of your life.”

  “Semantics.” Dad shrugged.

  “On that note,” I stood, “I’ll be out in the gym. Think you could spot me this morning?” I glared at Dad, daring him to start teasing again.

  “I’ll be out when I’m finished here.” Dad nodded to the kitchen.

  “Great. Hadleigh, you can come join when you’re finished. We can train some more.” I tossed my dirty dishes in the sink, and grabbed my workout bag. I needed to get out of the kitchen before I started feeling something. Being there with Hadleigh felt really natural. She fit right in with my family and lifestyle, and that was a little too much for me at the moment. I wasn’t looking for what was happening. I wasn’t prepared, and Hadleigh had no idea what being in my life meant. I was the person who always had drama around me, no matter what I did to avoid it.



  Breakfast was weird to put it mildly. Easton’s behavior was different, and I felt tension rolling off him in waves. I caught him staring at me more than once, and his mom kept smiling at me as if she was keeping a secret.

  When I finished eating, I got dressed and followed Wes out to the gym. I could hear music blaring as something clanked in the background. Wes chuckled as he opened the door. What I saw made my breath catch in my throat. Easton was hanging upside down from the bottom of the salmon ladder. His abs were flexing as he did crunches, and twisted from side to side. Sweat beaded on his tanned skin, and I couldn’t help but stare.

  “You about done showing off?” Wes crossed his arms over his chest.

  “No.” Easton curled up, grabbed the bar, and unhooked his feet. He hung for a moment before adjusting his hands. “I’m nowhere near done.” He looked up, and then pulled up, flinging the bar toward the second rung. One by one, he made his way to the top. When he climbed over to the rope, he released the bar, letting it clang to the floor. I watched as he lowered himself down the rope.

  “I see you’ve been hitting it pretty hard.” Wes smiled.

  “I’m gonna fight in another month. I don’t have a choice.” Easton wiped his hands on his pants.

  “All right then.” Wes motioned to the incline bench. “Let’s see what you got.”

  I watched as Wes stacked weights on the bar. Easton leaned back, and positioned his hands as he took a few deep breaths. “I want ten of these.” Wes nodded as he helped Easton lift the bar from where it was resting.

  Easton pushed the bar over his chest as he inhaled. He lowered it, breathing out at the same time. Wes kept a hand hovering over Easton as he pumped the bar up and down, seeming to struggle very little.

  “You got this,” Wes praised as Easton lifted the bar one last time. “Ready for some squats?” He smacked Easton’s shoulder as he sat up.

  “I fucking hate squats,” he growled.

  “I know.” Wes grinned. “You think your opponents like them?”

  Easton shook his head as he laughed, and the two of them walked over to another contraption near the wall. Wes placed a bar on a hook, and started moving weights around. I watched as the bar slowly bent in an arc as more and more weight was added.

  “Remember, legs!” Wes scolded as Easton braced his feet under the bar.

  “I got it,” he growled. He slowly stood to lift the bar from where it was resting. He bent his legs, thighs quivering as he lowered his body, and then stood back up. He completed five squats before he hooked the bar back in place.

  “Nice.” Wes nodded. “You’ve been working more than I thought. “How far did you run today?” He moved over to the wall where a clipboard was hanging.

  “I ran trail two.” He puffed his chest out a little, and Wes’s eyes widened.

  “You’re not taking it slow, are you?” He wrote down a few things, and placed the clipboard on the wall.

  “I need to get back in top shape.” Easton shrugged.

  “Put in a cool down, and then come to the gym tonight. I have a few new clients you can spar with.” He turned to leave.

  “Okay.” Easton nodded, and then smiled at me. “Wanna watch me fight?”

  I shrugged. I wasn’t sure what that meant. “I guess.”

  “You guess? Come on, Hadleigh. I wanna show you what I can do.” He winked and my stomach tightened at the thought. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it seemed almost as if he was flirting with me.

  “Okay.” I smiled as the door closed, and Easton and I were alone.

  The music got quiet, and it was then that I saw him pushing some buttons on his phone. “It’s all synced together.” He waved his phone in the air.

  I pressed my lips together as I nodded. I was nervous. I don’t know why, but being alone with him right now was making me nervous. “That’s nice.”

  “Are you okay?” He stepped closer, his bare chest still gleaming with sweat. “You seem off today.”

  “I’m fine.” I tipped my chin down and stared at the floor.

  “What is it?” He moved closer.

  “Nothing. Just having an odd day.” I looked up and let my eyes travel the room. “I’m not used to all of this.” I swallowed against the tightening of my throat.

  “All of what?” Easton’s head tipped to the side as he moved closer.

  “Safety,” I whispered. “I’m not used to feeling safe. I can relax here.” I stared at a window. “It almost makes me not want to leave.”

  “You don’t have to. You can stay as long as you need to.” He reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear.

  “You don’t understand. It’s not here that makes me feel safe, it’s you. You give me something I’ve never had… a chance to be me, and not be scared. You are the reason I feel safe.” I tipped my head back so I could look into his eyes. “You make me feel things… things that I’m not sure I’m ready for.”

  Chapter 20


  It’s been a long time since I’ve been this amped up to spar, but after hearing her say those words, I feel like I could do anything. I make her feel safe. As much as I loved her admitting that to me, it freaked me out a little too. What if I screwed this up? Whatever ‘this’ was. Hadleigh and I were friends. I’ve never thought of us as anything else. It’s not that I’m not attracted to her, it’s more that I don’t want to fuck up her life more than it is.

  I’ve spent most of the day watching her. We came to the gym early, and I’ve been helping out while she works out. She seems more at ease here than at the house, and I can’t quite figure out why.

  “So, are you two?” Caleb waved his hand between Hadleigh and I.

  “No, dude.” I leaned on the counter and sighed.

  “She shut you down, huh?” He grinned.

  I swung my eyes in his direction and shot daggers at him. “I’m trying to help her, not get in her pants.”

  Caleb glanced around, and then reached up to touch my forehead. “Are you okay?”

  “Very funny.” I smacked his hand away.

  “I just call it like I see it.” He shrugged. “So, why are you here today?”

  “Gonna spar in a bit. I need fresh partners.” I sighed. “Was hoping to actually win Ultimate Knockout. I need to kick some ass though.” I raked my fingers through my hair.

  “You do realize that the deadline to enter is this weekend.” Caleb’s eyes widened.

  “I do. I’ve got the money. I need to win.” I went from staring at Hadleigh to staring at the door. There were some guys chatting outside and it looked as if they were coming in. “I need to warm up. I think this is for me.” I motioned to the door before pushing off the counter, and heading to the back.


  As I was finishing up, Dad was stepping out of his office. The guys I’d seen coming in were setting up by the sparring ring. I grabbed my gear bag, and started heading in their direction. Just as I was approaching the ring, Hadleigh came rushing up. She stood slightly behind me as if she was using me as a shield. When I lifted my eyes, I saw why.

  “You!” he growled as he pointed at me.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I snapped as I reached over and grabbed Hadleigh’s hand. I gave it a gentle squeeze as Dad stopped between us.

  “You two know each other?” His eyes moved between Josh and me.

  “I used to train him,” I growled. I didn’t mention that he was the one beating up Hadleigh.

  The confusion on Dad’s face began to melt away as Josh climbed into the ring. “I was planning to have you two spar last.” Dad pointed at Josh. “I was going to have Dan go first.”

  “Change of plans.” Josh smacked his gloves together, and I shrugged.

  “Doesn’t really matter to me as long as he eats mat.” I slipped my mouth guard in, and climbed through the ropes. Josh was cracking his neck from side to side as he bounced on his toes. I stretched my arms over my head before moving to center ring. I held my gloved hand out to tap knuckles, and grinned. Josh didn’t know what the hell he was getting into.

  “Keep smiling, pretty boy.” Josh grinned as he waited for Dad to start the match. Hadleigh sat on a chair off to the side with her fingers in her mouth, chewing her nails.

  “I plan on it,” came out muffled around the guard.

  Josh advanced first, taking a swing. I ducked and returned the blow, connecting with his right side. He rocked toward the ropes, but spun quickly to sweep his leg out. Frustration covered his face when he missed a second time. I bounced to the side before sucker punching him in the face.

  “Hey!” Dad barked from outside the ropes. “Keep it clean. This is sparring, not a sanctioned fight.”

  I grinned, showing the rubber in my mouth as Josh went for my ribs. I spun, connecting my foot with his chest. He fell back, landing on the ropes. After getting his balance back, he turned like a bull on me. “You fuck her yet?” He sneered. “She sucks in bed. Doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing.” He laughed, and I made the mistake of looking at Hadleigh. She was cowering and I lost my concentration. Josh took that moment to hit me in the face. My already injured nose throbbed as blood gushed from it. Dad blew a whistle before tossing me a rag.

  “In your corners!” he demanded. “What the hell was that?” He pointed at Josh. “This is sparring to get him ready.”

  “I ain’t going easy on him.” Josh spit his mouth guard on the mat.

  “You’re done,” Dad growled. “Get the hell out.” He pointed at the door.

  I wiped the remaining blood from my face before standing up and beating my gloves together. I’ve fought in pain before. I’ve had a broken nose before, and I’ve beaten the piss out of punks like Josh before.

  “The fuck I am!” Josh stood, squaring off with Dad.

  I’ve seen the look before. The one Dad gets when he really wants to teach someone a lesson. I’ve been on the receiving end of some of those lessons. “I’ve got this.” My eyes connected with Dad’s, and I gave a slight nod. No more going easy. Josh was going to see what I could do.

  It took me about five seconds to get him on the ground. I rolled and twisted until I maneuvered him into a submission hold. He refused to tap. I kept tightening my grip, watching as his face became redder and redder. At one point I thought he might pass out. “Tap, fucker,” I growled as I rocked him up on his shoulders.

  “No way, asshole.” The words came out broken as he gasped for air.

  “Let him up.” Dad shook his head. I released Josh, and he rocked to a sitting position, coughing and sputtering as he gasped for breath. “You’re done here.” He stared as he waited for Josh to climb out of the ring.

  He punched the mat before standing to climb down, all the while glaring at me. “She ain’t worth it.” He shook his head.

  “You’re wrong. You aren’t worth it,” I called to his back as my shoulders rose and fell. I was pumped, and despite my head beginning to hurt from my nose, I was ready for the next one. “He’s wrong.” I turned my attention to Hadleigh, who was rushing toward the back of the gym.

  My eyes swung between Dad and Hadleigh. I knew I should be staying in the ring, but I also knew what she’d just seen had probably put her in a spiral. “Give me a minute.” I shucked my gloves off, tossing them to the floor.

  “Hadleigh, wait!” I called as I rushed after her. She glanced over her shoulder, and then ducked into the lady’s locker room.

  I skidded to a stop and quickly looked around. “Hello?” I called as I stuck my head through the door. “Anybody in here?” When no one answered, I rushed inside. “I’m coming in here, Hadleigh. We need to talk.” I kept calling to her with no answer. “He’s wrong, ya know. Whatever he’s told you, it’s a lie.” I stepped around the corner to where the showers were. Hadleigh was sitting on one of the changing benches. “It’s a lie.” I lowered my voice as I stepped closer.

  Her chin tipped up as her teary eyes connected with mine. “How do you know?” she whispered. “How do you know he’s lying?”

  “I just do.” I shrugged.

  “But how?” She stood up and pushed me, hard. I staggered back a little to get my bearings. “You say this like you know me, but you don’t really. You know I’m weak, and I let Josh hit me, but you don’t know me.”

  “You’re wrong. I do know you. You are not weak. A weak person doesn’t walk away, they stay. A weak person doesn’t learn to defend themselves, they give up. I know you.” I was fighting the urge to kiss her. Her lips were in a full pout, and she was staring at me with more fire in her eyes than I’d ever seen come from her.

  “He didn’t know you.” I pointed at the door. I swallowed as we stood there in a battle of wills. It was all about who would break first. I thought for sure it would be me, but I was wrong.

  Before I knew what was happening, Hadleigh launched herself at me. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she pulled me down to her level. Her lips pressed against mine as they parted, and
her tongue took a swipe. I joined her assault as I turned and backed her up against the wall. She sighed as she sagged against me, her palms traveling down my chest and around my waist. When I pressed my hips against her, she froze, and it was then that my senses came back.

  I tore my mouth from hers, and stepped back. “I’m sorry.” I wiped at my lips before looking at her. She looked flushed, but was smiling at me. I chuckled. “Do you believe me now?”

  “Was that proof, or really you?” She touched her fingers to her lips.

  “Really me?” I cocked my head to the side. “Are you asking if I felt something?” I shifted my weight. Her head bobbed. “What does this tell you?” I pointed where my cock was starting to get hard. “He doesn’t do that for everyone.” I laughed and so did she. It was a sweet laugh that sounded like music filtering through the locker room. She smiled, and I moved over beside her. “Wanna watch me kick this other guy’s ass? Then maybe we could get something to eat?” I wrapped my arm around her.

  “Are you asking me out?” She glanced up at me so with much uncertainty in her eyes.

  “Do you want me to?” I hugged her lightly. I’d been attracted to her since the first time I saw her, but I knew she was off limits. I’d been trying to stay away, but I couldn’t do it anymore. This ‘friends’ arrangement that we had going wasn’t working for me. I needed Hadleigh in my life even if it was part time.

  “Only if you want to,” she murmured.

  “Oh, I want to; I just want to make sure you’re okay with that.” I squeezed her against my side.

  “I think I will be.” She smiled and it lit up her whole face.

  “Okay then. It’s a date.” We started walking out of the locker room. “First, some ass kicking though.”

  Chapter 21


  Today is the day. I have to send in all my registration papers for the Ultimate Knockout. I’ve saved the money. I’ve been killing myself to get into fighting shape, and I think I’m finally there. “Morning.” Dad smiled when I came jogging down the stairs. I’d gone up to wake Hadleigh.


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