Broken Shadows (The Broken Series Second Generation Book 2)

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Broken Shadows (The Broken Series Second Generation Book 2) Page 14

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Morning.” I reached for the coffee pot.

  “You’re chipper today,” Dad mused.

  “I’m sending in my shit. I’m really doing this,” I mumbled around the lip of the mug.

  “You realize that once the news breaks that you’re fighting again, it’s going to bring the press. The gym will be mobbed.” Dad’s voice was quiet and somber.

  “I know.” I sighed. That was one thing that I wasn’t ready for. As hard as I worked to get out of the shadows, I wasn’t ready for this spotlight.

  “I can keep them outside, but you’re going to have to answer questions. Have you come up with answers for all the gossip? That’ll be the first thing they all want to know.” Dad rolled his eyes. “Trust me.”

  “It’s none of their fucking business,” I growled.

  “You’re right, but they’re still going to ask.” Dad rounded the bar and sat down at the kitchen table. “You need to come up with a generic response. Something that will tell them to fuck off without actually saying it.” He chuckled.

  “What did you do when they started hounding you about rumors?” I sat across from him.

  “I let my publicist do the talking.” He smiled. “She told them it was none of their god damn business.” He laughed, making his shoulders shake. “Your mom had a few choice words at times too. The key is to make sure you aren’t pissing off the wrong people. Most of the time, they will stop asking when they see you aren’t going to answer.”

  I finished my coffee, and moved to place the mug in the sink. “I need to get out of here.” I shook my head as a sigh escaped. “Hadleigh and I are going to look at those apartments I told you about today. She told her landlord she’s moving. I just hope she doesn’t get mad when she finds out what I did.”

  “I’ll see you tonight at the gym. We can’t let up if you’re fighting next month in the Knockout. Gotta stay on this,” Dad murmured.

  “Later.” I waved as I headed for the stairs. I needed to tell Hadleigh I was ready to go.



  After grabbing a travel mug of coffee, Easton and I left to go apartment hunting. He was driving through the outskirts of town, and heading toward the north end. “I can’t afford to live here.” I glanced over with wide eyes.

  “Let’s just look. This place sounds amazing.” He smiled as he pulled into a gated complex. There was a small key pad that he punched a code in and the gates swung open. “I brought you here because of the level of safety.” He pulled into a parking space, and cut the engine.

  “It is nice.” I glanced around. There were several brick buildings with small balconies. Many of them had flowers planted on them. Easton was leading the way to one of the buildings on the right. There was another key pad by the door to the main hallway. He punched in another code, and then heaved the glass door open. “How did you know to do that?” I was confused.

  “I called ahead.” He shrugged. We began climbing the stairs to the second floor. Then, we stopped midway down the hall. “This is it.” He turned the knob, and the door opened. “I thought it would be nicer to look at it alone, and if you like it, we can stop by the office and sign a lease.”

  I stepped inside of a beautiful one-bedroom apartment. The kitchen was modern with all new appliances. The floors were a light wood, and the walls were painted a soft beige. There was a space for a stack unit laundry, and the bedroom overlooked a beautiful green space. The balcony to this unit had views of the harbor. When I turned to face Easton, he was standing in the middle of the living space with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “How much is the rent?” I ran my hands along the kitchen countertop, hoping that I wasn’t getting too excited only to be let down.

  “Do you like it?” He smiled.

  “How much?” I tried again. “I don’t make that much money, Easton. I need a place I can afford.”

  “You can afford this. Do you like it?” His head tipped to the side, and he opened his arms as if to hug me.

  “I love it.” I grinned as I finally let myself feel something. “I just don’t know how I’ll pay for it.” I bit my lip as I took another look around.

  “So, my dad pulled some strings.” Easton grinned. “Don’t be mad, just listen.” He walked over to the balcony door and stared out at the water. “You know Caleb from the gym.” I nodded. “His dad is Carsen Malloy. I told my dad that we might be looking for a place for you to live. I told him you needed somewhere that made you feel safe. Dad mentioned that Carsen owned three units here. He bought them as an investment. When Dad told Carsen about it, he agreed that you could rent one. Once I told them your story, Carsen said that he’d only charge what you could pay, so you can afford this.” He turned and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “I want you to feel safe, Hadleigh, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.”

  I tried, I really did, but the tears came pouring down my cheeks. I looked around at this place, this place that seemed like a dream. Then, I peered at this man, a man I didn’t think existed. “Why?” I sniffed as I wiped my eyes. “Why would you do this?”

  “Because I care.” His lips curled into a lopsided smile. “I’ve done a lot of stupid shit in my life, a lot that I’m not proud of. Meeting you changed me. You changed me for the better. You make me want to be a better man, and I want to be better for you.”

  “Thank you.” It came out choked as I attempted to hold back another sob.

  “Let’s go sign this lease, and I’ll help you move.” He motioned to the door.

  “That fast?” I was taken aback.

  “Caleb has the paperwork at the gym. I knew you’d say yes.” He laughed as we stepped out the door.

  “You did, huh? What happened to going to the front office? Was that all talk?” I smiled up at him.

  “I had a feeling. You can sign, I’ll get in a workout, and then I’ll help you with your stuff. You can stay at my parents’ place as long as you want, but this place will be ready when you are.” He opened the car door for me.

  “I appreciate everything, but I’d like to stay here if we can get my bed moved tonight.” Easton cranked the engine, and headed for the gate. It opened on its own when we approached from this side.

  “I think I can manage.” He laughed as we made the turn to head for the gym.



  Today’s workout was brutal. I guess Dad really decided to turn up the heat once he realized I wasn’t kidding about the Ultimate Knockout. I got my paperwork in just in time, and now I was feeling the pressure. When he finished beating the crap outta me, we worked at the heavy bag, then I went on a three-mile run on the treadmill. Now, I feel like my legs might fall off, and I promised Hadleigh we’d at least get her bed moved tonight.

  “I’m moving furniture. Can we please stop with the ‘kill Easton’s legs’ routine?” I panted when I turned the treadmill off. Dad just smiled.

  “Moving, huh?” He wrote a few things down on a clipboard, and then tucked it under his arm.

  “I promised I’d help. She wants to sleep there tonight.” I wiped my face and neck with a towel. “Thanks for setting it all up with Carsen. I don’t know how to thank him.”

  “Be this Easton and not the punk who walked out of here a year ago. You do that, and it’s thanks enough.” Dad’s smile fell. “I like this version, the other one… not so much.”

  “I know, I know. I was an ass, a stupid ass. I needed to grow up, and I’m trying.” I tossed the towel.

  “I can see that. Don’t stop trying. Even when you think you’re doing a great job at life, never stop trying to be better.” Dad’s head tipped as he attempted to make eye contact.

  “I hear ya.” I grabbed my bag. “Not sure when I’ll be home. Gotta go now.” I turned to walk toward the door. Hadleigh was standing by the front desk, talking to Caleb. “Let’s go move you in.” I grinned and it made me even happier when she bounced out the door. I haven’t seen Hadleigh this ha
ppy, ever.


  “Whose truck is this?” Hadleigh glanced over at me as we climbed into the F-150 in the gym parking lot.

  “Caleb’s. We traded for the night.” I cranked the engine and noticed he needed gas. “Fucker,” I muttered. “No wonder he didn’t mind trading. He ain’t got any gas.” I shook my head and turned toward the closest gas station.

  By the time we reached Hadleigh’s old apartment, the sun was setting. I was exhausted, but I promised. We made our way up to her place; the door still wasn’t fixed, and that just solidified her moving. “I can’t believe this is still broken.” She pointed to the lock.

  “Your super is worthless.” I shook my head in disgust. “Let’s get the bed and a few small things, and we’ll finish tomorrow.” I went straight to the bedroom, and started taking the bed frame apart. Hadleigh grabbed clean sheets, and a blanket. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be to get her bed in the back of Caleb’s truck. Within an hour, we were at her new place.

  “I know you were hoping to get more done tonight, but I have all day to help you tomorrow.” I sighed as I glanced over at her. I’d parked us in front of the new building and was working up the courage to attempt carrying everything up. My body was screaming at me to rest, but I couldn’t. Hadleigh changed me. She made me want to be a better man, and a better man wouldn’t quit until the job was done.

  One piece at a time, I carried the bed upstairs. I assembled it, and Hadleigh made it up. She sat down and looked around at the empty space. “This feels weird,” she murmured.

  “How?” I was leaning against the wall near the door.

  “It’s so empty. I’m just used to being surrounded by stuff.” She attempted a smile.

  “You mean my junk.” I laughed.

  “Your trophies are not junk.” Her eyes shot daggers. “I liked being surrounded by you.” Her cheeks tinged pink as she looked away.

  We both went silent, her seated on the bed, me leaning by the door. It was as if we didn’t know what to do or say. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking, and I was running out of reasons to be around her tonight. She yawned and I used that as my cue. “I really should be going. You’re tired, and need to get to bed.”

  “You don’t have to go.” She started scanning around and panic filled her voice.

  “No, I don’t, but I don’t think I should stay.” I moved closer and sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re one of the bravest women I know. You can do this.”

  “Can’t you stay a little longer? Like maybe till I fall asleep? There’s plenty of room.” She inched over and spread her arm across the queen bed.

  I stared at her, and then the empty space. This was a bad idea, but her pleading eyes told me I needed to make it happen. “Just until you fall asleep.” I laid back and propped my hands behind my head. I stayed as still as I could while she turned the light off and snuggled into the covers. Within a few minutes she rolled over, and placed her arm across my stomach. I tensed at the contact.

  “Is that not okay?” She lifted her head and squinted to see me in the darkness.

  “It’s fine.” I tried to sound unaffected.

  “Thank you.” She relaxed once again, but moved close enough to place her head on my chest. Out of instinct, I wrapped my arm around her, holding her close. I’ve never been this uncomfortable in bed with a woman before. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be close to her, it was more about not trusting myself to be close to her. What if I fell asleep and did something I shouldn’t? What if I liked this? What if I started to want more? What if I let myself feel something? The questions kept coming and soon I felt myself giving into exhaustion. The first time my eyes closed, I should have left. I told myself that as I yawned and fought off sleep, but I’ve never been one to do what I should do. Instead, I told myself I’d just close them for a moment, only that moment turned into all night.

  Chapter 22


  It took me a moment to realize where I was when I woke up. The room was softly lit with the sun rising in the distance over the water. There were no blinds or curtains hung yet, so nothing blocked the early wake up. Hadleigh was curled on her side with her hands tucked under her cheek. I carefully inched out of bed, and went to the bathroom. I wasn’t gone more than a minute or two, but when I returned, she was sitting in bed with a panicked look on her face.

  “What’s wrong?” I looked around to make sure nothing was out of place.

  “I thought you left.” She rubbed her eyes.

  “I was supposed to, remember?” I smiled. “Guess I fell asleep.”

  “I’m sorry. I keep putting all this on you. I just… I guess I’m still trying to figure out how to be me.” She shrugged.

  “It’s going to take some time.” I moved over and sat back down on the bed. “Why don’t we get some breakfast, and go get the rest of your stuff? I’ve got the whole day. We can set this place up to feel more like home.”

  “I like that idea. I’ll cook dinner tonight since you’re giving me your day off.” She smiled.

  “That sounds like a date.” I laughed.

  “It can be.” Her hair fell over half her face, hiding what had to be embarrassment. She wouldn’t look at me, and I didn’t push her to.

  “Is that what this is?” I knew I shouldn’t be doing this to her, but I needed to know what she wanted. I clearly wanted to be with her, but we haven’t really talked about what we are. “I know we haven’t really talked about this, but we act like a couple. I just need to know what you’re expecting. I don’t want to push you, but I don’t want you to think that I don’t want you, either.” I sighed. I knew I was screwing this up, but she appeared so innocent and beautiful sitting there all rumpled and sleepy. I could wake up like this every day and never grow tired of it.

  “Do we really need to name this? I kinda like whatever it is.” She lifted her chin and connected her eyes with mine. “I don’t like labels.” Her eyes darted all over my face.

  I swallowed. “I just need you to know that I can’t be the one making the moves here. If I am, I’m going to do something I shouldn’t. I think you’re beautiful, and smart, and funny. I think if I let myself, I could fall hard for you. In fact, I know I could. I don’t want you to feel any pressure, so I’m putting the ball in your court, so to speak. You lead, and I’ll follow. I’ll follow you anywhere.” I sat there unmoving, just staring at her as she processed the words.

  “I can do that.” She nodded slowly. I watched with rapt attention as she slowly moved to a kneeling position. She leaned forward, and pressed her lips to mine. “Like this?” she whispered against my mouth before deepening the kiss.

  I froze as her arms slipped around my neck, and she pulled me closer to her. My head tipped to the side as she deepened the kiss, and I followed her lead. She sighed as her tongue slipped past my lips and explored my mouth. I let her lead the kiss, just like as I said I would, and it was the hardest thing I’ve yet to do. All I wanted to do was lie her down and cover my body with hers. I wanted to stay in this bed all day, and let her feel what she does to me. I wanted to get lost in her.

  It seemed like an eternity, but only a few moments passed before she pulled away. Her eyes were closed, and they slowly fluttered open as a smile curved up her lips. “I’m sorry, but I needed that.” She blushed as she attempted to turn away.

  “Don’t be sorry.” I grinned. “I told you… you lead. You need something from me, take it. I’ll always tell you the truth. If I’m not feeling it, you’ll know and you never need to worry about me punishing you.” I hooked my finger under her chin to get her to look at me. “Do you understand that? Never.”

  “I’m getting there. That’s going to take time.” Her eyes filled with momentary sadness, but then she blinked it away. “I’m kinda hungry. You ready for that breakfast you promised?” She climbed off the bed. “Give me ten minutes.” She began rummaging through a bag of clothes, and then disappeared into the bathroom.

bsp; ooooooooo

  Breakfast was nice. It was normal, and probably the first time that our conversation didn’t include Josh. Hadleigh was finally starting to think about what she wanted, and not how he would be upset about it. I could still see pieces of the old Hadleigh emerge every once in a while, but the new one was around a lot more.

  “Do you like Italian?” We were currently in the grocery store, and Hadleigh was attempting to stock her kitchen and grab things for dinner.

  “I eat pretty much anything.” I laughed as she tossed a package of sausage into the cart.

  “Anything?” She grinned.

  “What are you planning to feed me?” I teased.

  “Would you eat this?” She held up a package of cow tongue.

  “No.” I curled my lip as she started to reach for beef liver. “No on that too.”

  “That’s not anything,” she teased.

  “Let me rephrase that then. I will eat anything normal.” I laughed.

  “So, you like homemade pizza.” She grabbed fresh garlic as we meandered through the produce section.

  “Love pizza.” My stomach growled at the idea.

  I watched as she placed mushrooms, peppers, onions, and olives in the cart. “This is looking really good.” I surveyed our haul. “What else are you needing?”

  “Just a few more things.” She rounded the end of the aisle and turned down the next one. I watched as she smiled while tossing in a package of toilet paper.

  “Is that bringing you some satisfaction?” I teased.

  “I like this brand. Josh didn’t. I wasn’t allowed to buy it.” She lifted her chin in defiance as she tossed a package of laundry soap in.

  “I’m guessing he didn’t like that either?” I couldn’t believe the level of control this guy had over her. I’d heard stories from my dad about these jerks, but this was the first time I’d experienced it up close. I just shook my head as the smile on Hadleigh’s face grew larger. “I’m glad you’re doing things your way.” I gave her a quick hug.


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