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The Dragon Marked Chronicles: Prince of Dragons (Book 2)

Page 12

by Jay Lynn

  Her hand wrapped in the crook of Alec’s arm, Jade beamed brightly as she curtsied for one person after another. She had long since lost track of the number of guests entering the ballroom.

  “I do believe Lord Kegan has invited the entire Kingdom,” Jade giggled quietly to her suitor.

  “It would seem so,” he whispered in reply.

  Moments later Alec stiffened.

  Jade frowned, following his line of sight as she sought the source of his distress. It wasn’t difficult to discover. Her fingers dug into Alec’s sleeve as her gaze followed the unexpected guest striding towards them.

  A smug grin on his face, Lord Vincent was quickly making his way through the short receiving line.

  Jade inched closer to Alec. She never informed her father about the horrid incident which transpired on his last night in Stafford. A chill snaked down her spine at the unwanted reminder. In truth, she believed Vincent wouldn’t dare show his face again. But this wasn’t Stafford, and the vile man had no way of knowing who the new lord he was about to meet was. I must speak to Father about this. She would absolutely not allow him to make an appearance at her home.

  “I will tell the Duke when we speak tomorrow,” Alec softly breathed into her ear.

  Jade offered him a small grin. There were moments she swore he could read her mind.

  As Vincent stopped before Leos, Alec twisted his body, moving Jade slightly behind him. The earl didn’t miss the deliberate adjustment.

  “Greetings Lord Kegan and congratulations. I am eager to make your newest family member’s acquaintance. I am sure we shall be great friends.”

  Leos kept a practiced smile in place which held no warmth. “As I recall, you have already met.”

  Vincent followed the earl’s line of sight to gaze at the man standing only a few feet away. Mouth gaping, he didn’t move for a full second. Then, a furious light consumed his narrowed eyes.

  “Yes,” he hissed stiffly. “I believe we have.”

  With little choice, Vincent took his turn to greet the earl’s new son. His body like a statue, he made no effort to shake Alec’s hand, nor did the warrior offer. His eyes shifted to Jade. It was impossible for him to miss her close proximity to the peasant.

  Watching the nobility farther down the line, she refused to acknowledge him.

  Vincent’s hands tightened into fists. How dare this low bred slave touch my woman? Not Trusting himself to speak, Vincent said nothing as he bowed and strode off. Fuming, he traveled towards the gardens in order to cool off.

  After learning of Alec’s departure from Stafford, Vincent was eager to return to the city. Unable to do so due to his punishment, he couldn’t reverse the damage inflicted upon Jade by the Zerrokian. This was the first time his father gave him any sort of freedom since he’d returned to Parlen. Instead of improving, things somehow got increasingly worse. Who, in their right mind, would bestow on a slave a title equal to his own?

  Over the next few hours, Alec was pleased to see their unwanted guest avoided them completely. Gradually, the stiffness faded from Jade’s shoulders and she smiled more readily. I missed that smile, he thought warmly. She was the little ray of sunshine in his life. Nothing separated the two of them until supper.

  As the guest of honor, Alec was seated in the center of the high table. To his right was Leos, Darin and a few of Lord Kegan’s cousins. On the left was Edmund, Leona, Jade and a few other high ranking nobles.

  Throughout the meal Jade repeatedly glanced down the table. Only two people were positioned between her and Alec, yet it felt like two hundred. She simply wanted some time alone with him. Not that they would truly be alone. Unofficially engaged or not, Ariel’s chaperoning was sure to be constant.

  The evening was progressing smoothly when suddenly the main doors of the ballroom flew open. A squad of knights from the Royal Guard stormed in. They strode towards the head table with purpose and dropped into a quick bow.

  Both Leos and Edmund rose to their feet.

  “Please forgive the interruption, but we are here for Lord Kegan by order of King Titus,” Captain Oliver Furmon, head of the Royal Guard announced. Glancing, at Edmund he corrected, “Lord Alec Kegan, my lords.”

  At once, all eyes seemed to snap towards Alec at once. Calmly rising, he patted his father’s shoulder. Then, with a nod he rounded the table.

  Whispers circled the chamber as everyone waited to see what would take place. Why would the King send his personal knights? Was the new lord about to be arrested?

  The instant Alec came to a halt in front of the soldiers, they pounded their chest plates in salute and bowed their heads.

  “Evening, Captain Furnon,” Alec greeted.

  “I’m sorry for disturbing you on your leave my lord, but I have an urgent message for you from His Majesty.” The captain looked back up at Edmund and Leos. “I have separate letters for you as well, my lords.”

  Oliver went to hand Alec a sealed scroll when someone scoffed loudly from the side of the room. Several men shifted their position as Vincent moved closer.

  The knights scowled, while Alec on the other hand barely glanced at the man.

  “Is something the matter, sir?” the captain questioned in a just polite voice.

  “Not really,” Vincent began snidely, with a flick of his wrist. “I just fail to see why so many intelligent people allow themselves to be blinded. There is no reason to behave as if this Zerrokian is some kind of hero for Malyndor.”

  “I tire of your ignorance towards my son,” Leos declared, smacking his hand on the table.

  “Your son? Ha. He was a glad-i-a-tor,” Vincent stressed, annunciating every syllable.

  “He…” echoed a loud voice throughout the space. “Is an Emerald Sage of His Majesty’s forces.” A tall blonde woman appeared in the doorway. “And not just any sorcerer, Alec is the Dragon Sage. I’m sure even you have heard of him. His position is more than equal to your own. So I would watch your tongue.”

  Sputtering, Vincent spun on his heel and stormed out of the chamber. There was nothing more he could do at the moment. Everyone heard of the Dragon Sage and his power. With so many on Alec’s side, continuing the debate would be useless.

  While the room was once again filled with gasps and excited whispers, Alec appeared none too pleased. As Isabelle approached, he pinched the bridge of his nose with a long sigh.

  “Isabelle, I’ve told you before not to announce our titles so freely. The whole point of our code names is to use discretion.”

  “Awww, don’t be cross, Alec. I was just putting the little weasel back in his place. He certainly sounded like he needed it.”

  Alec didn’t answer.

  To Isabelle’s dismay, the sorcerer exchanged a quick glance with a beautiful woman at the high table. Flashing her a shy half grin, he lifted his shoulders in a shrug before turning away to retrieve his message.

  Light green eyes growing wide, Isabelle’s face lit up. The sorceress took off, making a bee line for the table before Alec could bring her to a halt. Propping her hip on the edge right in front of Jade, she smiled brightly.

  “So you’re Jade. Or should I say Lady Jade, my apologies.” Isabelle quickly glanced behind her at Alec. Ignoring his scowl, she spun back. “I’m Isabelle Peterson. It’s a pleasure to meet you, milady. I must thank you. When we were imprisoned in Zerrok, there was a few times I feared our circumstances were too dire to survive. Alec however, fought really hard so he could get back to you. I know he cares greatly, since he refused to talk about you. Only said your name once. You know how stubborn he can be. Like when we were locked in the arena dungeon—”

  “Isabelle!” Alec’s warning-like growl shot through the air cutting off Isabelle’s monologue.

  The sorceress winced. Flashing Jade a guilty smile she winked, then scurried off to join her partner.

  “Yes?” she drawled innocently, standing by his elbow.

  “You talk too much,” he informed her dryly.

  Batting l
arge doe like eyes Isabelle leaned her head on his arm. “Sorry.”

  Alec sighed, “Try and remember our missions are classified.”

  Straightening, she gave him a quick salute. “Yes, sir.”

  “By the way, what are you doing here? I thought you were staying in Ariston.”

  She shrugged. “I decided to come along in case you needed back up against fools like that,” Isabelle said mildly, pointing her thumb in the direction where Vincent disappeared. “Besides, I know how you are with crowds.”

  Brows lowered somewhat, Jade watched the exchange intently. When the doors flew open and the blonde beauty strode into the room, Jade instinctively knew who it was. Hiding her hands beneath the table, she gripped the skirts of her dress. The form fitting green uniform and gleaming armor suited Isabelle perfectly. This was the woman Alec spent his time with? From the sounds of it, they were even trapped in a dungeon together.

  Jade wanted to hate her from her confident walk to her bubbly chatter. Eyes locked on the pair, her irritation quickly dissipated. There was a fondness she couldn’t deny, yet it wasn’t romantic in the least. The way the sorcerers spoke and looked at each other seemed to be nothing more than friendship. In fact, Alec treated Isabelle like a little sister, an irritating little sister by his current expression.

  A smile pulled at Jade’s lips. I am pleased you are finally letting people in Alakaid.

  Focusing on the scroll from King Titus, Alec held up his right hand baring his engraved ring. “Surgeon, reveal.”

  A white magic circle appeared above the metal. Turning his hand palm side up, Alec gradually swept it over the blank paper. Words traced across the page which only the caster could see. As Alec’s eyes scanned the message, his brows pleated with a frown. The sorcerer glanced at his partner.

  “Have you seen this?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I was already briefed.”

  “When do you want to take your leave, my lord?” Oliver asked.


  Holding the scroll out in his hand Alec set his orders alight. Turning towards the high table he gazed at Leos and the duke. Both men were re-reading their messages with an equally serious frown. Alec quickly approached them.

  “Father, I regret I must depart at once. Thank you everyone for joining us for this celebration. The House of Kegan is honored by your presence.”

  Leos smiled. “Well said. Fear not Alec, I know well that duty to the King comes first. Try and keep Isabelle out of mischief.”

  Fighting a laugh, he watched as the sorceress crossed her arms with a huff.

  “I will try.”

  Alec’s gaze shifted to Edmund. “Your Grace, with your permission I will have to delay your tour until my return.”

  “Agreed, Lord Alec. I will, in fact, be departing for Stafford. His Majesty’s call cannot be ignored. Safe journey.”

  “And to you as well.”

  Finally, Alec was able to direct his attention on Jade. Moving towards her he said, “Lady Jade, I must take my leave. However, I will seek you out as soon as I’m able. I promise it shall be a much shorter reprieve.” Leaning in he whispered, “Wait for me, love?”

  “Till the stars no longer shine.”

  Alec’s eyes twinkled as he straightened.

  “Go save the Kingdom, Dragon Sage,” Jade added playfully.

  Bowing, Alec spun about and left the room with Isabelle and the Royal Guard. Watching him disappear, Jade fought to keep her smile in place. No matter how much she wanted to be selfish and keep him with her, she couldn’t. This was the path he had chosen, as a warrior and sorcerer. Jade would stand by him.

  Rushing to his room to pack a bag, Jade’s words echoed in Alec’s mind. Knowing she felt no scorn towards him eased some of the tension of his swift departure. Within moments, he was riding out of Marcia’s castle with his escorts. A long journey was ahead of them. They would be traveling through the night in order to reach Ariston as soon as possible. According to the urgent message, a major battle between several dragons broke out in the southwestern part of the kingdom. Since then, dragon sightings have been reported in every part of Malyndor.

  Chapter 9

  A loud jumble of voices mixed together, fighting to be heard within the King’s private study. Dozens of high ranking officials and sages alike were summoned to discuss the sudden dragon problem. No one could recall the last time so many dragons were seen at one time. For them to be swarming the kingdom was most disturbing news.

  “Quiet down!” Titus hollered over the commotion. When the noise continued on, he slammed his hand on the map table. “I said silence!”

  An instant hush fell over the space. His gaze sweeping over the room, Titus let out a long slow breath.

  “This arguing is not aiding us. We are already engaged in a growing conflict with The Pure, I do not wish to provoke another war with the dragons. Not all of us have forgotten the devastation it once caused.”

  “Which is precisely my point, Your Majesty,” insisted General Claymore. “If we linger for too long, the dragons could wipe out the entire Kingdom before we are able to muster a counter-attack.”

  “I disagree. Acting rashly could worsen our situation,” interjected Breanna.

  “Grandmaster Eldridge?” Titus questioned, shifting his gaze to the other man. “What is your opinion on the matter?”

  The sage’s eyes scanned the topographical image of Malyndor stretched out in front of him. “While General Claymore is right to keep in mind a dragon’s fearsome power, we cannot forget our responsibility to the people. Acting with haste in this case would not be wise. We don’t know what these dragons seek.”

  “What they seek?” Jerric scoffed. “These are dragons we’re talking about. We should strike them now while we can.”

  “If they were planning an attack, then our Kingdom would already be aflame. They wouldn’t be alerting us to their presence first.”

  “I have to agree with Grandmaster Eldridge,” General Rickman added. “Dragons don’t typically hunt humans. There may be another reason for this behavior.”

  “Another reason?” Jerric repeated incredulously. “The stupid beasts don’t need a reason. Give them enough time and they will reduce everything to ash.”

  “Just because we can’t understand them verbally doesn’t mean they’re stupid,” Alec pointed out reasonably. Pushing off the pillar he was leaning against, he strode towards the table. “In fact, anyone who has spent time studying them knows they are very intelligent. The Order of the Crimson Rose dedicated centuries to observing their kind. If a fight is what they sought, then nothing would stop them. It certainly didn’t when they battled each other.”

  Jerric’s brows narrowed to points. Face twitching, his lips curled back against his teeth with a snarl. “How dare you sneak in here, boy? This meeting is for the most elite counsel only. I’ll have you thrown in the dungeon for this.”

  “I invited Alec,” King Titus said crossly. “Lest you forget, he has more experience with these creatures than anyone else in the past three hundred years.”

  “That is correct.” Layfon peered at Jerric’s reddening face as he continued. “Though the rumors do not speak all true, Alec did indeed ride a dragon all the way from Zerrok. If anyone were able to decipher their possible motives it would be him.” Waving Alec over, he looked down at the map once more. “What do you think?”

  His expression a neutral mask, Alec studied the map as well. From what he’d learned since arriving in Ariston, it seems a group of half a dozen dragons crossed their border to the south three days ago. Shortly after their appearance, they were intercepted by some dragons from Ellfraya. A brutal battle took place ending with three casualties. The following day, even more dragons were reported crossing the border from Ellfraya. By now, there were sightings all the way to the coast.

  Though he didn’t voice such thoughts, King Titus had every right to be concerned. Alec couldn’t be sure, but the enemy dragons must have been from the r
ogue Iron Scales Clan. If so, then why were the Ellfrayan dragons spread across Malyndor? What are you seeking? Alec paused. Could that be it? Were they looking for something? The only way to know for sure would be to find Cassidy and ask her. His lips pressed lightly together. Alec couldn’t very well tell those present that he needed to have an audience with a dragon.

  “I believe you’re right, Grandmaster. Dragons tend not to act without reason. From what I’ve read, they have a hierarchy and are ruled by two main leaders. So many wouldn’t act without cause outside of their own territory. I would recommend sending scouts to key locations to observe their movements. An armed force could provoke them unnecessarily.”

  “You speak as if these beasts only want peace, yet didn’t one attack you after striking a defenseless village?” General Claymore questioned harshly.

  “Not quite. The village was never harmed by the dragon, nor do I believe it would have been. It was the bandits who set the fire causing all the destruction.”

  “That doesn’t explain the creature’s behavior towards a human.”

  There were a few mumbles of agreement, but Titus held up his hand with a thoughtful frown. “I am curious, what do you mean by the dragon wouldn’t have attacked the village?”

  Alec crossed his arms and took a breath. It was difficult trying to convince the others without revealing his gift.

  “As we all know, dragons are territorial, and though rarely seen, at least some have flourished within our borders for centuries. The bandit’s assault most likely caused him to come forth and protect what is his home as well.”

  Titus nodded, running a hand over his chin. “Interesting…”

  “It does make sense when you consider what we know of them,” Layfon agreed.

  “He still bears no answer for the General’s question,” Jerric reminded them snidely.

  Alec shrugged. “Perhaps he thought he was being challenged. I did ride out to meet him.”

  “Surely you jest. A dragon threatened by a single human? What kind of fools do you take us for? Next you will be declaring it was a test.”


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