Fall For You: A Reverse Grump Romantic Comedy (A Season's Detour, Book 2)
Page 24
“Is there any part of you that thinks Noah might be”—I swallowed, felt the tension of expectation fill the room—“cheating on you?”
Tracie was shaking her head in denial before I’d finished the question. “No. Why would you say that? No, of course I don’t think Noah’s cheating on me.”
“Tracie, I’m so sorry, but I’m worried. About some things I’ve seen. About you.”
“What ‘things’?” Her tone was short, impatient.
I was messing this up already. But how else do you tell a friend her guy might be an unfaithful liar?
How would I have wanted someone to break the news to me?
Details, I would’ve wanted details and evidence.
“Remember when you told me about that last–minute trip with his assistant and I thought that seemed a little off? Well, I saw them together—overheard them—yesterday when I went to his offices for that launch meeting. They didn’t know I was there. He said something to her about you being clueless—no, he said that you had ‘no idea’ about something. And, just, their body language. They were sitting close together and the way he was smiling at her… I’m so sorry.”
“Bailey. Did you see them kissing or touching or…I don’t know, going at it in a supply closet?” She’d come farther into the room now, gesturing with her hands as she spoke.
“No, but—”
“Then you didn’t really see anything.”
Sighing, I stepped closer to her. “Trace, I know this is hard to hear. I’ve been there before, missing the warning signs—”
“What signs? All you’ve told me is that Noah was talking to his assistant. Hardly a crime. And, as for what he meant about me not knowing something…maybe that’s a wedding surprise or something that he’s having Jessica take care of.”
“It’s possible, of course. But you mentioned he’s been working late at the office a few times lately. That’s how it always starts.”
I would know; my father always had to “work late” before he left us. Tracie frowned and shook her head again, but only slightly. Had Noah been staying at work even more than she’d said? I felt my argument gaining ground.
“Now today I see him whispering and laughing with Ashley when you’re not in the room. And it’s not the first time for that, either. I could’ve sworn they were doing the same thing a couple of times over Halloween weekend, but I talked myself out of it.” I should’ve paid more attention then. “How about when you first started dating? I know you had suspicions about him seeing other women. All those photos of him out with a different piece of arm candy all the time.”
Tracie’s arms were crossed tightly over her chest. But she looked a little less pissed at me, like maybe she was actually contemplating what I was saying. Until she stopped herself.
“Half of those women were dates arranged by his publicity people, I told you that. Or, the photographers at the event grabbed some random hot chick and posed them together.” She looked off to one side and huffed out a breath. “And he’s probably just being friendly with Ashley. He’s a nice guy, Bailey. You just don’t want to give him a chance.”
This was what I’d been so afraid of. To an outsider, there was plenty of questionable behavior but, to the woman who loved him, there was always an explanation. I knew. I’d been in Tracie’s shoes before.
“Just, do me a favor. No, do yourself a favor. Look through his email and maybe his texts—”
“You’ve got to be kidding me—”
“Tracie, I’m serious. I trusted my ex and never wanted to be the suspicious girlfriend, I never looked through his phone or email. Until the day I did. And thank God for it because those emails saved me from making the colossal mistake of marrying a cheater who hadn’t admitted to me, or himself, the truth about his sexual preferences.”
The frown between her eyes smoothed out as her eyebrows lifted in surprise.
“I’ll tell you about that some other time. The important thing right now is the fact that Noah’s hiding something. I think you’ll find out what that is if you follow my advice and do a little digging.”
There was a sadness in her eyes now, mixed with the denial. I hated that I was the one who’d put that look there, but it was necessary. The disappointment, the hurt, those would fade. Tracie was a strong person, just like me. She was going to be fine.
I didn’t realize the disappointment in her eyes was aimed at me. She brushed past me, took a couple of steps into the hallway. “Noah,” she called. “Could you come in here for a minute?”
She wasn’t going to check his emails herself. She was going to confront him, which would give the cheater a chance to wriggle out of it, to hide the evidence.
I couldn’t let her do this. “Tracie—”
“Hey, babe.” Noah kissed her on the cheek, then stopped when he saw me in the office. “What’s up?”
Tracie positioned herself between the two of us, which I hoped was a good sign that she wasn’t completely dismissing what I’d said. I attempted to communicate telepathically that she shouldn’t just ask him outright. It didn’t work.
“Bailey overheard part of a conversation yesterday and is suggesting there might be something I should know about in your emails. She thinks something’s going on between you and Jessica. Is she right?”
Damn. Had to admire such a direct line of questioning.
Noah glanced at me with a slight frown, then looked back at Tracie. “Something ‘going on’? As in, romantically? No, of course not.”
If ever there was a reason for an eyeroll. “Jeez, what else would he say?”
“Bailey, I’m not sure what you think you heard yesterday, but Jessica is my assistant. Nothing more.”
Hands on hips, I gave him my best gimme–a–break look. “I heard you tell your ‘assistant’ to email you some photos so you could ‘get through’ the next few weeks. What were they, nude selfies? How predictable.” I shook my head at him in disgust.
“Hey, you guys”—with truly terrible timing, Garrett popped his head in the door—“we’re just about done out here. No thanks to all of you deserters.”
“Is that true, Noah?” Tracie ignored her brother’s interruption, a look of hurt confusion on her face.
Noah stepped closer and took her hands. “Sweetheart, no. I mean, yes, I did ask Jessica to send me pictures but they’re totally innocent.”
“What were they then?” I asked, drawing his scowl my way. “If you show them to Tracie, that might clear everything up.”
Not that it explained why he and Ashley always seemed to be flirting it up.
Garrett leaned toward me. “What’s going on? Should we step out?”
“I can’t show them to her.” Noah’s jaw was clenched, the picture of pissed–off, powerful CEO.
Like that intimidated a prickly chick like me. “Why can’t you? If you have nothing to hide. Isn’t that what you told me yesterday when I asked if you had any secrets from Tracie?”
“Noah…?” Tracie’s plaintive voice dragged his attention back to his fiancée. I hated seeing her wounded expression, but at least her eyes had been opened.
“Bailey, maybe we should give them some privacy. I don’t know what this is about, but I’m sure there’s a logical explanation.” Garrett tugged gently on my hand but I pulled it back.
“Don’t try that logical crap here, Garrett. I’m not going anywhere until I’m certain Tracie knows the truth. She’s your sister, dude. I’d think that would trump your stupid bro code.”
“Bro code? What’s that supposed to mean?”
I waved him off. “Never mind that right now. I want to know why Noah refuses to show Tracie that email.”
“Dammit, Bailey, fine.” Noah pulled his phone out of his pocket, scrolling and tapping angrily before thrusting his phone at Tracie. “It was supposed to be a surprise.”
Tracie g
lanced up from the screen, brow wrinkled in confusion. She looked back down. “Is this…? This looks like a vacation.”
“It was supposed to be a surprise honeymoon.”
“How convenient,” I mumbled. “If that’s true, why wouldn’t you tell me about it yesterday?”
Noah threw a frustrated hand up. “Because I didn’t know if I could trust you to keep it quiet. It’s not exactly a secret that you didn’t want Tracie to go through with this wedding in the first place. Or that you’ve never been my biggest fan.”
“Please. That doesn’t even make sense. Tracie, tell me you’re not actually falling for this.”
“Bailey.” Garrett shook his head, trying to muzzle me.
Behind him, his and Tracie’s mom, Noah’s mom, and Ashley filled the doorway. “Everything alright back here, kids?” Mrs. Newberg asked.
Great, an audience. This was definitely not going down how I’d imagined it.
I heard Garrett and Ashley, who must’ve picked up on the tension, trying to usher the moms away. They didn’t budge.
Tracie was focused on Noah, ignoring the rest of us. “So there’s really nothing going on with you and Jessica? And, what about the whispered conversations with Ashley?”
I glanced at the back of the crowd in the door, wondering if I’d catch a guilty look on the bridesmaid’s face. Yep, she looked distinctly uncomfortable. And not just for listening in on this confrontation.
Noah took Tracie’s hand, the one that wasn’t still holding his phone. “Babe, come on. Don’t you trust me?”
“Not exactly an answer,” I said under my breath. And, of course, he was doing the trust me thing I detested. Noah and Garrett both frowned at me. Maybe my snark hadn’t been as quiet as I’d thought.
Noah’s mother made an impatient huff at the door. “My son would never be unfaithful. I can’t believe you’d even have to ask, Tracie.”
“Mom, please. I’ve got this.” He turned back to his fiancée. “Ashley was helping me plan this, she knows some great honeymoon spots that aren’t overrun with tourists in December. I talked to your staff, too. Cleared the time off for when both our companies are slow at the end of the year.”
I saw the moment Tracie decided to believe him, confirming her decision with a questioning look at a wide–eyed and nodding Ashley. “It’s true, hon. I’m sorry it’s not a surprise anymore.”
This was ridiculous. Maybe Ashley and Noah weren’t fooling around but I couldn’t accept that what I’d seen yesterday was innocent. “Tracie, come on. I know you’ve had your own doubts about this. It’s not too late. You can at least postpone the wedding.”
She gave me that disappointed look again.
“Bailey.” Garett’s face was like stone. “I think you should leave.”
“Just go. I think we all need to take a breather.”
When I checked to see if Tracie wanted me to stay, she simply bowed her head. Noah’s lips were drawn into a tight line. A variety of expressions were on the faces at the door, but none of them were thrilled with me. Clearly, they all agreed with Garrett that my presence was not wanted.
Chapter 25
A sobering walk in the brisk November evening air, coupled with the coffee and water I downed to counteract bridal–shower champagne, and I was finally home and taking off the sandals I loved even though they squeezed my toes.
I cued up a playlist of Motown favorites, microwaving leftovers as I sang out my feelings. This Old Heart of Mine was a number I’d finally taken back after being unable to hear it without crying for six months after Aaron, the man who’d broken my heart a thousand times, was gone for good. The Isley Brothers had it right – love did make you weak. Foolish and blind, too.
Poor Tracie.
Wondering if there was any way I could sniff out the truth about Noah myself, a nagging voice asked if I may have taken things too far today. That was probably Garrett’s influence.
Obviously, I hadn’t wanted so many witnesses when I told Tracie about my suspicions. It had never been my intention to embarrass her or air her private business to family and friends. I’d hoped she’d do a little prudent spying and find out for herself if her future husband was as devoted as he claimed to be. Instead, she’d asked the cheater—potential cheater, I guess—and taken his word when he’d denied the charges. Really, it was her own fault that everyone had seen and heard so much.
Nice, Bailey. Blame the victim.
In fact, how positive could I be that she was a victim? My brain replayed the interaction between Noah and his assistant with the filter of new knowledge about the surprise honeymoon.
Okay, maybe it’s a reasonable explanation. Logical, even.
Stupid Garrett.
My stomach flipped when I thought about how he’d looked at me when I left his parents’ house. I knew he was mad. Disappointed, like his sister. I stood by my actions, though. I didn’t know how not to take care of the people I loved. They may not appreciate my tough love at first, but they were usually better off in the end. Especially the too–trusting ones.
Emma’s name displayed on my ringing phone.
Thank you for proving my point, universe.
“Hey, champ. How’s training going?”
“Uggh, don’t ask.”
That didn’t sound like my best friend. “Uh oh, not getting along with the new coach?”
She reverse–snorted, a derisive sound I didn’t think I’d ever heard from her before. “Sure, if anyone can get along with someone who’s got an opinion about everything and doesn’t seem to have any compunction about sharing it with everyone.”
Yikes, that hit a little close to home today.
“I don’t want to talk about Coach Stick–Up–His–Ass, though. Tell me about you. How was the weekend away? How are things with your hot beach boy?”
“Ha,” I made my own scoffing sound. “Don’t ask.”
“Oh dear. Well…what the hell are we gonna talk about then?”
As usual, hearing the tone of voice and delivery that were so uniquely Emma made me feel lighter. I found myself telling her about my dazzling display this afternoon.
“So now I can’t decide if I should drop it and let her marry this guy, then help her pick up the pieces when she inevitably catches him in flagrante delicto, or if I should trust my gut and stalk his ass until I do.”
Emma laugh–groaned. “Please tell me you’re kidding about that last part.”
I didn’t answer her; I’d been mostly kidding about stalking Noah. I mean, I was pretty busy with a business to run…
“Bay, I hate to tell you this—mainly because I know how stubborn and defensive you can get, especially when, deep down, you know you’re in the wrong—but Tracie had a point about you not having any damning evidence against Noah.” I scowled, forgetting that we weren’t on a video chat this time and she was, therefore, immune to my mighty evil eye.
“What did Garrett say during all of this? You said he was part of the crowd of witnesses to you in all your accusatory glory, right?”
Why had I been happy Emma called again? She was so damn open–minded sometimes. All the time.
“He told me to leave,” I mumbled.
“I’m sorry, what was that, Mumbly Mary?”
With a long–suffering sigh, I told her the rest. I was more surprised than Emma when I admitted I was worried I’d screwed up a good thing. More than one.
“My friendship with Tracie—she probably won’t want me as her maid of honor anymore—and this new…whatever with Garrett.”
“Yeah, and I bet the groom’s not gonna be real eager to help spread the word about your new app, either. Oh, Bay, my love. You’ve stepped in it this time.”
I hadn’t thought about the repercussions for my launch. And that was really saying something for a career–focused gal like me. After Aaron, when
I’d finally woken up and realized marriage and relationships were for the deluded, I’d put all my heart and energy into my work. After what I’d done today, Noah and Tracie could both decide to pull out of my project, the culmination of what I’d been driving for all these years.
“Em, what should I do? I mean, I’ll deal with the business stuff on my own if it comes to that, but I feel awful about Tracie. She’s been a really good friend and the look on her face before I left…” I hated thinking about that pained expression, the way she wouldn’t even meet my eyes in the end. “Should I have kept my mouth shut, just been a good little maid of honor and gone along with this sham of a wedding?”
“Sham seems like a strong word, don’t you think? It sounds like she really loves him.”
“Only because she doesn’t know any better,” I grumbled again. “Wait until she finds out what he’s really like. You know their entire engagement is only going to end up being a few months, right? How can anyone make a decision about the rest of their life in that kind of time?”
Emma hummed as a knock on my door startled me. “Haven’t they been together for a while, though? And they always say, when you know, you know. Sometimes, you just have an instant connection with someone. An understanding of who they are at their core.”
Garrett’s face came to mind but I ignored those oceanic eyes. “Please. What do ‘they’ know, anyway?” An instant connection or “love at first sight” was nothing more than lust.
Although, I hadn’t been all that hot for Aaron when we’d first met. I’d grown to love him as we spent time together, so sure in all my teenage wisdom that falling for someone gradually meant a stronger foundation for our future.
And look where that had gotten me.
When another knock came at the door, I grudgingly untangled myself from the blanket I’d snuggled into on the couch. Delivery drivers were constantly dropping packages off that were meant for my neighbor and vice versa. The stylized sevens and ones of our respective apartment numbers were often mistaken for each other and we’d gotten used to it over the years. The harried delivery folks rarely knocked, though, let alone a second time.